예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// RuleBasedCollator constructor.
        /// This takes the table rules and builds a collation table out of them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rules">the collation rules to build the collation table from</param>
        /// <param name="normalizationMode">the normalization mode to use</param>
        /// <param name="collationStrength">the collation strength to use</param>
        public RuleBasedCollator(string rules,
                                 NormalizationMode normalizationMode,
                                 CollationStrength collationStrength)
            ErrorCode status;
            var       parseError = new ParseError();

            _collatorHandle = NativeMethods.ucol_openRules(rules,
                                                           ref parseError,
                                                           out status);
                ExceptionFromErrorCode.ThrowIfError(status, parseError.ToString(rules));
                if (_collatorHandle != default(SafeRuleBasedCollatorHandle))
                _collatorHandle = default(SafeRuleBasedCollatorHandle);
 public KernelConvolution(float[,] kernel, byte size = 3, NormalizationMode normalizationMode = NormalizationMode.TotalKernelValue)
     this.normalizationMode = normalizationMode;
     output = new Output(0, 0, this);
     Size   = size;
     Kernel = kernel;
 public KernelConvolution(byte size = 3, NormalizationMode normalizationMode = NormalizationMode.TotalKernelValue)
     output = new Output(0, 0, this);
     this.normalizationMode = normalizationMode;
     Size   = size;
     Kernel = new float[size, size];
예제 #4
        /** @copydoc LayerParameterBase::Copy */
        public override void Copy(LayerParameterBase src)
            LossParameter p = (LossParameter)src;

            m_nIgnoreLabel  = p.m_nIgnoreLabel;
            m_normalization = p.m_normalization;
            m_bNormalize    = p.m_bNormalize;
 public SVector(Joystick[] names, NormalizationMode normalizationMode, bool sendWhenZeroToo)
     this.names             = names;
     this.normalizationMode = normalizationMode;
     this.sendWhenZeroToo   = sendWhenZeroToo;
     events            = new ButtonEvents();
     JoystickValue     = null;
     JoystickMagnitude = null;
     isPressed         = false;
예제 #6
        static Keyframe[] CopyAndScaleCurveKeys(Keyframe[] orgKeys, Rect rect, NormalizationMode normalization)
            Keyframe[] scaledKeys = new Keyframe[orgKeys.Length];
            orgKeys.CopyTo(scaledKeys, 0);
            if (normalization == NormalizationMode.None)

            if (rect.width == 0f || rect.height == 0f || Single.IsInfinity(rect.width) || Single.IsInfinity(rect.height))
                Debug.LogError("CopyAndScaleCurve: Invalid scale: " + rect);

            float tangentMultiplier = rect.height / rect.width;

            switch (normalization)
            case NormalizationMode.Normalize:
                for (int i = 0; i < scaledKeys.Length; ++i)
                    scaledKeys[i].time  = (orgKeys[i].time - rect.xMin) / rect.width;
                    scaledKeys[i].value = (orgKeys[i].value - rect.yMin) / rect.height;
                    if (!Single.IsInfinity(orgKeys[i].inTangent))
                        scaledKeys[i].inTangent = orgKeys[i].inTangent / tangentMultiplier;
                    if (!Single.IsInfinity(orgKeys[i].outTangent))
                        scaledKeys[i].outTangent = orgKeys[i].outTangent / tangentMultiplier;

            case NormalizationMode.Denormalize:
                // From normalized to real
                for (int i = 0; i < scaledKeys.Length; ++i)
                    scaledKeys[i].time  = orgKeys[i].time * rect.width + rect.xMin;
                    scaledKeys[i].value = orgKeys[i].value * rect.height + rect.yMin;
                    if (!Single.IsInfinity(orgKeys[i].inTangent))
                        scaledKeys[i].inTangent = orgKeys[i].inTangent * tangentMultiplier;
                    if (!Single.IsInfinity(orgKeys[i].outTangent))
                        scaledKeys[i].outTangent = orgKeys[i].outTangent * tangentMultiplier;

