void ValidateShaderStage() { List <MaterialSlot> slots = new List <MaterialSlot>(); GetInputSlots(slots); foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) { slot.stageCapability = ShaderStageCapability.All; } var effectiveStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach (var slot in slots) { var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); if (stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { effectiveStage = stage; break; } } foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) { slot.stageCapability = effectiveStage; } }
public override List<Port> GetCompatiblePorts(Port startAnchor, NodeAdapter nodeAdapter) { var compatibleAnchors = new List<Port>(); var startSlot = startAnchor.GetSlot(); if (startSlot == null) return compatibleAnchors; var startStage = startSlot.stageCapability; if (startStage == ShaderStageCapability.All) startStage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(startSlot, true) & NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(startSlot, false); foreach (var candidateAnchor in ports.ToList()) { var candidateSlot = candidateAnchor.GetSlot(); if (!startSlot.IsCompatibleWith(candidateSlot)) continue; if (startStage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { var candidateStage = candidateSlot.stageCapability; if (candidateStage == ShaderStageCapability.All) candidateStage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(candidateSlot, true) & NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(candidateSlot, false); if (candidateStage != ShaderStageCapability.All && candidateStage != startStage) continue; } compatibleAnchors.Add(candidateAnchor); } return compatibleAnchors; }
private void ValidateShaderStage() { List<MaterialSlot> slots = new List<MaterialSlot>(); GetInputSlots(slots); GetOutputSlots(slots); var subGraphOutputNode = outputNode; if (outputNode != null) { var outputStage = ((SubGraphOutputNode)subGraphOutputNode).effectiveShaderStage; foreach(MaterialSlot slot in slots) slot.stageCapability = outputStage; } ShaderStageCapability effectiveStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach(MaterialSlot slot in slots) { ShaderStageCapability stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, slot.slotType == SlotType.Output); if(stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { effectiveStage = stage; break; } } foreach(MaterialSlot slot in slots) slot.stageCapability = effectiveStage; }
static void CollectInputCapabilities(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph) { // Collect each input's capabilities. There can be multiple property nodes // contributing to the same input, so we cache these in a map while building var inputCapabilities = new Dictionary <string, SlotCapability>(); // Walk all property node output slots, computing and caching the capabilities for that slot var propertyNodes = graph.GetNodes <PropertyNode>(); foreach (var propertyNode in propertyNodes) { foreach (var slot in propertyNode.GetOutputSlots <MaterialSlot>()) { var slotName = slot.RawDisplayName(); SlotCapability capabilityInfo; if (!inputCapabilities.TryGetValue(slotName, out capabilityInfo)) { capabilityInfo = new SlotCapability(); capabilityInfo.slotName = slotName; inputCapabilities.Add(propertyNode.property.displayName, capabilityInfo); } capabilityInfo.capabilities &= NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, false); } } asset.inputCapabilities.AddRange(inputCapabilities.Values); }
public bool IsCompatibleStageWith(MaterialSlot otherSlot) { var startStage = otherSlot.stageCapability; if (startStage == ShaderStageCapability.All) { startStage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(otherSlot, true) & NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(otherSlot, false); } return(startStage == ShaderStageCapability.All || stageCapability == ShaderStageCapability.All || stageCapability == startStage); }
void ValidateShaderStage() { List <MaterialSlot> slots = new List <MaterialSlot>(); GetInputSlots(slots); // Reset all input slots back to All, otherwise they'll be incorrectly configured when traversing below foreach (MaterialSlot slot in slots) { slot.stageCapability = ShaderStageCapability.All; } foreach (var slot in slots) { slot.stageCapability = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); } }
