private static async void ProcessSongRequest(int index, bool fromHistory = false) { if ((RequestQueue.Songs.Count > 0 && !fromHistory) || (RequestHistory.Songs.Count > 0 && fromHistory)) { SongRequest request = null; if (!fromHistory) { SetRequestStatus(index, RequestStatus.Played); request = DequeueRequest(index); } else { request = RequestHistory.Songs.ElementAt(index); } if (request == null) { Plugin.Log("Can't process a null request! Aborting!"); return; } else { Plugin.Log($"Processing song request {["songName"].Value}"); } string songName =["songName"].Value; string songIndex = $"{["id"].Value} ({["songName"].Value} - {["levelAuthor"].Value})"; songIndex = normalize.RemoveDirectorySymbols(ref songIndex); // Remove invalid characters. string currentSongDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Beat Saber_Data\\CustomLevels", songIndex); string songHash =["hash"].Value.ToUpper(); // Check to see if level exists, download if not. // Replace with level check. //CustomLevel[] levels = SongLoader.CustomLevels.Where(l => l.levelID.StartsWith(songHash)).ToArray(); //if (levels.Length == 0) var rat = SongCore.Collections.levelIDsForHash(songHash); bool mapexists = (rat.Count > 0) && (rat[0] != ""); if (!SongCore.Loader.CustomLevels.ContainsKey(currentSongDirectory) && !mapexists) { EmptyDirectory(".requestcache", false); //SongMap map; //if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.TryGetValue(songIndex, out map)) //{ // if (map.path != "") // { // songIndex =["version"].Value; // songName =["songName"].Value; // currentSongDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "CustomSongs", songIndex); // songHash =["hashMd5"].Value.ToUpper(); // Directory.CreateDirectory(currentSongDirectory); // // HACK to allow playing alternate songs not in custom song directory // CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(map.path),new DirectoryInfo( currentSongDirectory)); // goto here; // } //} //Plugin.Log("Downloading"); if (Directory.Exists(currentSongDirectory)) { EmptyDirectory(currentSongDirectory, true); Plugin.Log($"Deleting {currentSongDirectory}"); } string localPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, ".requestcache", $"{["id"].Value}.zip"); //string dl = $" {["downloadURL"].Value}"; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Download url: {dl}, {}"); // Insert code to replace local path with ZIP path here //SongMap map; //if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.TryGetValue(songIndex, out map)) //{ // if (map.path != "") // { // songIndex =["version"].Value; // songName =["songName"].Value; // currentSongDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "CustomSongs", songIndex); // songHash =["hashMd5"].Value.ToUpper(); // Directory.CreateDirectory(currentSongDirectory); // // HACK to allow playing alternate songs not in custom song directory // CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(map.path),new DirectoryInfo( currentSongDirectory)); // goto here; // } //} #if UNRELEASED // Direct download hack var ext = Path.GetExtension(["coverURL"].Value); var k =["coverURL"].Value.Replace(ext, ".zip"); var songZip = await Plugin.WebClient.DownloadSong($"{k}", System.Threading.CancellationToken.None); #else var songZip = await Plugin.WebClient.DownloadSong($"{["downloadURL"].Value}", System.Threading.CancellationToken.None); #endif Stream zipStream = new MemoryStream(songZip); try { // open zip archive from memory stream ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read); archive.ExtractToDirectory(currentSongDirectory); archive.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { Plugin.Log($"Unable to extract ZIP! Exception: {e}"); return; } zipStream.Close(); here: await Task.Run(async() => { while (!SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded && SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoading) { await Task.Delay(25); } }); Loader.Instance.RefreshSongs(); await Task.Run(async() => { while (!SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded && SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoading) { await Task.Delay(25); } }); EmptyDirectory(".requestcache", true); //levels = SongLoader.CustomLevels.Where(l => l.levelID.StartsWith(songHash)).ToArray(); } else { //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Directory exists: {currentSongDirectory}"); Plugin.Log($"Song {songName} already exists!"); } // Dismiss the song request