예제 #1
            private void Complete(Which which, params object[] args)
                if (which == Which.Resolve)
                    DoThen = (f, e, p) => { Resolve(args); };
                    DoThen = (f, e, p) => { Reject(args); };

                var i = 0;
                while (i < Thens.Count)
                    var aThen = Thens[i];

                    if (which == Which.Resolve)
                        if (aThen.Filled != null)
                            aThen.Filled.Apply(null, args);
                        if (aThen.Error != null)
                            aThen.Error.Apply(null, args);
예제 #2
			TreeNode (TreeNode left, TreeNode right, int item)
				this.next = new Next ();
				this.next.left = left;
				this.next.right = right;
				this.item = item;
예제 #3
            public SimplePromise()
                Thens = new List<A>();

                DoThen = (f, e, p) =>
                    this.Thens.Add(new A() { Filled = f, Error = e, Progress = p });
예제 #4
 /// <summary>delPort
 /// Remove Ports using the push api
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void delPort(int port, string serverIP, string InterIPAddress, Next next)
     Async(() =>
         //var eval = Session.Get("ports/del/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username + "/" + InternalData.InformationGrid.ipAddress + "/" + port + "/" + serverIP);
         var eval = Session.Get("ports/del/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username + "/" + InterIPAddress + "/" + port + "/" + serverIP);
         if (eval == null) return;
         var jO = JObject.Parse(eval);
         if (jO["msg"] != null)
             next(true, jO["msg"].ToString());
             next(false, jO["emsg"].ToString());
예제 #5
 public override Task <Terminator <TReduction> > InvokeAsync(TReduction reduction, TInput value) =>
 Test(value) ? Next.InvokeAsync(reduction, value) : Task.FromResult(Reduction(reduction));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches a path between the given 'start' and 'end' nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Start node</param>
        /// <param name="end">End node</param>
        /// <param name="results">The list is populated with the results</param>
        /// <param name="heuristic">Heuristic function</param>
        public void Search(T start, T end, ref List <T> results, Func <T, T, float> heuristic = null)

            if (GetNeighbors == null)

            var H          = HeuristicResult(heuristic, start, end);
            var ParentNode = new AStarNode <T>(0, H, start, start);


            while (Open.Count > 0)
                ParentNode = Open.Pop();

                if (ParentNode.Pos.Equals(end))
                    PrepareResult(ref results);

                foreach (var Next in GetNeighbors(ParentNode.Pos))
                    var ClosedExists = false;

                    foreach (var Item in Closed)
                        if (Item.Pos.Equals(Next))
                            ClosedExists = true;

                    if (ClosedExists)

                    var NewG  = ParentNode.G + Next.Cost(ParentNode.Pos);
                    var Index = -1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Open.Count; i++)
                        if (Open[i].Pos.Equals(Next))
                            Index = i;

                    if (Index == -1 || (Index > -1 && NewG < Open[Index].G))
                        H = HeuristicResult(heuristic, Next, end);
                        var NewNode = new AStarNode <T>(NewG, H, Next, ParentNode.Pos);

                        if (Index == -1)
                            Open[Index] = NewNode;

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Solve the equation!
        /// This method recurses into the whole tree and returns a result from the equation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramCallback">Parameter callback that will be used to get teh values of parameter nodes.</param>
        /// <returns>The solution of this node and all its subnodes!</returns>
        public override double Solve(ParamDelegate paramCallback)
            //make sure this node is set up correctly

            //check arguments
            if (null == Prev)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Prev");
            if (null == Next)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Next");

            //Solve the sub nodes!
            double prevResult = Prev.Solve(paramCallback);
            double nextResult = Next.Solve(paramCallback);

            //what kind of operator do we got?
            switch (OrderOfOperationsValue)
            case PemdasValue.Exponent:
                return(Math.Pow(prevResult, nextResult));

            case PemdasValue.Multiplication:
                return(prevResult * nextResult);

            case PemdasValue.Division:
                //guard against divide by zero exception
                if (0.0 == nextResult)
                    return(prevResult / nextResult);

            case PemdasValue.Modulo:
                //guard against divide by zero exception
                if (0.0 == nextResult)
                    return(prevResult % nextResult);

            case PemdasValue.Addition:
                return(prevResult + nextResult);

            case PemdasValue.Subtraction:
                return(prevResult - nextResult);

                throw new NotSupportedException("found a weirdo thing in an equation node?");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Frequent pattern extraction method that implement FPGrowth logic using an
        /// iterative pattern growth approach
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allTrans">Total list of input transaction</param>
        /// <returns>Frequent ItemSets</returns>
        public List <ItemSet> ExtractFrequentPattern(List <Transaction> allTrans)
            // compute absolute support = relative support * # of transactions
            absMinSup = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(allTrans.Count * _minSup);
            result    = new List <ItemSet>();
            //We could have used two stacks instead of these lists!!!
            List <FPTree>  FPTreeList     = new List <FPTree>();
            List <FPTree>  FPTreeListNext = new List <FPTree>();
            List <ItemSet> GivenListNow   = new List <ItemSet>();
            List <ItemSet> GivenListNext  = new List <ItemSet>();
            FPTree         Next;
            ItemSet        Given;
            ItemSet        Beta;