 public RuleBasedCollator(string rules, NormalizationMode normalizationMode, CollationStrength collationStrength)
     ErrorCode status;
     _handle = NativeMethods.ucol_openRules(rules,
                                            ref _parseError,
                                            out status);
예제 #8
        public static Keyframe[] NormalizeKeys(Keyframe[] sourceKeys, NormalizationMode normalization, CurveEditor curveEditor)
            Rect normalizationRect;

            if (!GetNormalizationRect(out normalizationRect, curveEditor))
                // No normalization rect, just return a copy of the source keyframes
                normalization = NormalizationMode.None;
            return(CopyAndScaleCurveKeys(sourceKeys, normalizationRect, normalization));
예제 #9
 public Tensor Normalize(NormalizationMode mode)
     switch (mode)
     case (NormalizationMode.Standardization):
         var    avg      = this.MeanAll();
         double variance = this.Map(r => Math.Pow(r - avg, 2)).MeanAll();
         return(this.Map(r => (r - avg) / Math.Sqrt(variance + 0.001)));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// RuleBasedCollator constructor.
        /// This takes the table rules and builds a collation table out of them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rules">the collation rules to build the collation table from</param>
        /// <param name="normalizationMode">the normalization mode to use</param>
        /// <param name="collationStrength">the collation strength to use</param>
        public RuleBasedCollator(string rules,
                                 NormalizationMode normalizationMode,
                                 CollationStrength collationStrength)
            ErrorCode status;

            collatorHandle = NativeMethods.ucol_openRules(rules,
                                                          ref parseError,
                                                          out status);
            ExceptionFromErrorCode.ThrowIfError(status, parseError.ToString(rules));
예제 #11
        public static IESData Parse(string path, NormalizationMode normalizationMode)
            string[] array = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            int      num   = 0;

            ParseIES.FindNumberOfAnglesLine(array, ref num);
            if (num == array.Length - 1)
                throw new IESParseException("No line containing number of angles found.");
            int             numberOfValuesToFind;
            int             num2;
            PhotometricType photometricType;

            ParseIES.ReadProperties(array, ref num, out numberOfValuesToFind, out num2, out photometricType);
            List <float>         verticalAngles   = ParseIES.ReadValues(array, numberOfValuesToFind, ref num);
            List <float>         horizontalAngles = ParseIES.ReadValues(array, num2, ref num);
            List <List <float> > list             = new List <List <float> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
                list.Add(ParseIES.ReadValues(array, numberOfValuesToFind, ref num));
            IESData iesdata = new IESData
                VerticalAngles   = verticalAngles,
                HorizontalAngles = horizontalAngles,
                CandelaValues    = list,
                PhotometricType  = photometricType

            ParseIES.NormalizeValues(iesdata, normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.Logarithmic);
            if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.EqualizeHistogram)
            if (photometricType != PhotometricType.TypeA)
                iesdata.HalfSpotlightFov = ParseIES.CalculateHalfSpotFov(iesdata);
예제 #12
 /// Produce an Collator instance according to the rules supplied.
 /// The rules are used to change the default ordering, defined in the
 /// UCA in a process called tailoring. The resulting Collator pointer
 /// can be used in the same way as the one obtained by ucol_strcoll.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rules">A string describing the collation rules. For the syntax
 ///    of the rules please see users guide.</param>
 /// <param name="rulesLength">The length of rules, or -1 if null-terminated.</param>
 /// <param name="normalizationMode">The normalization mode</param>
 /// <param name="strength">The default collation strength; can be also set in the rules</param>
 /// <param name="parseError">A pointer to ParseError to recieve information about errors
 /// occurred during parsing. This argument can currently be set
 /// to NULL, but at users own risk. Please provide a real structure.</param>
 /// <param name="status">A pointer to an ErrorCode to receive any errors</param>
 /// <returns>A pointer to a UCollator. It is not guaranteed that NULL be returned in case
 ///         of error - please use status argument to check for errors.</returns>
 public static RuleBasedCollator.SafeRuleBasedCollatorHandle ucol_openRules(
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string rules,
     int rulesLength,
     NormalizationMode normalizationMode,
     CollationStrength strength,
     ref ParseError parseError,
     out ErrorCode status)
     status = ErrorCode.NoErrors;
     if (CollatorMethods.ucol_openRules == null)
         CollatorMethods.ucol_openRules = GetMethod <CollatorMethodsContainer.ucol_openRulesDelegate>(IcuI18NLibHandle, "ucol_openRules");
     return(CollatorMethods.ucol_openRules(rules, rulesLength, normalizationMode, strength, ref parseError,
                                           out status));
예제 #13
        public string NormalizeUrl(string url, string title, out bool blacklist, NormalizationMode mode)
            blacklist = false;
            string             left;
            ArrayList <string> path;
            ArrayList <KeyDat <string, string> > queryParsed;

