예제 #1
    public override void LearnUnits()
        //I should probably make this a float array.
        //I'm not sure what kind of memory restrictions we're looking at.
        //This list of arrays is going to be reclaimed after the method finishes, as is the trainingSet
        List <double[]> features      = new List <double[]> ();
        int             featureLength = -1;

        //Gets the relevant data out of the training set
        foreach (PhantomUnit u in trainingSet)
            Texture tex = u.tex;
            if (tex is Texture2D)
                Texture2D tex2D  = (Texture2D)tex;
                Color[]   pixels = tex2D.GetPixels();
                if (featureLength == -1)
                    featureLength = pixels.Length * 3;
                    unitWidth     = tex2D.width;
                    unitHeight    = tex2D.height;
                //I don't actually check that the width and height are correct, just that width*height is correct. I'm going to assume it'll work out.
                if (pixels.Length * 3 == featureLength)
                    //This is really IMPORTANT.
                    //The last spot in unit features is reserved for the unit identity (0 for Enemy, 1 for Ally)
                    //Don't iterate over unitFeatures or its full length.
                    double[] unitFeatures = new double[featureLength + 1];
                    //Assigns the pixel values for each of the colors in the pattern {r,g,b,r,g,b,...)
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                        Color c = pixels [i];
                        unitFeatures [3 * i]     = c.r;
                        unitFeatures [3 * i + 1] = c.g;
                        unitFeatures [3 * i + 2] = c.b;
                    unitFeatures [featureLength] = u.identity;
                    Debug.Log("Unit has incorrect dimensions to be analyzed: " + u.ToString());
            else if (tex is RenderTexture)
                RenderTexture texRend = (RenderTexture)tex;
                Debug.Log("This is a RenderTexture");
                //I don't have the code to get the pixels for this yet
                Debug.Log("I'm not sure what Texture this is or what to do with it.");
        }        //for

        weights = new double[featureLength];
        b       = 0;

        for (int it = 0; it < iters; it++)
            itersUsed = it + 1;
            int misses = 0;
            //Shuffles the feature list
            foreach (double[] fs in features)
                int trueIdentity = (int)Mathf.Round((float)fs [featureLength]);
                int f            = (int)Unit.ALLY_IDENTITY;
                if (calculateZ(fs) < 0)
                    f = (int)Unit.ENEMY_IDENTITY;
                misses += Mathf.Abs(f - trueIdentity);
                for (int i = 0; i < featureLength; i++)
                    weights [i] = weights [i] + learningRate * fs[i] * (trueIdentity - f);
                b = b + learningRate * (trueIdentity - f);
            }            //for each of the feature arrays
            if (misses == 0)
        }        //for iterations
        actualWeights = new double[weights.Length];
        System.Array.Copy(weights, actualWeights, weights.Length);
        actualB = b;
        //Notice that I am clearing out the training set here.
        //Keeping the references is not necessary and will just take up space.
        //Being able to get rid of them is sort of the point of making a model.
        foreach (PhantomUnit u in trainingSet)
        isAILearned = true;