static public void Execute(atom.Trace context, int level, IHtmlCollection <IElement> data) { if ((data != null) && (data.Length > 0)) { context. SetComment(GetArraySize(data), ""). Send(NAME.SOURCE.PREVIEW, NAME.TYPE.FOLDER, level, "[[Links]]"); foreach (var a_Context in data) { var a_Name1 = GetFirstLine(NodeExtensions.Text(a_Context)); var a_Name2 = GetFirstLine(NodeExtensions.HyperReference(a_Context, a_Context.GetAttribute("Href"))?.Href); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_Name1)) { a_Name1 = GetFirstLine(a_Context.InnerHtml); } if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_Name1) == false) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a_Name2) == false)) { context. SetUrl(a_Name2, ""). SetComment("[[Link]]", HINT.DATA_TYPE). Send(NAME.SOURCE.PREVIEW, NAME.TYPE.INFO, level + 1, a_Name1); } } } }
public override void OnDraw(Graphics g) { if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { var allOtherNodes = diagram.Nodes.Except(selectedObjectsPositions.Keys).ToArray(); if (allOtherNodes.Length > 0) { int xClosestToCursor; Node closestNodeX; bool left; bool selLeft; int yClosestToCursor; Node closestNodeY; bool top; bool selTop; var bbox = NodeExtensions.GetBoundingBox(selectedObjectsPositions.Keys.Select(n => n.Area)); GetClosestGuideline(bbox, allOtherNodes, out xClosestToCursor, out yClosestToCursor, out closestNodeX, out closestNodeY, out left, out selLeft, out top, out selTop); try { Rectangle closestXArea = closestNodeX.Area; closestXArea.Offset((int)(diagram.AutoScrollPosition.X / diagram.Zoom), (int)(diagram.AutoScrollPosition.Y / diagram.Zoom)); closestXArea = closestXArea.Zoom(diagram.Zoom); Rectangle closestYArea = closestNodeY.Area; closestYArea.Offset((int)(diagram.AutoScrollPosition.X / diagram.Zoom), (int)(diagram.AutoScrollPosition.Y / diagram.Zoom)); closestYArea = closestYArea.Zoom(diagram.Zoom); if (xClosestToCursor < 10) { if (left) { g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, new Point(closestXArea.Left, 0), new Point(closestXArea.Left, diagram.Height)); } else { g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, new Point(closestXArea.Right, 0), new Point(closestXArea.Right, diagram.Height)); } } if (yClosestToCursor < 10) { if (top) { g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, new Point(0, closestYArea.Top), new Point(diagram.Width, closestYArea.Top)); } else { g.DrawLine(Pens.LimeGreen, new Point(0, closestYArea.Bottom), new Point(diagram.Width, closestYArea.Bottom)); } } } catch (System.NullReferenceException e) { } } } }
private MarkNode CreateNodeMark(IEnumerable <OffsetMark> offsetMarks) { IList <Tuple <int, OffsetMark> > paras; if (!offsetMarks.Any()) { paras = new List <Tuple <int, OffsetMark> >() { } } ; else { paras = offsetMarks.Select(x => new Tuple <int, OffsetMark>(x.Total, x)).ToList(); } var top = NodeExtensions.CreateNodes( paras, () => new MarkNode(), (offsetMark, globalIndex, index) => new MarkNode() { OffsetMark = offsetMark, GlobalIndex = globalIndex, Index = index }); return(top); }
public SolutionSearchBase <TState, TAction> Search( ISearchProblem <TState, TAction> problem) { var rootNode = Node <TState, TAction> .Root(problem.InitialState); if (problem.GoalTest(rootNode.State)) { return(new SolutionFound <TState, TAction>(rootNode)); } var frontier = new BasicPriorityQueue <double, FrontierItem <TState, TAction> >( x => x.Evaluation); var explored = new HashSet <TState>(sComparer); frontier.Enqueue(new FrontierItem <TState, TAction>(rootNode, EvaluationFuntion(problem, rootNode))); while (frontier.Count > 0) { var element = frontier.Dequeue(); if (problem.GoalTest(element.Node.State)) { return(new SolutionFound <TState, TAction>(element.Node)); } explored.Add(element.Node.State); var actions = problem.Actions(element.Node.State); foreach (var action in actions) { var child = NodeExtensions.ChildNode(problem, element.Node, action); var childElement = new FrontierItem <TState, TAction>(child, EvaluationFuntion(problem, child)); var comparedChild = frontier.CherryPeek( x => sComparer.Equals(x.Node.State, childElement.Node.State)); bool stateInFrontier = comparedChild != default; bool containsState = explored.Contains(child.State) || stateInFrontier; if (!containsState) { frontier.Enqueue(childElement); } else if (stateInFrontier && comparedChild.Evaluation > childElement.Evaluation) { frontier.ReplaceWith(comparedChild, childElement); } } } return(new SolutionFailure <TState, TAction>()); }
