예제 #1
 protected void AppendActiveIndices(NnuePosition pos, Span <IndexList2> active)
     for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
         HalfKpAppendActiveIndices(pos, c, ref active[c]);
        private unsafe void RefreshAccumulator(NnuePosition pos)
            var accumulator = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator;
            Span <IndexList2> activeIndices = stackalloc IndexList2[2];

            AppendActiveIndices(pos, activeIndices);

            for (var color = 0; color < 2; color++)
                Array.Copy(_parameters.FeatureTransformer.Biases, accumulator.accumulation[color], kHalfDimensions);

                for (uint i = 0; i < activeIndices[color].size; i++)
                    uint index  = activeIndices[color].values[i];
                    uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index;

                    for (uint j = 0; j < kHalfDimensions; j++)
                        accumulator.accumulation[color][j] += _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Weights[offset + j];

            accumulator.computedAccumulation = true;
        private unsafe void TransformAvx2(NnuePosition pos, Span <sbyte> output, Span <uint> outMask)
            if (!UpdateAccumulator(pos))

            var accumulation    = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator.accumulation;
            var perspectives    = new int[] { pos.Player, pos.Player ^ 1 };
            var outputMaskIndex = 0;

            for (uint perspective = 0; perspective < 2; perspective++)
                var        offset    = kHalfDimensions * perspective;
                const uint numChunks = (16 * kHalfDimensions) / SimdWidth;
                fixed(sbyte *outputPtr = output)
                fixed(short *accumulationsPtr = accumulation[perspectives[perspective]])
                    var outEntry = (Vector256 <sbyte> *) & outputPtr[offset];

                    for (uint i = 0; i < numChunks / 2; i++)
                        var s0 = ((Vector256 <short> *)accumulationsPtr)[i * 2];
                        var s1 = ((Vector256 <short> *)accumulationsPtr)[i * 2 + 1];
                        outEntry[i] = Avx2.PackSignedSaturate(s0, s1);
                        var x = outEntry[i];
                        outMask[outputMaskIndex++] = (uint)Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareGreaterThan(outEntry[i], Vector256 <sbyte> .Zero));
예제 #4
        private unsafe void HalfKpAppendActiveIndices(NnuePosition pos, int c, ref IndexList2 active)
            int ksq = pos.Squares[c];

            ksq = orient(c, ksq);
            for (int i = 2; pos.Pieces[i] != 0; i++)
                int sq = pos.Squares[i];
                int pc = pos.Pieces[i];
                active.values[active.size++] = make_index(c, sq, pc, ksq);
        public override int Evaluate(NnuePosition pos)
            //pos.nnue[0].accumulator.computedAccumulation = false;

            Span <sbyte> input      = stackalloc sbyte[FtOutDims];
            Span <sbyte> hidden1Out = stackalloc sbyte[32];
            Span <sbyte> hidden2Out = stackalloc sbyte[32];

            Transform(pos, input);
            AffineTransform(input, hidden1Out, FtOutDims, 32, _parameters.Hidden1.Biases, _parameters.Hidden1.Weights);
            AffineTransform(hidden1Out, hidden2Out, 32, 32, _parameters.Hidden2.Biases, _parameters.Hidden2.Weights);
            var outValue = AffinePropagate(hidden2Out, _parameters.Output.Biases, _parameters.Output.Weights);
            var result   = outValue / 16;

        private unsafe void RefreshAccumulatorAvx2(NnuePosition pos)
            var accumulator = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator;
            Span <IndexList2> activeIndices = stackalloc IndexList2[2];

            AppendActiveIndices(pos, activeIndices);
            var acc = stackalloc Vector256 <short> [RegisterCount];

            for (int color = 0; color < 2; color++)
                for (uint i = 0; i < kHalfDimensions / TileHeight; i++)
                    fixed(short *biasPtr = _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Biases)
                    fixed(short *weightsPtr       = _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Weights)
                    fixed(short *accumulationsPtr = accumulator.accumulation[color])
                        var biasesTile = (Vector256 <short> *)(&biasPtr[i * TileHeight]);
                        var accTile    = (Vector256 <short> *)(&accumulationsPtr[i * TileHeight]);

                        for (var j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                            acc[j] = biasesTile[j];

