public ExportWithUnitsViewModel(ExportWithUnits model, NodeView nodeView) { exportWithUnitsModel = model; nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel; nodeModel = nodeView.ViewModel.NodeModel; model.PropertyChanged +=model_PropertyChanged; }
public ConverterViewModel(DynamoConvert model,NodeView nodeView) { dynamoConvertModel = model; nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel; nodeModel = nodeView.ViewModel.NodeModel; model.PropertyChanged +=model_PropertyChanged; ToggleButtonClick = new DelegateCommand(OnToggleButtonClick, CanToggleButton); }
private void TryApplyCustomization(NodeModel model, NodeView view, InternalNodeViewCustomization customization) { try { var disposable = customization.CustomizeView(model, view); view.Unloaded += (s, a) => disposable.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { var message = string.Format(Wpf.Properties.Resources.MessageFailedToApplyCustomization, model.GetType().Name); logger.LogError(message); logger.Log(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Create CodeCOmpletionEditor with NodeViewModel /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeView"></param> public CodeCompletionEditor(NodeView nodeView) { InitializeComponent(); nodeView.Unloaded += (obj, args) => IsDisposed = true; this.nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel; this.dynamoViewModel = nodeViewModel.DynamoViewModel; this.DataContext = nodeViewModel.NodeModel; this.InnerTextEditor.TextChanged += OnTextChanged; this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.LostFocus += OnTextAreaLostFocus; this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextAreaTextEntering; this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextAreaTextEntered; CodeHighlightingRuleFactory.CreateHighlightingRules(InnerTextEditor, dynamoViewModel.EngineController); }
private void DelimitFieldView() { NodeView nvTmp; Point startPositionNode = new Point(135,780); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; ++j) { nvTmp = new NodeView(); // nvTmp.Margin = new Thickness(startPositionNode.X + i * 64, startPositionNode.Y - j * 61, 0, 0); GridField.Children.Add(nvTmp); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create code block editor by the view of code block node. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeView"></param> public CodeBlockEditor(NodeView nodeView): base(nodeView) { this.codeBlockNode = nodeViewModel.NodeModel as CodeBlockNodeModel; if (codeBlockNode == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Should not be used for nodes other than code block"); } // Determines if this editor is created for a new code block node. // In cases like an undo/redo operation, the editor is created for // an existing code block node. createdForNewCodeBlock = string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeBlockNode.Code); // the code block should not be in focus upon undo/redo actions on node if (codeBlockNode.ShouldFocus) { Loaded += (obj, args) => SetFocus(); } WatermarkLabel.Text = Properties.Resources.WatermarkLabelText; }
internal void Apply(NodeView view) { var model = view.ViewModel.NodeModel; // We only apply the most specific INodeViewCustomization! // By "specific", we mean the INodeViewCustomization<T> where // T is closest to the runtime type of the NodeModel Type nodeModelType = model.GetType(); Type customizableType = null; do { if (lookupDict.ContainsKey(nodeModelType)) { customizableType = nodeModelType; break; } nodeModelType = nodeModelType.BaseType; } while (nodeModelType != typeof(NodeModel)); // If there is a NodeViewCustomization<T>, apply the most specific one if (customizableType != null) { // There may be multiple customizations to apply List<InternalNodeViewCustomization> custs; if (lookupDict.TryGetValue(customizableType, out custs)) { foreach (var customization in custs) { TryApplyCustomization(model, view, customization); } } } }
public CodeBlockEditor(NodeView nodeView): this() { this.nodeViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel; this.dynamoViewModel = nodeViewModel.DynamoViewModel; this.DataContext = nodeViewModel.NodeModel; this.nodeModel = nodeViewModel.NodeModel as CodeBlockNodeModel; if (nodeModel == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Should not be used for nodes other than code block"); } // Determines if this editor is created for a new code block node. // In cases like an undo/redo operation, the editor is created for // an existing code block node. createdForNewCodeBlock = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeModel.Code); // Register text editing events this.InnerTextEditor.TextChanged += InnerTextEditor_TextChanged; this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.LostFocus += TextArea_LostFocus; nodeView.Unloaded += (obj, args) => isDisposed = true; // the code block should not be in focus upon undo/redo actions on node if (this.nodeModel.ShouldFocus) { this.Loaded += (obj, args) => this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.Focus(); } // Register auto-completion callbacks this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntering += OnTextAreaTextEntering; this.InnerTextEditor.TextArea.TextEntered += OnTextAreaTextEntered; InitializeSyntaxHighlighter(); }
