예제 #1
 private void Lockbetbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (int.Parse(bets.SelectedIndex.ToString()) < PlayerBalance)
         bets.Enabled = false;
         MessageBox.Show("You can't bet more than you have");
     lockedbet       = true;
     playerbet       = int.Parse(bets.SelectedItem.ToString());
     PlayerBalance  -= playerbet;
     Newgame.Enabled = false;
     if (thePlayer.HardHandValue == 21 || thePlayer.SoftHandValue == 21 && !insurance)
         MessageBox.Show("You have Blackjack!");
         PlayerBalance      += (int)(playerbet * 2.5);
         bets.SelectedIndex  = 0;
         HitButton.Enabled   = false;
         StandButton.Enabled = false;
         Newgame.Enabled     = true;
         _ = Newgame.Focus();
         Lockbetbutton.Enabled = false;
예제 #2
 private void hit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Insurancebutton.Visible)
         insuranceamountbox.Text    = "0";
         insuranceamountbox.Enabled = false;
         Insurancebutton.Enabled    = false;
     Newgame.Enabled = true;
     if (!lockedbet)
         MessageBox.Show("You have not placed your bet. Bet and then try again.");
     PlayerBalanceLabel.Text = string.Format("Your balance is {0}", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0"));
     if ((Playercardvisible < 7) && (thePlayer.HardHandValue < 21))
         //players new card is displayed
         Playercards[Playercardvisible].Visible = true;
         //player draws card, adds value to HardHandValue, and card to hand.
         Playercards[Playercardvisible].Image = thePlayer.playerhit().CardFront();
         //assign card image to picturebox
     else if (Playercardvisible >= 7)
         MessageBox.Show("You have the max number of cards in hand.\nYou must stand.");
     if (thePlayer.HardHandValue > 21)
         MessageBox.Show("The player has busted!");
         playerbet           = 0;
         bets.SelectedIndex  = 0;
         HitButton.Enabled   = false;
         StandButton.Enabled = false;
         _ = Newgame.Focus();
         if (PlayerBalance < 5)
             MessageBox.Show("You are unable to make the minimum bet and must make room for another player.\nGoodbye.");
     else if (thePlayer.HardHandValue == 21 || thePlayer.SoftHandValue == 21)
         MessageBox.Show("You have 21!");
         PlayerBalance      += (int)(playerbet * 2.5);
         bets.SelectedIndex  = 0;
         HitButton.Enabled   = false;
         StandButton.Enabled = false;
         _ = Newgame.Focus();
     PlayerBalanceLabel.Text = string.Format("Your balance is {0}", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0"));
예제 #3
        private void Insurancebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            insurancebet = int.Parse(insuranceamountbox.Text);
            if (insurancebet == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("You must place a minimum bet of $1");
            if (insurancebet > (playerbet / 2))
                insurancebet = playerbet / 2;
            insuranceamountbox.Text = insurancebet.ToString();
            PlayerBalance          -= insurancebet;
            PlayerBalanceLabel.Text = string.Format("Your balance is {0}", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0"));
            Card temp = theDealer.getonedealercard();

            if (temp.Face == 10 || temp.ValueOf == 10)
                Dealercards[Dealercardvisible].Image = theDealer.getdealerslastcard().CardFront();
                MessageBox.Show("The dealer has Blackjack. You get your insurance payout");
                PlayerBalance          += insurancebet * 2;
                PlayerBalanceLabel.Text = string.Format("Your balance is {0}", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0"));
                Newgame.Enabled         = true;
                MessageBox.Show("The dealer does not have Blackjack. You lose your insurance.");
                HitButton.Enabled   = true;
                StandButton.Enabled = true;
                HitButton.Enabled   = true;
            if (thePlayer.SoftHandValue == 21 && insurance)
                MessageBox.Show("Push. You get your main bet back");
                PlayerBalance += playerbet;
            if (thePlayer.HardHandValue == 21 || thePlayer.SoftHandValue == 21 && !insurance)
                MessageBox.Show("You have Blackjack!");
                PlayerBalance      += (int)(playerbet * 2.5);
                bets.SelectedIndex  = 0;
                HitButton.Enabled   = false;
                StandButton.Enabled = false;
                Newgame.Enabled     = true;
                _ = Newgame.Focus();
예제 #4
        private void stand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Insurancebutton.Visible)
                insuranceamountbox.Text    = "0";
                insuranceamountbox.Enabled = false;
                Insurancebutton.Enabled    = false;
            if (!lockedbet)
                MessageBox.Show("You have not placed your bet. Bet and then try again.");
            //player chooses to stand. Start dealer functions
            if (insurance)
                Dealercards[Dealercardvisible].Image = theDealer.getdealerslastcard().CardFront();
            while (!isgameover)
                theDealer.dealeraction(thePlayer.HardHandValue, playerbet);
                Dealercards[Dealercardvisible].Visible = true;
                Dealercards[Dealercardvisible].Image   = theDealer.getdealerslastcard().CardFront();
                if (theDealer.handvalue < 17)
                    isgameover = true;
            //Use soft hand value if hand has ace and is better than hardhand value
            if (thePlayer.SoftHandValue > thePlayer.HardHandValue && thePlayer.SoftHandValue <= 21)
                thePlayer.HardHandValue = thePlayer.SoftHandValue;

            //compare player and dealer hands
            if (theDealer.handvalue > 21)
                MessageBox.Show("The dealer has busted.\nPlayer wins.");
                PlayerBalance += (playerbet * 2);
            else if (theDealer.handvalue == thePlayer.HardHandValue)
                //print push/tie game
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Push. You get your bet of ${0} back.", playerbet));
                //return player bet
                PlayerBalance += playerbet;
            else if (theDealer.handvalue > thePlayer.HardHandValue)
                //print dealer wins
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Dealer Wins! You lost ${0}", playerbet));
            else if (theDealer.handvalue < thePlayer.HardHandValue)
            {//print player wins
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Player Wins! You win ${0}!", playerbet));
                //add bet to player balance
                PlayerBalance += (2 * playerbet);
            PlayerBalanceLabel.Text = string.Format("Your balance is {0}", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0"));
            if (PlayerBalance < 5)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("You have {0} unable to make the minimum bet and must make room for another player.\nGoodbye.", PlayerBalance.ToString("C0")));
            HitButton.Enabled   = false;
            StandButton.Enabled = false;
            Newgame.Enabled     = true;
            _          = Newgame.Focus();
            isgameover = false;