            List <ItemSet> wholeTransToItemSet = new List <ItemSet>();

            foreach (Transaction trans in allTrans)

            FPTree StartFPtree = new FPTree();

            //Build the first tree on the whole transaction database list
            //Add the first tree to the list of the fptree to process

            //Here our given prefix is null
            GivenListNow.Add(new ItemSet());

            //Looping on each fptree until there are ones to process
            while (FPTreeList.Count > 0)
                for (int j = 0; j < FPTreeList.Count; j++)
                    Next  = FPTreeList[j];
                    Given = GivenListNow[j];
                    if (!Next.isEmpty())
                        // If the FPTree we are examining is composed of a single path
                        // we use an optimization based on path node combination which
                        // arrest current iteration
                        if (Next.HasSinglePath)
                            GenerateCombPattern(Next, Given);
                            // Header table sorting
                            //Loop on each header table entry
                            for (int i = 0; i < Next.GetHTSize(); i++)
                                //New beta ItemSet representing a frequent pattern
                                Beta = new ItemSet();
                                //Concatenate with items present in the given ItemSet
                                foreach (int item in Given.Items)
                                Beta.ItemsSupport = Next.GetHTFreq(i);

                                // Add beta to frequent pattern result

                                // Here we generate the so called Conditional FPTree using a projection
                                // of the original database called Conditional Pattern Base

                                // Insert current beta in next given list
                            FPTreeList[j]   = null;
                            GivenListNow[j] = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < GivenListNext.Count; j++)
                    GivenListNext[j]  = null;
                    FPTreeListNext[j] = null;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the ports open for the user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void getPorts(Next next)
     Async(() =>
         var eval = Session.Get("ports/get/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username);
         if (eval == null) return;
         var jO = JArray.Parse(Session.Get("ports/get/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username));
         next(jO != null, jO);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Async login
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="username">Username</param>
 /// <param name="password">Password</param>
 /// <param name="next">Async callback</param>
 public static void Login(string username, string password, Next next)
     Async(() =>
             var sender = new JObject();
             sender["username"] = username;
             sender["password"] = password;
             var jO = JObject.Parse(Session.Post("login", sender.ToString()));
             if (jO["msg"] != null)
                 next(true, jO["msg"].ToString());
                 next(false, jO["emsg"].ToString());
         catch (Exception)
             next(false, "Could not connect, please try again.");
예제 #11
        public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
            writer.WriteLine($"var {RoutingFrames.Segments} = (string[]){RouteGraph.Context}.Items[\"{RoutingFrames.Segments}\"];");

            Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);
예제 #12
 public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
     RequestContextStorage.Value = new RequestContext(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
     await Next.Invoke(context);
예제 #13
 public static void ServersToItems(Next next, Next done = null)
     Servers((success, value) =>
         var s = EventRegistrar.Status.AddTask("Fetching servers, and ping tests");
         var items = ((JArray)value).Select(jO =>
             var name = new[]
             return new ListViewItem(name)
                 Name = jO["ip"].ToString(),
                 Tag = string.Join(" ", name).ToLower()
         Parallel.ForEach(items, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 },
             item =>
                 var pingSender = new Ping();
                 var reply = pingSender.Send(IPAddress.Parse(item.Name), 5000);
                 if (reply != null && reply.Status != IPStatus.Success) return;
                 item.SubItems.Add(reply.RoundtripTime + "");
                 next(true, item);
         if (done != null)
             done(true, null);
예제 #14
 public Task Invoke(ICommunicationContext env)
     return(Task.Run(() => Next.Invoke(env)));
예제 #15
 public static void ServersToDropDown(Next next, Next done = null)
     Servers((success, value) =>
         var s = EventRegistrar.Status.AddTask("Fetching Servers for Portforwarding");
         var items = ((JArray)value).Select(jO =>
             var name = new[]
             return new ListViewItem(name)
                 Name = jO["ip"].ToString(),
                 Tag = string.Join(" ", name).ToLower()
         if (done != null)
             done(true, null);
예제 #16
 public static void loadPorts(Next next, Next done = null)
     getPorts((success, value) =>
         var s = EventRegistrar.Status.AddTask("Fetching ports");
         var items = ((JArray)value).Select(jO =>
             var name = new[]
             return new ListViewItem(name)
                 Name = jO["id"].ToString(),
                 Tag = string.Join(" ", name).ToLower()
         Parallel.ForEach(items, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 },
             item =>
                 next(true, item);
         if (done != null)
             done(true, null);
예제 #17
 public static void Stats(Next next)
     Async(() => GetStats((success, value) =>
         if (success)
             var jO = (JObject) value;
             var data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
             data["username"] = jO["user"]["username"].ToString();
             data["activeConnections"] = jO["user"]["activeConnections"].ToString();
             data["subscription"] = jO["user"]["subscription"].ToString();
             data["serversAvailable"] = jO["server"]["serversAvailable"].ToString();
             next(true, data);
예제 #18
            public static void CreateConfig(string ip, Next next)
                Async(() => GetCerts(ip, (success, value) =>
                    var task = EventRegistrar.Status.AddTask("Creating config for " + ip);
                    if (!Directory.Exists("ovpn"))
                    if (success)
                        var blockedSites = "";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InternalData.SettingsGrid.Ignore))
                            blockedSites = InternalData.SettingsGrid.Ignore.Trim().Replace("\r\n", ",").Split(',')
                                    (current, site) =>
                                        current +
                                        ("route " + site.Replace(" ", "") + " net_gateway\r\n"));
                        File.WriteAllText("ovpn\\" + ip + ".ovpn",
                            Properties.Settings.Default.Config.Replace("$ip", ip) + "\r\n" + blockedSites + "\r\n" +
                            (string) value);

                    next(success, "ovpn\\" + ip + ".ovpn");
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the active server list from the push api
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void Servers(Next next)
     Async(() =>
         var eval = Session.Get("servers");
         if (eval == null) return;
         var jO = JArray.Parse(Session.Get("servers"));
         next(jO != null, jO);
예제 #20
 public override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
     context.Response.Write("hello" + DateTime.Now);//管道继续往下走
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the non-default, config from the server containg only the certs for the server
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ip">Ip of the server</param>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void GetCerts(string ip, Next next)
     Async(() =>
         var config = Session.Get("config/" + ip);
         next(config != "404", config);
예제 #22
 public override async Task InvokeAsync(IPipeContext context, CancellationToken token)
     await  _handler(context, () => Next.InvokeAsync(context, token));
        public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
            await Task.Delay(1);

            await Next.Invoke(context);
        public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
            this._logger.Write("Inside the 'Invoke' method of the '{0}' middleware.", GetType().Name);