static void ProcessSubGraph(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph) { var registry = new FunctionRegistry(new ShaderStringBuilder(), true); registry.names.Clear(); asset.functions.Clear(); asset.isValid = true; graph.OnEnable(); graph.messageManager.ClearAll(); graph.ValidateGraph(); var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.assetGuid); asset.hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath)); asset.inputStructName = $"Bindings_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}"; asset.functionName = $"SG_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}"; asset.path = graph.path; var outputNode = graph.outputNode; var outputSlots = PooledList <MaterialSlot> .Get(); outputNode.GetInputSlots(outputSlots); List <AbstractMaterialNode> nodes = new List <AbstractMaterialNode>(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodes, outputNode); asset.effectiveShaderStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); if (stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { asset.effectiveShaderStage = stage; break; } } asset.vtFeedbackVariables = VirtualTexturingFeedbackUtils.GetFeedbackVariables(outputNode as SubGraphOutputNode); asset.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(nodes, asset.effectiveShaderStage, false); asset.graphPrecision = graph.concretePrecision; asset.outputPrecision = outputNode.concretePrecision; asset.previewMode = graph.previewMode; GatherDescendentsFromGraph(new GUID(asset.assetGuid), out var containsCircularDependency, out var descendents); asset.descendents.AddRange(descendents.Select(g => g.ToString())); asset.descendents.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order var childrenSet = new HashSet <string>(); var anyErrors = false; foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is SubGraphNode subGraphNode) { var subGraphGuid = subGraphNode.subGraphGuid; childrenSet.Add(subGraphGuid); } if (node.hasError) { anyErrors = true; } asset.children = childrenSet.ToList(); asset.children.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order } if (!anyErrors && containsCircularDependency) { Debug.LogError($"Error in Graph at {assetPath}: Sub Graph contains a circular dependency.", asset); anyErrors = true; } if (anyErrors) { asset.isValid = false; registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => { }); return; } foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesFunction generatesFunction) { registry.builder.currentNode = node; generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(registry, GenerationMode.ForReals); registry.builder.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } } // provide top level subgraph function registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => { GenerationUtils.GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(sb, asset.requirements, asset.inputStructName); sb.AppendNewLine(); // Generate arguments... first INPUTS var arguments = new List <string>(); foreach (var prop in graph.properties) { prop.ValidateConcretePrecision(asset.graphPrecision); arguments.Add(prop.GetPropertyAsArgumentString()); } // now pass surface inputs arguments.Add(string.Format("{0} IN", asset.inputStructName)); // Now generate outputs foreach (MaterialSlot output in outputSlots) { arguments.Add($"out {output.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(asset.outputPrecision)} {output.shaderOutputName}_{output.id}"); } // Vt Feedback arguments foreach (var output in asset.vtFeedbackVariables) { arguments.Add($"out {ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4.ToShaderString(ConcretePrecision.Single)} {output}_out"); } // Create the function prototype from the arguments sb.AppendLine("void {0}({1})" , asset.functionName , arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}, {next}")); // now generate the function using (sb.BlockScope()) { // Just grab the body from the active nodes foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesBodyCode generatesBodyCode) { sb.currentNode = node; generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sb, GenerationMode.ForReals); sb.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } } foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot.shaderOutputName}_{slot.id} = {outputNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, GenerationMode.ForReals, asset.outputPrecision)};"); } foreach (var slot in asset.vtFeedbackVariables) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot}_out = {slot};"); } } }); asset.functions.AddRange(registry.names.Select(x => new FunctionPair(x, registry.sources[x].code))); var collector = new PropertyCollector(); foreach (var node in nodes) { int previousPropertyCount = Math.Max(0, collector.properties.Count - 1); node.CollectShaderProperties(collector, GenerationMode.ForReals); // This is a stop-gap to prevent the autogenerated values from JsonObject and ShaderInput from // resulting in non-deterministic import data. While we should move to local ids in the future, // this will prevent cascading shader recompilations. for (int i = previousPropertyCount; i < collector.properties.Count; ++i) { var prop = collector.properties[i]; var namespaceId = node.objectId; var nameId = prop.referenceName; prop.OverrideObjectId(namespaceId, nameId + "_ObjectId_" + i); prop.OverrideGuid(namespaceId, nameId + "_Guid_" + i); } } asset.WriteData(graph.properties, graph.keywords, collector.properties, outputSlots, graph.unsupportedTargets); outputSlots.Dispose(); }