                        for (var j = 0; j < activeIndices[color].size; j++)
                            uint index  = activeIndices[color].values[j];
                            uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index + i * TileHeight;
                            Vector256 <short> *column = (Vector256 <short> *) & weightsPtr[offset];

                            for (uint k = 0; k < RegisterCount; k++)
                                acc[k] = Avx2.Add(acc[k], column[k]);

                        for (uint j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                            accTile[j] = acc[j];
            accumulator.computedAccumulation = true;
        private void Transform(NnuePosition pos, Span <sbyte> output)
            if (!UpdateAccumulator(pos))

            var        accumulation = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator.accumulation;
            Span <int> perspectives = stackalloc int[] { pos.Player, pos.Player ^ 1 };

            for (var perspective = 0; perspective < 2; perspective++)
                var offset = kHalfDimensions * perspective;
                for (var i = 0; i < kHalfDimensions; i++)
                    short sum = accumulation[perspectives[perspective]][i];
                    output[offset + i] = (sbyte)Clamp((int)sum, 0, 127);
예제 #8
        protected void AppendChangedIndices(NnuePosition pos, Span <IndexList2> removed, Span <IndexList2> added, Span <bool> reset)
            var dp = pos.Nnue[0].dirtyPiece;

            Debug.Assert(dp.dirtyNum != 0);

            if (pos.Nnue[1].accumulator.computedAccumulation)
                for (byte color = 0; color < 2; color++)
                    reset[color] = dp.pc[0] == GetKing(color);
                    if (reset[color])
                        HalfKpAppendActiveIndices(pos, color, ref added[color]);
                        HaldKpAppendChangedIndices(pos, color, dp, ref removed[color], ref added[color]);
                var dp2 = pos.Nnue[1].dirtyPiece;
                for (byte c = 0; c < 2; c++)
                    reset[c] = dp.pc[0] == GetKing(c) || dp2.pc[0] == GetKing(c);
                    if (reset[c])
                        HalfKpAppendActiveIndices(pos, c, ref added[c]);
                        HaldKpAppendChangedIndices(pos, c, dp, ref removed[c], ref added[c]);
                        HaldKpAppendChangedIndices(pos, c, dp2, ref removed[c], ref added[c]);
        public override int Evaluate(NnuePosition pos)
            //pos.nnue[0].accumulator.computedAccumulation = false;
            //pos.nnue[1].accumulator.computedAccumulation = false;
            //pos.nnue[2].accumulator.computedAccumulation = false;

            Span <uint> inputMask   = stackalloc uint[FtOutDims / (8 * sizeof(uint))];
            Span <uint> hidden1Mask = stackalloc uint[8 / sizeof(uint)];
            Span <uint> fake        = stackalloc uint[0];

            Span <sbyte> input      = stackalloc sbyte[FtOutDims];
            Span <sbyte> hidden1Out = stackalloc sbyte[32];
            Span <sbyte> hidden2Out = stackalloc sbyte[32];

            TransformAvx2(pos, input, inputMask);
            AffineTransformAvx2(input, hidden1Out, FtOutDims, _parameters.Hidden1.Biases, _parameters.Hidden1.Weights, inputMask, hidden1Mask, true);
            AffineTransformAvx2(hidden1Out, hidden2Out, 32, _parameters.Hidden2.Biases, _parameters.Hidden2.Weights, hidden1Mask, fake, false);
            var outValue = AffinePropagateAvx2(hidden2Out, _parameters.Output.Biases, _parameters.Output.Weights);
            var result   = outValue / 16;

예제 #10
        private unsafe void HaldKpAppendChangedIndices(NnuePosition pos, byte color, NnueDirtyPiece dirtyPiece, ref IndexList2 removed, ref IndexList2 added)
            int ksq = pos.Squares[color];

            ksq = orient(color, ksq);
            for (int i = 0; i < dirtyPiece.dirtyNum; i++)
                var pc = dirtyPiece.pc[i];
                if (IsKing(pc))

                if (dirtyPiece.from[i] != 64)
                    removed.values[removed.size++] = make_index(color, dirtyPiece.from[i], pc, ksq);

                if (dirtyPiece.to[i] != 64)
                    added.values[added.size++] = make_index(color, dirtyPiece.to[i], pc, ksq);
        private unsafe bool UpdateAccumulator(NnuePosition pos)
            var accumulator = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator;

            if (accumulator.computedAccumulation)

