public IActionResult OnGetRegionOtps(int id) { NewRegion model = null; var client = new HttpClient(); var task = client.GetAsync("" + id) .ContinueWith((taskwithresponse) => { var response = taskwithresponse.Result; var jsonString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); jsonString.Wait(); model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <NewRegion>(jsonString.Result); }); task.Wait(); return(Ok(model)); }
public override bool Process() { List <Tuple <HTuple, HTuple, HTuple, HTuple> > TupleList = new List <Tuple <HTuple, HTuple, HTuple, HTuple> >(); TupleList.Add(new Tuple <HTuple, HTuple, HTuple, HTuple>(In_VLine.Item1, In_VLine.Item2, In_VLine.Item3, In_VLine.Item4)); TupleList.Add(new Tuple <HTuple, HTuple, HTuple, HTuple>(In_HLine.Item1, In_HLine.Item2, In_HLine.Item3, In_HLine.Item4)); HTuple GeometryPose = new HTuple(); GeometryPose[0] = In_CenterRow; GeometryPose[1] = In_CenterCol; GeometryPose[2] = In_Phi; //显示直线的矩形框 HalconVision.Instance.DisplayLines(In_CamID, TupleList); //显示Tia的参考线 //利用参考线画出原来画的区域 HOperatorSet.ReadRegion(out HObject OldRegion, @"VisionData\ToolData\Flag.reg"); HalconVision.Instance.GetGeometryRegionBy2Lines(In_CamID, OldRegion, TupleList[0].Item1, TupleList[0].Item2, TupleList[0].Item3, TupleList[0].Item4, TupleList[1].Item1, TupleList[1].Item2, TupleList[1].Item3, TupleList[1].Item4, GeometryPose, out HObject NewRegion); if (NewRegion.IsInitialized()) { Out_Region = NewRegion.SelectObj(1); NewRegion.Dispose(); } if (OldRegion.IsInitialized()) { OldRegion.Dispose(); } //显示结果 return(true); }
public void AcceptControlNewRegion(NewRegion newRegion, PrintContext parameter) { parameter.WriteLine("New Region"); }
public virtual void AcceptControlNewRegion(NewRegion newRegion, T parameter) { // intentionally left blank }
/// <summary> /// Make new selection /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The object that raised the event</param> /// <param name="e">Event args</param> private void buttonRegion1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewRegion ee = new NewRegion(AddNewSection); ee.Show(); }