public ReadMulti3Channel(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
private static void OverrideFont(this NodeView widget) { (widget as Container).OverrideFont(MainFont, Pango.Weight.Semibold); (widget as Widget).OverrideFont(CondensedFont); }
void SetupNodeView(NodeView nodeView, NodeGraphData.NodeData nodeData) { nodeView.OnShowContextMenu += (genericMenu) => SetupNodeContextMenuItems(nodeData, genericMenu); }
public WriteMulti3Channel(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
/// <summary> /// 获取节点上的执行者列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="nextNode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PerformerList GetPerformerList(NodeView nextNode) { var performerList = PerformerBuilder.CreatePerformerList(nextNode.Roles); return(performerList); }
public DCT(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public Merge(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public Merge(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public ColorNode(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public ColorNode(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public ColorSpace(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public ReadMulti2Channel(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public MoVecCompose(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public DCT(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public FileNode(NodeView nodeView, string filePath) : base(nodeView) { this.FilePath = filePath; this.Text = Path.GetFileName(filePath); }
public NoOp(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public void CustomizeView(VolumeFromString model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); }
public NoOp(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public void CustomizeView(ReferenceSelection model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); model.RevitDynamoModel = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel.Model as RevitDynamoModel; }
/// <summary> /// Create input editor by the view of symbol node. /// </summary> /// <param name="view"></param> public ParameterEditor(NodeView view) : base(view) { input = nodeViewModel.NodeModel as Symbol; }
public MoVecDecompose(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public void DestroyBoard(bool playSound = true) { _lastNodePulled = null; _puzzleSpawner.DestroyBoard(playSound); _saveState.Started = false; }
public void CustomizeView(ColorRange model, NodeView nodeView) { var drawPlane = new Image { Stretch = Stretch.Fill, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, Width = 100, Height = 200 }; var dm = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel.Model; nodeView.inputGrid.Children.Add(drawPlane); model.RequestChangeColorRange += delegate { model.DispatchOnUIThread(delegate { var colorStartNode = model.InPorts[0].Connectors[0].Start.Owner; var startIndex = model.InPorts[0].Connectors[0].Start.Index; var colorEndNode = model.InPorts[1].Connectors[0].Start.Owner; var endIndex = model.InPorts[1].Connectors[0].Start.Index; var startId = colorStartNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(startIndex).Name; var endId = colorEndNode.GetAstIdentifierForOutputIndex(endIndex).Name; var startMirror = dm.EngineController.GetMirror(startId); var endMirror = dm.EngineController.GetMirror(endId); object start = null; object end = null; if (startMirror == null) { start = DSCore.Color.ByARGB(255, 192, 192, 192); } else { if (startMirror.GetData().IsCollection) { start = startMirror.GetData().GetElements(). Select(x => x.Data).FirstOrDefault(); } else { start = startMirror.GetData().Data; } } if (endMirror == null) { end = DSCore.Color.ByARGB(255, 64, 64, 64); } else { if (endMirror.GetData().IsCollection) { end = endMirror.GetData().GetElements(). Select(x => x.Data).FirstOrDefault(); } else { end = endMirror.GetData().Data; } } DSCore.Color startColor = start as DSCore.Color; DSCore.Color endColor = end as DSCore.Color; if (null != startColor && null != endColor) { WriteableBitmap bmp = CompleteColorScale(startColor, endColor); drawPlane.Source = bmp; } }); }; }
public void CustomizeView(Directory model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); this.model = model; }
public DynamoConverterControl(DynamoConvert Model, NodeView nodeView) { InitializeComponent(); }