            await Next.Invoke(context);
예제 #25
 public LambdaExpression ToLambdaExpression()
 => ExpressionChainer.Chain(Current?.ToLambdaExpression(), Next?.ToLambdaExpression());
예제 #26
 public (float A, float B, float C) FindEquationOfLinePassingThrough()
     return(VectorOperations.Vector.FindEquationOfLinePassingThrough(Previous.GetVector(), Next.GetVector()));
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the user statistics
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void GetStats(Next next)
     Async(() =>
         string ret = Session.Get("stats");
         next(ret != "404", ret);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates Internal IP for portforwarding using the push api
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="next">Callback for the async handler</param>
 public static void updatePort(int port, string serverIP, string InterIPAddress, Next next)
     Async(() =>
         //var eval = Session.Get("ports/add/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username + "/" + InternalData.InformationGrid.ipAddress + "/" + port + "/" + serverIP);
         var eval = Session.Get("ports/update/" + InternalData.SettingsGrid.Username + "/" + InterIPAddress + "/" + port + "/" + serverIP);
         if (eval == null)
         var jO = JObject.Parse(eval);
         if (jO["msg"] != null)
             next(true, jO["msg"].ToString());
             next(false, jO["emsg"].ToString());
예제 #29
 static WmiNetUtilsHelper()
     myDllPath = System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory() + "\\wminet_utils.dll";
     IntPtr procAddr = IntPtr.Zero;
     IntPtr loadLibrary = IntPtr.Zero;
     loadLibrary =  LoadLibrary(myDllPath);
     if( loadLibrary != IntPtr.Zero)
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "ResetSecurity");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             ResetSecurity_f  =(ResetSecurity) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(ResetSecurity));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "SetSecurity");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             SetSecurity_f  =(SetSecurity) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(SetSecurity));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "BlessIWbemServices");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             BlessIWbemServices_f  =(BlessIWbemServices) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(BlessIWbemServices));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "BlessIWbemServicesObject");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             BlessIWbemServicesObject_f  =(BlessIWbemServicesObject) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(BlessIWbemServicesObject));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetPropertyHandle");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              GetPropertyHandle_f27=(GetPropertyHandle) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetPropertyHandle));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "WritePropertyValue");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              WritePropertyValue_f28=(WritePropertyValue) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(WritePropertyValue));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Clone");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              Clone_f12=(Clone) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Clone));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "VerifyClientKey");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              VerifyClientKey_f  =(VerifyClientKey) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(VerifyClientKey));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetQualifierSet");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetQualifierSet_f  =(GetQualifierSet) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetQualifierSet));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Get");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             Get_f  =(Get) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Get));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Put");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             Put_f  =(Put) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Put));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Delete");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             Delete_f  =(Delete) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Delete));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetNames");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetNames_f  =(GetNames) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetNames));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "BeginEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             BeginEnumeration_f  =(BeginEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(BeginEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Next");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             Next_f  =(Next) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Next));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "EndEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             EndEnumeration_f  =(EndEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(EndEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetPropertyQualifierSet");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetPropertyQualifierSet_f  =(GetPropertyQualifierSet) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetPropertyQualifierSet));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "Clone");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             Clone_f  =(Clone) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(Clone));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetObjectText");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetObjectText_f  =(GetObjectText) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetObjectText));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "SpawnDerivedClass");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             SpawnDerivedClass_f  =(SpawnDerivedClass) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(SpawnDerivedClass));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "SpawnInstance");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             SpawnInstance_f  =(SpawnInstance) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(SpawnInstance));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "CompareTo");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             CompareTo_f  =(CompareTo) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(CompareTo));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetPropertyOrigin");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetPropertyOrigin_f  =(GetPropertyOrigin) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetPropertyOrigin));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "InheritsFrom");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             InheritsFrom_f  =(InheritsFrom) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(InheritsFrom));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetMethod");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetMethod_f  =(GetMethod) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetMethod));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "PutMethod");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             PutMethod_f  =(PutMethod) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(PutMethod));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "DeleteMethod");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             DeleteMethod_f  =(DeleteMethod) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(DeleteMethod));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "BeginMethodEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             BeginMethodEnumeration_f  =(BeginMethodEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(BeginMethodEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "NextMethod");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             NextMethod_f  =(NextMethod) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(NextMethod));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "EndMethodEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             EndMethodEnumeration_f  =(EndMethodEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(EndMethodEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetMethodQualifierSet");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetMethodQualifierSet_f  =(GetMethodQualifierSet) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetMethodQualifierSet));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetMethodOrigin");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetMethodOrigin_f  =(GetMethodOrigin) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetMethodOrigin));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_Get");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierGet_f=(QualifierSet_Get) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_Get));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_Put");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierPut_f=(QualifierSet_Put) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_Put));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_Delete");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierDelete_f=(QualifierSet_Delete) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_Delete));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_GetNames");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierGetNames_f=(QualifierSet_GetNames) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_GetNames));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_BeginEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierBeginEnumeration_f=(QualifierSet_BeginEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_BeginEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_Next");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierNext_f=(QualifierSet_Next) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_Next));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "QualifierSet_EndEnumeration");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              QualifierEndEnumeration_f=(QualifierSet_EndEnumeration) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(QualifierSet_EndEnumeration));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetCurrentApartmentType");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             GetCurrentApartmentType_f  =(GetCurrentApartmentType) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetCurrentApartmentType));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "GetDemultiplexedStub");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
              GetDemultiplexedStub_f =(GetDemultiplexedStub) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(GetDemultiplexedStub));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "CreateInstanceEnumWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             CreateInstanceEnumWmi_f  =(CreateInstanceEnumWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(CreateInstanceEnumWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "CreateClassEnumWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             CreateClassEnumWmi_f  =(CreateClassEnumWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(CreateClassEnumWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "ExecQueryWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             ExecQueryWmi_f  =(ExecQueryWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(ExecQueryWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "ExecNotificationQueryWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             ExecNotificationQueryWmi_f  =(ExecNotificationQueryWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(ExecNotificationQueryWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "PutInstanceWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             PutInstanceWmi_f  =(PutInstanceWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(PutInstanceWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "PutClassWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             PutClassWmi_f  =(PutClassWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(PutClassWmi));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "CloneEnumWbemClassObject");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             CloneEnumWbemClassObject_f  =(CloneEnumWbemClassObject) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(CloneEnumWbemClassObject));
         procAddr = GetProcAddress(loadLibrary, "ConnectServerWmi");
         if( procAddr != IntPtr.Zero)
             ConnectServerWmi_f  =(ConnectServerWmi) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddr, typeof(ConnectServerWmi));
예제 #30
 public bool Contains(IExpressionChain chain)
     return(chain == null || (chain.Current.Equals(Current) && (chain.Next == null || (Next != null && Next.Contains(chain.Next)))));
예제 #31
 TreeNode(int item){
    this.item = item;
    this.next = null;
예제 #32
파일: Binder.cs 프로젝트: peoplearmy/roslyn
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the element type of this iterator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Node to report diagnostics, if any, such as "yield statement cannot be used
 /// inside a lambda expression"</param>
 /// <param name="diagnostics">Where to place any diagnostics</param>
 /// <returns>Element type of the current iterator, or an error type.</returns>
 internal virtual TypeSymbol GetIteratorElementType(YieldStatementSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
     return(Next.GetIteratorElementType(node, diagnostics));
예제 #33
 TreeNode (Next next, int item) {
     this.next = next;
     this.item = item;
예제 #34
 public override Terminator <TReduction> Invoke(TReduction reduction, TInput value) =>
 Test(value) ? Next.Invoke(reduction, value) : Reduction(reduction);
예제 #35
 public double Satisfy (State s, Next next)
     return Transitions.Where (t => t.From.Equals (s))
         .Select (x => x.Probability * Satisfy (x.To, next.Enclosed))
             .Sum ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Three cards with same value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cards">The list of cards to check for a match</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean value indicating whether the given cards are a match</returns>
        public override Result IsMatch(List <Card> cards)
            var groupedCards = cards.GroupBy(c => c.Rank);

