예제 #1
        public BookingStep2(int id, string date, string pay_type, int normal, int reduced)
            //pairno titlo tou event
            Event ev = new Event(id);

            //pairno ta tickets
            enventDataSetTableAdapters.ticketsTableAdapter tick = new enventDataSetTableAdapters.ticketsTableAdapter();
            float normal_ticket_price  = (float)tick.GetNormalPriceEventId(id);
            float reduced_ticket_price = (float)tick.GetReducedPriceEventId(id);

            User x = InstanceOfUser.GetUser();

            if (x is Project_4.App_Code.NormalUser)
                NormalUser nr = (NormalUser)x;
                name_label.Text = nr.GetProfile().GetLastName() + " " + nr.GetProfile().GetFirstName();

            PlayTitle_label.Text      = ev.GetTitle();
            date_label.Text           = date;
            normalTickets_Label.Text  = normal.ToString();
            reducedTickets_Label.Text = reduced.ToString();
            label5.Text += "(" + normal_ticket_price + "€) :";
            label7.Text += "(" + reduced_ticket_price + "€) :";

            float total_price = normal_ticket_price * normal + reduced_ticket_price * reduced;

            total_Price.Text = total_price.ToString();
예제 #2
 //On load παίρνει τις τιμές απο το dataset και τις βάζει στα πεδία και τις τοπικές μεταβλητές .
 private void Profile_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (x is NormalUser)
         NormalUser nu = (NormalUser)x;
         Id       = nu.GetUserID();
         usrname  = usernamTextBox.Text = nu.GetUserName();
         onoma    = onomaTextBox.Text = nu.GetProfile().GetFirstName();
         lastname = lastnameTextBox.Text = nu.GetProfile().GetLastName();
         email    = emailTextBox.Text = nu.GetProfile().GetEmail();
         dob      = dobPicker.Value = nu.GetProfile().GetDob();
         adress   = adressTextBox.Text = nu.GetProfile().GetAddress();
예제 #3
 //Save button click that makes the updates
 private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (datachange == true)
         NormalUser nu = (NormalUser)x;
         Profile    up = nu.GetProfile();
         up.UpdateUserName(Id, usernamTextBox.Text);
         if (usernameExist.Visible == true)
             usernameExist.Visible = false;
         up.UpdateAddress(Id, adressTextBox.Text);
         up.UpdateEmail(Id, emailTextBox.Text);
         if (emailExist.Visible == true)
             emailExist.Visible = false;
         up.UpdateFirstName(Id, onomaTextBox.Text);
         up.UpdateLastName(Id, lastnameTextBox.Text);
         MessageBox.Show("Οι αλλαγές πραγματοποιήθηκαν.");
         string pass = nu.GetPass();
         InstanceOfUser.CreateCustomerUser(usrname, pass);
         MessageBox.Show("Δεν έγινε κάποια αλλαγή για να αλλάξουν τα δεδομένα");
        private void button_reset_pass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NormalUser  nu = (NormalUser)InstanceOfUser.GetUser();
            int         id = nu.GetUserID();
            UserProfile ru = (UserProfile)nu.GetProfile();

            ru.UpdatePassword(id, txtResetPass.Text);
            recoverMsg.ForeColor = Color.Green;
            recoverMsg.Text      = "Ο κωδικός άλλαξε επιτυχώς!";