private void Initialize() { SetDefaultSize(300, 0); AddButton("Ok", ResponseType.Ok); AddButton("Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel); var grid = new Grid { ColumnSpacing = 10, RowSpacing = 10, Hexpand = true, }; entrySubject = new Entry { Hexpand = true }; entrySecretary = new Entry { Hexpand = true }; entryDate = new Entry { Hexpand = true }; grid.Attach(new Label("Subject") { Halign = Align.End }, 0, 0, 1, 1); grid.Attach(entrySubject, 1, 0, 1, 1); grid.Attach(new Label("Date") { Halign = Align.End }, 0, 1, 1, 1); grid.Attach(entryDate, 1, 1, 1, 1); grid.Attach(new Label("Secretary") { Halign = Align.End }, 0, 2, 1, 1); grid.Attach(entrySecretary, 1, 2, 1, 1); nodeViewParticiapnts = CreateNodeView <ParticipantModel>(); grid.Attach(new Label("Participants") { Halign = Align.End, Valign = Align.Start }, 0, 3, 1, 1); var participantsVBox = new VBox() { Spacing = 10 }; var participantsButtonBox = new HButtonBox { Halign = Align.Start }; var addParticipantButton = new Button { Label = "Add participant" }; addParticipantButton.Clicked += AddParticipantButton_Clicked;; participantsButtonBox.PackStart(addParticipantButton, false, false, 0); participantsVBox.PackStart(participantsButtonBox, false, false, 0); participantsVBox.PackStart(nodeViewParticiapnts, true, true, 0); grid.Attach(participantsVBox, 1, 3, 1, 1); nodeViewDecisions = CreateNodeView <DecisionModel>(); grid.Attach(new Label("Decisions") { Halign = Align.End, Valign = Align.Start }, 0, 4, 1, 1); var decisionsVBox = new VBox() { Spacing = 10 }; var decisionsButtonBox = new HButtonBox() { Halign = Align.Start }; var addDecisionButton = new Button { Label = "Add decision" }; addDecisionButton.Clicked += AddDecisionButton_Clicked;; decisionsButtonBox.PackStart(addDecisionButton, false, false, 0); decisionsVBox.PackStart(decisionsButtonBox, false, false, 0); decisionsVBox.PackStart(nodeViewDecisions, true, true, 0); grid.Attach(decisionsVBox, 1, 4, 1, 1); ContentArea.PackStart(grid, true, true, 10); }
public ReadMulti3Channel(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public void SetNodeSelect(int index) { ClearSelect(); mSelectNode = mNodes[index]; mSelectNode?.ToggleSelect(true); }
public ReadMulti2Channel(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public void ClearSelect() { mSelectNode?.ToggleSelect(false); mSelectNode = null; }
public MoVecCompose(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public ChannelsToColor(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public override void ConnectShow(Rect rect, NodeView <AINode> node) { // node.dataNode.trigger=(SkillTrigger) EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect,node.dataNode.trigger); }
public ChannelsToColor(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public WriteMulti3Channel(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public void SetStart(NodeView start) { m_Start = start; }
public void CustomizeView(LengthFromString model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); }
public void SetEnd(NodeView end) { m_End = end; }
public void CustomizeView(UnitInput stringInput, NodeView nodeView) { this.nodeModel = stringInput; this.dynamoViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel; this.editWindowItem = new MenuItem { Header = Dynamo.Wpf.Properties.Resources.StringInputNodeEditMenu, IsCheckable = false }; nodeView.MainContextMenu.Items.Add(editWindowItem); editWindowItem.Click += editWindowItem_Click; var grid = new Grid() { Height = Double.NaN, Width = Double.NaN }; RowDefinition rowDef1 = new RowDefinition(); RowDefinition rowDef2 = new RowDefinition(); grid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDef1); grid.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDef2); //add a text box to the input grid of the control var tb = new StringTextBox { TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap, MinHeight = Configurations.PortHeightInPixels, MinWidth = 200, MaxWidth = 300, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch }; grid.Children.Add(tb); Grid.SetColumn(tb, 0); Grid.SetRow(tb, 0); tb.DataContext = stringInput; tb.BindToProperty(new Binding("Value") { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Converter = new StringDisplay(), Source = stringInput, UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.Explicit }); //add a drop down list to the window var combo = new ComboBox { Width = System.Double.NaN, MinWidth = 200, MaxWidth = 300, Height = Configurations.PortHeightInPixels, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Margin = new Thickness(0, 3, 0, 0) }; var dataTemplate = new DataTemplate(); var fef = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TextBlock)); fef.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding() { Converter = new ForgeUnitToTextConverter() }); dataTemplate.DataType = (typeof(TextBlock)); dataTemplate.VisualTree = fef; combo.ItemTemplate = dataTemplate; combo.Style = (Style)SharedDictionaryManager.DynamoModernDictionary["RefreshComboBox"]; grid.Children.Add(combo); Grid.SetColumn(combo, 0); Grid.SetRow(combo, 1); combo.SelectionChanged += delegate { if (combo.SelectedIndex != -1) { nodeModel.OnNodeModified(); } }; combo.DataContext = nodeModel; // bind this combo box to the selected item hash var bindingVal = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("Items") { Source = nodeModel }; combo.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, bindingVal); // bind the selected index to the model property SelectedIndex var indexBinding = new Binding("SelectedUnit") { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, Source = nodeModel }; combo.SetBinding(Selector.SelectedItemProperty, indexBinding); nodeView.inputGrid.Children.Add(grid); }