            return(groupedCards.Any(g => g.Count() >= 3) ? new Result(cards, RuleName.ThreeOfAKind) : Next.IsMatch(cards));
예제 #37
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
예제 #38
 public override HandRank Catagorise(Hand hand)
     return(hand.HasNoOfKind(2) ? HandRank.Pair : Next.Catagorise(hand));
예제 #39
 private TreeNode(TreeNode left, TreeNode right, int item)
     _next = new Next();
     _next.left = left;
     _next.right = right;
     _item = item;
        public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
            if (IsStorefrontRequest(context.Request))
                var workContext = _container.Resolve <WorkContext>();

                var linkListService      = _container.Resolve <IMenuLinkListService>();
                var cartBuilder          = _container.Resolve <ICartBuilder>();
                var catalogSearchService = _container.Resolve <ICatalogSearchService>();

                // Initialize common properties
                workContext.RequestUrl   = context.Request.Uri;
                workContext.AllCountries = _allCountries;
                workContext.AllStores    = await _cacheManager.GetAsync("GetAllStores", "ApiRegion", async() => await GetAllStoresAsync());

                if (workContext.AllStores != null && workContext.AllStores.Any())
                    // Initialize request specific properties
                    workContext.CurrentStore    = GetStore(context, workContext.AllStores);
                    workContext.CurrentLanguage = GetLanguage(context, workContext.AllStores, workContext.CurrentStore);
                    workContext.AllCurrencies   = await _cacheManager.GetAsync("GetAllCurrencies-" + workContext.CurrentLanguage.CultureName, "ApiRegion", async() => { return((await _commerceApi.CommerceGetAllCurrenciesAsync()).Select(x => x.ToWebModel(workContext.CurrentLanguage)).ToArray()); });

                    //Sync store currencies with avail in system
                    foreach (var store in workContext.AllStores)
                        store.SyncCurrencies(workContext.AllCurrencies, workContext.CurrentLanguage);
                        store.CurrentSeoInfo = store.SeoInfos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Language == workContext.CurrentLanguage);

                    //Set current currency
                    workContext.CurrentCurrency = GetCurrency(context, workContext.CurrentStore);

                    var qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(workContext.RequestUrl.Query);
                    //Initialize catalog search criteria
                    workContext.CurrentCatalogSearchCriteria = new CatalogSearchCriteria(workContext.CurrentLanguage, workContext.CurrentCurrency, qs)
                        CatalogId = workContext.CurrentStore.Catalog