public static INode[] GetTouchingPaths(ISourceFile sourceFile, IReadOnlyList <int> positions, System.Threading.CancellationToken token) { return(NodeExtensions.TryGetNodesAtPositions( sourceFile, positions, isNodeAcceptable: (n) => n.Kind.IsWord() || n.IsPathLikeLiteral(), token: token)); }
public CompilationUnitSyntax ComputeRoot(CompilationUnitSyntax root) { var newProperty = NodeExtensions.Nicefy(_property .WithAccessorList(null) .WithExpressionBody(ArrowExpressionClause(GetExpression())) .WithSemicolon(SemicolonToken.ToToken())); return(root.ReplaceNode(_property as SyntaxNode, newProperty as SyntaxNode)); }
public static INode GetTouchingWord(ISourceFile sourceFile, int position, System.Threading.CancellationToken token) { NodeExtensions.TryGetNodeAtPosition( sourceFile, position, isNodeAcceptable: (n) => n.Kind.IsWord() || n.IsStringLikeLiteral(), token: token, currentNode: out var node); return(node); }
public CompilationUnitSyntax ComputeRoot(CompilationUnitSyntax root) { var statement = SyntaxFactoryExtensions.ToReturnStatement(_property.ExpressionBody.Expression) as ReturnStatementSyntax; var getter = AccessorDeclaration(GetAccessorDeclaration, Block(statement)); var newProperty = NodeExtensions.Nicefy(_property .WithExpressionBody(null) .WithAccessorList(AccessorList(new[] { getter }.ToSyntaxList())) .WithSemicolon(None.ToToken())); return(root.ReplaceNode(_property as SyntaxNode, newProperty as SyntaxNode)); }
public void ComputePositionBackAndForth() { string code = @"namespace X { enum Foo {value = 42} }"; var sourceFile = ParsingHelper.ParseSourceFile(code); var enumMember = NodeWalkerEx.GetDescendantNodes(sourceFile).First(n => n.Node.Kind == SyntaxKind.EnumMember).Node.Cast <IEnumMember>(); var lineInfo = enumMember.GetLineInfo(sourceFile); NodeExtensions.TryConvertLineOffsetToPosition(sourceFile, lineInfo.Line, lineInfo.Position, out var position); Assert.Equal(enumMember.GetNodeStartPositionWithoutTrivia(), position); Assert.Equal(enumMember.Name, GetNodeAtPosition(sourceFile, position)); }
public SolutionSearchBase <TState, TAction> Search(ISearchProblem <TState, TAction> problem) { var rootNode = Node <TState, TAction> .Root(problem.InitialState); if (problem.GoalTest(rootNode.State)) { return(new SolutionFound <TState, TAction>(rootNode)); } var frontier = new Stack <Node <TState, TAction> >(); var explored = new HashSet <TState>(sComparer); frontier.Push(rootNode); while (frontier.Count > 0) { var node = frontier.Pop(); explored.Add(node.State); var actions = problem.Actions(node.State); foreach (var action in actions) { var child = NodeExtensions.ChildNode(problem, node, action); bool containsState = explored.Contains(child.State) || frontier.Contains(child, nComparer); if (!containsState) { if (problem.GoalTest(child.State)) { return(new SolutionFound <TState, TAction>(child)); } frontier.Push(child); } } } return(new SolutionFailure <TState, TAction>()); }
private SolutionSearchBase <TState, TAction> RecursiveDLS( Node <TState, TAction> node, ISearchProblem <TState, TAction> problem, int limit) { if (problem.GoalTest(node.State)) { return(new SolutionFound <TState, TAction>(node)); } else if (limit == 0) { return(new SolutionCutoff <TState, TAction>()); } else { var cutoffOccurred = false; var actions = problem.Actions(node.State); foreach (var action in actions) { var child = NodeExtensions.ChildNode(problem, node, action); var result = RecursiveDLS(child, problem, limit - 1); if (result.GetType() == typeof(SolutionCutoff <TState, TAction>)) { cutoffOccurred = true; } else if (result.GetType() != typeof(SolutionFailure <TState, TAction>)) { return(result); } } if (cutoffOccurred) { return(new SolutionCutoff <TState, TAction>()); } else { return(new SolutionFailure <TState, TAction>()); } } }
