private void _OpenMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (_FolderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileManager fm = new FileManager(); _Model1 = fm.LoadModel(_FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + @"\clean.xml"); _Model2 = fm.LoadModel(_FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + @"\dirty.xml"); _Nicotine = new Nicotine(_Model1, 0, _Model2, 24); _Scene.Model = _Nicotine.Smoke(0.01); _Screen = new Screen(pictureBox1.CreateGraphics(), pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height, _ProgressBar); ShowScene(); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString(), "Ошибка!"); } }
/// <summary> /// Create the view for the fragment. /// </summary> /// <param name="inflater">The inflater to use to inflate an XML layout.</param> /// <param name="container">The container of the resulting view.</param> /// <param name="savedInstanceState">No clue.</param> /// <returns>The created view.</returns> public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { var res = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.RecipeDetailLayout, container, false); Cheeseknife.Inject(this, res); nameField.Text = Recipe.Name; targetNicField.Text = Recipe.TargetNicotine.ToString(); batchSizeField.Text = Recipe.BatchSize.ToString(); ArrayAdapter <Nicotine> nicAdapter = new ArrayAdapter <Nicotine>(Activity, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem, Nicotines); nicotineSpinner.Adapter = nicAdapter; nicotineSpinner.ItemSelected += delegate(Object caller, ItemSelectedEventArgs args) { Nicotine nic = Nicotines[args.Position]; Recipe.Nicotine = nic; }; int pg = Recipe.PG; int vg = 100 - pg; pgSlider.Progress = pg; pgSlider.ProgressChanged += delegate { pgLabel.Text = "" + pgSlider.Progress + "% / " + (100 - pgSlider.Progress) + "%"; }; pgLabel.Text = "" + pg + "% / " + vg + "%"; return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Remove a nicotine from the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="nicotine">The nicotine to remove.</param> public void RemoveNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { string cmd = $"DELETE FROM {NIC_TABLE_NAME} WHERE {NIC_ID_COL}={nicotine.ID};"; try { WritableDatabase.ExecSQL(cmd); } catch (SQLiteAbortException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
//delete Nicotine public static void Delete(Nicotine nicotine) { var sqlQuery = "UPDATE nicotine SET Deleted = True WHERE NicotineId = @NicotineId"; var sqlParams = new List <MySqlParameter>() { new MySqlParameter("@NicotineId", nicotine.NicotineId), }; Db.ExecDb(sqlQuery, Database.DatabaseProcedureType.Text, sqlParams.ToArray(), Database.ReturnType.None, false); }
/// <summary> /// Parse a nicotine from the current row. /// </summary> /// <param name="iter">The database cursor pointing to a valid query result.</param> /// <returns>The parsed nicotine.</returns> private Nicotine ParseNicotine(ICursor iter) { Nicotine res = new Nicotine(); res.ID = iter.GetInt(0); res.Name = iter.GetString(1); res.VG = (byte)iter.GetInt(2); res.Concentration = iter.GetInt(3); return(res); }
//create Nicotine public static void Create(Nicotine nicotine) { var sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO nicotine (Nicotine, Updated) VALUES (@Nicotine, @Updated)"; var sqlParams = new List <MySqlParameter>() { new MySqlParameter("@Nicotine", nicotine.NicotineStrength), new MySqlParameter("@Updated", DateTime.Now) }; Db.ExecDb(sqlQuery, Database.DatabaseProcedureType.Text, sqlParams.ToArray(), Database.ReturnType.None, false); }
public ActionResult GetNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { try { return(Json(NicotineFunctions.Get(nicotine))); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("Error occurred. Error details: " + ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// Update a nicotine in the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="nicotine">The nicotine to update.</param> public void UpdateNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { string cmd = $"UPDATE {NIC_TABLE_NAME} SET {NIC_NAME_COL}=\"{nicotine.Name}\", {NIC_VG_COL}={nicotine.VG}, " + $" {NIC_CONC_COL}={nicotine.Concentration} WHERE {NIC_ID_COL}={nicotine.ID};"; try { WritableDatabase.ExecSQL(cmd); } catch (SQLiteAbortException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Add a new nicotine to the nicotine table. /// </summary> /// <param name="nicotine">The nicotine to add.