                    //This line make delay categories loading initialization (categories can be evaluated on view rendering time)
                    workContext.Categories = new MutablePagedList <Category>((pageNumber, pageSize) =>
                        var criteria        = workContext.CurrentCatalogSearchCriteria.Clone();
                        criteria.PageNumber = pageNumber;
                        criteria.PageSize   = pageSize;
                        var result          = catalogSearchService.SearchCategories(criteria);
                        foreach (var category in result)
                            category.Products = new MutablePagedList <Product>((pageNumber2, pageSize2) =>
                                criteria.CategoryId = category.Id;
                                criteria.PageNumber = pageNumber2;
                                criteria.PageSize   = pageSize2;
                                var searchResult    = catalogSearchService.SearchProducts(criteria);
                                //Because catalog search products returns also aggregations we can use it to populate workContext using C# closure
                                //now workContext.Aggregation will be contains preloaded aggregations for current category
                                workContext.Aggregations = new MutablePagedList <Aggregation>(searchResult.Aggregations);
                    //This line make delay products loading initialization (products can be evaluated on view rendering time)
                    workContext.Products = new MutablePagedList <Product>((pageNumber, pageSize) =>
                        var criteria        = workContext.CurrentCatalogSearchCriteria.Clone();
                        criteria.PageNumber = pageNumber;
                        criteria.PageSize   = pageSize;

                        var result = catalogSearchService.SearchProducts(criteria);
                        //Prevent double api request for get aggregations
                        //Because catalog search products returns also aggregations we can use it to populate workContext using C# closure
                        //now workContext.Aggregation will be contains preloaded aggregations for current search criteria
                        workContext.Aggregations = new MutablePagedList <Aggregation>(result.Aggregations);
                    //This line make delay aggregation loading initialization (aggregation can be evaluated on view rendering time)
                    workContext.Aggregations = new MutablePagedList <Aggregation>((pageNumber, pageSize) =>
                        var criteria        = workContext.CurrentCatalogSearchCriteria.Clone();
                        criteria.PageNumber = pageNumber;
                        criteria.PageSize   = pageSize;
                        //Force to load products and its also populate workContext.Aggregations by preloaded values
                        workContext.Products.Slice(pageNumber, pageSize);

                    workContext.CurrentOrderSearchCriteria = new Model.Order.OrderSearchCriteria(qs);
                    workContext.CurrentQuoteSearchCriteria = new Model.Quote.QuoteSearchCriteria(qs);

                    //Get current customer
                    workContext.CurrentCustomer = await GetCustomerAsync(context);

                    //Validate that current customer has to store access
                    ValidateUserStoreLogin(context, workContext.CurrentCustomer, workContext.CurrentStore);
                    MaintainAnonymousCustomerCookie(context, workContext);

                    // Gets the collection of external login providers
                    var externalAuthTypes = context.Authentication.GetExternalAuthenticationTypes();

                    workContext.ExternalLoginProviders = externalAuthTypes.Select(at => new LoginProvider
                        AuthenticationType = at.AuthenticationType,
                        Caption            = at.Caption,
                        Properties         = at.Properties

                    workContext.ApplicationSettings = GetApplicationSettings();

                    //Do not load shopping cart and other for resource requests
                    if (!IsAssetRequest(context.Request))
                        //Shopping cart
                        await cartBuilder.GetOrCreateNewTransientCartAsync(workContext.CurrentStore, workContext.CurrentCustomer, workContext.CurrentLanguage, workContext.CurrentCurrency);

                        workContext.CurrentCart = cartBuilder.Cart;

                        if (workContext.CurrentStore.QuotesEnabled)
                            await _quoteRequestBuilder.GetOrCreateNewTransientQuoteRequestAsync(workContext.CurrentStore, workContext.CurrentCustomer, workContext.CurrentLanguage, workContext.CurrentCurrency);

                            workContext.CurrentQuoteRequest = _quoteRequestBuilder.QuoteRequest;

                        var linkLists = await _cacheManager.GetAsync("GetAllStoreLinkLists-" + workContext.CurrentStore.Id, "ApiRegion", async() => await linkListService.LoadAllStoreLinkListsAsync(workContext.CurrentStore.Id));

                        workContext.CurrentLinkLists = linkLists.Where(x => x.Language == workContext.CurrentLanguage).ToList();
                        // load all static content
                        var staticContents = _cacheManager.Get(string.Join(":", "AllStoreStaticContent", workContext.CurrentStore.Id), "ContentRegion", () =>
                            var allContentItems   = _staticContentService.LoadStoreStaticContent(workContext.CurrentStore).ToList();
                            var blogs             = allContentItems.OfType <Blog>().ToArray();
                            var blogArticlesGroup = allContentItems.OfType <BlogArticle>().GroupBy(x => x.BlogName, x => x).ToList();