viewcontroller now //_songRequestMenu.Dismiss(); _flowCoordinator.Dismiss(); if (true) { //Plugin.Log($"Scrolling to level {levels[0].levelID}"); bool success = false; Dispatcher.RunCoroutine(SongListUtils.ScrollToLevel(["hash"].Value.ToUpper(), (s) => success = s, false)); // Redownload the song if we failed to scroll to it } else { Plugin.Log("Failed to find new level!"); } if (! && RequestBotConfig.Instance.SendNextSongBeingPlayedtoChat) { new DynamicText().AddUser(ref request.requestor).AddSong(; // Display next song message } #if UNRELEASED if (! // Experimental! { ChatHandler.Send("marker " + new DynamicText().AddUser(ref request.requestor).AddSong(, true); } #endif } }
private static IEnumerator ProcessSongRequest(int index, bool fromHistory = false) { if ((RequestQueue.Songs.Count > 0 && !fromHistory) || (RequestHistory.Songs.Count > 0 && fromHistory)) { SongRequest request = null; if (!fromHistory) { SetRequestStatus(index, RequestStatus.Played); request = DequeueRequest(index); } else { request = RequestHistory.Songs.ElementAt(index); } if (request == null) { Plugin.Log("Can't process a null request! Aborting!"); yield break; } else { Plugin.Log($"Processing song request {["songName"].Value}"); } string songName =["songName"].Value; string songIndex = $"{["id"].Value} ({["songName"].Value} - {["levelAuthor"].Value})"; songIndex = normalize.RemoveDirectorySymbols(ref songIndex); // Remove invalid characters. string currentSongDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Beat Saber_Data\\CustomLevels", songIndex); string songHash =["hash"].Value.ToUpper(); // Check to see if level exists, download if not. // Replace with level check. //CustomLevel[] levels = SongLoader.CustomLevels.Where(l => l.levelID.StartsWith(songHash)).ToArray(); //if (levels.Length == 0) var rat = SongCore.Collections.levelIDsForHash(songHash); bool mapexists = (rat.Count > 0) && (rat[0] != ""); if (!SongCore.Loader.CustomLevels.ContainsKey(currentSongDirectory) && !mapexists) { Utilities.EmptyDirectory(".requestcache", false); //SongMap map; //if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.TryGetValue(songIndex, out map)) //{ // if (map.path != "") // { // songIndex =["version"].Value; // songName =["songName"].Value; // currentSongDirectory = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "CustomSongs", songIndex); // songHash =["hashMd5"].Value.ToUpper(); // Directory.CreateDirectory(currentSongDirectory); // // HACK to allow playing alternate songs not in custom song directory // CopyFilesRecursively(new DirectoryInfo(map.path),new DirectoryInfo( currentSongDirectory)); // goto here; // } //} //Plugin.Log("Downloading"); if (Directory.Exists(currentSongDirectory)) { Utilities.EmptyDirectory(currentSongDirectory, true); Plugin.Log($"Deleting {currentSongDirectory}"); } string localPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, ".requestcache", $"{["id"].Value}.zip"); //string dl = $" {["downloadURL"].Value}"; //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Download url: {dl}, {}"); yield return(Utilities.DownloadFile($"{["downloadURL"].Value}", localPath)); yield return(Utilities.ExtractZip(localPath, currentSongDirectory)); here: yield return(new WaitUntil(() => SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded && !SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoading)); Loader.Instance.RefreshSongs(); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded && !SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoading)); Utilities.EmptyDirectory(".requestcache", true); //levels = SongLoader.CustomLevels.Where(l => l.levelID.StartsWith(songHash)).ToArray(); } else { //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Directory exists: {currentSongDirectory}"); Plugin.Log($"Song {songName} already exists!"); } // Dismiss the song request viewcontroller now _songRequestMenu.Dismiss(); if (true) { //Plugin.Log($"Scrolling to level {levels[0].levelID}"); bool success = false; yield return(SongListUtils.ScrollToLevel(["hash"].Value.ToUpper(), (s) => success = s, false)); yield return(null); // Redownload the song if we failed to scroll to it } else { Plugin.Log("Failed to find new level!"); } if (! { new DynamicText().AddUser(ref request.requestor).AddSong(; // Display next song message } #if UNRELEASED if (! // Experimental! { TwitchWebSocketClient.SendCommand("/marker " + new DynamicText().AddUser(ref request.requestor).AddSong(; } #endif } }