            ParseUrl(url, out left, out path, out queryParsed);
            string content = title == null ? "" : Normalize(title);
            string cid     = Utils.GetStringHashCode128(content).ToString("N");

            queryParsed.InsertSorted(new KeyDat <string, string>("__cid__", cid)); // inject content-id query parameter
            string url1 = UrlAsString(left, path, queryParsed, null);

            foreach (string prefix in mBlacklist)
                if (url1.StartsWith(prefix))
                    blacklist = true;
            if (mode == NormalizationMode.Basic)
            string url2 = UrlAsString(left, path, queryParsed, new Set <string>());

            if (mode == NormalizationMode.DropQuery)
            string url3 = ExecuteRules(url1, left, path, queryParsed, mRules);

            if (url3 == null)
                url3 = url2;
예제 #14
 public int NormalizationModeSetting(NormalizationMode normalizationMode, string string1,
                                     string string2)
     /*The Normalization setting determines whether text is thoroughly
      * normalized or not in comparison. Even if the setting is off (which
      * is the default for many locales), text as represented in common usage
      * will compare correctly (for details, see UTN #5 ). Only if the accent
      * marks are in non-canonical order will there be a problem. If the
      * setting is On, then the best results are guaranteed for all possible
      * text input.There is a medium string comparison performance cost if
      * this attribute is On, depending on the frequency of sequences that
      * require normalization. There is no significant effect on sort key
      * length.If the input text is known to be in NFD or NFKD normalization
      * forms, there is no need to enable this Normalization option.
      *      Example:
      *      N=X ä = a + ◌̈ < ä + ◌̣ < ạ + ◌̈
      *      N=O ä = a + ◌̈ < ä + ◌̣ = ạ + ◌̈
     using (var ucaCollator =
                new RuleBasedCollator(string.Empty, normalizationMode, CollationStrength.Default))
         return(ucaCollator.Compare(string1, string2));
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor for the LossParameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The default VALID normalization mode is used for all loss layers, except
 /// for the SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss layer which uses BATCH_SIZE as the default
 /// for historical reasons.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="norm">Specifies the default normalization mode.</param>
 public LossParameter(NormalizationMode norm = NormalizationMode.VALID)
     m_normalization = norm;
예제 #16
    public void NormalizeSplatmap(ref float[,,] splatmap, NormalizationMode normalizationMode)
        int width       = splatmap.GetLength(0);
        int height      = splatmap.GetLength(1);
        int numChannels = splatmap.GetLength(2);

        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                // Calculate total luminance of this pixel

                float totalColor = 0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
                    totalColor += splatmap[x, y, i];

