// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239#section-6 private void AppendNode(IPAddress ipAddress, int port, NodeFormat format, StringBuilder builder) { // "It is important to note that an IPv6 address and any nodename with // node-port specified MUST be quoted, since ":" is not an allowed // character in "token"." var addPort = port != 0 && (format == NodeFormat.IpAndPort || format == NodeFormat.UnknownAndPort || format == NodeFormat.RandomAndPort); var ipv6 = (format == NodeFormat.Ip || format == NodeFormat.IpAndPort) && ipAddress != null && ipAddress.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6; var quote = addPort || ipv6; if (quote) { builder.Append("\""); } switch (format) { case NodeFormat.Ip: case NodeFormat.IpAndPort: if (ipAddress != null) { if (ipv6) { builder.Append("["); } builder.Append(ipAddress.ToString()); if (ipv6) { builder.Append("]"); } break; } // This primarily happens in test environments that don't use real connections. goto case NodeFormat.Unknown; case NodeFormat.Unknown: case NodeFormat.UnknownAndPort: builder.Append("unknown"); break; case NodeFormat.Random: case NodeFormat.RandomAndPort: AppendRandom(builder); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(format.ToString()); } if (addPort) { builder.Append(":"); builder.Append(port); } if (quote) { builder.Append("\""); } }
public async Task By_Added(string startValue, string ip, int port, NodeFormat format, ForwardedTransformActions action, string expected) { var randomFactory = new TestRandomFactory(); randomFactory.Instance = new TestRandom() { Sequence = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 } }; var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); httpContext.Connection.LocalIpAddress = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip) ? null : IPAddress.Parse(ip); httpContext.Connection.LocalPort = port; var proxyRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(); proxyRequest.Headers.Add("Forwarded", startValue.Split("|", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); var transform = new RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(randomFactory, forFormat: NodeFormat.None, byFormat: format, host: false, proto: false, action); await transform.ApplyAsync(new RequestTransformContext() { HttpContext = httpContext, ProxyRequest = proxyRequest, HeadersCopied = true, }); Assert.Equal(expected.Split("|", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries), proxyRequest.Headers.GetValues("Forwarded")); }
public void AddForwarded(NodeFormat forFormat, bool useHost, bool useProto, NodeFormat byFormat, bool append) { var builderContext = CreateBuilderContext(services: CreateServices()); builderContext.AddForwarded(useHost, useProto, forFormat, byFormat, append); ValidateForwarded(builderContext, useHost, useProto, forFormat, byFormat, append); }
public RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(IRandomFactory randomFactory, NodeFormat forFormat, NodeFormat byFormat, bool host, bool proto, bool append) { _randomFactory = randomFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(randomFactory)); ForFormat = forFormat; ByFormat = byFormat; HostEnabled = host; ProtoEnabled = proto; Append = append; }
public RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(IRandomFactory randomFactory, NodeFormat forFormat, NodeFormat byFormat, bool host, bool proto, bool append) { _randomFactory = randomFactory; ForFormat = forFormat; ByFormat = byFormat; HostEnabled = host; ProtoEnabled = proto; Append = append; }
public void WithTransformForwarded(NodeFormat forFormat, bool useHost, bool useProto, NodeFormat byFormat, bool append) { var proxyRoute = new ProxyRoute(); proxyRoute = proxyRoute.WithTransformForwarded(useHost, useProto, forFormat, byFormat, append); var builderContext = ValidateAndBuild(proxyRoute, _factory, CreateServices()); ValidateForwarded(builderContext, useHost, useProto, forFormat, byFormat, append); }
public RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(IRandomFactory randomFactory, NodeFormat forFormat, NodeFormat byFormat, bool host, bool proto, ForwardedTransformActions action) { _randomFactory = randomFactory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(randomFactory)); ForFormat = forFormat; ByFormat = byFormat; HostEnabled = host; ProtoEnabled = proto; Debug.Assert(action != ForwardedTransformActions.Off); TransformAction = action; }
internal static string ConvertNodes(IEnumerable <Loader.NodeInfo> nodes, NodeFormat format) { switch (format) { case NodeFormat.Text: return(ConvertNodesToYarnText(nodes)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the transform which will add the Forwarded header as defined by [RFC 7239](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239). /// </summary> public static TransformBuilderContext AddForwarded(this TransformBuilderContext context, bool useHost = true, bool useProto = true, NodeFormat forFormat = NodeFormat.Random, NodeFormat byFormat = NodeFormat.Random, bool append = true) { context.UseDefaultForwarders = false; if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None || forFormat != NodeFormat.None || useHost || useProto) { var random = context.Services.GetRequiredService <IRandomFactory>(); context.RequestTransforms.Add(new RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(random, forFormat, byFormat, useHost, useProto, append)); } return(context); }
