public void Get_tutorial_information_next_section_id_has_correct_ids_when_shared_section_number( int sectionId, int tutorialId, int expectedNextSectionId ) { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int customisationId = 24057; const int candidateId = 1; sectionContentTestHelper.UpdateSectionNumber(2195, 10); // Doing this should result in the following sequence: // SectionID: 2087, SectionNumber: 6 // SectionID: 2195, SectionNumber: 10 // SectionID: 2199, SectionNumber: 10 // SectionID: 2086, SectionNumber: 11 // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_skips_section_with_just_diagnostic_assessment_but_no_path() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 74411; const int customisationId = 5852; const int sectionId = 148; const int tutorialId = 628; const int originalNextSectionId = 149; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status = 0, though some DiagStatus = 1 // Remove diagnostic and post learning paths sectionContentTestHelper.UpdateDiagnosticAssessmentPath(originalNextSectionId, null); sectionContentTestHelper.UpdatePostLearningAssessmentPath(originalNextSectionId, null); const int expectedNextSectionId = 150; // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_return_null_nextSection_if_last_section_in_course() { // Given const int candidateId = 1; const int customisationId = 1379; const int sectionId = 82; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().BeNull(); }
public void Get_tutorial_information_should_return_null_nextSection_if_last_section_in_course() { // Given const int candidateId = 1; const int customisationId = 1379; const int sectionId = 82; const int tutorialId = 94; // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().BeNull(); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_returns_section_with_only_post_learning_assessment() { // Given const int customisationId = 10820; const int candidateId = 1; const int sectionId = 104; const int expectedNextSectionId = 105; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status and DiagStatus = 0 // Customisations.IsAssessed = 1 and Sections.PLAssessPath is not null // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_skips_archived_sections() { // Given const int candidateId = 118178; const int customisationId = 22416; const int sectionId = 1958; const int nextSectionId = 1960; // Skips archived section 1959 // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_returns_section_with_only_diagnostic_assessment() { // Given const int candidateId = 74411; const int customisationId = 5852; const int sectionId = 150; const int expectedNextSectionId = 151; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status = 0, though some DiagStatus = 1 // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); }
public void Get_post_learning_assessment_next_section_id_skips_archived_sections() { // Given const int candidateId = 118178; const int customisationId = 22416; const int sectionId = 1958; const int nextSectionId = 1960; // Skips archived section 1959 // When var result = postLearningAssessmentService.GetPostLearningAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_can_return_smaller_sectionId() { // Given const int candidateId = 210962; const int customisationId = 17668; const int sectionId = 747; const int nextSectionId = 746; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_can_return_smaller_sectionId() { // Given const int candidateId = 210962; const int customisationId = 24057; const int sectionId = 2201; const int tutorialId = 10184; const int nextSectionId = 2193; // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_skips_archived_sections() { // Given const int candidateId = 118178; const int customisationId = 22416; const int sectionId = 1958; const int tutorialId = 9349; const int nextSectionId = 1960; // Skips archived section 1959 // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_returns_section_with_only_post_learning_assessment() { // Given const int customisationId = 10820; const int candidateId = 1; const int sectionId = 104; const int tutorialId = 331; const int expectedNextSectionId = 105; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status and DiagStatus = 0 // Customisations.IsAssessed = 1 and Sections.PLAssessPath is not null // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_should_skip_empty_sections() { // Given const int candidateId = 210934; const int customisationId = 18366; const int sectionId = 974; // The next section ID in this Application is 975, but the next section with a tutorial selected in // CustomisationTutorials is 978 const int nextSectionId = 978; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_should_skip_empty_sections() { // Given const int candidateId = 210934; const int customisationId = 18366; const int sectionId = 974; const int tutorialId = 4262; // The next section ID in this Application is 975, but the next section with a tutorial selected in // CustomisationTutorials is 978 const int nextSectionId = 978; // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(nextSectionId); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_skips_sections_full_of_archived_tutorials() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 210962; const int customisationId = 15062; const int sectionId = 246; // The tutorials of what would be the next section, 247; tutorialContentTestHelper.ArchiveTutorial(1136); const int expectedNextSectionId = 248; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_nextSection_skips_assessed_section_with_no_assessment_path() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int customisationId = 10820; const int candidateId = 1; const int sectionId = 104; const int originalNextSectionId = 105; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status and DiagStatus = 0 // Customisations.IsAssessed = 1 sectionContentTestHelper.UpdatePostLearningAssessmentPath(originalNextSectionId, null); const int expectedNextSectionId = 106; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_returns_section_with_only_diagnostic_assessment() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 74411; const int customisationId = 5852; const int sectionId = 150; const int tutorialId = 634; const int expectedNextSectionId = 151; // All tutorials are CustomisationTutorials.Status = 0, though some DiagStatus = 1 // Remove post learning assessment sectionContentTestHelper.UpdatePostLearningAssessmentPath(expectedNextSectionId, null); // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_post_learning_assessment_next_section_skips_sections_full_of_archived_tutorials() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 210962; const int customisationId = 24057; const int sectionId = 2201; // The tutorials of what would be the next section, 2193; tutorialContentTestHelper.ArchiveTutorial(10161); tutorialContentTestHelper.ArchiveTutorial(10195); postLearningAssessmentTestHelper.EnablePostLearning(customisationId, sectionId); const int expectedNextSectionId = 2088; // When var result = postLearningAssessmentService.GetPostLearningAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); result !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }
public void Get_tutorial_information_nextSection_skips_sections_full_of_archived_tutorials() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 210962; const int customisationId = 24057; const int sectionId = 2201; const int tutorialId = 10184; // The tutorials of what would be the next section, 2193; tutorialContentTestHelper.ArchiveTutorial(10161); tutorialContentTestHelper.ArchiveTutorial(10195); const int expectedNextSectionId = 2088; // When var tutorial = tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialInformation(candidateId, customisationId, sectionId, tutorialId); // Then tutorial.Should().NotBeNull(); tutorial !.NextSectionId.Should().Be(expectedNextSectionId); } }