                            foreach (var blog in blogs)
                                var blogArticles = blogArticlesGroup.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Key, blog.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (blogArticles != null)
                                    blog.Articles = new MutablePagedList <BlogArticle>(blogArticles);

                            return(new { Pages = allContentItems, Blogs = blogs });
                        workContext.Pages = new MutablePagedList <ContentItem>(staticContents.Pages);
                        workContext.Blogs = new MutablePagedList <Blog>(staticContents.Blogs);

                        // Initialize blogs search criteria
                        workContext.CurrentBlogSearchCritera = new BlogSearchCriteria(qs);

                        var pricelistCacheKey = string.Join("-", "EvaluatePriceLists", workContext.CurrentStore.Id, workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id);
                        workContext.CurrentPricelists = await _cacheManager.GetAsync(pricelistCacheKey, "ApiRegion", async() =>
                            var evalContext = new VirtoCommerceDomainPricingModelPriceEvaluationContext
                                StoreId    = workContext.CurrentStore.Id,
                                CatalogId  = workContext.CurrentStore.Catalog,
                                CustomerId = workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id,
                                Quantity   = 1
                            var pricingResult = await _pricingModuleApi.PricingModuleEvaluatePriceListsAsync(evalContext);
                            return(pricingResult.Select(p => p.ToWebModel()).ToList());

            await Next.Invoke(context);
예제 #41
 private TreeNode(int item)
     _item = item;
     _next = null;
 public Task <object> ExecuteAsync(object query, HttpQueryDispatcher dispatcher, Next next)
     this.next       = next;
     this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
예제 #43
        public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
            int test = 1;

                if (test == 1)
                    //validate token
                    const string sec          = "ProEMLh5e_qnzdNUQrqdHPgp";
                    const string sec1         = "ProEMLh5e_qnzdNU";
                    var          securityKey  = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sec));
                    var          securityKey1 = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sec1));

                    // This is the input JWT which we want to validate.
                    string tokenString = "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.tRxgOq6KhMF3iMMLvWA_nIIx3dk3vfUT_JqdcMBMsjEtsnlJPre2dg.pnsytilmOxuHyny47unEHg.7YAE4f0d9vg1W22NFn-yIo2VMKN6ICMyk0OUr0yCMPmgsCvpSxP-v4k_N61A_prrsPmrfxwi-MPgiYTRPbnh4-jUYYvAtqr2FctzOJJPR0Pt6MRtNh1gXzM1bI67HtDxcbxBg2K3QPj_gpnQUUON06kE9WRRnBjbM4AeAbNr12lKvnmnlC9Grurk0QTSzLwaolf3buXTmwl6kSka_WW66sHZL0RahT7pjT28r0GD5I9veZC5ZC0lzSFaprOjsy6FiZ5YpiV0L5aNZX7KhF1N8fnjuuhNKEugHpdW3cA4f-ehTu0EjiErESly7-TBcVHpjN3yevARV8iSkZY3GywZmw.MOaTPpkobSeKi0uvbO_mEw";

                    // If we retrieve the token without decrypting the claims, we won't get any claims
                    // DO not use this jwt variable
                    var jwt = new JwtSecurityToken(tokenString);

                    // Verification
                    var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
                        ValidAudiences = new string[]
                        ValidIssuers = new string[]
                        IssuerSigningKey = securityKey,
                        // This is the decryption key
                        TokenDecryptionKey = securityKey1

                    SecurityToken validatedToken;
                    var           handler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();

                    handler.ValidateToken(tokenString, tokenValidationParameters, out validatedToken);
                    await Next.Invoke(context);

                    // create Jwt token
                    var plainTextSecurityKey = "This is my shared, not so secret, secret!";
                    var signingKey           = new InMemorySymmetricSecurityKey(
                    var signingCredentials = new SigningCredentials(signingKey,
                                                                    SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature, SecurityAlgorithms.Sha256Digest);
                    context.Response.StatusCode  = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
                    context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw ex;
예제 #44
 public async override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
     await Next.Invoke(context);
예제 #45
        public override CompileResult Compile()
            var prevIsAddress = Prev.GetType() == typeof(ExcelAddressExpression);
            var prevIsOffset  = Prev.GetType() == typeof(FunctionExpression) && ((FunctionExpression)Prev).ExpressionString.ToLower() == "offset";
            var nextIsAddress = Next.GetType() == typeof(ExcelAddressExpression);
            var nextIsOffset  = Next.GetType() == typeof(FunctionExpression) && ((FunctionExpression)Next).ExpressionString.ToLower() == "offset";

            if (!prevIsAddress && !prevIsOffset)
                return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Value));
            if (!nextIsAddress && !nextIsOffset)
                return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Value));

