예제 #1
        /// PUT api/FileInstances/5
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the file instance that is passed in by id
        /// </summary>
        public HttpResponseMessage PutNewFileInstance(int id, Delta <NewFileInstance> newfileinstance)
            // find the FileInstance by id passed in and gather data to merge
            NewFileInstance _fileInst = db.NewFileInstance.SingleOrDefault(f => f.id == id);

            if (_fileInst == null)

            // does the user have access to this file instance?
            if (Auth.FB.HasFileInstanceAccess(_fileInst))
                // patch/merge data together

                catch (Exception e)
                    //return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
                    throw e;

예제 #2
        // DELETE api/FileInstances/5
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the file instance that is passed in by id
        /// </summary>
        public HttpResponseMessage DeleteNewFileInstance(int id)
            // find the FileInstance by id passed in and gather data
            NewFileInstance newfileinstance = db.NewFileInstance.Find(id);

            if (newfileinstance == null)

            // does the user have access to this file instance?
            if (Auth.FB.HasFileInstanceAccess(newfileinstance))

                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)

                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, newfileinstance));
예제 #3
        /// POST api/FileInstances
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new file instance for the user, if the user has access to the file
        /// </summary>
        public HttpResponseMessage PostNewFileInstance(NewFileInstance newfileinstance)
            newfileinstance.userId     = uId;
            newfileinstance.created_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");

            // create file instance only if you have access to a file
            if (Auth.FB.HasFileAccess(newfileinstance.fileId))
                if (ModelState.IsValid)

                    HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, newfileinstance);
                    response.Headers.Location = new Uri(Url.Link("DefaultApi", new { id = newfileinstance.id }));
예제 #4
        /// GET api/FileInstances/5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the FileInstance by ID
        /// </summary>
        public NewFileInstance GetNewFileInstance(int id)
            NewFileInstance newfileinstance = db.NewFileInstance.Find(id);

            if (newfileinstance == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

            // HasFileInstanceAccess(fileInstanceId) - yes if you are an orgAdmin , yes if you are a sys admin, yes if you userId is on the file
            if (Auth.FB.HasFileInstanceAccess(newfileinstance))
                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));
예제 #5
            // does the user have access to a file instance (i.e his own file) by fileInstId ?
            public static bool HasFileInstanceAccess(int fileInstId)
                MyDatabase db = new MyDatabase();

                bool hasAccess = false;

                NewFileInstance newfileinstance = db.NewFileInstance.Find(fileInstId);

                if (IsSystemAdmin()) //yes if you are a sys admin
                    hasAccess = true;
                    // yes if your userId is on the file
                    if (newfileinstance.userId == _userId)
                        hasAccess = true;
                    // yes if you are an orgAdmin
                        // What org does the fileInstance belong to?
                        File f        = db.File.Find(newfileinstance.fileId);
                        int  FilesOrg = f.orgsId;

                        // Is the user an admin of this org?
                        IEnumerable <OrgUserMappings> org = db.OrgUserMappings.Where(m => m.usersId == _userId && m.orgsId == FilesOrg && m.isOrgAdmin == true);
                        if (org.Count() > 0)
                            hasAccess = true;


예제 #6
        public HttpResponseMessage GetWhoAmI(int?s = 0)
            // wait for FB to replicate your FBToken
            int    uId  = Auth.FB.GetUserId();
            string fbId = Auth.FB.GetFbId();

                // what are the orgs you are a member of?
                var myOrgs = db.OrgUserMappings.Include(oo => oo.Orgs).Where(o => o.usersId == uId);

                Users u   = db.Users.Find(uId);
                Orgs  org = db.Orgs.Find(u.defaultOrg);

                // are you either a System admin or an admin of at least one org?
                bool isAdmin = false;
                if (Auth.FB.IsSystemAdmin())
                    isAdmin = true;
                    // determine if the user is an admin of his default org

                    if (Auth.FB.IsOrgAdmin(u.defaultOrg))
                        isAdmin = true;

                // if a newFileId is passed in and the user is a member of that org then create a fileInstance,
                //      set the files org as the user deafult org and send back a url #go?file{fileInstId}
                string referrerUrl = "";
                // is new file passed in
                if (s != 0)
                    // is user a member of the org?
                    File fileDetails = db.File.FirstOrDefault(ff => ff.id == s);
                    int  orgsId      = fileDetails.orgsId;
                    if (Auth.FB.IsOrgUser(orgsId))
                        int myId = Auth.FB.GetUserId();

                        // create the file instance
                        NewFileInstance n = new NewFileInstance();
                        n.fileId     = fileDetails.id;
                        n.userId     = u.id;
                        n.name       = fileDetails.fileName + " - " + u.name + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("O");
                        n.created_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");

                        NewFileInstance newFileInst = db.NewFileInstance.Add(n);

                        //Update the Users default org
                        u.defaultOrg      = fileDetails.orgsId;
                        db.Entry(u).State = EntityState.Modified;

                        // get the first question for url
                        Questions q = db.Questions.FirstOrDefault(dd => dd.fileId == fileDetails.id && dd.order == 1);

                        // pass back file location
                        referrerUrl = "#go?file" + newFileInst.id + "?q" + q.id;

                        isAdmin = Auth.FB.IsOrgAdmin(u.defaultOrg);
                        referrerUrl = "";
                    referrerUrl = "";