public void ComputePositionBackAndForthWithWeirdCommentsInside() { string code = @" const x = 42; /* * Some comment */ namespace X { // simple comment enum /*another comment*/ Foo {/*and yet another comment*/value = 42} }"; var sourceFile = ParsingHelper.ParseSourceFile(code); var enumMember = NodeWalkerEx.GetDescendantNodes(sourceFile).First(n => n.Node.Kind == SyntaxKind.EnumMember).Node.Cast <IEnumMember>(); var lineInfo = enumMember.GetLineInfo(sourceFile); NodeExtensions.TryConvertLineOffsetToPosition(sourceFile, lineInfo.Line, lineInfo.Position, out var position); Assert.Equal(enumMember.GetNodeStartPositionWithoutTrivia(), position); Assert.Equal(enumMember.Name, GetNodeAtPosition(sourceFile, position)); }
/// <summary> /// Update the bounds of the node to fully wrap all the children nodes /// </summary> public void UpdateBounds() { // if not suspended if (!freezeBoundingBox) { // adjust the position and size to fit if (Children.Count > 0) { var bbox = NodeExtensions.GetBoundingBox(Children.Select(c => c.Area)); bbox.Inflate(parent.GridSize.Width, parent.GridSize.Height); var padding = paddingForText / parent.GridSize.Height * parent.GridSize.Height; this.Position = new Point(bbox.Location.X, bbox.Location.Y - padding).RoundTo(parent.GridSize.Width, parent.GridSize.Height); this.nodeSize = new Size(bbox.Size.Width, bbox.Size.Height + padding); } } // if the current container has a parent container, update its bounds to fit (because the current container node size & position could be changed if (Container != null) { Container.UpdateBounds(); } }
public virtual void UpdateSlots() { var validNames = new List <int>(); if (referencedGraph == null) { RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames); return; } var props =; foreach (var prop in props) { var propType = prop.propertyType; SlotValueType slotType; switch (propType) { case PropertyType.Color: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector4; break; case PropertyType.Texture: slotType = SlotValueType.Texture2D; break; case PropertyType.Cubemap: slotType = SlotValueType.Cubemap; break; case PropertyType.Gradient: slotType = SlotValueType.Gradient; break; case PropertyType.Vector1: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector1; break; case PropertyType.Vector2: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector2; break; case PropertyType.Vector3: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector3; break; case PropertyType.Vector4: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector4; break; case PropertyType.Matrix2: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix2; break; case PropertyType.Matrix3: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix3; break; case PropertyType.Matrix4: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix4; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var id = prop.guid.GetHashCode(); MaterialSlot slot = MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(slotType, id, prop.displayName, prop.referenceName, SlotType.Input, prop.defaultValue); // copy default for texture for niceness if (slotType == SlotValueType.Texture2D && propType == PropertyType.Texture) { var tSlot = slot as Texture2DInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as TextureShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.texture = tProp.value.texture; } } // copy default for cubemap for niceness else if (slotType == SlotValueType.Cubemap && propType == PropertyType.Cubemap) { var tSlot = slot as CubemapInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as CubemapShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.cubemap = tProp.value.cubemap; } } AddSlot(slot); validNames.Add(id); } var subGraphOutputNode = outputNode; if (outputNode != null) { foreach (var slot in NodeExtensions.GetInputSlots <MaterialSlot>(subGraphOutputNode)) { AddSlot(MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(slot.valueType,, slot.RawDisplayName(), slot.shaderOutputName, SlotType.Output,; validNames.Add(; } } RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames); }
private static INode GetNodeAtPosition(ISourceFile sourceFile, int position) { NodeExtensions.TryGetNodeAtPosition(sourceFile, position, out INode result); return(result); }