public void CustomizeView(ElementSelection <DividedSurface> model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); model.RevitDynamoModel = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel.Model as RevitDynamoModel; }
public ChannelNode(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public void CustomizeView(Watch3D model, NodeView nodeView) { model.ViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel; this.watch3dModel = model; var renderingTier = (RenderCapability.Tier >> 16); if (renderingTier < 2) { return; } View = new Watch3DView(model.GUID, watch3dModel) { Width = model.WatchWidth, Height = model.WatchHeight }; var pos = model.CameraPosition; var viewDir = model.LookDirection; View.View.Camera.Position = new Point3D(pos.X, pos.Z, -pos.Y); View.View.Camera.LookDirection = new Vector3D(viewDir.X, viewDir.Z, -viewDir.Y); // When user sizes a watch node, only view gets resized. The actual // NodeModel does not get updated. This is where the view updates the // model whenever its size is updated. //Updated from (Watch3d)View.SizeChanged to nodeView.SizeChanged - height // and width should correspond to node model and not watch3Dview nodeView.SizeChanged += (sender, args) => model.SetSize(args.NewSize.Width, args.NewSize.Height); model.RequestUpdateLatestCameraPosition += this.UpdateLatestCameraPosition; var mi = new MenuItem { Header = DynamoWatch3D.Properties.Resources.ZoomToFit }; mi.Click += mi_Click; nodeView.MainContextMenu.Items.Add(mi); var backgroundRect = new Rectangle { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, IsHitTestVisible = false }; var bc = new BrushConverter(); var strokeBrush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#313131"); backgroundRect.Stroke = strokeBrush; backgroundRect.StrokeThickness = 1; var backgroundBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(240, 240, 240)); backgroundRect.Fill = backgroundBrush; nodeView.PresentationGrid.Children.Add(backgroundRect); nodeView.PresentationGrid.Children.Add(View); nodeView.PresentationGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DataBridge.Instance.RegisterCallback( model.GUID.ToString(), obj => nodeView.Dispatcher.Invoke( new Action <object>(RenderData), DispatcherPriority.Render, obj)); View.Loaded += View_Loaded; }
public WriteMulti2Channel(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public void CustomizeView(Watch3D model, NodeView nodeView) { var dynamoViewModel = nodeView.ViewModel.DynamoViewModel; watch3dModel = model; var renderingTier = (RenderCapability.Tier >> 16); if (renderingTier < 2) { return; } var dynamoModel = dynamoViewModel.Model; var vmParams = new Watch3DViewModelStartupParams(dynamoModel); watch3DViewModel = new HelixWatch3DNodeViewModel(watch3dModel, vmParams); watch3DViewModel.Setup(dynamoViewModel, dynamoViewModel.RenderPackageFactoryViewModel.Factory); if (model.initialCameraData != null) { try { // The deserialization logic is unified between the view model and this node model. // For the node model, we need to supply the deserialization method with the camera node. var cameraNode = model.initialCameraData.ChildNodes.Cast <XmlNode>().FirstOrDefault(innerNode => innerNode.Name.Equals("camera", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var cameraData = watch3DViewModel.DeserializeCamera(cameraNode); watch3DViewModel.SetCameraData(cameraData); } catch { watch3DViewModel.SetCameraData(new CameraData()); } } model.Serialized += model_Serialized; watch3DViewModel.ViewCameraChanged += (s, args) => { var camera = watch3DViewModel.GetCameraInformation(); watch3dModel.Camera.Name = camera.Name; watch3dModel.Camera.EyeX = camera.EyePosition.X; watch3dModel.Camera.EyeY = camera.EyePosition.Y; watch3dModel.Camera.EyeZ = camera.EyePosition.Z; watch3dModel.Camera.LookX = camera.LookDirection.X; watch3dModel.Camera.LookY = camera.LookDirection.Y; watch3dModel.Camera.LookZ = camera.LookDirection.Z; watch3dModel.Camera.UpX = camera.UpDirection.X; watch3dModel.Camera.UpY = camera.UpDirection.Y; watch3dModel.Camera.UpZ = camera.UpDirection.Z; }; watch3DView = new Watch3DView() { Width = model.WatchWidth, Height = model.WatchHeight, DataContext = watch3DViewModel }; // When user sizes a watch node, only view gets resized. The actual // NodeModel does not get updated. This is where the view updates the // model whenever its size is updated. // Updated from (Watch3d)View.SizeChanged to nodeView.SizeChanged - height // and width should correspond to node model and not watch3Dview nodeView.SizeChanged += (sender, args) => model.SetSize(args.NewSize.Width, args.NewSize.Height); // set WatchSize in model watch3DView.View.SizeChanged += (sender, args) => model.SetWatchSize(args.NewSize.Width, args.NewSize.Height); var mi = new MenuItem { Header = Resources.ZoomToFit }; mi.Click += mi_Click; nodeView.MainContextMenu.Items.Add(mi); var backgroundRect = new Rectangle { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, IsHitTestVisible = false, }; var bc = new BrushConverter(); var strokeBrush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#313131"); backgroundRect.Stroke = strokeBrush; backgroundRect.StrokeThickness = 1; var backgroundBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(240, 240, 240)); backgroundRect.Fill = backgroundBrush; nodeView.PresentationGrid.Children.Add(backgroundRect); nodeView.PresentationGrid.Children.Add(watch3DView); nodeView.PresentationGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DataBridge.Instance.RegisterCallback( model.GUID.ToString(), obj => nodeView.Dispatcher.Invoke( new Action <object>(RenderData), DispatcherPriority.Render, obj)); }
public MainWindow() : base(WindowType.Toplevel) { VBox mainVBox = new VBox(false, 0); HBox nodeViewHBox = new HBox(true, 0); HBox crudButtonsHBox = new HBox(true, 0); HBox transactionContolButtonsHBox = new HBox(true, 0); Button refreshButton = new Button("Refresh"); Button createButton = new Button("Create"); Button deleteButton = new Button("Delete"); Button commitButton = new Button("Commit"); Button rollbackButton = new Button("Rollback"); refreshButton.Clicked += RefreshButtonClicked; createButton.Clicked += CreateButtonClicked; deleteButton.Clicked += DeleteButtonClicked; commitButton.Clicked += CommitButtonClicked; rollbackButton.Clicked += RollbackButtonClicked; HSeparator separator = new HSeparator(); view = new NodeView(Store); CellRendererText titleRenderer = new CellRendererText(); CellRendererText contentRenderer = new CellRendererText(); titleRenderer.Editable = true; contentRenderer.Editable = true; titleRenderer.Edited += NoteTitleEdited; contentRenderer.Edited += NoteContentEdited; view.AppendColumn("Title", titleRenderer, "text", 0); view.AppendColumn("Content", contentRenderer, "text", 1); ScrolledWindow scrolledWindow = new ScrolledWindow(); scrolledWindow.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic, PolicyType.Automatic); scrolledWindow.AddWithViewport(view); try { //Если сервер и клиент запускаются из ИДЕ (по порядку, но практически одновременно), //сервер не успевает создать сокет, поэтому надо немного подождать System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); RemotingConfiguration.Configure("remoteNotes.exe.config", false); clientActivated = new NotesClientActivated(); singleton = new NotesSingleton(); singlecall = new NotesTransactionSinglecall(); } catch (System.Net.WebException) { Logger.Write("Unable to connect"); return; } foreach (Note note in singleton.GetPesistentData()) { store.AddNode(new NoteTreeNode(note)); } nodeViewHBox.PackStart(scrolledWindow, false, true, 0); nodeViewHBox.SetSizeRequest(200, 200); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(refreshButton, false, true, 0); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(createButton, false, true, 0); crudButtonsHBox.PackStart(deleteButton, false, true, 0); transactionContolButtonsHBox.PackStart(commitButton, false, true, 0); transactionContolButtonsHBox.PackStart(rollbackButton, false, true, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(nodeViewHBox, true, false, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(crudButtonsHBox, true, false, 0); mainVBox.PackStart(separator, true, false, 2); mainVBox.PackStart(transactionContolButtonsHBox, true, false, 0); Add(mainVBox); mainVBox.ShowAll(); Build(); }
public ChannelNode(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public WriteChannels(NodeView graph) : base(graph) { }
public WriteMulti2Channel(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public WriteChannels(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public MoVecDecompose(NodeView graph, int posX, int posY) : base(graph, posX, posY) { }
public void CustomizeView(WindStructureDynamicResponseTypeSelection model, NodeView nodeView) { base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); WindStrucureDynamicResponseTypeView control = new WindStrucureDynamicResponseTypeView(); control.DataContext = model; nodeView.inputGrid.Children.Add(control); base.CustomizeView(model, nodeView); }