                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new
                    Id = uId,
                    FbUserId = fbId,
                    IsAdmin = isAdmin,
                    org = myOrgs,
                    defaultOrg = u.defaultOrg,
                    defaultOrgName = org.orgName,
                    isSystemAdmin = u.isSystemAdmin,
                    referrerUrl = referrerUrl
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new
                    error = ex
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports data in bulk, creates a new file instance and creates responses for that instance
        /// <param name="jJson">
        ///  {
        ///     file: fileId,
        ///     fileName: name,
        ///     questionsIdMap: ["34","35","36","37"]
        ///     responses: [
        ///        { 0: "q1a", 1: "q2a" },  // in this case 0 maps to questionId 34
        ///        { 0: "q2a", 1: "q22a" },
        ///        { 0: "q3a", 1: "q23a" },
        ///        { 0: "q4a", 1: "q24a" }
        ///     ]
        ///  }
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     json response with message array of inserted data
        ///     {"message":["Created file : labowski 0, id: 115","Added response to : labowski 1 , response: bowling , id: 256"]}
        /// </returns>
        /// </summary>
        // POST api/importer
        public JObject Post(JObject jJson)
            // make sure user is an org admin of at least one org
            // TODO this needs to be hardened by passing in the org and checking if user is orgadmin
            // also make sure all files passed in belong to org
            // also make sure each question belongs to the org
            if (Auth.FB.IsOrgAdmin())
                // dynamic input from inbound JSON
                dynamic json = jJson;

                // output json message to user
                JObject jsonOutput = new JObject();
                dynamic jOutput    = jsonOutput;
                jOutput.message = new JArray() as dynamic;

                // file
                int file = int.Parse(json.file.Value);

                // file
                string fileName = json.fileName.Value;

                // questionID Array
                dynamic questionIdArray = new JArray(json.questionsIdMap);

                // responses onject
                dynamic responses = new JArray(json.responses);

                // loop responses and gather data to create a new file instance, add to the fileInstanceCreator object
                List <FileInstanceCreator> fileInstanceCreator = new List <FileInstanceCreator>(); // holds all of the file instances and responses we need to create
                int x = 1;                                                                         // placeholder for a new instance
                foreach (dynamic row in json.responses)
                    // loop the responses in the row and build a query
                    FileInstanceCreator fi = new FileInstanceCreator();
                    fi.id = x;
                    foreach (dynamic resp in row)
                        if (resp.Value.Value != "")
                            fi.responseArray.Add(new response {
                                qid = int.Parse(questionIdArray[int.Parse(resp.Name)].Value), resp = resp.Value.Value

                var rowNum = 1;
                // loop file instances and create a new file instance if the responseArray is not empty
                foreach (FileInstanceCreator fileInst in fileInstanceCreator)
                    if (fileInst.responseArray.Count > 0)
                        // create new file instance
                        NewFileInstance newInst = new NewFileInstance
                            name       = fileName + " " + fileInst.id,
                            userId     = Auth.FB.GetUserId(),
                            fileId     = file,
                            created_at = DateTime.Now.ToString("O")


                        // write each successful insert to log and pass back to user
                        jOutput.message.Add("<b>" + rowNum + ".) Created file : " + newInst.name + ", id: " + newInst.id.ToString() + "</b>");

                        // loop the response array, lookup question type and insert responses for the file instance and question id
                        foreach (response question in fileInst.responseArray)
                                string    type = db.Questions.Find(question.qid).type;
                                Responses r    = new Responses();

                                bool valid = false;
                                if (type == "Signature")
                                    // do nothing, we dont import signatures at this point
                                    valid = false;
                                else if (type == "MultipleChoice")
                                    // then split each option by ,, and lookup id and do mutiple inserts into the respose table if needed
                                    valid = true;
                                    string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { ",," };
                                    string[] multChoiceAry;
                                    multChoiceAry = question.resp.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                    foreach (string sResp in multChoiceAry)
                                        //then lookup id
                                        int optionId = db.Options.FirstOrDefault(o => o.questionsId == question.qid && o.option == sResp).id;
                                        r.response = optionId.ToString();

                                        r.response          = optionId.ToString();
                                        r.respondedTo       = true;
                                        r.created_at        = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");
                                        r.updated_at        = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");
                                        r.newFileInstanceId = newInst.id;
                                        r.questionsId       = question.qid;

                                        // write each insert to log to pass back to user
                                        jOutput.message.Add("Added response to : " + newInst.name + " , response: " + sResp + "[" + optionId + "] , id: " + r.id + "<hr/>");
                                else if (type == "SingleAnswer")
                                    //then lookup id
                                    valid = true;
                                    int optionId = db.Options.FirstOrDefault(o => o.questionsId == question.qid && o.option == question.resp).id;
                                    r.response = optionId.ToString();
                                else if (type == "Gps")
                                    //then insert
                                    valid      = true;
                                    r.response = question.resp;
                                    // type is open ended then insert
                                    valid      = true;
                                    r.response = question.resp;

                                if (valid == true && type != "MultipleChoice")
                                    r.respondedTo       = true;
                                    r.created_at        = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");
                                    r.updated_at        = DateTime.Now.ToString("O");
                                    r.newFileInstanceId = newInst.id;
                                    r.questionsId       = question.qid;


                                    // write each insert to log to pass back to user
                                    jOutput.message.Add("Added response to : " + newInst.name + " , response: " + question.resp + " , id: " + r.id + "<hr/>");
                                else if (valid == false)
                                    // write each insert to log to pass back to user
                                    jOutput.message.Add("<b style='color:red'>Failed attempting to add response for question with an ID of : " + question.qid + " , your invalid response was <i> " + question.resp + " </i>. Please check your formatting and edit the response in the report view.</b><hr/> ");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                jOutput.message.Add("<b style='color:red'>Failed attempting to add response for question with an ID of : " + question.qid + " , row " + rowNum + " , your invalid response was <i> " + question.resp + " </i>. Please check your formatting and edit the response in the report view.</b><hr/> ");


                throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized));