public bool Initialize() { _actionReceiver = new NodeAction("DynamicLoadManager"); _actionReceiver.OnAction += ActionReceiver_OnAction; _zflipMatrix = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, -1), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)); GizmoSDK.GizmoBase.Message.Send("SceneManager", MessageLevel.DEBUG, "Loading Graph"); GizmoSDK.Gizmo3D.Platform.Initialize(); NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); _native_camera = new PerspCamera("Test"); _native_camera.RoiPosition = true; _controller.Camera = _native_camera; _native_scene = new Scene("TestScene"); _native_context = new Context(); //native_camera.Debug(native_context); _native_traverse_action = new CullTraverseAction(); DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad += DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; _native_camera.Scene = _native_scene; NodeLock.UnLock(); DbManager.Initialize(); return(true); }
public bool ResetMap() { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); foreach (var p in pendingLoaders) { p.loader?.Dispose(); p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingLoaders.Clear(); foreach (var p in pendingActivations) { p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingActivations.Clear(); RemoveGameObjectHandles(_root); _controller.Reset(); NodeLock.UnLock(); return(true); }
public bool Uninitialize() { ResetMap(); DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad -= DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; _actionReceiver.OnAction -= ActionReceiver_OnAction; NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); _native_camera.Debug(_native_context, false); _native_camera.Dispose(); _native_camera = null; _native_context.Dispose(); _native_context = null; _native_scene.Dispose(); _native_scene = null; _actionReceiver.Dispose(); _actionReceiver = null; NodeLock.UnLock(); GizmoSDK.Gizmo3D.Platform.UnInitialize(); _plugin_initializer = null; return(true); }
public bool Uninitialize() { DynamicLoaderManager.StopManager(); ResetMap(); DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad -= DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; _actionReceiver.OnAction -= ActionReceiver_OnAction; NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { _native_camera.Debug(_native_context, false); _native_camera.Dispose(); _native_camera = null; _native_context.Dispose(); _native_context = null; _native_scene.Dispose(); _native_scene = null; _actionReceiver.Dispose(); _actionReceiver = null; } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } return(true); }
override public void Release() { if (IsValid()) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); base.Release(); NodeLock.UnLock(); } }
// The LoadMap function takes an URL and loads the map into GizmoSDK native db public bool LoadMap(string mapURL) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); // We assume we do all editing from main thread and to allow render we assume we edit in edit mode if (!ResetMap()) { NodeLock.UnLock(); return(false); } var node = DbManager.LoadDB(mapURL); if (node == null || !node.IsValid()) { NodeLock.UnLock(); return(false); } MapUrl = mapURL; _native_scene.AddNode(node); _controller.CurrentMap = node; _native_scene.Debug(); _root = new GameObject("root"); GameObject scene = Traverse(node, null); scene.transform.SetParent(_root.transform, false); // As GizmoSDK has a flipped Z axis going out of the screen we need a top transform to flip Z _root.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); //// Add example object under ROI -------------------------------------------------------------- //MapPos mapPos; //GetMapPosition(new LatPos(1.0084718541, 0.24984267815,300),out mapPos, GroundClampType.GROUND,true); //GameObject sphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); //sphere.transform.parent = FindFirstGameObjectTransform(mapPos.roiNode); //sphere.transform.localPosition = mapPos.position.ToVector3(); //sphere.transform.localScale = new Vector3(10,10,10); //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NodeLock.UnLock(); return(true); }
// We need to release all existing objects in a locked mode void OnDestroy() { // Basically all nodes in the GameObject scene should already be release by callbacks but there might be some nodes left that needs this behaviour if (node != null) { if (node.IsValid()) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); node.Dispose(); NodeLock.UnLock(); } } }
public static bool UnInitialize(bool forceShutdown = false, bool shutdownBase = false) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); DynamicLoader.UnInitialize(); UnInitializeFactories(); NodeLock.UnLock(); bool result = Platform_uninitialize(forceShutdown, shutdownBase); return(result); }
public bool Uninitialize() { if (!_initialized) { return(false); } // Stop manager DynamicLoaderManager.StopManager(); ResetMap(); // Remove actions DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad -= DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; _actionReceiver.OnAction -= ActionReceiver_OnAction; NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { _native_camera.Debug(_native_context, false); _native_camera.Dispose(); _native_camera = null; _native_context.Dispose(); _native_context = null; _native_scene.Dispose(); _native_scene = null; _actionReceiver.Dispose(); _actionReceiver = null; } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } // Drop platform streamer GizmoSDK.Gizmo3D.Platform.Uninitialize(); _initialized = false; return(true); }
public bool InitializeInternal() { _actionReceiver = new NodeAction("DynamicLoadManager"); _actionReceiver.OnAction += ActionReceiver_OnAction; _zflipMatrix = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, -1), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)); GizmoSDK.GizmoBase.Message.Send("SceneManager", MessageLevel.DEBUG, "Loading Graph"); NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { _native_camera = new PerspCamera("Test"); _native_camera.RoiPosition = true; MapControl.SystemMap.Camera = _native_camera; _native_scene = new Scene("TestScene"); _native_context = new Context(); #if DEBUG_CAMERA _native_camera.Debug(_native_context); // Enable to debug view #endif // DEBUG_CAMERA _native_traverse_action = new CullTraverseAction(); DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad += DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; _native_camera.Scene = _native_scene; } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } DynamicLoader.UsePreCache(true); // Enable use of mipmap creation on dynamic loading DynamicLoaderManager.SetNumberOfActiveLoaders(4); // Lets start with 4 parallell threads DynamicLoaderManager.StartManager(); return(true); }
public RoiNode GetClosestRoiNode(Vec3D position) { RoiNode node; // We must call this from a node locked state as childs might unload during other edits try { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); node = CreateObject(Roi_getClosestRoiNode(GetNativeReference(), ref position)) as RoiNode; } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } return(node); }
// We need to release all existing objects in a locked mode void OnDestroy() { // Basically all nodes in the GameObject scene should already be release by callbacks but there might be some nodes left that needs this behaviour if (node != null) { if (inNodeUtilsRegistry) { NodeUtils.RemoveGameObjectReference(node.GetNativeReference(), gameObject); inNodeUtilsRegistry = false; } if (node.IsValid()) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); node.Dispose(); NodeLock.UnLock(); } } }
public bool FindGameObjects(Node node, out List <GameObject> gameObjectList) { gameObjectList = null; if (node == null) { return(false); } if (!node.IsValid()) { return(false); } NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); bool result = currentObjects.TryGetValue(node.GetNativeReference(), out gameObjectList); NodeLock.UnLock(); return(result); }
public bool ResetMap() { //MapUrl = null; NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { foreach (var p in pendingLoaders) { p.loader?.Dispose(); p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingLoaders.Clear(); foreach (var p in pendingActivations) { p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingActivations.Clear(); if (_root) { Free(_root.transform); _root = null; } MapControl.SystemMap.Reset(); } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } return(true); }
public void Reset() { try { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); // All change of map parameters shall be done in locked edit mode _mapType = MapType.UNKNOWN; _topRoi = null; _currentMap = null; _nodeURL = null; _origin = new Vec3D(0, 0, 0); _metaData = new CoordinateSystemMetaData(); _coordSystem = new CoordinateSystem(); } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); ProcessPendingUpdates(); // Transfer camera parameters PerspCamera perspCamera = _native_camera as PerspCamera; if (perspCamera != null) { perspCamera.VerticalFOV = UnityCamera.fieldOfView; perspCamera.HorizontalFOV = 2 * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(UnityCamera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad / 2) * UnityCamera.aspect) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;; perspCamera.NearClipPlane = UnityCamera.nearClipPlane; perspCamera.FarClipPlane = UnityCamera.farClipPlane; } Matrix4x4 unity_camera_transform = UnityCamera.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; Matrix4x4 gz_transform = _zflipMatrix * unity_camera_transform * _zflipMatrix; _native_camera.Transform = gz_transform.ToMatrix4(); IWorldCoord ctrl = UnityCamera.GetComponent <IWorldCoord>(); if (ctrl != null) { _native_camera.Position = ctrl.Position; } NodeLock.UnLock(); NodeLock.WaitLockRender(); _native_camera.Render(_native_context, 1000, 1000, 1000, _native_traverse_action); //native_camera.DebugRefresh(); NodeLock.UnLock(); }
public bool ResetMap() { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { foreach (var p in pendingLoaders) { p.loader?.Dispose(); p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingLoaders.Clear(); foreach (var p in pendingActivations) { p.node?.Dispose(); } pendingActivations.Clear(); RemoveGameObjectHandles(_root); GameObject.Destroy(_root); _root = null; MapControl.SystemMap.Reset(); } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } return(true); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (m_Instance == null) { return; } this.DrawDefaultInspector(); // Expose the decorated fields ExposeProperties.Expose(m_fields); GUILayoutOption[] emptyOptions = new GUILayoutOption[0]; if (m_Instance.node == null || !m_Instance.node.IsValid()) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No created native Node Handle", emptyOptions); m_defaultClass = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Class Name", m_defaultClass, emptyOptions); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(emptyOptions); if (GUILayout.Button("Create " + m_defaultClass)) { } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Presentation Area of node attributes /// Shall reamin Locked /// try { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool change = false; if (PropEdit_Object(m_Instance.node as GizmoSDK.GizmoBase.Object)) { change = true; } if (PropEdit_Node(m_Instance.node as Node)) { change = true; } if (PropEdit_DynamicLoader(m_Instance.node as DynamicLoader)) { change = true; } if (change) { m_Instance.node.SetDirtySaveData(true); } if (m_Instance.node.HasDirtySaveData()) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(emptyOptions); if (GUILayout.Button("Save")) { m_Instance.node.SaveDirtyData(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } }
public bool InitializeInternal() { // Initialize streamer APIs if (!GizmoSDK.Gizmo3D.Platform.Initialize()) { return(false); } // Initialize formats DbManager.Initialize(); GizmoSDK.GizmoBase.Message.Send("SceneManager", MessageLevel.DEBUG, "Initialize Graph Streaming"); // Add builder for registered types AddDefaultBuilders(); // Setup internal subscription events _actionReceiver = new NodeAction("DynamicLoadManager"); _actionReceiver.OnAction += ActionReceiver_OnAction; DynamicLoader.OnDynamicLoad += DynamicLoader_OnDynamicLoad; NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); try // We are now locked in edit { // Camera setup _native_camera = new PerspCamera("Test"); _native_camera.RoiPosition = true; MapControl.SystemMap.Camera = _native_camera; // Top scene _native_scene = new Scene("Scene"); _native_camera.Scene = _native_scene; // Top context _native_context = new Context(); #if DEBUG_CAMERA // If we want to visualize debug 3D _native_camera.Debug(_native_context); // Enable to debug view #endif // DEBUG_CAMERA // Default travrser _native_traverse_action = new CullTraverseAction(); // _native_traverse_action.SetOmniTraverser(true); // To skip camera cull and use LOD in omni directions } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } // Set up dynamic loading DynamicLoader.UsePreCache(true); // Enable use of mipmap creation on dynamic loading DynamicLoaderManager.SetNumberOfActiveLoaders(Settings.DynamicLoaders); // Lets start with 4 parallell threads DynamicLoaderManager.StartManager(); // Start coroutines for asset loading StartCoroutine(AssetLoader()); return(true); }
// The LoadMap function takes an URL and loads the map into GizmoSDK native db public bool LoadMap(string mapURL) { NodeLock.WaitLockEdit(); // We assume we do all editing from main thread and to allow render we assume we edit in edit mode try // We are now locked in edit { if (!ResetMap()) { return(false); } var node = DbManager.LoadDB(mapURL); if (node == null || !node.IsValid()) { Message.Send(ID, MessageLevel.WARNING, $"Failed to load map {mapURL}"); return(false); } MapUrl = mapURL; MapControl.SystemMap.NodeURL = mapURL; MapControl.SystemMap.CurrentMap = node; _native_scene.AddNode(MapControl.SystemMap.CurrentMap); _native_scene.Debug(); _root = new GameObject("root"); GameObject scene = Traverse(MapControl.SystemMap.CurrentMap, null); if (scene != null) { scene.transform.SetParent(_root.transform, false); } // As GizmoSDK has a flipped Z axis going out of the screen we need a top transform to flip Z _root.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); //// Add example object under ROI -------------------------------------------------------------- //MapPos mapPos; //GetMapPosition(new LatPos(1.0084718541, 0.24984267815, 300), out mapPos, GroundClampType.GROUND, true); //_test = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); //_test.transform.parent = FindFirstGameObjectTransform(mapPos.roiNode); //_test.transform.localPosition = mapPos.position.ToVector3(); //_test.transform.localScale = new Vector3(10, 10, 10); if (SceneManagerCamera != null) { SceneManagerCamera.MapChanged(); } OnMapChanged?.Invoke(node); } finally { NodeLock.UnLock(); } return(true); }