private NoiseMap GenerateNoiseMap(int width, int height) { //module::Perlin myModule; var module = new LibNoise.Primitive.SimplexPerlin(); //var module = new LibNoise.Primitive.BevinsGradient(); //var module = new LibNoise.Primitive.ImprovedPerlin(); module.Quality = NoiseQuality.Best; //module.Seed = PrimitiveModule.DefaultSeed; var random = new Random(); module.Seed = random.Next(); //ScaleBias scale = null; FilterModule fModule = new Pipe(); fModule.Primitive3D = (IModule3D)module; fModule.OctaveCount = random.Next(1, 6); // 1; // FilterModule.DEFAULT_OCTAVE_COUNT; //fModule.Frequency = FilterModule.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY; //fModule.Gain = FilterModule.DEFAULT_GAIN; //fModule.Lacunarity = FilterModule.DEFAULT_LACUNARITY; //fModule.Offset = FilterModule.DEFAULT_OFFSET; //fModule.SpectralExponent = FilterModule.DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_EXPONENT; fModule.Frequency = random.Next(1, 5); fModule.Gain = 10; fModule.Lacunarity = 10; fModule.Offset = 10; fModule.SpectralExponent = 1; NoiseMap heightMap = new NoiseMap(); heightMap.SetSize(width, height); float bound = 2f; //NoiseMapBuilderPlane heightMapBuilder = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(bound, bound * 2, 0.0f, 100.0f, true); bool seemless = random.Next(0, 1) == 1; NoiseMapBuilderPlane heightMapBuilder = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(bound, bound * 2, bound, bound * 2, seemless); heightMapBuilder.SourceModule = (IModule3D)fModule; heightMapBuilder.NoiseMap = heightMap; heightMapBuilder.SetSize(width, height); heightMapBuilder.Build(); return(heightMap); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> protected void GenerateNoise() { EnabledInterface(false); // Parse input ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int seed = ParseInt(_tbxSeed.Text, PrimitiveModule.DefaultSeed); double frequency = ParseDouble(_tbxFrequency.Text, FilterModule.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY); double lacunarity = ParseDouble(_tbxLacunarity.Text, FilterModule.DEFAULT_LACUNARITY); double gain = ParseDouble(_tbxGain.Text, FilterModule.DEFAULT_GAIN); double offset = ParseDouble(_tbxOffset.Text, FilterModule.DEFAULT_OFFSET); double exponent = ParseDouble(_tbxExponent.Text, FilterModule.DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_EXPONENT); var octaveCount = (int)_nstpOctave.Value; bool seamless = _chkbx.Checked; GradientColor gradient = GradientColors.Grayscale; NoiseQuality quality = PrimitiveModule.DefaultQuality; var primitive = NoisePrimitive.ImprovedPerlin; var filter = NoiseFilter.SumFractal; try { quality = (NoiseQuality)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoiseQuality), _cbxQuality.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show( String.Format("Unknown quality '{0}'", _cbxQuality.Text), "Libnoise Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); EnabledInterface(true); return; } try { primitive = (NoisePrimitive)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoisePrimitive), _cbxPrimitive.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show( String.Format("Unknown primitive '{0}'", _cbxPrimitive.Text), "Libnoise Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); EnabledInterface(true); return; } try { filter = (NoiseFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoiseFilter), _cbxFilter.Text); } catch { MessageBox.Show( String.Format("Unknown filter '{0}'", _cbxFilter.Text), "Libnoise Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); EnabledInterface(true); return; } switch (_cbxGradient.Text) { case "Grayscale": gradient = GradientColors.Grayscale; break; case "Terrain": gradient = GradientColors.Terrain; break; } // Create module tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PrimitiveModule pModule = null; switch (primitive) { case NoisePrimitive.Constant: pModule = new Constant(offset); break; case NoisePrimitive.Cylinders: pModule = new Cylinders(offset); seamless = false; break; case NoisePrimitive.Spheres: pModule = new Spheres(offset); seamless = false; break; case NoisePrimitive.BevinsGradient: pModule = new BevinsGradient(); break; case