internal static string ConvertNodes(IEnumerable <Loader.NodeInfo> nodes, NodeFormat format) { switch (format) { case NodeFormat.JSON: return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nodes, Formatting.Indented)); case NodeFormat.Text: return(ConvertNodesToYarnText(nodes)); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public void DeserializeFormat(XmlNode xmlNode, MapTree tree) { XmlAttribute att; Color backColor = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["BACKGROUND_COLOR"]) != null?Convert.ToColor(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultBackColor; bool bold = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["BOLD"]) != null?Convert.ToBool(att.Value) : false; Color color = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["COLOR"]) != null?Convert.ToColor(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultColor; string fontName = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["FONTNAME"]) != null ? att.Value : NodeFormat.DefaultFontName; float fontSize = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["FONTSIZE"]) != null?float.Parse(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize; bool italic = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["ITALIC"]) != null?Convert.ToBool(att.Value) : false; Color lineColor = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["LINECOLOR"]) != null?Convert.ToColor(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultLineColor; DashStyle linePattern = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["PATTERN"]) != null?Convert.ToDashStyle(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern; int lineWidth = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["LINEWIDTH"]) != null?int.Parse(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth; NodeShape shape = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["STYPE"]) != null?Convert.ToNodeStyle(att.Value) : NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape; bool strikeout = (att = xmlNode.Attributes["STRIKEOUT"]) != null?Convert.ToBool(att.Value) : false; if ((att = xmlNode.Attributes["CANVASCOLOR"]) != null) { tree.CanvasBackColor = Convert.ToColor(att.Value); } if ((att = xmlNode.Attributes["NOTEBACKCOLOR"]) != null) { tree.NoteBackColor = Convert.ToColor(att.Value); } if ((att = xmlNode.Attributes["NOTETEXTCOLOR"]) != null) { tree.NoteForeColor = Convert.ToColor(att.Value); } if ((att = xmlNode.Attributes["HIGHLIGHTCOLOR"]) != null) { tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Convert.ToColor(att.Value); } if ((att = xmlNode.Attributes["DROPHINTCOLOR"]) != null) { tree.DropHintColor = Convert.ToColor(att.Value); } var format = new NodeFormat(backColor, bold, color, fontName, fontSize, italic, strikeout, lineColor, linePattern, lineWidth, shape); tree.DefaultFormat = format; }
private static void ValidateForwarded(TransformBuilderContext builderContext, bool useHost, bool useProto, NodeFormat forFormat, NodeFormat byFormat, bool append) { Assert.False(builderContext.UseDefaultForwarders); if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None || forFormat != NodeFormat.None || useHost || useProto) { var transform = Assert.Single(builderContext.RequestTransforms); var requestHeaderForwardedTransform = Assert.IsType <RequestHeaderForwardedTransform>(transform); Assert.Equal(append, requestHeaderForwardedTransform.Append); Assert.Equal(useHost, requestHeaderForwardedTransform.HostEnabled); Assert.Equal(useProto, requestHeaderForwardedTransform.ProtoEnabled); Assert.Equal(byFormat, requestHeaderForwardedTransform.ByFormat); Assert.Equal(forFormat, requestHeaderForwardedTransform.ForFormat); } else { Assert.Empty(builderContext.RequestTransforms); } }
/// <summary> /// Clones the route and adds the transform which will add the Forwarded header as defined by [RFC 7239](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239). /// </summary> public static ProxyRoute WithTransformForwarded(this ProxyRoute proxyRoute, bool useHost = true, bool useProto = true, NodeFormat forFormat = NodeFormat.Random, NodeFormat byFormat = NodeFormat.Random, bool append = true) { var headers = new List <string>(); if (forFormat != NodeFormat.None) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ForKey); } if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ByKey); } if (useHost) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.HostKey); } if (useProto) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ProtoKey); } return(proxyRoute.WithTransform(transform => { transform[ForwardedTransformFactory.ForwardedKey] = string.Join(',', headers); transform[ForwardedTransformFactory.AppendKey] = append.ToString(); if (forFormat != NodeFormat.None) { transform.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ForFormatKey, forFormat.ToString()); } if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None) { transform.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ByFormatKey, byFormat.ToString()); } })); }