</param> public void PutNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { string cmd = $"INSERT INTO {NIC_TABLE_NAME} ({NIC_NAME_COL}, {NIC_VG_COL}, {NIC_CONC_COL}) " + $"VALUES (\"{nicotine.Name}\", {nicotine.VG}, {nicotine.Concentration});"; try { WritableDatabase.ExecSQL(cmd); nicotine.ID = GetLastInsertedID(); } catch (SQLiteAbortException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Called to begin editing a nicotine. /// </summary> /// <param name="toEdit">The nicotine to edit.</param> public void StartEditNicotine(Nicotine toEdit) { NicotineDetailFragment ndFrag = new NicotineDetailFragment(); ndFrag.SetNicotine(toEdit); var trans = SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction(); trans.SetCustomAnimations(Resource.Animation.fromLeftAnimation, Resource.Animation.fadeOutAnimation, Resource.Animation.fadeInAnimation, Resource.Animation.toLeftAnimation); trans.Replace(Resource.Id.naFragmentView, ndFrag, "detailFragment"); trans.AddToBackStack("startEditNicotine"); trans.Commit(); }
//update Nicotine public static void Update(Nicotine nicotine) { var sqlQuery = "UPDATE nicotine SET Nicotine = @Nicotine, Updated = @Updated, UserIdUpdated = @UserIdUpdated WHERE NicotineId = @NicotineId"; var sqlParams = new List <MySqlParameter>() { new MySqlParameter("@Nicotine", nicotine.NicotineStrength), new MySqlParameter("@Updated", DateTime.Now), new MySqlParameter("@UserIdUpdated", nicotine.UserIdUpdated), //use identity user new MySqlParameter("@NicotineId", nicotine.NicotineId), }; Db.ExecDb(sqlQuery, Database.DatabaseProcedureType.Text, sqlParams.ToArray(), Database.ReturnType.None, false); }
//get Nicotine public static Nicotine Get(Nicotine nicotine) { var sqlQuery = $"SELECT * FROM nicotine WHERE NicotineId = @NicotineId"; var sqlParams = new List <MySqlParameter>() { new MySqlParameter("@NicotineId", nicotine.NicotineId) }; var dt = (DataTable)Db.ExecDb(sqlQuery, Database.DatabaseProcedureType.Text, sqlParams.ToArray(), Database.ReturnType.DataTable, false); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { nicotine.NicotineId = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelperFunctions.NullCheck(dt.Rows[0]["NicotineId"])); nicotine.NicotineStrength = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelperFunctions.NullCheck(dt.Rows[0]["Nicotine"])); } ; return(nicotine); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve all nicotines from the database. /// </summary> /// <returns>The collection of all nicotines currently in the database.</returns> public IList <Nicotine> GetNicotines() { IList <Nicotine> res = new List <Nicotine>(); string cmd = $"SELECT * FROM {NIC_TABLE_NAME};"; ICursor iter = ReadableDatabase.RawQuery(cmd, null); while (iter.MoveToNext()) { Nicotine newNic = ParseNicotine(iter); if (newNic != null) { res.Add(newNic); } } iter.Close(); return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Parse a recipe from the current row. /// </summary> /// <param name="iter">The database cursor pointing to a row of a query.</param> /// <returns>The parsed recipe.</returns> private Recipe ParseRecipe(ICursor iter) { Recipe res = new Recipe(); Nicotine resNic = new Nicotine(); res.Nicotine = resNic; res.ID = iter.GetInt(0); res.Name = iter.GetString(1); res.VG = (byte)iter.GetInt(2); res.BatchSize = iter.GetInt(3); res.TargetNicotine = iter.GetFloat(4); resNic.ID = iter.GetInt(5); resNic.Name = iter.GetString(6); resNic.VG = (byte)iter.GetInt(7); resNic.Concentration = iter.GetInt(8); return(res); }
public ActionResult CreateUpdateNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { try { if (nicotine.NicotineId != null) { NicotineFunctions.Update(nicotine); } else { NicotineFunctions.Create(nicotine); } return(Json("Success")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("Error occurred. Error details: " + ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult DeleteNicotine(Nicotine nicotine) { NicotineFunctions.Delete(nicotine); return(RedirectToAction("Nicotine", "ProductOptions")); }
/// <summary> /// Set the nicotine to edited/created. /// </summary> /// <param name="newNicotine"></param> public void SetNicotine(Nicotine newNicotine) { this.nicotine = newNicotine; }