예제 #1
    public void Init(int level, string id, GameObject edge)
        myLevel = level;
        ID      = id;
        Edge    = edge;

        billboard         = gameObject.GetComponent <Billboard>();
        billboard.enabled = false;

        if (CovidNetworkManager.Node_MetaInfo_Dictionary.ContainsKey(ID))
            metaInfo = CovidNetworkManager.Node_MetaInfo_Dictionary[ID];
            metaInfo = new NodeMetaInfo();
        //Assigning Countryname as label
        if (metaInfo != null)
            Date = metaInfo.Collection_Data;

            if (Date != "" && Date != null)
                MyCollectionDate = DateTime.Parse(Date);

            if (metaInfo.Country == null || metaInfo.Country == "")
                Country.text = "Unknown";
                Country.text = metaInfo.Country;
                //Assigning Colors based on Countries
                Debug.Log("CountryInfo : " + metaInfo.Country);
                if (CovidNetworkManager.CountryAndCounts.ContainsKey(metaInfo.Country))
                    NetworkCountries countryInfo = CovidNetworkManager.CountryAndCounts[metaInfo.Country];
                    Material         mat         = countryInfo.mat;
                    Renderer         rand        = NodeRep.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    mat.mainTexture = rand.material.mainTexture;
                    rand.material   = mat;

                    //myColor = countryInfo.Color;
                    if (Edge != null)
                        LineRenderer lr = Edge.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
                        lr.SetColors(countryInfo.Color, countryInfo.Color);
                        initWidth = lr.startWidth;
                        myColor   = lr.startColor;
                        Edge.GetComponent <GraphLineTextureAnimation>().enabled = false;
예제 #2
    public Path AStar(Vector2 pos, Vector2 target, bool debug)
            int maxSize = gridManager.gridSize * gridManager.gridSize;
            //int maxSize = (int)((target-pos).sqrMagnitude / 2);
            List <NodeMetaInfo> toExplore = new List <NodeMetaInfo>(maxSize);                               // might be a good candidate for pooling if we have constant requests
            Dictionary <Vector2, NodeMetaInfo> nodeMetas = new Dictionary <Vector2, NodeMetaInfo>(maxSize); // need to track costFromStart separatelly, since we're recreating nodes on the fly

            // we're looking for a path in grid space, so have to convert it
            Vector2 targetInd  = gridManager.GetIndices(target);
            Node    targetNode = new Node();
            targetNode.loc = targetInd;
                Node startNode = new Node();
                startNode.loc = gridManager.GetIndices(pos);

                NodeMetaInfo metaInfo = new NodeMetaInfo();
                metaInfo.costFromStart = 0;
                metaInfo.estCostToEnd  = EstimatedCostToTarget(startNode, targetNode);
                metaInfo.totalCost     = metaInfo.costFromStart + metaInfo.estCostToEnd;
                metaInfo.parent        = null;
                metaInfo.node          = startNode;

                nodeMetas[startNode.loc] = metaInfo;

            Path path   = null;
            Rect bounds = new Rect(Vector2.zero, Vector2.one * gridManager.gridSize);
            while (toExplore.Count > 0)
                NodeMetaInfo nodeMeta = toExplore[0];
                Node node = nodeMeta.node;
                if (node.loc == targetInd)
                    // we found our path - need to unroll it
                    path          = new Path();
                    path.hasDebug = debug;
                    while (node != null)
                        node = nodeMetas[node.loc].parent;
                    path.totalVisited = nodeMetas.Count;

                    if (debug)
                        path.allVisited = new List <NodeMetaInfo>();
                        foreach (NodeMetaInfo info in nodeMetas.Values)
                    // probably not the best way to do it, but don't see a better way right now
                    for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++)
                        for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++)
                            if (x == 0 && y == 0) // avoid creating the same node

                            Vector2 newPos = node.loc + new Vector2(x, y);
                            if (!bounds.Contains(newPos)) // avoid out of bounds cases

                            Node newNode = new Node();
                            newNode.loc = newPos;
                            NodeMetaInfo newNodeMeta;

                            // checking to see whether the new cost that we calculated for this is better
                            float newCost      = nodeMeta.costFromStart + CostOfSingleStep(node, newNode);
                            bool  inSorted     = false;
                            float oldTotalCost = 0;
                            if (nodeMetas.TryGetValue(newNode.loc, out newNodeMeta))
                                // we visited this node before - means we have calculated the cost before once
                                // check whether it's faster to get to new node from current position, rather than old
                                if (newCost < newNodeMeta.costFromStart)
                                    // do early search (relies on totalCost internally for lookup)
                                    inSorted     = toExplore.ContainsSorted(newNodeMeta);
                                    oldTotalCost = newNodeMeta.totalCost;

                                    // the node already has an estimate to target calculated, and current node set
                                    // meaning we need to update only part of the info
                                    newNodeMeta.parent        = node;
                                    newNodeMeta.costFromStart = newCost;
                                    newNodeMeta.totalCost     = newNodeMeta.costFromStart + newNodeMeta.estCostToEnd;

                                    if (inSorted)
                                        toExplore.UpdateInSorted(newNodeMeta, oldTotalCost);
                                newNodeMeta = new NodeMetaInfo();
                                newNodeMeta.costFromStart = newCost;
                                nodeMetas[newNode.loc]    = newNodeMeta;

                                // this node is explored for the first time
                                // either way, update it's information
                                newNodeMeta.node         = newNode;
                                newNodeMeta.parent       = node;
                                newNodeMeta.estCostToEnd = EstimatedCostToTarget(newNode, targetNode);
                                newNodeMeta.totalCost    = newNodeMeta.costFromStart + newNodeMeta.estCostToEnd;


        catch (System.Exception e)
            Dispatcher.Instance.Add(() => { Debug.LogError(e.ToString()); });