                // Normalize pixel luminance to 1 using chosen strategy
                // Todo: inject these strategies using Func<> chosen from a library

                switch (normalizationMode)
                case NormalizationMode.Equal:
                    if (totalColor < 0.01f)
                        splatmap[x, y, 0] += 1f - totalColor;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
                            splatmap[x, y, i] /= totalColor;

                case NormalizationMode.Strongest:
                    float strongestValue   = 0f;
                    int   strongestChannel = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
                        float channelValue = splatmap[x, y, i];
                        if (channelValue > strongestValue)
                            strongestValue   = channelValue;
                            strongestChannel = i;
                    splatmap[x, y, strongestChannel] += 1f - totalColor;

                case NormalizationMode.First:
                    splatmap[x, y, 0] += 1f - totalColor;

                case NormalizationMode.Last:
                    splatmap[x, y, numChannels - 1] += 1f - totalColor;
예제 #17
            internal static ColumnOptionsBase Create(string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName, NormalizationMode mode)
                switch (mode)
                case NormalizationMode.MinMax:
                    return(new MinMaxColumnOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName));

                case NormalizationMode.MeanVariance:
                    return(new MeanVarColumnOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName));

                case NormalizationMode.LogMeanVariance:
                    return(new LogMeanVarColumnOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName));

                case NormalizationMode.Binning:
                    return(new BinningColumnOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName));

                case NormalizationMode.SupervisedBinning:
                    return(new SupervisedBinningColumOptions(outputColumnName, inputColumnName));

                    throw Contracts.ExceptParam(nameof(mode), "Unknown normalizer mode");
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="NormalizingEstimator"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
 /// <param name="outputColumnName">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of the column to transform.
 /// If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="outputColumnName"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The <see cref="NormalizationMode"/> indicating how to the old values are mapped to the new values.</param>
 internal NormalizingEstimator(IHostEnvironment env, string outputColumnName, string inputColumnName = null, NormalizationMode mode = NormalizationMode.MinMax)
     : this(env, mode, (outputColumnName, inputColumnName ?? outputColumnName))
예제 #19
        private void BuildTargetFilename(string name, string folderHierarchy, bool isCubemap, bool isRaw, NormalizationMode normalizationMode, IESData iesData, out string targetFilePath)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, string.Format("IES/Imports/{0}", folderHierarchy))))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, string.Format("IES/Imports/{0}", folderHierarchy)));
            float num = 0f;

            if (iesData.PhotometricType == PhotometricType.TypeA)
                num = iesData.HorizontalAngles.Max() - iesData.HorizontalAngles.Min();
            else if (!isCubemap)
                num = iesData.HalfSpotlightFov * 2f;
            string text = "";

            if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.EqualizeHistogram)
                text = "[H] ";
            else if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.Logarithmic)
                text = "[E] ";
            string text2;

            if (isRaw)
                text2 = "exr";
                text2 = (isCubemap ? "cubemap" : "asset");
            targetFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("Assets/IES/Imports/", folderHierarchy), string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.{3}", new object[]
                (iesData.PhotometricType == PhotometricType.TypeA || !isCubemap) ? ("[FOV " + num + "] ") : "",
            if (File.Exists(targetFilePath))
예제 #20
 public string NormalizeUrl(string url, string title, out bool blacklist, NormalizationMode mode)
     blacklist = false;
     string left;
     ArrayList<string> path;
     ArrayList<KeyDat<string, string>> queryParsed;
     ParseUrl(url, out left, out path, out queryParsed);
     string content = title == null ? "" : Normalize(title);
     string cid = Utils.GetHashCode128(content).ToString("N");
     queryParsed.InsertSorted(new KeyDat<string, string>("__cid__", cid)); // inject content-id query parameter
     string url1 = UrlAsString(left, path, queryParsed, null);
     foreach (string prefix in mBlacklist)
         if (url1.StartsWith(prefix))
             blacklist = true;
     if (mode == NormalizationMode.Basic) { return url1; }
     string url2 = UrlAsString(left, path, queryParsed, new Set<string>());
     if (mode == NormalizationMode.DropQuery) { return url2; }
     string url3 = ExecuteRules(url1, left, path, queryParsed, mRules);
     if (url3 == null) { url3 = url2; }
     return url3;
예제 #21
 public static extern RuleBasedCollator.Handle ucol_openRules([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string rules,
                                                              int rulesLength,
                                                              NormalizationMode normalizationMode,
                                                              CollationStrength strength,
                                                              ref ParseError parseError,
                                                              out ErrorCode status);
예제 #22
        public static IESData Parse(string path, NormalizationMode normalizationMode)
            // Find the line containing the number of vertical and horizontal angles.
            string[] lines      = File.ReadAllLines(path);
            int      lineNumber = 0;