/// <summary> /// Clones the route and adds the transform which will add the Forwarded header as defined by [RFC 7239](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239). /// </summary> public static RouteConfig WithTransformForwarded(this RouteConfig route, bool useHost = true, bool useProto = true, NodeFormat forFormat = NodeFormat.Random, NodeFormat byFormat = NodeFormat.Random, ForwardedTransformActions action = ForwardedTransformActions.Set) { var headers = new List <string>(); if (forFormat != NodeFormat.None) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ForKey); } if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ByKey); } if (useHost) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.HostKey); } if (useProto) { headers.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ProtoKey); } return(route.WithTransform(transform => { transform[ForwardedTransformFactory.ForwardedKey] = string.Join(',', headers); transform[ForwardedTransformFactory.ActionKey] = action.ToString(); if (forFormat != NodeFormat.None) { transform.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ForFormatKey, forFormat.ToString()); } if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None) { transform.Add(ForwardedTransformFactory.ByFormatKey, byFormat.ToString()); } })); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the transform which will add the Forwarded header as defined by [RFC 7239](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239). /// </summary> public static TransformBuilderContext AddForwarded(this TransformBuilderContext context, bool useHost = true, bool useProto = true, NodeFormat forFormat = NodeFormat.Random, NodeFormat byFormat = NodeFormat.Random, ForwardedTransformActions action = ForwardedTransformActions.Set) { context.UseDefaultForwarders = false; if (action == ForwardedTransformActions.Off) { return(context); } if (byFormat != NodeFormat.None || forFormat != NodeFormat.None || useHost || useProto) { var random = context.Services.GetRequiredService <IRandomFactory>(); context.RequestTransforms.Add(new RequestHeaderForwardedTransform(random, forFormat, byFormat, useHost, useProto, action)); // Remove the X-Forwarded headers when an Forwarded transform is enabled TransformHelpers.RemoveAllXForwardedHeaders(context, ForwardedTransformFactory.DefaultXForwardedPrefix); } return(context); }
public static void StartService() { string sharedFilePathFile = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\AreaParty\sharedFilePathInfor.audio"; transferinformation.Action.readSharedFileAndParse(ref sharedFilePathFile, ref sharedFileList); System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(MonitoringSys); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); System.Threading.Thread thread1 = new System.Threading.Thread(MonitoringProcesses); thread1.IsBackground = true; thread1.Start(); System.Threading.Thread thread2 = new System.Threading.Thread(TransferMonitorData); thread2.IsBackground = true; thread2.Start(); //bool run = false; //while (!run) //{ // System.Threading.Thread thread2 = new System.Threading.Thread(TransferMonitorData); // thread2.IsBackground = true; // try // { // thread2.Start(); // run = true; // } // catch (SocketException e) // { // thread2.Abort(); // AreaParty.function.pcapp.PCApp.Close("", 7777); // //thread2.Start(); // } //} IPEndPoint localIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ConfigResource.PCINFO_PORT); TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(localIP); //try //{ listener.Start(); //} //catch (SocketException) //{ // //listener. // //localIP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ConfigResource.PCINFO_PORT); // //listener = new TcpListener(localIP); // //listener. //} Console.WriteLine("Action Server is listening..."); while (isRun) { TcpClient remoteClient = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Action Server is connected..."); int RecvBytes = 0; byte[] RecvBuf = new byte[1024]; string messageGet = null; try { RecvBytes = remoteClient.Client.Receive(RecvBuf); if (RecvBytes <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("Action socket 被动关闭"); continue; } messageGet = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(RecvBuf, 0, RecvBytes); Console.WriteLine("Action Message: {0}", messageGet); RequestMessageFormat request = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToObject <RequestMessageFormat>(messageGet); ReturnMessageFormat returnMessage = new ReturnMessageFormat(); switch (request.name) { case Order.get_areaparty_path: returnMessage.data = null; returnMessage.message = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "\\AreaParty\\"; returnMessage.status = 200; break; case Order.ownProgressAction_name: if (request.command == Order.ownProgressAction_Close) { StopService(); } //transferinformation.Action.CloseProcess(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); break; case Order.processAction_name: if (request.command == Order.processAction_command) { returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CloseProcess(int.Parse(request.param)); } break; case Order.computerAction_name: if (request.command == Order.computerAction_command_reboot) { transferinformation.Action.RebootComputer(); } else if (request.command == Order.computerAction_command_shutdown) { transferinformation.Action.shutdownComputer(); } break; case Order.fileAction_name: switch (request.command) { case Order.fileAction_share_command: SharedFilePathFormat sharedFile = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToObject <SharedFilePathFormat>(request.param); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.AddSharedFile(ref sharedFile, ref sharedFileList, ref sharedFilePathFile); break; case Order.fileAction_open_command: { // 此处是打开文件代码 } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_delete_command: { // 此处是删除文件的代码 returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.DeleteFile(request.param); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_rename_command: { // 此处是重命名文件的代码 string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.RenameFile(temp[1], temp[2]); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_copy_command: { string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CopyFile(temp[2], temp[1]); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_cut_command: { string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CutFile(temp[2] + @"\", temp[1]); } break; } break; case Order.folderAction_name: switch (request.command) { case Order.nasAction_add: returnMessage = NasFunction.addNasFolder(request.param); break; case Order.nasAction_delete: returnMessage = NasFunction.deleteNasFolder(request.param); break; case Order.folderAction_addtohttp_command: ReturnMessageFormat message = new ReturnMessageFormat(); string method = request.param.Substring(0, 5); //request.param = "VIDIO/AUDIO/IMAGE" + uri string path = request.param.Remove(0, 5); //request.param = uri //FileInfo Info = new FileInfo(path); try { switch (method) { case AreaParty.pages.ListName.VIDIO: MediaConfig.AddMyVideoLibrary(path); //MediaPage.videoList.Add(new MediaPage.ListBoxMediaItem { Name = Info.Name, ImagePath = "/styles/skin/item/item_video.png" }); //MediaPage.dictVideo.Add(Info.Name, path); //MediaPage..Add(new ListBoxMediaItem { Name = Info.Name, ImagePath = "/styles/skin/item/item_video.png" }); break; case AreaParty.pages.ListName.AUDIO: MediaConfig.AddMyAudioLibrary(path); break; case AreaParty.pages.ListName.IMAGE: MediaConfig.AddMyImageLibrary(path); break; } new AreaParty.function.media.MediaFunction().GetThumbnail(path); AreaParty.util.JAVAUtil.AddAlltoHttp(path); message.status = Order.success; message.message = ""; message.data = null; } catch (Exception e) { message.status = Order.failure; message.message = e.Message; message.data = null; } returnMessage = message; break; case Order.folderAction_open_command: { // 此处是打开文件夹代码 if (request.param != Order.folderAction_open_more_param) { NodeFormat root = new NodeFormat(); root.path = request.param; folderContent = transferinformation.Action.OpenFolder(root); } returnMessage = folderContent[0]; folderContent.RemoveAt(0); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_delete_command: { // 此处是删除文件夹的代码 returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.DeleteFolder(request.param); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_rename_command: { // 此处是重命名文件夹的代码 string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.RenameFolder(temp[1], temp[2]); } break; case Order.folderAction_add_command: { returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CreateFolder(request.param); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_copy_command: { string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CopyFolder(temp[1], temp[2]); } break; case Order.fileOrFolderAction_cut_command: { string[] temp = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(request.param, "-PATH-", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.CutFolder(temp[2], temp[1]); } break; } break; case Order.diskAction_name: switch (request.command) { case Order.diskAction_get_command: returnMessage = transferinformation.Action.GetDiskList(); break; } break; case Order.appAction_name: switch (request.command) { case Order.appAction_get_command: if (request.param != Order.appAction_get_more_param) { exeContent = transferinformation.Action.GetApplicationList(); } returnMessage = exeContent[0]; exeContent.RemoveAt(0); break; } break; } byte[] messageToSend = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(returnMessage)); int i = remoteClient.Client.Send(messageToSend); Console.WriteLine("send Message: {0} ", JsonHelper.SerializeObject(returnMessage)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Action socket 被动关闭" + e.Message); } remoteClient.Close(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void CreateDefaultFormat_SameDefaultObject() { Assert.AreEqual(NodeFormat.CreateDefaultFormat(), NodeFormat.CreateDefaultFormat()); }
public void CreateNodeFormat() { var n = new MapNode(new MapTree(), ""); Assert.IsNotNull(NodeFormat.CreateNodeFormat(n)); }
public void CreateNodeFormat_NoFormating_ReturnsDefault() { var n = new MapNode(new MapTree(), ""); Assert.AreEqual(NodeFormat.CreateNodeFormat(n), NodeFormat.CreateDefaultFormat()); }