private void MoveNode(MouseEventArgs e, bool snapToGrid) { int offX = e.X - orgPos.X; int offY = e.Y - orgPos.Y; var allOtherNodes = diagram.Nodes.Except(selectedObjectsPositions.Keys).ToArray(); if (allOtherNodes.Length > 0 && (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control) { int xClosestToCursor; Node closestNodeX; bool left; bool selLeft; int yClosestToCursor; Node closestNodeY; bool top; bool selTop; var bbox = NodeExtensions.GetBoundingBox(selectedObjectsPositions.Keys.Select(n => n.Area)); GetClosestGuideline(bbox, allOtherNodes, out xClosestToCursor, out yClosestToCursor, out closestNodeX, out closestNodeY, out left, out selLeft, out top, out selTop); foreach (var pair in selectedObjectsPositions) { int posX = pair.Value.X + offX; int posY = pair.Value.Y + offY; if (xClosestToCursor < 10) { if (left) { if (selLeft) { posX = closestNodeX.Area.Left; } else { posX = closestNodeX.Area.Left - pair.Key.Area.Width; } } else { if (selLeft) { posX = closestNodeX.Area.Right; } else { posX = closestNodeX.Area.Right - pair.Key.Area.Width; } } } if (yClosestToCursor < 10) { if (top) { if (selTop) { posY = closestNodeY.Area.Top; } else { posY = closestNodeY.Area.Top - pair.Key.Area.Height; } } else { if (selTop) { posY = closestNodeY.Area.Bottom; } else { posY = closestNodeY.Area.Bottom - pair.Key.Area.Height; } } } pair.Key.Position = new Point(posX, posY); } } else { foreach (var pair in selectedObjectsPositions) { int posX = pair.Value.X + offX; int posY = pair.Value.Y + offY; if (snapToGrid) { pair.Key.Position = new Point(posX, posY).RoundTo(diagram.GridSize.Width, diagram.GridSize.Height); } else { pair.Key.Position = new Point(posX, posY); } } } diagram.Redraw(); }
private void Register <T>(T node, NodeFlags flags, DocNodeType type, string name, Action <T> visit) where T : INode { var injected = NodeExtensions.IsInjectedForDScript(node); if (injected) { return; } var visibility = DocNodeVisibility.Private; if ((flags & NodeFlags.Export) != 0) { visibility = DocNodeVisibility.Internal; } if ((flags & NodeFlags.ScriptPublic) != 0 || type == DocNodeType.Namespace) { visibility = DocNodeVisibility.Public; } List <string> triviaContent = new List <string>(); AddComments(node, triviaContent); if (type == DocNodeType.EnumMember || type == DocNodeType.Value || type == DocNodeType.Property) { // For these edge nodes, we can safely visit their children to seek out other documentation. // The documentation chunks may be in the wrong order due to search order, but the results will be complete. node.ForEachChildRecursively <TypeScript.Net.Types.Node>( n => { AddComments(n, triviaContent); return(null); }, recurseThroughIdentifiers: true); } else { if (node.Decorators?.Length > 0) { foreach (var decorator in node.Decorators.Elements) { AddComments(decorator, triviaContent); } } } string appendix = string.Empty; // Handle Tool.option attribute IPropertyAccessExpression propertyAccessExpression; ICallExpression callExpression; IIdentifier propertyIdentifier; ILiteralExpression literal; if (node.Decorators?.Count > 0 && (callExpression = node.Decorators.Elements[0].Expression.As <ICallExpression>()) != null && (propertyAccessExpression = callExpression.Expression.As <IPropertyAccessExpression>()) != null && (propertyIdentifier = propertyAccessExpression.Expression.As <IIdentifier>()) != null && propertyIdentifier.Text == "Tool" && propertyAccessExpression.Name.Text == "option" && callExpression.Arguments.Count > 0 && (literal = callExpression.Arguments[0].As <ILiteralExpression>()) != null) { appendix = $"Tool option {literal.Text}"; } DocNode newNode; var parent = m_declarations.Peek(); if (parent != null) { newNode = parent.GetOrAdd(type, visibility, m_path, name, triviaContent, appendix); } else { newNode = m_module.GetOrAdd(type, visibility, m_path, name, triviaContent, appendix); } m_declarations.Push(newNode); visit(node); m_declarations.Pop(); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the items from the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">The application service provider.</param> /// <param name="token">The cancellation token for the task.