예제 #1
        public static int LevenshteinDistance(string a, string b, NormalizationOptions flags = NormalizationOptions.Default)
            a = Normalize(a, flags);
            b = Normalize(b, flags);

            return(LevenshteinDistance(a.AsSpan(), b.AsSpan()));
예제 #2
        public static double[,] LevenshteinDistanceScore(IEnumerable <string> a, IEnumerable <string> b, NormalizationOptions flags = NormalizationOptions.Default)
            var aArray = a.Select(text => Normalize(text, flags)).ToArray();
            var bArray = b.Select(text => Normalize(text, flags)).ToArray();
            var scores = new double[aArray.Length, bArray.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < aArray.Length; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < bArray.Length; ++j)
                    scores[i, j] = LevenshteinDistanceScore(aArray[i].AsSpan(), bArray[j].AsSpan());

예제 #3
        public static string Normalize(string a, NormalizationOptions flags = NormalizationOptions.Default)
            a = a?.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD) ?? string.Empty;

            if (flags.HasFlag(NormalizationOptions.Trim))
                bool prevIsWhiteSpace = false;
                bool currIsWhiteSpace;

                var span = a.AsSpan();

                // Remove leading white space

                int start = 0;

                while (start < span.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(span[start]))

                if (start != 0)
                    span = span.Slice(start);

                // Remove trailing white space

                int end = span.Length - 1;

                while (end >= 0 && char.IsWhiteSpace(span[end]))

                if (end != span.Length - 1)
                    span = span.Slice(0, end + 1);

                var sb = new StringBuilder(span.Length);

                // Remove consecutive white space and replace white space with space characters
                for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; ++i)
                    char c = span[i];
                    currIsWhiteSpace = char.IsWhiteSpace(c);

                    if (!prevIsWhiteSpace || !currIsWhiteSpace)
                        if (currIsWhiteSpace)
                            sb.Append(' ');

                    prevIsWhiteSpace = currIsWhiteSpace;

                a = sb.ToString();

            if (flags.HasFlag(NormalizationOptions.Lower))
                a = a.ToLowerInvariant();

            if (flags.HasFlag(NormalizationOptions.Upper))
                a = a.ToUpperInvariant();

예제 #4
        private static void PrintNamingOptionDefaults(string indent, string mode, NormalizationOptions options)
            Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}   {1}: {{", indent, mode);

            string value;

            switch (options.Casing)
            case NameCasing.None: value = "\"none\""; break;

            case NameCasing.Pascal: value = "\"pascal_case\""; break;

            case NameCasing.CamelCase: value = "\"camel_case\""; break;

            case NameCasing.SnakeCase: value = "\"snake_case\""; break;

            case NameCasing.LowerCase: value = "\"lower_case\""; break;

            case NameCasing.UpperCase: value = "\"upper_case\""; break;

            case NameCasing.T4CompatPluralized: value = "\"t4_pluralized\""; break;

            case NameCasing.T4CompatNonPluralized: value = "\"t4\""; break;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown casing option: {options.Casing}");
            printJsonProperty(indent, "case", value);

            switch (options.Pluralization)
            case Pluralization.None: value = "\"none\""; break;

            case Pluralization.Singular: value = "\"singular\""; break;

            case Pluralization.Plural: value = "\"plural\""; break;

            case Pluralization.PluralIfLongerThanOne: value = "\"plural_multiple_characters\""; break;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown pluralization option: {options.Pluralization}");
            printJsonProperty(indent, "pluralization", value);

            printJsonProperty(indent, "prefix", options.Prefix == null ? "null" : $"\"{options.Prefix}\"");
            printJsonProperty(indent, "suffix", options.Suffix == null ? "null" : $"\"{options.Suffix}\"");

            switch (options.Transformation)
            case NameTransformation.SplitByUnderscore: value = "\"split_by_underscore\""; break;

            case NameTransformation.Association: value = "\"association\""; break;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown transformation option: {options.Transformation}");
            printJsonProperty(indent, "transformation", value);

            printJsonProperty(indent, "pluralize_if_ends_with_word_only", options.PluralizeOnlyIfLastWordIsText ? "true" : "false");
            printJsonProperty(indent, "ignore_all_caps", options.DontCaseAllCaps ? "true" : "false");
            if (options.MaxUpperCaseWordLength > 1)
                printJsonProperty(indent, "max_uppercase_word_length", options.MaxUpperCaseWordLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            Console.Out.WriteLine("{0}            }}", indent);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a new string whose textual value is the normalized form of
        /// <paramref name="source"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The <see cref="String"/> to normalize.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options">One of the 
        /// <see cref="NormalizationOptions"/> values.</param>
        /// <returns>A new, normalized string.</returns>
        public static string Clean(this string source, NormalizationOptions options)
            Contracts.Requires.NotNull(source, "source");