NoisePrimitive.BevinsValue: pModule = new BevinsValue(); break; case NoisePrimitive.ImprovedPerlin: pModule = new ImprovedPerlin(); break; case NoisePrimitive.SimplexPerlin: pModule = new SimplexPerlin(); break; } pModule.Quality = quality; pModule.Seed = seed; FilterModule fModule = null; ScaleBias scale = null; switch (filter) { case NoiseFilter.Pipe: fModule = new Pipe(); break; case NoiseFilter.SumFractal: fModule = new SumFractal(); break; case NoiseFilter.SinFractal: fModule = new SinFractal(); break; case NoiseFilter.MultiFractal: fModule = new MultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(fModule, 1, -0.8); break; case NoiseFilter.Billow: fModule = new Billow(); ((Billow)fModule).Bias = -0.2; ((Billow)fModule).Scale = 2; break; case NoiseFilter.HeterogeneousMultiFractal: fModule = new HeterogeneousMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(fModule, -1, 2); break; case NoiseFilter.HybridMultiFractal: fModule = new HybridMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(fModule, 0.7, -2); break; case NoiseFilter.RidgedMultiFractal: fModule = new RidgedMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(fModule, 0.9, -1.25); break; case NoiseFilter.Voronoi: fModule = new Voronoi(); break; } fModule.Frequency = frequency; fModule.Lacunarity = lacunarity; fModule.OctaveCount = octaveCount; fModule.Offset = offset; fModule.Offset = offset; fModule.Gain = gain; fModule.Primitive3D = (IModule3D)pModule; IModule3D finalModule; if (scale == null) { finalModule = (IModule3D)fModule; } else { finalModule = scale; } NoiseMapBuilder projection; switch (_cbxProjection.Text) { case "Spherical": projection = new NoiseMapBuilderSphere(); ((NoiseMapBuilderSphere)projection).SetBounds(-90, 90, -180, 180); // degrees break; case "Cylindrical": projection = new NoiseMapBuilderCylinder(); ((NoiseMapBuilderCylinder)projection).SetBounds(-180, 180, -10, 10); break; case "Planar": default: double bound = 2; projection = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(bound, bound * 2, bound, bound * 2, seamless); //projection = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(-bound, bound, -bound, bound, seamless); //projection = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(0, bound, 0, bound, seamless); break; } int width = 0; int height = 0; switch (_cbxSize.Text) { case "256 x 256": width = 256; height = 256; break; case "512 x 512": width = 512; height = 512; break; case "1024 x 1024": width = 1024; height = 1024; break; case "256 x 128": width = 256; height = 128; break; case "512 x 256": width = 512; height = 256; break; case "1024 x 512": width = 1024; height = 512; break; case "2048 x 1024": width = 2048; height = 1024; break; default: case "128 x 128": width = 128; height = 128; break; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 0 - Initializing _prbarRenderProgression.Visible = true; _lblProgressPercent.Visible = true; _prbarRenderProgression.Value = 0; ; _lblProgressPercent.Text = ""; _lblLog.Text = String.Format("Create a {0} image with a {1} projection\n", _cbxSize.Text, _cbxProjection.Text); var watchDog = new Stopwatch(); TimeSpan ts; double elaspedTime = 0; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 1 - Build the noise map watchDog.Reset(); _prbarRenderProgression.Value = 0; _lblLog.Text += "Building noise map ... "; var noiseMap = new NoiseMap(); /* * // ShapeFilter test * Bitmap bmpShape = new Bitmap("smileyShape.bmp"); * BitmapAdaptater bmShapeAdaptater = new BitmapAdaptater(bmpShape); * * ShapeFilter shapeFilter = new ShapeFilter(); * shapeFilter.Shape = bmShapeAdaptater; * * projection.Filter = shapeFilter; */ projection.SetSize(width, height); projection.SourceModule = finalModule; projection.NoiseMap = noiseMap; projection.CallBack = delegate(int line) { line++; watchDog.Stop(); //Process message Application.DoEvents(); _prbarRenderProgression.Value = (line * 100 / height); _lblProgressPercent.Text = String.Format("{0} % - {1} line(s)", _prbarRenderProgression.Value, line); watchDog.Start(); }; watchDog.Start(); projection.Build(); watchDog.Stop(); ts = watchDog.Elapsed; elaspedTime += ts.TotalMilliseconds; _lblLog.Text += String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00} {2:00},{3:0000}\n", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds * 10 ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 2 - Render image // Create a renderer, BitmapAdaptater create a System.Drawing.Bitmap on the fly watchDog.Reset(); _prbarRenderProgression.Value = 0; _lblLog.Text += "Rendering image ... "; var renderer = new ImageRenderer(); renderer.NoiseMap = noiseMap; renderer.Gradient = gradient; renderer.LightBrightness = 2; renderer.LightContrast = 8; //renderer.LightEnabled = true; // Libnoise image struct strategy //Graphics.Tools.Noise.Renderer.Image image = new Graphics.Tools.Noise.Renderer.Image(); //renderer.Image = image; // Dotnet Bitmap Strategy var bmpAdaptater = new BitmapAdaptater(width, height); renderer.Image = bmpAdaptater; renderer.CallBack = delegate(int line) { line++; watchDog.Stop(); //Process message Application.DoEvents(); _prbarRenderProgression.Value = (line * 100 / height); _lblProgressPercent.Text = String.Format("{0} % - {1} line(s)", _prbarRenderProgression.Value, line); watchDog.Start(); }; // Render the texture. watchDog.Start(); renderer.Render(); watchDog.Stop(); ts = watchDog.Elapsed; elaspedTime += ts.TotalMilliseconds; _lblLog.Text += String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00} {2:00},{3:0000}\n", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds * 10 ); //---------------------------------------- // Normalmap rendering test // /* * BitmapAdaptater nmapAdaptater = new BitmapAdaptater(width, height); * NormalMapRenderer nmap = new NormalMapRenderer(); * nmap.Image = nmapAdaptater; * nmap.BumpHeight = 30.0; * nmap.NoiseMap = noiseMap; * nmap.Render(); * nmapAdaptater.Bitmap.Save("normalMap.png", ImageFormat.Png); */ //---------------------------------------- /* * Heightmap8 heightmap8 = new Heightmap8(); * Heightmap8Renderer heightmapRenderer = new Heightmap8Renderer(); * heightmapRenderer.Heightmap = heightmap8; */ /* * Heightmap16 heightmap16 = new Heightmap16(); * Heightmap16Renderer heightmapRenderer = new Heightmap16Renderer(); * heightmapRenderer.Heightmap = heightmap16; */ /* * Heightmap32 heightmap32 = new Heightmap32(); * Heightmap32Renderer heightmapRenderer = new Heightmap32Renderer(); * heightmapRenderer.Heightmap = heightmap32; */ /* * heightmapRenderer.NoiseMap = noiseMap; * heightmapRenderer.ExactFit(); * heightmapRenderer.Render(); */ /* * Heightmap16RawWriter rawWriter = new Heightmap16RawWriter(); * rawWriter.Heightmap = heightmap16; * rawWriter.Filename = "heightmap16.raw"; * rawWriter.WriteFile(); */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 3 - Painting // Save the file //bmpAdaptater.Bitmap.Save("rendered.png",ImageFormat.Png); _imageRendered.Width = width; _imageRendered.Height = height; //_imageRendered.Image = _bitmap; _imageRendered.Image = bmpAdaptater.Bitmap; if (_imageRendered.Width > _panImageViewport.Width) { _imageRendered.Left = 0; } else { _imageRendered.Left = (_panImageViewport.Width - _imageRendered.Width) / 2; } if (_imageRendered.Height > _panImageViewport.Height) { _imageRendered.Top = 0; } else { _imageRendered.Top = (_panImageViewport.Height - _imageRendered.Height) / 2; } if (_imageRendered.Width > _panImageViewport.Width || _imageRendered.Height > _panImageViewport.Height) { _imageRendered.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top); _panImageViewport.AutoScroll = true; } else { _panImageViewport.AutoScroll = false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- ts = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elaspedTime); // Format and display the TimeSpan value. _lblLog.Text += String.Format("Duration : {0:00}:{1:00} {2:00},{3:0000}\n", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds * 10 ); EnabledInterface(true); _prbarRenderProgression.Value = 0; _lblProgressPercent.Text = ""; _prbarRenderProgression.Visible = false; _lblProgressPercent.Visible = false; }
public override bool Calculate() { if (!allInputsReady() || base.settings == null) { return(false); } IModule3D value = Inputs[0].GetValue <IModule3D>(); if (value == null) { return(false); } InitSettings(); Vector2f lowerBound = base.settings.lowerBound; Vector2f upperBound = base.settings.upperBound; NoiseMapBuilderPlane noiseMapBuilderPlane = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(lowerBound.x, upperBound.x, lowerBound.y, upperBound.y, base.settings.seamless); noiseMapBuilderPlane.SetSize(256, 256); noiseMapBuilderPlane.SourceModule = value; Vector2 zero =; float[] noise = WorldGen.GenerateNoise(zero, base.settings.zoom, noiseMapBuilderPlane, 256, 256, null); if (base.settings.normalise) { WorldGen.Normalise(noise); } GetColourDelegate getColourDelegate = null; switch (displayType) { case DisplayType.DefaultColour: getColourDelegate = ((int cell) => Color.HSVToRGB((40f + 320f * noise[cell]) / 360f, 1f, 1f)); break; case DisplayType.ElementColourBiome: case DisplayType.ElementColourFeature: getColourDelegate = delegate(int cell) { if (biome == null) { return(; } float num = noise[cell]; Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(biome[biome.Count - 1].content); for (int i = 0; i < biome.Count; i++) { if (num < biome[i].maxValue) { element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(biome[i].content); break; } } return(element.substance.uiColour); }; break; } if (getColourDelegate != null) { SetColours(getColourDelegate); } return(true); }
public NoiseMap Render() { PrimitiveModule primitive = null; switch (this.Primitive) { case NoisePrimitive.Constant: primitive = new Constant(this.Offset); break; case NoisePrimitive.Cylinders: primitive = new Cylinders(this.Offset); this.Seamless = false; break; case NoisePrimitive.Spheres: primitive = new Spheres(this.Offset); this.Seamless = false; break; case NoisePrimitive.BevinsGradient: primitive = new BevinsGradient(); break; case NoisePrimitive.BevinsValue: primitive = new BevinsValue(); break; case NoisePrimitive.ImprovedPerlin: primitive = new ImprovedPerlin(); break; case NoisePrimitive.SimplexPerlin: primitive = new SimplexPerlin(); break; } primitive.Seed = this.Seed; primitive.Quality = this.NoiseQuality; FilterModule filter = null; ScaleBias scale = null; switch (this.Filter) { case NoiseFilter.Pipe: filter = new Pipe(); break; case NoiseFilter.SumFractal: filter = new SumFractal(); break; case NoiseFilter.SinFractal: filter = new SinFractal(); break; case NoiseFilter.MultiFractal: filter = new MultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(filter, 1f, -0.8f); break; case NoiseFilter.Billow: filter = new Billow(); ((Billow)filter).Bias = -0.2f; ((Billow)filter).Scale = 2f; break; case NoiseFilter.HeterogeneousMultiFractal: filter = new HeterogeneousMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(filter, -1f, 2f); break; case NoiseFilter.HybridMultiFractal: filter = new HybridMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(filter, 0.7f, -2f); break; case NoiseFilter.RidgedMultiFractal: filter = new RidgedMultiFractal(); // Used to show the difference with our gradient color (-1 + 1) scale = new ScaleBias(filter, 0.9f, -1.25f); break; case NoiseFilter.Voronoi: filter = new Voronoi(); break; } filter.Frequency = this.Frequency; filter.Lacunarity = this.Lacunarity; filter.OctaveCount = this.OctaveCount; filter.Offset = this.Offset; filter.Gain = this.Gain; filter.Primitive3D = (IModule3D)primitive; IModule3D final = scale ?? (IModule3D)filter; NoiseMapBuilder projection; switch (this.Projection) { case NoiseMapProjection.Spherical: projection = new NoiseMapBuilderSphere(); ((NoiseMapBuilderSphere)projection).SetBounds(-90f, 90f, -180f, 180f); // degrees break; case NoiseMapProjection.Cylindrical: projection = new NoiseMapBuilderCylinder(); ((NoiseMapBuilderCylinder)projection).SetBounds(-180f, 180f, -10f, 10f); break; case NoiseMapProjection.Planar: default: float bound = 2f; projection = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(bound, bound * 2, bound, bound * 2, this.Seamless); break; } NoiseMap noise = new NoiseMap(); projection.SetSize(this.Width, this.Height); projection.SourceModule = final; projection.NoiseMap = noise; projection.Build(); float min, max; noise.MinMax(out min, out max); this.Map = noise; return(noise); }