static void ProcessSubGraph(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph) { var graphIncludes = new IncludeCollection(); var registry = new FunctionRegistry(new ShaderStringBuilder(), graphIncludes, true); asset.functions.Clear(); asset.isValid = true; graph.OnEnable(); graph.messageManager.ClearAll(); graph.ValidateGraph(); var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.assetGuid); asset.hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath)); asset.inputStructName = $"Bindings_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}_$precision"; asset.functionName = $"SG_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}_$precision"; asset.path = graph.path; var outputNode = graph.outputNode; var outputSlots = PooledList <MaterialSlot> .Get(); outputNode.GetInputSlots(outputSlots); List <AbstractMaterialNode> nodes = new List <AbstractMaterialNode>(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodes, outputNode); asset.effectiveShaderStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); if (stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { asset.effectiveShaderStage = stage; break; } } asset.vtFeedbackVariables = VirtualTexturingFeedbackUtils.GetFeedbackVariables(outputNode as SubGraphOutputNode); asset.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(nodes, asset.effectiveShaderStage, false); // output precision is whatever the output node has as a graph precision, falling back to the graph default asset.outputGraphPrecision = outputNode.graphPrecision.GraphFallback(graph.graphDefaultPrecision); // this saves the graph precision, which indicates whether this subgraph is switchable or not asset.subGraphGraphPrecision = graph.graphDefaultPrecision; asset.previewMode = graph.previewMode; asset.includes = graphIncludes; GatherDescendentsFromGraph(new GUID(asset.assetGuid), out var containsCircularDependency, out var descendents); asset.descendents.AddRange(descendents.Select(g => g.ToString())); asset.descendents.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order var childrenSet = new HashSet <string>(); var anyErrors = false; foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is SubGraphNode subGraphNode) { var subGraphGuid = subGraphNode.subGraphGuid; childrenSet.Add(subGraphGuid); } if (node.hasError) { anyErrors = true; } asset.children = childrenSet.ToList(); asset.children.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order } if (!anyErrors && containsCircularDependency) { Debug.LogError($"Error in Graph at {assetPath}: Sub Graph contains a circular dependency.", asset); anyErrors = true; } if (anyErrors) { asset.isValid = false; registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => {}); return; } foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesFunction generatesFunction) { registry.builder.currentNode = node; generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(registry, GenerationMode.ForReals); } } // provide top level subgraph function // NOTE: actual concrete precision here shouldn't matter, it's irrelevant when building the subgraph asset registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, asset.subGraphGraphPrecision, ConcretePrecision.Single, sb => { GenerationUtils.GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(sb, asset.requirements, asset.inputStructName); sb.AppendNewLine(); // Generate the arguments... first INPUTS var arguments = new List <string>(); foreach (var prop in graph.properties) { // apply fallback to the graph default precision (but don't convert to concrete) // this means "graph switchable" properties will use the precision token GraphPrecision propGraphPrecision = prop.precision.ToGraphPrecision(graph.graphDefaultPrecision); string precisionString = propGraphPrecision.ToGenericString(); arguments.Add(prop.GetPropertyAsArgumentString(precisionString)); if (prop.isConnectionTestable) { arguments.Add($"bool {prop.GetConnectionStateHLSLVariableName()}"); } } { var dropdowns = graph.dropdowns; foreach (var dropdown in dropdowns) { arguments.Add($"int {dropdown.referenceName}"); } } // now pass surface inputs arguments.Add(string.Format("{0} IN", asset.inputStructName)); // Now generate output arguments foreach (MaterialSlot output in outputSlots) { arguments.Add($"out {output.