            NnueAccumulator prevAcc;

            if (pos.NnueCount > 0 && pos.Nnue[1].accumulator.computedAccumulation)
                prevAcc = pos.Nnue[1].accumulator;
            else if (pos.NnueCount > 1 && pos.Nnue[2].accumulator.computedAccumulation)
                prevAcc = pos.Nnue[2].accumulator;

            Span <IndexList2> removedIndices = stackalloc IndexList2[2];
            Span <IndexList2> addedIndices   = stackalloc IndexList2[2];
            Span <bool>       reset          = stackalloc bool[2];

            AppendChangedIndices(pos, removedIndices, addedIndices, reset);

            for (var color = 0; color < 2; color++)
                if (reset[color])
                    Array.Copy(_parameters.FeatureTransformer.Biases, accumulator.accumulation[color], kHalfDimensions);
                    Array.Copy(prevAcc.accumulation[color], accumulator.accumulation[color], kHalfDimensions);
                    // Difference calculation for the deactivated features
                    for (uint k = 0; k < removedIndices[color].size; k++)
                        uint index  = removedIndices[color].values[k];
                        uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index;

                        for (uint j = 0; j < kHalfDimensions; j++)
                            accumulator.accumulation[color][j] -= _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Weights[offset + j];

                // Difference calculation for the activated features
                for (uint k = 0; k < addedIndices[color].size; k++)
                    uint index  = addedIndices[color].values[k];
                    uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index;

                    for (uint j = 0; j < kHalfDimensions; j++)
                        accumulator.accumulation[color][j] += _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Weights[offset + j];

            accumulator.computedAccumulation = true;
 public int Evaluate(NnuePosition pos)
예제 #13
 public abstract int Evaluate(NnuePosition position);
        private unsafe bool UpdateAccumulator(NnuePosition pos)
            var accumulator = pos.Nnue[0].accumulator;

            if (accumulator.computedAccumulation)

            NnueAccumulator prevAcc;

            if (pos.NnueCount > 0 && pos.Nnue[1].accumulator.computedAccumulation)
                prevAcc = pos.Nnue[1].accumulator;
            else if (pos.NnueCount > 1 && pos.Nnue[2].accumulator.computedAccumulation)
                prevAcc = pos.Nnue[2].accumulator;

            Span <IndexList2> removedIndices = stackalloc IndexList2[2];
            Span <IndexList2> addedIndices   = stackalloc IndexList2[2];
            Span <bool>       reset          = stackalloc bool[2];

            AppendChangedIndices(pos, removedIndices, addedIndices, reset);

            var acc = stackalloc Vector256 <short> [RegisterCount];

            for (uint i = 0; i < kHalfDimensions / TileHeight; i++)
                for (int color = 0; color < 2; color++)
                    fixed(short *biasPtr = _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Biases)
                    fixed(short *weightsPtr       = _parameters.FeatureTransformer.Weights)
                    fixed(short *accumulationsPtr = accumulator.accumulation[color])
                    fixed(short *prevAccPtr       = prevAcc.accumulation[color])
                        var accTile = (Vector256 <short> *)(&accumulationsPtr[i * TileHeight]);

                        if (reset[color])
                            var biasesTile = (Vector256 <short> *)(&biasPtr[i * TileHeight]);
                            for (var j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                                acc[j] = biasesTile[j];
                            var prevAccTile = (Vector256 <short> *)(&prevAccPtr[i * TileHeight]);
                            for (var j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                                acc[j] = prevAccTile[j];

                            // Difference calculation for the deactivated features
                            for (uint k = 0; k < removedIndices[color].size; k++)
                                uint index  = removedIndices[color].values[k];
                                uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index + i * TileHeight;
                                Vector256 <short> *column = (Vector256 <short> *) & weightsPtr[offset];
                                for (uint j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                                    acc[j] = Avx2.Subtract(acc[j], column[j]);

                        // Difference calculation for the activated features
                        for (uint k = 0; k < addedIndices[color].size; k++)
                            uint index  = addedIndices[color].values[k];
                            uint offset = kHalfDimensions * index + i * TileHeight;

                            Vector256 <short> *column = (Vector256 <short> *) & weightsPtr[offset];
                            for (uint j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                                acc[j] = Avx2.Add(acc[j], column[j]);

                        for (uint j = 0; j < RegisterCount; j++)
                            accTile[j] = acc[j];

            accumulator.computedAccumulation = true;