</param> public async Task DeleteAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token) { // Check if there weren't any valid items found. if (Items == null) { // Throw an exception. throw new TaskException("No valid items could be found with the provided data."); } // Get the total number of batches. var count = Math.Ceiling((double)Items.Count() / ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize); // Go over each batch. for (var index = 0; index < count; index++) { // Check if the cancellation was requested. if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { // Break. break; } // Get the items in the current batch. var batchItems = Items .Skip(index * ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize) .Take(ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize); // Get the IDs of the items in the current batch. var batchIds = batchItems.Select(item => item.Id); // Define the list of items to get. var nodes = new List <Node>(); // Use a new scope. using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope()) { // Use a new context instance. using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>(); // Get the items with the provided IDs. var items = context.Nodes .Where(item => batchIds.Contains(item.Id)); // Check if there were no items found. if (items == null || !items.Any()) { // Continue. continue; } // Get the items found. nodes = items .ToList(); } // Get the IDs of the items. var nodeIds = nodes .Select(item => item.Id); // Delete the dependent entities. await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentAnalysesAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentNetworksAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentNodeCollectionsAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentEdgesAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); // Delete the related entities. await NodeExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <DatabaseNodeFieldNode>(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <DatabaseNode>(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); // Delete the items. await IEnumerableExtensions.DeleteAsync(nodes, serviceProvider, token); } }
/// <summary> /// Edits the items in the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">The application service provider.</param> /// <param name="token">The cancellation token for the task.</param> public async Task EditAsync(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, CancellationToken token) { // Check if there weren't any valid items found. if (Items == null) { // Throw an exception. throw new TaskException("No valid items could be found with the provided data."); } // Check if the exception item should be shown. var showExceptionItem = Items.Count() > 1; // Get the total number of batches. var count = Math.Ceiling((double)Items.Count() / ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize); // Go over each batch. for (var index = 0; index < count; index++) { // Check if the cancellation was requested. if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { // Break. break; } // Get the items in the current batch. var batchItems = Items .Skip(index * ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize) .Take(ApplicationDbContext.BatchSize); // Get the IDs of the items in the current batch. var batchIds = batchItems .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id)) .Select(item => item.Id) .Distinct(); // Get the IDs of the related entities that appear in the current batch. var batchDatabaseNodeFieldIds = batchItems .Where(item => item.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes != null) .Select(item => item.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes) .SelectMany(item => item) .Where(item => item.DatabaseNodeField != null) .Select(item => item.DatabaseNodeField) .