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(asset.outputGraphPrecision.ToGenericString())} {output.shaderOutputName}_{output.id}"); } // Vt Feedback output arguments (always full float4) foreach (var output in asset.vtFeedbackVariables) { arguments.Add($"out {ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4.ToShaderString(ConcretePrecision.Single)} {output}_out"); } // Create the function prototype from the arguments sb.AppendLine("void {0}({1})" , asset.functionName , arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}, {next}")); // now generate the function using (sb.BlockScope()) { // Just grab the body from the active nodes foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesBodyCode generatesBodyCode) { sb.currentNode = node; generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sb, GenerationMode.ForReals); if (node.graphPrecision == GraphPrecision.Graph) { // code generated by nodes that use graph precision stays in generic form with embedded tokens // those tokens are replaced when this subgraph function is pulled into a graph that defines the precision } else { sb.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } } } foreach (var slot in outputSlots) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot.shaderOutputName}_{slot.id} = {outputNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, GenerationMode.ForReals)};"); } foreach (var slot in asset.vtFeedbackVariables) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot}_out = {slot};"); } } }); // save all of the node-declared functions to the subgraph asset foreach (var name in registry.names) { var source = registry.sources[name]; var func = new FunctionPair(name, source.code, source.graphPrecisionFlags); asset.functions.Add(func); } var collector = new PropertyCollector(); foreach (var node in nodes) { int previousPropertyCount = Math.Max(0, collector.propertyCount - 1); node.CollectShaderProperties(collector, GenerationMode.ForReals); // This is a stop-gap to prevent the autogenerated values from JsonObject and ShaderInput from // resulting in non-deterministic import data. While we should move to local ids in the future, // this will prevent cascading shader recompilations. for (int i = previousPropertyCount; i < collector.propertyCount; ++i) { var prop = collector.GetProperty(i); var namespaceId = node.objectId; var nameId = prop.referenceName; prop.OverrideObjectId(namespaceId, nameId + "_ObjectId_" + i); prop.OverrideGuid(namespaceId, nameId + "_Guid_" + i); } } asset.WriteData(graph.properties, graph.keywords, graph.dropdowns, collector.properties, outputSlots, graph.unsupportedTargets); outputSlots.Dispose(); }
static void ProcessSubGraph(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph) { var registry = new FunctionRegistry(new ShaderStringBuilder(), true); registry.names.Clear(); asset.functions.Clear(); asset.nodeProperties.Clear(); asset.isValid = true; graph.OnEnable(); graph.messageManager.ClearAll(); graph.ValidateGraph(); var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.assetGuid); asset.hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath)); asset.inputStructName = $"Bindings_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}"; asset.functionName = $"SG_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}"; asset.path = graph.path; var outputNode = (SubGraphOutputNode)graph.outputNode; asset.outputs.Clear(); outputNode.GetInputSlots(asset.outputs); List <AbstractMaterialNode> nodes = new List <AbstractMaterialNode>(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodes, outputNode); asset.effectiveShaderStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach (var slot in asset.outputs) { var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); if (stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { asset.effectiveShaderStage = stage; break; } } asset.