            FindNumberOfAnglesLine(lines, ref lineNumber);
            if (lineNumber == lines.Length - 1)
                throw new IESParseException("No line containing number of angles found.");

            // Read the number of vertical and horizontal angles.
            int             numberOfVerticalAngles, numberOfHorizontalAngles;
            PhotometricType photometricType;

            ReadProperties(lines, ref lineNumber, out numberOfVerticalAngles, out numberOfHorizontalAngles, out photometricType);

            // Read the vertical angles.
            List <float> verticalAngles = ReadValues(lines, numberOfVerticalAngles, ref lineNumber);

            // Read the horizontal angles.
            List <float> horizontalAngles = ReadValues(lines, numberOfHorizontalAngles, ref lineNumber);

            // Read the candela values for all vertical slices for each horizontal angle.
            List <List <float> > values = new List <List <float> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHorizontalAngles; i++)
                values.Add(ReadValues(lines, numberOfVerticalAngles, ref lineNumber));

            IESData iesData = new IESData()
                VerticalAngles   = verticalAngles,
                HorizontalAngles = horizontalAngles,
                CandelaValues    = values,
                PhotometricType  = photometricType

            // Normalize the candela values, applying the enhanced mode if requested.
            // The normalized values will also be used to discard practically unlit areas from spot light cookies.
            NormalizeValues(iesData, normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.Logarithmic);
            if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.EqualizeHistogram)

            // Prepare type C (and B, if it ever exists) photometry for possible spotlight cookie usage.
            if (photometricType != PhotometricType.TypeA)
                iesData.HalfSpotlightFov = CalculateHalfSpotFov(iesData);
            // Prepare type A (automotive) photometry.

예제 #23
        private void BuildTargetFilename(string name, string folderHierarchy, bool isCubemap, bool isRaw, NormalizationMode normalizationMode, IESData iesData, out string targetFilePath)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, string.Format("IES/Imports/{0}", folderHierarchy))))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, string.Format("IES/Imports/{0}", folderHierarchy)));

            // If this in an enhanced import, add the appropriate prefix.
            float automotiveFov = 0;

            if (iesData.PhotometricType == PhotometricType.TypeA)
                automotiveFov = iesData.HorizontalAngles.Max() - iesData.HorizontalAngles.Min();
            string prefix = "";

            if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.EqualizeHistogram)
                prefix = "[H] ";
            else if (normalizationMode == NormalizationMode.Logarithmic)
                prefix = "[E] ";

            // Set the correct extension.
            string extension = "";

            if (isRaw)
                extension = "exr";
                extension = isCubemap ? "cubemap" : "asset";

            targetFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine("Assets/IES/Imports/", folderHierarchy),
                                          string.Format("{0}{1}{2}.{3}", prefix, iesData.PhotometricType == PhotometricType.TypeA ? "[FOV " + automotiveFov + "] " : "", name, extension));
            if (File.Exists(targetFilePath))
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes the forward pass in a batch normalization layer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">The desired normalization mode to apply</param>
 /// <param name="info">The ifo on the input <see cref="Tensor"/> to process</param>
 /// <param name="x">The input <see cref="Tensor"/> to normalize</param>
 /// <param name="factor">The factor for the cumulative moving average</param>
 /// <param name="mu">A <see cref="Tensor"/> to use to store the temporary median values (used for backpropagation too)</param>
 /// <param name="sigma2">A <see cref="Tensor"/> to use to store the temporary standard deviation values (used for backpropagation too)</param>
 /// <param name="gamma">The layer gamma parameters</param>
 /// <param name="beta">The layer beta parameters</param>
 /// <param name="y">The output <see cref="Tensor"/> for the current layer</param>
 public static void BatchNormalizationForward(
     NormalizationMode mode, in TensorInfo info, in Tensor x,