            if (prevIsAddress && nextIsOffset)
                return(InternalCompile(Prev.Compile().Result.ToString(), Next.Compile().Result as ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo));
            else if (prevIsOffset && nextIsAddress)
                return(InternalCompile(Prev.Compile().Result as ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo, Next.Compile().Result.ToString()));
            else if (prevIsOffset && nextIsOffset)
                return(InternalCompile(Prev.Compile().Result as ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo, Next.Compile().Result as ExcelDataProvider.IRangeInfo));

            return(new CompileResult(eErrorType.Value));
예제 #46
 public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
     writer.Write($"var {Variable.Usage} = {_scope.Usage}.{nameof(Scope.GetInstance)}<{Variable.VariableType.FullNameInCode()}>(\"{_name}\");");
     Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);
예제 #47
        // Metoda, ve které se uskutečňuje pohyb agenta po hracím poli
        public void PohybujSe(int pocetBehu)
            for (int b = 0; b < pocetBehu; b++)
                // Pomocné pole pro uložení výsledku posunu agenta ve třídě POZICE
                int[] report_pomocna = new int[4];
                // Do tohoto pole si uložím možné směry agenta, které zjišťuji v metodě expandujVrcholy
                int[] expanduj_pomocna = ExpandujVrcholy(agent.AktPozice[0], agent.AktPozice[1]);
                // Směr je nejprve na sever, protože směry v expanduj_pomocna jsou uloženy od severu
                int smer = 0;
                // Projdu všechny směry v expanduj_pomocna
                foreach (int i in expanduj_pomocna)
                    // Pokud je dany smer povoleny, tedy -- 1, tak se vytvori nova POZICE s hodnotami tohoto policka
                    if (i == 1)
                        // Prozkoumám pozici daným směrem a získám report se vším potřebným pro vytvoření této pozice
                        report_pomocna = agent.Pohyb(smer);
                        // Výpočet heuristické funkce pro danou pozici
                        // Vstupem je X -- Y -- aktuální cena cesty
                        int celkovaCena = HeuristickaFunkce(report_pomocna[1], report_pomocna[2], report_pomocna[0]);
                        // Přidání nalezené pozice do NEXT, tedy budoucích pozicí, kam je možné jít
                        Next.Add(new Pozice(IDVrcholu, report_pomocna[0], report_pomocna[1], report_pomocna[2], report_pomocna[3], celkovaCena));
                        // Zvýším ID, aby další vrchol měl jedičné
                        // Porovnám pozice v NEXT podle celkové ceny cesty SESTUPNE
                        IEnumerable <Pozice> zalozni = Next.OrderBy(a => a.CelkovaCenaCesty);
                        Next = new List <Pozice>();
                        // Porovnanou kolekci si uložím z5 do původní, tedy do NEXT
                        foreach (Pozice p in zalozni)
                    // Zvýším proměnnou směr, čímž půjdu na směr posunutý o 90°
                // Do prozkoumaných pozic ve STACK si uložím současnou pozici agenta, tedy poslední prozkoumanou
                // Vezmu první pozici v NEXT, tedy ta s nejnižší celkovou cenou cesty
                agent = Next[0];
                // Kontrola zda tato nová pozice, která se bude při dalším běhu této metody prozkoumávat není výherní
                if (Vyhra(agent.AktPozice[0], agent.AktPozice[1], b))
                // Vykreslím hrací pole, kde pozici agenta znázorňuje prázdná pozice
                ZobrazHraciPole(agent.AktPozice[0], agent.AktPozice[1]);
                // Smažu pozici, kterou jsem si uložil do agenta z NEXT

            Console.WriteLine("\n---------------STACK-----------------\n|X      |Y      |AktCena|CelkCena");
            foreach (Pozice p in Stack)

            Console.WriteLine("\n---------------NEXT-----------------\n|X      |Y      |AktCena|CelkCena");
            foreach (Pozice p in Next)

            Console.WriteLine("\n---------------AGENT-----------------\n|X      |Y      |AktCena|CelkCena");
예제 #48
 private void RaiseNext()
     Next?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
예제 #49
 public object Clone() => new LinkedListNode <T>(Value, (LinkedListNode <T>)Next?.Clone());
예제 #50
 public override void GenerateCode(GeneratedMethod method, ISourceWriter writer)
     writer.Write($"{_endpoint.Usage}.{nameof(ControllerBase.ControllerContext)} = {_context.Usage};");
     Next?.GenerateCode(method, writer);
예제 #51
 public float GetLength()
     return((Previous.GetVector() - Next.GetVector()).Magnitude);