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(nodes, asset.effectiveShaderStage, false); asset.inputs = graph.properties.ToList(); asset.graphPrecision = graph.concretePrecision; asset.outputPrecision = outputNode.concretePrecision; GatherFromGraph(assetPath, out var containsCircularDependency, out var descendents); asset.descendents.AddRange(descendents); var childrenSet = new HashSet <string>(); var anyErrors = false; foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is SubGraphNode subGraphNode) { var subGraphGuid = subGraphNode.subGraphGuid; if (childrenSet.Add(subGraphGuid)) { asset.children.Add(subGraphGuid); } } if (node.hasError) { anyErrors = true; } } if (!anyErrors && containsCircularDependency) { Debug.LogError($"Error in Graph at {assetPath}: Sub Graph contains a circular dependency.", asset); anyErrors = true; } if (anyErrors) { asset.isValid = false; registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => { }); return; } foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesFunction generatesFunction) { registry.builder.currentNode = node; generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(registry, new GraphContext(asset.inputStructName), GenerationMode.ForReals); registry.builder.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } } registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => { var graphContext = new GraphContext(asset.inputStructName); GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(sb, asset.requirements, asset.inputStructName); sb.AppendNewLine(); // Generate arguments... first INPUTS var arguments = new List <string>(); foreach (var prop in asset.inputs) { prop.ValidateConcretePrecision(asset.graphPrecision); arguments.Add(string.Format("{0}", prop.GetPropertyAsArgumentString())); } // now pass surface inputs arguments.Add(string.Format("{0} IN", asset.inputStructName)); // Now generate outputs foreach (var output in asset.outputs) { arguments.Add($"out {output.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(asset.outputPrecision)} {output.shaderOutputName}_{output.id}"); } // Create the function prototype from the arguments sb.AppendLine("void {0}({1})" , asset.functionName , arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}, {next}")); // now generate the function using (sb.BlockScope()) { // Just grab the body from the active nodes foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesBodyCode generatesBodyCode) { sb.currentNode = node; generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sb, graphContext, GenerationMode.ForReals); sb.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString()); } } foreach (var slot in asset.outputs) { sb.AppendLine($"{slot.shaderOutputName}_{slot.id} = {outputNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, GenerationMode.ForReals, asset.outputPrecision)};"); } } }); asset.functions.AddRange(registry.names.Select(x => new FunctionPair(x, registry.sources[x]))); var collector = new PropertyCollector(); asset.nodeProperties = collector.properties; foreach (var node in nodes) { node.CollectShaderProperties(collector, GenerationMode.ForReals); } asset.OnBeforeSerialize(); }
static void ProcessSubGraph(Dictionary <string, SubGraphData> subGraphMap, FunctionRegistry registry, SubGraphData subGraphData, GraphData graph) { registry.names.Clear(); subGraphData.functionNames.Clear(); subGraphData.nodeProperties.Clear(); subGraphData.isValid = true; graph.OnEnable(); graph.messageManager.ClearAll(); graph.ValidateGraph(); var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(subGraphData.assetGuid); subGraphData.hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath)); subGraphData.inputStructName = $"Bindings_{subGraphData.hlslName}_{subGraphData.assetGuid}"; subGraphData.functionName = $"SG_{subGraphData.hlslName}_{subGraphData.assetGuid}"; subGraphData.path = graph.path; var outputNode = (SubGraphOutputNode)graph.outputNode; subGraphData.outputs.Clear(); outputNode.GetInputSlots(subGraphData.outputs); List <AbstractMaterialNode> nodes = new List <AbstractMaterialNode>(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodes, outputNode); subGraphData.effectiveShaderStage = ShaderStageCapability.All; foreach (var slot in subGraphData.outputs) { var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true); if (stage != ShaderStageCapability.All) { subGraphData.effectiveShaderStage = stage; break; } } subGraphData.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(nodes, subGraphData.effectiveShaderStage, false); subGraphData.inputs = graph.properties.ToList(); foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node.hasError) { subGraphData.isValid = false; registry.ProvideFunction(subGraphData.functionName, sb => { }); return; } } foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is SubGraphNode subGraphNode) { var nestedData = subGraphMap[subGraphNode.subGraphGuid]; foreach (var functionName in nestedData.functionNames) { registry.names.Add(functionName); } } else if (node is IGeneratesFunction generatesFunction) { generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(registry, new GraphContext(subGraphData.inputStructName), GenerationMode.ForReals); } } registry.ProvideFunction(subGraphData.functionName, sb => { var graphContext = new GraphContext(subGraphData.inputStructName); GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(sb, subGraphData.requirements, subGraphData.inputStructName); sb.AppendNewLine(); // Generate arguments... first INPUTS var arguments = new List <string>(); foreach (var prop in subGraphData.inputs) { arguments.Add(string.Format("{0}", prop.GetPropertyAsArgumentString())); } // now pass surface inputs arguments.Add(string.Format("{0} IN", subGraphData.inputStructName)); // Now generate outputs foreach (var output in subGraphData.outputs) { arguments.Add($"out {output.concreteValueType.ToString(outputNode.precision)} {output.shaderOutputName}_{output.id}"); } // Create the function prototype from the arguments sb.AppendLine("void {0}({1})" , subGraphData.functionName , arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}, {next}")); // now generate the function using (sb.BlockScope()) { // Just grab the body from the active nodes var bodyGenerator = new ShaderGenerator(); foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node is IGeneratesBodyCode) { (node as IGeneratesBodyCode).GenerateNodeCode(bodyGenerator, graphContext, GenerationMode.ForReals); } } foreach (var slot in subGraphData.outputs) { bodyGenerator.AddShaderChunk($"{slot.shaderOutputName}_{slot.id} = {outputNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, GenerationMode.ForReals)};"); } sb.Append(bodyGenerator.GetShaderString(1)); } }); subGraphData.functionNames.AddRange(registry.names.Distinct()); var collector = new PropertyCollector(); subGraphData.nodeProperties = collector.properties; foreach (var node in nodes) { node.CollectShaderProperties(collector, GenerationMode.ForReals); } subGraphData.OnBeforeSerialize(); }
public void SubGraphDescendentsTests() { var graphPath = targetUnityDirectoryPath + "/ShaderStageCapability_Graph.shadergraph"; string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(graphPath); var graphGuid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(graphPath); var messageManager = new MessageManager(); GraphData graphData = new GraphData() { assetGuid = graphGuid, messageManager = messageManager }; MultiJson.Deserialize(graphData, fileContents); graphData.OnEnable(); graphData.ValidateGraph(); var subGraphnodeName = "ShaderStageCapability_SubGraph"; var subGraphNode = FindFirstNodeOfType <SubGraphNode>(graphData, subGraphnodeName); if (subGraphNode == null) { Assert.Fail("Failed to find sub graph node for {0}", subGraphnodeName); return; } var expectedSlotCapabilities = new Dictionary <string, ShaderStageCapability> { { "NotConnectedOut", ShaderStageCapability.All }, { "NotConnectedInput", ShaderStageCapability.All }, { "InternalVertexLockedOut", ShaderStageCapability.Vertex }, { "InternalFragmentLockedOut", ShaderStageCapability.Fragment }, { "InternalBothLockedOut", ShaderStageCapability.None }, { "InternalVertexLockedInput", ShaderStageCapability.Vertex }, { "InternalFragmentLockedInput", ShaderStageCapability.Fragment }, { "InternalBothLockedInput", ShaderStageCapability.None }, // Output A is connected to InputA which is attached to a vertex locked node in the parent graph { "OutputA", ShaderStageCapability.Vertex }, // Output B is connected to InputB which is attached to a fragment locked node in the parent graph { "OutputB", ShaderStageCapability.Fragment }, // OutputAB is connected to InputA and InputB { "OutputAB", ShaderStageCapability.None }, // InputC is connected to OutputC which is hooked up to the vertex output in the parent graph { "InputC", ShaderStageCapability.Vertex }, // InputD is connected to OutputD which is hooked up to the fragment output in the parent graph { "InputD", ShaderStageCapability.Fragment }, // InputEF is split into OutputE and OutputF which are hooked up to vertex and fragment outputs in the parent graph { "InputEF", ShaderStageCapability.None }, }; var slotNameToId = new Dictionary <string, MaterialSlot>(); var slots = subGraphNode.GetSlots <MaterialSlot>(); foreach (var slot in slots) { slotNameToId[slot.RawDisplayName()] = slot; } foreach (var expectedSlotResult in expectedSlotCapabilities) { var slotName = expectedSlotResult.Key; var expectedSlotValue = expectedSlotResult.Value; if (slotNameToId.TryGetValue(slotName, out var slot)) { var capabilities = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true) & NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, false); Assert.AreEqual(capabilities, expectedSlotValue, "Slot {0} expected shader capability {1} but was {2}", slotName, expectedSlotValue, capabilities); } else { Assert.Fail("Expected slot {0} wasn't found", slotName); } } }