// Given a bunch of raw text, load all nodes that were inside it. // You can call this multiple times to append to the collection of nodes, // but note that new nodes will replace older ones with the same name. // Returns the number of nodes that were loaded. public Program Load(string text, Library library, string fileName, Program includeProgram, bool showTokens, bool showParseTree, string onlyConsiderNode, NodeFormat format) { if (format == NodeFormat.Unknown) { format = GetFormatFromFileName(fileName); } // currently experimental node can only be used on yarn.txt yarn files and single nodes if (format != NodeFormat.Text && format != NodeFormat.SingleNodeText) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid node format {format}"); } // this isn't the greatest... if (format == NodeFormat.SingleNodeText) { // it is just the body // need to add a dummy header and body delimiters StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("title:Start\n"); builder.Append("---\n"); builder.Append(text); builder.Append("\n===\n"); text = builder.ToString(); } string inputString = preprocessor(text); ICharStream input = CharStreams.fromstring(inputString); YarnSpinnerLexer lexer = new YarnSpinnerLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); YarnSpinnerParser parser = new YarnSpinnerParser(tokens); // turning off the normal error listener and using ours parser.RemoveErrorListeners(); parser.AddErrorListener(ErrorListener.Instance); IParseTree tree = parser.dialogue(); Compiler compiler = new Compiler(library); compiler.Compile(tree); // merging in the other program if requested if (includeProgram != null) { compiler.program.Include(includeProgram); } return(compiler.program); }
public void ApplyTheme(string theme, MapTree tree) { switch (theme) { case "Default (Light)": tree.DefaultFormat = NodeFormat.CreateDefaultFormat(); tree.CanvasBackColor = TreeFormat.DefaultCanvasBackColor; tree.NoteBackColor = TreeFormat.DefaultNoteEditorBackColor; tree.NoteForeColor = TreeFormat.DefaultNoteEditorForeColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = TreeFormat.DefaultSelectedNodeOutlineColor; tree.DropHintColor = TreeFormat.DefaultDropTargetHintColor; break; case "Default (Dark)": tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, Color.White, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize, false, false, NodeFormat.DefaultLineColor, NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth, NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape); var backColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 44, 52); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = Color.White; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Red; tree.DropHintColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); break; case "Pitch Black": tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, Color.White, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize, false, false, NodeFormat.DefaultLineColor, NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth, NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape); tree.CanvasBackColor = Color.Black; tree.NoteBackColor = Color.Black; tree.NoteForeColor = Color.White; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Red; tree.DropHintColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); break; case "Fun (Light)": tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.FromArgb(253, 246, 227), false, Color.Black, "Comic Sans MS", 11, false, false, Color.Green, NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, 2, NodeShape.Bullet); backColor = Color.WhiteSmoke; tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = Color.Black; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Green; tree.DropHintColor = Color.Red; break; case "Fun (Dark)": tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.FromArgb(123, 109, 141), false, Color.White, "Comic Sans MS", 11, false, false, Color.FromArgb(147, 79, 28), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, 4, NodeShape.Bullet); backColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 57, 73); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = Color.White; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Yellow; tree.DropHintColor = Color.Lime; break; case "Solarized Blue": var textColor = Color.FromArgb(60, 151, 174); tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, textColor, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, 10, false, false, Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, 1, NodeShape.Fork); backColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 246, 227); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = textColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 0, 0); tree.DropHintColor = Color.Black; break; case "Solarized Orange": textColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, textColor, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, 10, false, false, Color.FromArgb(60, 151, 174), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, 1, NodeShape.Bullet); backColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 246, 227); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = textColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 0, 0); tree.DropHintColor = Color.Black; break; case "Solarized Dark": textColor = Color.FromArgb(253, 246, 227); tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, textColor, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, 10, false, false, Color.FromArgb(60, 151, 174), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, 1, NodeShape.Fork); backColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 43, 54); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = textColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); tree.DropHintColor = Color.Red; break; case "Red": tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.FromArgb(77, 0, 0), false, Color.White, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize, false, false, Color.FromArgb(97, 0, 0), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth, NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape); backColor = Color.FromArgb(57, 0, 0); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = Color.White; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Red; tree.DropHintColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 255); break; case "Dim": textColor = Color.FromArgb(203, 105, 89); tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, textColor, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize, false, false, Color.FromArgb(103, 159, 115), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth, NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape); backColor = Color.FromArgb(41, 40, 40); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = textColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.Red; tree.DropHintColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); break; case "Twine": textColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 141, 37); tree.DefaultFormat = new NodeFormat(Color.Empty, false, textColor, NodeFormat.DefaultFontName, NodeFormat.DefaultFontSize, false, false, Color.FromArgb(189, 153, 86), NodeFormat.DefaultLinePattern, NodeFormat.DefaultLineWidth, NodeFormat.DefaultNodeShape); backColor = Color.FromArgb(34, 26, 15); tree.CanvasBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteBackColor = backColor; tree.NoteForeColor = textColor; tree.SelectedOutlineColor = Color.FromArgb(198, 53, 52); tree.DropHintColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 128, 64); break; } }
// Given either Twine, JSON or XML input, return an array // containing info about the nodes in that file public static NodeInfo[] GetNodesFromText(string text, NodeFormat format) { // All the nodes we found in this file var nodes = new List <NodeInfo> (); switch (format) { case NodeFormat.SingleNodeText: // If it starts with a comment, treat it as a single-node file var nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(); nodeInfo.title = "Start"; nodeInfo.body = text; nodes.Add(nodeInfo); break; case NodeFormat.JSON: // Parse it as JSON try { nodes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NodeInfo> >(text); } catch (JsonReaderException e) { // dialogue.LogErrorMessage("Error parsing Yarn input: " + e.Message); Debug.Log("Error parsing Yarn input: " + e.Message); } break; case NodeFormat.Text: // check for the existence of at least one "---"+newline sentinel, which divides // the headers from the body // we use a regex to match either \r\n or \n line endings if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(text, "---.?\n") == false) { // dialogue.LogErrorMessage("Error parsing input: text appears corrupt (no header sentinel)"); Debug.Log("Error parsing input: text appears corrupt (no header sentinel)"); break; } var headerRegex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(?<field>.*): *(?<value>.*)"); var nodeProperties = typeof(NodeInfo).GetProperties(); int lineNumber = 0; using (var reader = new System.IO.StringReader(text)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { // Create a new node NodeInfo node = new NodeInfo(); // Read header lines do { lineNumber++; // skip empty lines if (line.Length == 0) { continue; } // Attempt to parse the header var headerMatches = headerRegex.Match(line); if (headerMatches == null) { // dialogue.LogErrorMessage(string.Format("Line {0}: Can't parse header '{1}'", lineNumber, line)); Debug.Log(string.Format("Line {0}: Can't parse header '{1}'", lineNumber, line)); continue; } var field = headerMatches.Groups["field"].Value; var value = headerMatches.Groups["value"].Value; // Attempt to set the appropriate property using this field foreach (var property in nodeProperties) { if (property.Name != field) { continue; } // skip properties that can't be written to if (property.CanWrite == false) { continue; } try { var propertyType = property.PropertyType; object convertedValue; if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string))) { convertedValue = value; } else if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(int))) { convertedValue = int.Parse(value); } else if (propertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(NodeInfo.Position))) { var components = value.Split(','); // we expect 2 components: x and y if (components.Length != 2) { throw new FormatException(); } var position = new NodeInfo.Position(); position.x = int.Parse(components[0]); position.y = int.Parse(components[1]); convertedValue = position; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } // we need to box this because structs are value types, // so calling SetValue using 'node' would just modify a copy of 'node' object box = node; property.SetValue(box, convertedValue, null); node = (NodeInfo)box; break; } catch (FormatException) { // dialogue.LogErrorMessage(string.Format("{0}: Error setting '{1}': invalid value '{2}'", lineNumber, field, value)); Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Error setting '{1}': invalid value '{2}'", lineNumber, field, value)); } catch (NotSupportedException) { // dialogue.LogErrorMessage(string.Format("{0}: Error setting '{1}': This property cannot be set", lineNumber, field)); Debug.Log(string.Format("{0}: Error setting '{1}': This property cannot be set", lineNumber, field)); } } } while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != "---"); lineNumber++; // We're past the header; read the body var lines = new List <string>(); // Read header lines until we hit the end of node sentinel or the end of the file while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != "===" && line != null) { lineNumber++; lines.Add(line); } // We're done reading the lines! Zip 'em up into a string and // store it in the body node.body = string.Join("\n", lines.ToArray()); // And add this node to the list nodes.Add(node); // And now we're ready to move on to the next line! } } break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown format " + format.ToString()); } // hooray we're done return(nodes.ToArray()); }
public DefaultTreeFormatChange(MapTree tree, NodeFormat oldValue) { this.tree = tree; this.oldValue = oldValue; }
// Given a bunch of raw text, load all nodes that were inside it. // You can call this multiple times to append to the collection of nodes, // but note that new nodes will replace older ones with the same name. // Returns the number of nodes that were loaded. public Program Load(string text, Library library, string fileName, Program includeProgram, bool showTokens, bool showParseTree, string onlyConsiderNode, NodeFormat format, bool experimentalMode = false) { if (format == NodeFormat.Unknown) { format = GetFormatFromFileName(fileName); } // currently experimental node can only be used on yarn.txt yarn files and single nodes if (experimentalMode && (format == NodeFormat.Text || format == NodeFormat.SingleNodeText)) { // this isn't the greatest... if (format == NodeFormat.SingleNodeText) { // it is just the body // need to add a dummy header and body delimiters StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("title:Start\n"); builder.Append("---\n"); builder.Append(text); builder.Append("\n===\n"); text = builder.ToString(); } string inputString = preprocessor(text); ICharStream input = CharStreams.fromstring(inputString); YarnSpinnerLexer lexer = new YarnSpinnerLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); YarnSpinnerParser parser = new YarnSpinnerParser(tokens); // turning off the normal error listener and using ours parser.RemoveErrorListeners(); parser.AddErrorListener(ErrorListener.Instance); IParseTree tree = parser.dialogue(); AntlrCompiler antlrcompiler = new AntlrCompiler(library); antlrcompiler.Compile(tree); // merging in the other program if requested if (includeProgram != null) { antlrcompiler.program.Include(includeProgram); } return(antlrcompiler.program); } else { // The final parsed nodes that were in the file we were given Dictionary <string, Yarn.Parser.Node> nodes = new Dictionary <string, Parser.Node>(); // Load the raw data and get the array of node title-text pairs var nodeInfos = GetNodesFromText(text, format); int nodesLoaded = 0; foreach (NodeInfo nodeInfo in nodeInfos) { if (onlyConsiderNode != null && nodeInfo.title != onlyConsiderNode) { continue; } // Attempt to parse every node; log if we encounter any errors #if CATCH_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif if (nodeInfo.title == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to load a node with no title."); } if (nodes.ContainsKey(nodeInfo.title)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to load a node called " + nodeInfo.title + ", but a node with that name has already been loaded!"); } var lexer = new Lexer(); var tokens = lexer.Tokenise(nodeInfo.title, nodeInfo.body); if (showTokens) { PrintTokenList(tokens); } var node = new Parser(tokens, library).Parse(); // If this node is tagged "rawText", then preserve its source if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeInfo.tags) == false && nodeInfo.tags.Contains("rawText")) { node.source = nodeInfo.body; } node.name = nodeInfo.title; node.nodeTags = nodeInfo.tagsList; if (showParseTree) { PrintParseTree(node); } nodes[nodeInfo.title] = node; nodesLoaded++; #if CATCH_EXCEPTIONS } catch (Yarn.TokeniserException t) { // Add file information var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error reading node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, t.Message); throw new Yarn.TokeniserException(message); } catch (Yarn.ParseException p) { var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error parsing node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, p.Message); throw new Yarn.ParseException(message); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error reading node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, e.Message); throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } #endif } var compiler = new Yarn.Compiler(fileName); foreach (var node in nodes) { compiler.CompileNode(node.Value); } if (includeProgram != null) { compiler.program.Include(includeProgram); } return(compiler.program); } }
private void CreateNodeFormat() { nodeFomat = NodeFormat.CreateNodeFormat(node); }
public void CreateDefaultFormat_FontNotNull() { Assert.IsNotNull(NodeFormat.CreateDefaultFormat().Font); }