            if ((int)options < 0 || ((int)options & (int)~(NormalizationOptions.ControlCharacters | NormalizationOptions.Whitespace)) != 0)
                throw ExceptionBuilder.CreateArgumentException("options", String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, Resources.Argument_EnumIllegalVal, (int)options));

            char[] normalized;

            if ((options & NormalizationOptions.Whitespace) == NormalizationOptions.Whitespace)
                normalized = source.Trim().ToCharArray();
                normalized = source.ToCharArray();

            int index = 0;
            int whitespaceCount = 0;
            int controlCount = 0;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(source.Length);
            while (index < normalized.Length)
                if ((options & NormalizationOptions.Whitespace) == NormalizationOptions.Whitespace)
                    int position = index;
                    if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(normalized[position]))
                        while ((position + 1) < normalized.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(normalized[++position]))
                            // we found a whitespace character, so look ahead until we
                            // find the next non-whitespace character.

                        if (whitespaceCount >= 0)
                            builder.Append(" ");

                        whitespaceCount = 0;
                        index = position;

                if ((options & NormalizationOptions.ControlCharacters) == NormalizationOptions.ControlCharacters)
                    if (Char.IsControl(normalized[index]))
                        int position = index;
                        while ((position + 1) < normalized.Length && Char.IsControl(normalized[++position]))
                            // we found a control character, so look ahead until we
                            // find the next non-control character.

                        controlCount = 0;
                        index = position;


            return builder.ToString();
예제 #6
        // a bit of inhuman logic to reduce migration PITA
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates association property/method name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thisTable">This table database name. Source table for direct relation and target for backreference.</param>
        /// <param name="otherTable">Other table database name. Target table for direct relation and source for backreference.</param>
        /// <param name="firstFromColumnName">Foreign key column name. Specified only for non-composite FK for from/source association.</param>
        /// <param name="fkName">Foreign key constrain name.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">Name generation/normalization rules.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSchemas">List of default database schema names.</param>
        /// <returns>Property/method name for association.</returns>
        private string GenerateAssociationName(
            SqlObjectName thisTable,
            SqlObjectName otherTable,
            string fkName,
            NormalizationOptions settings,
            ISet <string> defaultSchemas)
            var name = otherTable.Name;

            // T4 compatibility mode use logic, similar to one, used by old T4 templates
            if (settings.Transformation == NameTransformation.Association)
                // approximate port of SetForeignKeyMemberName T4 method.
                // Approximate, because not all logic could be converted due to difference in generation pipeline

                string?newName = null;

                // TODO: customization/interceptors not implemented yet
                //if (schemaOptions.GetAssociationMemberName != null)
                //	newName = schemaOptions.GetAssociationMemberName(key);

                //	if (newName != null)
                //		name = ToValidName(newName);

                newName = fkName;

                // if column name provided - generate association name based on column name
                if (firstFromColumnName != null && firstFromColumnName.ToLower().EndsWith("id"))
                    // if column name provided and ends with ID suffix
                    // we trim ID part and possible _ connectors before it
                    newName = firstFromColumnName;
                    newName = newName.Substring(0, newName.Length - "id".Length).TrimEnd('_');
                    // here name could become empty if column name was ID
                    // if column name not provided - use FK name for association name

                    // remove FK_ prefix
                    if (newName.StartsWith("FK_"))
                        newName = newName.Substring(3);

                    // - split name into words using _ as separator
                    // - remove words that match target table name, schema or any of default schema
                    // - concat remaining words back into single name
                    newName = string.Concat(newName
                                            .Where(_ =>
                                                   _.Length > 0 && _ != otherTable.Name &&
                                                   (otherTable.Schema == null || defaultSchemas.Contains(otherTable.Schema) || _ != otherTable.Schema)));

                    // remove trailing digits
                    // note that new implementation match all digits, not just 0-9 as it was in T4
                    var skip = true;
                    newName = string.Concat(newName.EnumerateCharacters().Reverse().Select(_ =>
                        if (skip)
                            if (_.category == UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber)
                                skip = false;


                // if resulting name is empty - just use:
                // - for self-reference relation (to same table): table name
                // - otherwise: foreign key name without changes
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
                    newName = thisTable == otherTable ? thisTable.Name : fkName;

                name = newName;

            return(_namingServices.NormalizeIdentifier(settings, name));