예제 #1
    void Start()
        path2Follow = new List <Node>();
        makerRef    = GameObject.Find("Start");
        Platform tempRef = makerRef.GetComponent <Platform>();

        maxNumNodes = tempRef.gridX * tempRef.gridY;
        openHeap    = new NodeBinaryHeap(2048);
예제 #2
 void CleanUp(int NPCID)
     foreach (GameObject node in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Node"))
         Node cache = node.GetComponent <Node>();
         cache.explored[NPCID] = false;
         cache.Heuristic       = -1;
         if (cache.backReference.Count > 0)
             cache.backReference[NPCID] = null;
         node.gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     openHeap = new NodeBinaryHeap(2048);
     openHeap.currentItemCount = 0;
예제 #3
    public List <Vector2> GetPath(Vector2 startPos, Vector2 endPos)
        NodeBinaryHeap openList   = new NodeBinaryHeap();
        List <Node>    closedList = new List <Node> ();

        int startX = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(scanArea.x - startPos.x) / sizeWidth);
        int startY = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(scanArea.y - startPos.y) / sizeHeight);

        Debug.Log("StartX: " + startX + " StartY: " + startY);

        int endX = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(scanArea.x - endPos.x) / sizeWidth);
        int endY = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Abs(scanArea.y - endPos.y) / sizeHeight);

        Debug.Log("EndX: " + endX + " EndY: " + endY);

        //Check Path is Solveable
        if (map[startX, startY].passable == false || map[endX, endY].passable == false)

        //Set score to 0, could set its parent to itself for path detection if needed.
        map [startX, startY].FScore = 0;
        map [startX, startY].SetParent(startX, startY);

        openList.Insert(map [startX, startY]);

        while (openList.count > 0)
            Node lowestNode = openList.GetAndRemoveRoot();

            if (lowestNode.x == endX && lowestNode.y == endY)
                List <Vector2> output = new List <Vector2>();

                return(CalculatePath(lowestNode, output));

            //openList.RemoveAt (indexForRemove);

            //Get Neighbours
            Node[] primaryNei = new Node[8];

            //Default 4
            if (lowestNode.x > 0)
                primaryNei[0] = map[lowestNode.x - 1, lowestNode.y];

            if (lowestNode.x < width - 1)
                primaryNei[1] = map[lowestNode.x + 1, lowestNode.y];

            if (lowestNode.y < height - 1)
                primaryNei[2] = map[lowestNode.x, lowestNode.y + 1];

            if (lowestNode.y > 0)
                primaryNei[3] = map[lowestNode.x, lowestNode.y - 1];

            //Advanced 4
            //Top Left
            if (lowestNode.y < height - 1 && lowestNode.x > 0)
                primaryNei[4] = map[lowestNode.x - 1, lowestNode.y + 1];

            //Bottom Left
            if (lowestNode.y > 0 && lowestNode.x > 0)
                primaryNei[5] = map[lowestNode.x - 1, lowestNode.y - 1];

            //Top Right
            if (lowestNode.y < height - 1 && lowestNode.x < width - 1)
                primaryNei[6] = map[lowestNode.x + 1, lowestNode.y + 1];

            //Bottom Right
            if (lowestNode.y > 0 && lowestNode.x < width - 1)
                primaryNei[7] = map[lowestNode.x + 1, lowestNode.y - 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                //Out of bounds check.
                if (primaryNei[i] == null)

                if (primaryNei[i].passable == false)

                if (i >= 4)
                    if (DiagonalWallCheck(primaryNei[i]) == true)

                //Checks Neighbour isn't in Closed List
                if (closedList.Contains(primaryNei[i]))

                if (openList.Contains(primaryNei[i]) == false)
                    //Set the parent of the neighbour to the current node.
                    primaryNei[i].SetParent(lowestNode.x, lowestNode.y);

                    //primaryNei[i].GScore = CalculateDistance(primaryNei[i].x, primaryNei[i].y, startX, startY);
                    primaryNei[i].HScore = CalculateDistance(primaryNei[i].x, primaryNei[i].y, endX, endY);
                    primaryNei[i].FScore = primaryNei[i].GScore + primaryNei[i].HScore;

                    //Diagonal optomisation will go here. - Actually add a working G cost.

                //Add node back to map.
                map[primaryNei[i].x, primaryNei[i].y] = primaryNei[i];

        List <Vector2> finalPath = new List <Vector2> ();
