public static void Airdrop() { int loc = Random.RandomRange(1, 13); string arg = string.Empty; string string_ = string.Empty; string str = string.Empty; Vector3 val = default(Vector3); val = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); switch (loc) { case 1: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Summerside Peninsula"; string_ = "Airdop was fallen on Summerside Peninsula!"; val = new Vector3(790f, 24f, -450f); str = "Take airdrop on Summerside Peninsula"; break; case 2: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Burywood"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Burywood!"; val = new Vector3(50f, 23f, 700f); str = "Take airdrop on BuryWood"; break; case 3: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Courtin Island"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Courtin Island!"; val = new Vector3(890f, 22f, 500f); str = "Take airdrop on Courtin Island"; break; case 4: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Belfast Airport"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Belfast Airport!"; val = new Vector3(600f, 25f, 468f); str = "Take airdrop on Belfast Airport"; break; case 5: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Holman Island"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Holman Island!"; val = new Vector3(-770f, 29f, -760f); str = "Take airdrop on Holman Island"; break; case 6: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the O'Leary Military Base"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on O'Leary Military Base!"; val = new Vector3(-440f, 26f, 607f); str = "Take airdrop on Military Base"; break; case 7: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Alberton"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Alberton!"; val = new Vector3(-580f, 19f, 87f); str = "Take airdrop on Alberton"; break; case 8: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Charlottetown"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Charlottetown!"; val = new Vector3(22f, 18f, -432f); str = "Take airdrop on Charlottetown"; break; case 9: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Montague"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Montague!"; val = new Vector3(250f, 30f, -100f); str = "Take airdrop on Montague"; break; case 10: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Oultons Isle"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Oultons Isle!"; val = new Vector3(200f, 28f, -825f); str = "Take airdrop on Oultons Isle"; break; case 11: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the St. Peter's Island"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on St. Peter's Island!"; val = new Vector3(-245.4355f, 27.7f, 47.64797f); str = "Take airdrop on St. Peter's Island"; break; case 12: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Fernwood Farm"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Fernwood Farm!"; val = new Vector3(-244.4423f, 25.5f, -376.0898f); str = "Take airdrop on Fernwood Farm"; break; case 13: arg = "Airdrop will fall to the Wiltshire Farm"; string_ = "Airdrop was fallen on Wiltshire Farm!"; val = new Vector3(-451.6884f, 27.3f, -563.936f); str = "Take airdrop on Wiltishire Farm"; break; } for (int i = 5; i >= 1; i--) { NetworkChat.sendAlert($"{arg} after {i} min"); Thread.Sleep(60000); } NetworkChat.sendAlert(string_); for (int i = 0; i < itemAmountForDrop; i++) { int int_ = items[Random.Range(0, items.Length)]; float num3 = Random.Range(0, 5); float num4 = Random.Range(0, 5); SpawnItems.spawnItem(int_, 1, new Vector3(val.x + num3, val.y, val.z + num4)); } NetworkSounds.askSoundMax("Sounds/spooky/spooky_3", val, 500f, 1f, 700f, 3500f); for (int num5 = 1000; num5 > 0; num5--) { if (announceWhilePlayerTook) { for (int j = 0; j < UserList.users.Count; j++) { BetterNetworkUser val2 = UserList.users[j]; float num6 = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(val, val2.position)); if (num6 < 10.5f) { NetworkChat.sendAlert( + " " + str); NetworkSounds.askSoundMax("Sounds/spooky/spooky_0", val, 500f, 1f, 700f, 3500f); return; } } } if (enableEffects) { int num7 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 25; k++) { NetworkEffects.askEffect("Effects/sparksRed", new Vector3(val.x, val.y + (float)num7, val.z), Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f), 100f); num7 += 2; } NetworkSounds.askSound("Sounds/projectiles/smoke", val, 500f, 1f, 700f); } Thread.Sleep(300); } }
public void destroyBarricade(Vector3 position) { int indexFromPositionServer; ClientItem[,] crateItems; Point2 region = NetworkRegions.getRegion(position); bool flag = false; int item = -1; Vector3 vector3 =; if (Network.isServer) { indexFromPositionServer = SpawnBarricades.getIndexFromPositionServer(region, position); if (SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id == 16019 || SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id == 16025 || SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id == 16023) { if (SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id != 16019) { string[] strArrays = Packer.unpack(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].state, '\u005F'); crateItems = InteractionInterface.getCrateItems(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id, Sneaky.expose(strArrays[2])); } else { crateItems = InteractionInterface.getCrateItems(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id, Sneaky.expose(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].state)); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < BarricadeStats.getCapacity(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id); j++) { if (!ItemStackable.getStackable(crateItems[i, j].id)) { SpawnItems.drop(crateItems[i, j].id, crateItems[i, j].amount, crateItems[i, j].state, position); } else { for (int k = 0; k < crateItems[i, j].amount; k++) { SpawnItems.drop(crateItems[i, j].id, 1, crateItems[i, j].state, position); } } } } } else if (ExplosiveStats.getDamage(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id) != 0) { flag = true; item = SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id; if (SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades[indexFromPositionServer].id != 16015) { vector3 = position + Vector3.up; NetworkEffects.askEffect("Effects/grenade", position, Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f), -1f); NetworkSounds.askSoundMax("Sounds/Projectiles/grenade", position, 1f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.95f, 1.05f), 4f, 64f); } else { vector3 = position + SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].models[indexFromPositionServer].transform.up; NetworkEffects.askEffect("Effects/bomb", position, Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f), -1f); NetworkSounds.askSoundMax("Sounds/Projectiles/bomb", position, 1f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.95f, 1.05f), 4f, 64f); } } if (indexFromPositionServer != -1 && indexFromPositionServer < SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades.Count) { SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].barricades.RemoveAt(indexFromPositionServer); } } indexFromPositionServer = SpawnBarricades.getIndexFromPositionClient(region, position); if (indexFromPositionServer != -1 && indexFromPositionServer < SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].models.Count) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].models[indexFromPositionServer]); SpawnBarricades.regions[region.x, region.y].models.RemoveAt(indexFromPositionServer); } if (flag) { ExplosionTool.explode(vector3, (float)ExplosiveStats.getRange(item), ExplosiveStats.getDamage(item)); } }
public void Update() { if (this.real) { if (Network.isServer) { if (base.transform.position.y < Ocean.level - 1f && != this.maxHealth) { base.networkView.RPC("tellHealth", RPCMode.All, new object[] { this.maxHealth }); } if ((this.wrecked || this.exploded) && this.headlights) { base.networkView.RPC("tellHeadlights", RPCMode.All, new object[] { false }); } if ((this.wrecked || this.exploded) && this.sirens) { base.networkView.RPC("tellSirens", RPCMode.All, new object[] { false }); } if (!this.wrecked) { if (base.transform.position.y < Ocean.level - 1f) { this.wrecked = true; base.networkView.RPC("tellWrecked", RPCMode.All, new object[] { true }); } else if ( < 10) { this.wrecked = true; base.networkView.RPC("tellWrecked", RPCMode.All, new object[] { true }); } // Checking if NOW wrecked if (this.wrecked) { this.ejectAll(); this.lastWrecked = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } else if (this.lastSpeed != 0 && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastPump > 3f && this.fuel > 0) { this.lastPump = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; this.burn(1); if (this.fuel == 0) { base.networkView.RPC("tellHeadlights", RPCMode.All, new object[] { false }); base.networkView.RPC("tellSirens", RPCMode.All, new object[] { false }); } } } else if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastWrecked > 10f && !this.exploded && base.transform.position.y > Ocean.level - 1f) { this.exploded = true; base.networkView.RPC("tellExploded", RPCMode.All, new object[] { true }); ExplosionTool.explode(base.transform.position + base.transform.forward, 10f, 70); NetworkEffects.askEffect("Effects/bomb", this.position, Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 0f, 0f), -1f); NetworkSounds.askSoundMax("Sounds/Projectiles/bomb", this.position, 1f, UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.95f, 1.05f), 4f, 64f); base.rigidbody.AddForce(new Vector3(0f, 20f, 0f), ForceMode.Impulse); base.rigidbody.AddTorque(new Vector3((float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(-20, 20), 0f, 0f), ForceMode.Impulse); base.Invoke("removeFromWorld", 30f); } if (this.lastSpeed == 0) { this.lastPump = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 1f; } if (this.passengers[0] == null && (double)(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - this.lastTick) > 0.2) { this.lastTick = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if ((base.transform.position - this.lastPosition).sqrMagnitude > 1f) { this.lastPosition = this.position; base.networkView.RPC("updatePosition", RPCMode.All, new object[] { base.transform.position, base.transform.rotation }); } } } if ((Movement.vehicle != this || !Movement.isDriving) && (!Network.isServer || this.passengers[0] != null)) { base.rigidbody.MovePosition(Vector3.Lerp(base.transform.position, this.position, (float)NetworkInterpolation.INTERPOLATION_RATE * Time.deltaTime)); base.rigidbody.MoveRotation(Quaternion.Lerp(base.transform.rotation, this.rotation, (float)NetworkInterpolation.INTERPOLATION_RATE * Time.deltaTime)); } if (this.sirens) { if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup % 0.717f >= 0.3585f) { base.transform.FindChild("siren").light.color =; } else { base.transform.FindChild("siren").light.color =; } } AudioSource audioSource =; float single =; if (this.fuel <= 0) { fuel = 0; } else { fuel = 1; } } }