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id)) .Select(item => item.Id) .Distinct(); // Define the list of items to get. var nodes = new List <Node>(); var databaseNodeFields = new List <DatabaseNodeField>(); // Define the dependent list of items to get. var analysisInputs = new List <AnalysisInputModel>(); var networkInputs = new List <NetworkInputModel>(); var edgeInputs = new List <EdgeInputModel>(); // Use a new scope. using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope()) { // Use a new context instance. using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>(); // Get the items with the provided IDs. var items = context.Nodes .Where(item => !item.DatabaseNodes.Any(item1 => item1.Database.DatabaseType.Name == "Generic")) .Where(item => batchIds.Contains(item.Id)); // Check if there were no items found. if (items == null || !items.Any()) { // Continue. continue; } // Get the items found. nodes = items .ToList(); // Get the related entities that appear in the current batch. databaseNodeFields = context.DatabaseNodeFields .Include(item => item.Database) .Where(item => item.Database.DatabaseType.Name != "Generic") .Where(item => batchDatabaseNodeFieldIds.Contains(item.Id)) .ToList(); } // Get the IDs of the items. var nodeIds = nodes .Select(item => item.Id); // Save the items to edit. var nodesToEdit = new List <Node>(); // Go over each item in the current batch. foreach (var batchItem in batchItems) { // Get the corresponding item. var node = nodes .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == batchItem.Id); // Check if there was no item found. if (node == null) { // Continue. continue; } // Check if there are no database node field nodes provided. if (batchItem.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes == null || !batchItem.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes.Any()) { // Throw an exception. throw new TaskException("There were no database node field nodes provided.", showExceptionItem, batchItem); } // Get the database node field nodes. var databaseNodeFieldNodes = batchItem.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes .Where(item => item.DatabaseNodeField != null) .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DatabaseNodeField.Id)) .Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value)) .Select(item => (item.DatabaseNodeField.Id, item.Value)) .Distinct() .Where(item => databaseNodeFields.Any(item1 => item1.Id == item.Item1)) .Select(item => new DatabaseNodeFieldNode { DatabaseNodeFieldId = item.Item1, Value = item.Item2 }); // Check if there were no database node fields found. if (databaseNodeFieldNodes == null) { // Throw an exception. throw new TaskException("There were no database node fields found.", showExceptionItem, batchItem); } // Check if there were no searchable database node fields found. var databaseNodeFieldIds = databaseNodeFieldNodes .Select(item => item.DatabaseNodeFieldId) .Distinct(); var currentDatabaseNodeFields = databaseNodeFields .Where(item => databaseNodeFieldIds.Contains(item.Id)); if (!currentDatabaseNodeFields.Any(item => item.IsSearchable)) { // Throw an exception. throw new TaskException("There were no searchable database node fields found.", showExceptionItem, batchItem); } // Update the node. node.Name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(batchItem.Name) ? batchItem.Name : (databaseNodeFieldNodes .FirstOrDefault(item => item.DatabaseNodeFieldId == currentDatabaseNodeFields .FirstOrDefault(item => item.IsSearchable)?.Id)?.Value ?? "Unnamed node"); node.Description = batchItem.Description; node.DatabaseNodeFieldNodes = databaseNodeFieldNodes.ToList(); node.DatabaseNodes = currentDatabaseNodeFields .Select(item => item.Database) .Distinct() .Select(item => new DatabaseNode { DatabaseId = item.Id }) .ToList(); // Add the node to the list. nodesToEdit.Add(node); } // Delete the dependent entities. await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentAnalysesAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentNetworksAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentNodeCollectionsAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteDependentEdgesAsync(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); // Delete the related entities. await NodeExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <DatabaseNodeFieldNode>(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); await NodeExtensions.DeleteRelatedEntitiesAsync <DatabaseNode>(nodeIds, serviceProvider, token); // Edit the items. await IEnumerableExtensions.EditAsync(nodesToEdit, serviceProvider, token); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether the <paramref name="node"/> is injected. /// In other words: The node is added after the parsing is over. /// </summary> public static bool IsInjectedForDScript(this INode node) { return(NodeExtensions.IsInjectedForDScript(node)); }
