예제 #1
        public static void StartSync()
            // load local catalog
            CustomObjectCatalog localObjects = null;
                localObjects = DeSerializer.Deserializer<CustomObjectCatalog>("localObjects.xml");
            catch { }

            if (localObjects == null)
                bool ok = DeSerializer.Serialize<CustomObjectCatalog>(new CustomObjectCatalog(new List<CustomObject>()), "localObjects.xml");
                if (ok) localObjects = DeSerializer.Deserializer<CustomObjectCatalog>("localObjects.xml");

            if (localObjects != null)
                // ask for update
                // TODO: invoke message box to ask user if he realy wants to sync.

                // get catalog from net
                Nme2Ws.Nme2Ws ws = new Nme2Ws.Nme2Ws();
                CustomObjectCatalog webObjects = new CustomObjectCatalog(ws.CustomObjectServiceGetAllCustomObjectsAsArray());

                // compare catalog
                IList<LocalCustomObject> toBeDeleted = new List<LocalCustomObject>();
                IList<LocalCustomObject> newItems = new List<LocalCustomObject>();

                foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in webObjects.CustomObjects)
                    bool exists = false;
                    foreach (LocalCustomObject localObject in localObjects.CustomObjects)
                        if (webObject.Id == localObject.Id && webObject.Version == localObject.Version)
                            exists = true;
                        else if (webObject.Id == localObject.Id && webObject.Version != localObject.Version)
                            exists = true;
                            if (!toBeDeleted.Contains(webObject)) toBeDeleted.Add(localObject);
                            if (!newItems.Contains(webObject)) newItems.Add(webObject);

                    if (!exists)
                        if (!newItems.Contains(webObject)) newItems.Add(webObject);


                foreach (LocalCustomObject localObject in localObjects.CustomObjects)
                    bool clearedForDelete = true;

                    foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in webObjects.CustomObjects)
                        if (localObject.Id == webObject.Id)
                            clearedForDelete = false;

                    if (clearedForDelete)
                        if (!toBeDeleted.Contains(localObject)) toBeDeleted.Add(localObject);

                // delete old items
                string customObjectPath = Settings.Default.CustomSimObjectPath;
                foreach (LocalCustomObject localOject in toBeDeleted)
                    Directory.Delete(customObjectPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + localOject.Id + "_" + localOject.Version, true);

                // download new items
                foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in newItems)
                    // extract to custom object folder
                    WebClient client = new WebClient();

                    // Load new object from remot to [temp]
                    string copysource = webObject.DownloadPath;
                    string destinationFilename = webObject.Id + "_" + webObject.Version + ".zip";
                    string unzipDestination = webObject.Id + "_" + webObject.Version;
                    string destination = "./[temp]/" + destinationFilename;
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleOrange;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write("Inet access for download ...");
                    client.DownloadFile(copysource, destination);
                    //File.Copy(copysource, "./[temp]/" + ObjectName.Replace('.', '_') + ".zip",true);
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleGreen;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write("... completed");
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleWhite;

                    // unzip to simobject folder
                    string unzipdir = customObjectPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + unzipDestination;
                    UnZipFiles(destination, unzipdir, "", false);

                    // delete from [temp]

                // save catalog as new local
                DeSerializer.Serialize(webObjects, "localObjects.xml");

예제 #2
        public static void StartSync()
            // load local catalog
            CustomObjectCatalog localObjects = null;

                localObjects = DeSerializer.Deserializer <CustomObjectCatalog>("localObjects.xml");
            catch { }

            if (localObjects == null)
                bool ok = DeSerializer.Serialize <CustomObjectCatalog>(new CustomObjectCatalog(new List <CustomObject>()), "localObjects.xml");
                if (ok)
                    localObjects = DeSerializer.Deserializer <CustomObjectCatalog>("localObjects.xml");

            if (localObjects != null)
                // ask for update
                // TODO: invoke message box to ask user if he realy wants to sync.

                // get catalog from net
                Nme2Ws.Nme2Ws       ws         = new Nme2Ws.Nme2Ws();
                CustomObjectCatalog webObjects = new CustomObjectCatalog(ws.CustomObjectServiceGetAllCustomObjectsAsArray());

                // compare catalog
                IList <LocalCustomObject> toBeDeleted = new List <LocalCustomObject>();
                IList <LocalCustomObject> newItems    = new List <LocalCustomObject>();

                foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in webObjects.CustomObjects)
                    bool exists = false;
                    foreach (LocalCustomObject localObject in localObjects.CustomObjects)
                        if (webObject.Id == localObject.Id && webObject.Version == localObject.Version)
                            exists = true;
                        else if (webObject.Id == localObject.Id && webObject.Version != localObject.Version)
                            exists = true;
                            if (!toBeDeleted.Contains(webObject))
                            if (!newItems.Contains(webObject))

                    if (!exists)
                        if (!newItems.Contains(webObject))

                foreach (LocalCustomObject localObject in localObjects.CustomObjects)
                    bool clearedForDelete = true;

                    foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in webObjects.CustomObjects)
                        if (localObject.Id == webObject.Id)
                            clearedForDelete = false;

                    if (clearedForDelete)
                        if (!toBeDeleted.Contains(localObject))

                // delete old items
                string customObjectPath = Settings.Default.CustomSimObjectPath;
                foreach (LocalCustomObject localOject in toBeDeleted)
                    Directory.Delete(customObjectPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + localOject.Id + "_" + localOject.Version, true);

                // download new items
                foreach (LocalCustomObject webObject in newItems)
                    // extract to custom object folder
                    WebClient client = new WebClient();

                    // Load new object from remot to [temp]
                    string copysource          = webObject.DownloadPath;
                    string destinationFilename = webObject.Id + "_" + webObject.Version + ".zip";
                    string unzipDestination    = webObject.Id + "_" + webObject.Version;
                    string destination         = "./[temp]/" + destinationFilename;
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleOrange;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write("Inet access for download ...");
                    client.DownloadFile(copysource, destination);
                    //File.Copy(copysource, "./[temp]/" + ObjectName.Replace('.', '_') + ".zip",true);
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleGreen;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write("... completed");
                    //Console.ForegroundColor = Program.ConsoleWhite;

                    // unzip to simobject folder
                    string unzipdir = customObjectPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + unzipDestination;
                    UnZipFiles(destination, unzipdir, "", false);

                    // delete from [temp]

                // save catalog as new local
                DeSerializer.Serialize(webObjects, "localObjects.xml");