예제 #1
 public static void FastRemoveAt(NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, int index)
     if (index < manifold->Count)
         var contacts = &manifold->Contact0;
         contacts[index] = contacts[manifold->Count];
예제 #2
 unsafe static void AddContact(ref NonconvexReductionChild child, int contactIndexInChild, NonconvexContactManifold *targetManifold)
     ref var contact = ref Unsafe.Add(ref child.Manifold.Contact0, contactIndexInChild);
            //TODO: Arguably, this could be handled within the streaming batcher. The main advantage of doing so would be CCD-like queries being available.
            //On the other hand, we may want to simply modularize it. Something like a low level convex batcher, which is used by the more general purpose discrete batcher
            //(which handles compounds, meshes, and boundary smoothing), which is used by the CCD batcher.
            unsafe static void ResolveLinearManifold <TMainManifold>(void *mainManifoldPointer, ConvexContactManifold *linearManifold, NonconvexContactManifold *outManifold)
                //This function is responsible for prioritizing which contacts to include when there are more contacts than slots.
                //Note that the linear manifold is constructed from sphere-convex tests whose depths are guaranteed to be less than the deepest contact
                //of the main manifold by virtue of the contributing spheres being smaller than the containing shape.

                //Further, while it's possible for the sphere-sourced contacts to be deeper than some of the main manifold contacts due to speculative contact generation,
                //there is no strong reason to prefer the sphere source contacts just because their depth happens to be greater- in fact, if we trust the main manifold
                //contact generation logic, they should tend to be more representative of the true manifold.

                //In other words, we simply trust that all contacts in the main manifold are good choices, and the linear manifold's responsibility is simply to fill in gaps.
                //If there are no gaps, then we don't use the linear manifold at all.

                //So first, copy all main manifold contacts.
                Debug.Assert(linearManifold->Count == 2, "Inner sphere derived contacts should only ever contribute one contact per involved body, no more, no less.");
                var outContacts = &outManifold->Contact0;

                if (typeof(TMainManifold) == typeof(ConvexContactManifold))
                    var mainManifold = (ConvexContactManifold *)mainManifoldPointer;
                    outManifold->OffsetB = mainManifold->OffsetB;
                    outManifold->Count   = mainManifold->Count;
                    var mainManifoldContacts = &mainManifold->Contact0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < outManifold->Count; ++i)
                        ref var outContact  = ref outContacts[i];
                        ref var mainContact = ref mainManifoldContacts[i];
                        outContact.Offset    = mainContact.Offset;
                        outContact.Depth     = mainContact.Depth;
                        outContact.Normal    = mainManifold->Normal;
                        outContact.FeatureId = mainContact.FeatureId;
예제 #4
 public unsafe bool ConfigureContactManifold(int workerIndex, CollidablePair pair, NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, out PairMaterialProperties pairMaterial)
     GetMaterial(out pairMaterial);
예제 #5
 internal static void Add(NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, ref Vector3 normal, ref ConvexContact convexContact)
     Debug.Assert(manifold->Count < 8);
     ref var targetContact = ref (&manifold->Contact0)[manifold->Count++];
예제 #6
 public unsafe bool ConfigureContactManifold(int workerIndex, CollidablePair pair, NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, out PairMaterialProperties pairMaterial)
     pairMaterial = new PairMaterialProperties();
예제 #7
 public unsafe void OnPairCompleted(int pairId, NonconvexContactManifold *manifold)
     Manifolds.NonconvexManifolds[pairId] = *manifold;
     Manifolds.ManifoldIsConvex[pairId]   = false;
예제 #8
 unsafe void AddContact(NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, ref NonconvexReductionChild sourceChild,
                        ref Vector3 offset, float depth, ref Vector3 normal, int featureId)
     ref var target = ref NonconvexContactManifold.Allocate(manifold);
예제 #9
 public unsafe bool ConfigureContactManifold(int workerIndex, CollidablePair pair, NonconvexContactManifold *manifold, out PairMaterialProperties pairMaterial)
     if (manifold->Count > 0)
         Console.WriteLine($"NONCONVEX PAIR: {pair.A} versus {pair.B}");
     ConfigureMaterial(out pairMaterial);