public virtual void UpdateSlots() { var validNames = new List <int>(); if (referencedGraph == null) { RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames, true); return; } var props =; foreach (var prop in props) { var propType = prop.propertyType; SlotValueType slotType; switch (propType) { case PropertyType.Color: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector4; break; case PropertyType.Texture2D: slotType = SlotValueType.Texture2D; break; case PropertyType.Texture2DArray: slotType = SlotValueType.Texture2DArray; break; case PropertyType.Texture3D: slotType = SlotValueType.Texture3D; break; case PropertyType.Cubemap: slotType = SlotValueType.Cubemap; break; case PropertyType.Gradient: slotType = SlotValueType.Gradient; break; case PropertyType.Vector1: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector1; break; case PropertyType.Vector2: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector2; break; case PropertyType.Vector3: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector3; break; case PropertyType.Vector4: slotType = SlotValueType.Vector4; break; case PropertyType.Boolean: slotType = SlotValueType.Boolean; break; case PropertyType.Matrix2: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix2; break; case PropertyType.Matrix3: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix3; break; case PropertyType.Matrix4: slotType = SlotValueType.Matrix4; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var propertyString = prop.guid.ToString(); var propertyIndex = m_PropertyGuids.IndexOf(propertyString); if (propertyIndex < 0) { propertyIndex = m_PropertyGuids.Count; m_PropertyGuids.Add(propertyString); m_PropertyIds.Add(prop.guid.GetHashCode()); } var id = m_PropertyIds[propertyIndex]; MaterialSlot slot = MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(slotType, id, prop.displayName, prop.referenceName, SlotType.Input, prop.defaultValue, ShaderStageCapability.All); // copy default for texture for niceness if (slotType == SlotValueType.Texture2D && propType == PropertyType.Texture2D) { var tSlot = slot as Texture2DInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as TextureShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.texture = tProp.value.texture; } } // copy default for texture array for niceness else if (slotType == SlotValueType.Texture2DArray && propType == PropertyType.Texture2DArray) { var tSlot = slot as Texture2DArrayInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Texture2DArrayShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.textureArray = tProp.value.textureArray; } } // copy default for texture 3d for niceness else if (slotType == SlotValueType.Texture3D && propType == PropertyType.Texture3D) { var tSlot = slot as Texture3DInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as Texture3DShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.texture = tProp.value.texture; } } // copy default for cubemap for niceness else if (slotType == SlotValueType.Cubemap && propType == PropertyType.Cubemap) { var tSlot = slot as CubemapInputMaterialSlot; var tProp = prop as CubemapShaderProperty; if (tSlot != null && tProp != null) { tSlot.cubemap = tProp.value.cubemap; } } AddSlot(slot); validNames.Add(id); } if (outputNode != null) { var outputStage = ((SubGraphOutputNode)outputNode).effectiveShaderStage; foreach (var slot in NodeExtensions.GetInputSlots <MaterialSlot>(outputNode)) { AddSlot(MaterialSlot.CreateMaterialSlot(slot.valueType,, slot.RawDisplayName(), slot.shaderOutputName, SlotType.Output,, outputStage)); validNames.Add(; } } RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames); }
public void ThrowsArgumentNullException_WhenNodeIsNull() { var ex = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => NodeExtensions.GetValue <string>(null, "foo")); ex.Should().NotBeNull(); }