예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// creates a game object over the network
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="t_prefab">the name of the prefab used to create the object</param>
    /// <param name="t_position">the spawn position of the object</param>
    /// <param name="t_rotation">the spawn rotation of the object</param>
    /// <param name="t_data">a serializable object to pass other creation data with</param>
    /// <param name="t_connectionOrigin">the origin of the create object message, defaults to -1 for local</param>
    /// <returns>the unique netutil name of the object</returns>
    public string CreateObject(string t_prefab, Vector3 t_position, Quaternion t_rotation, object t_data, string t_name = "", int t_connectionOrigin = -1)
        // ensure the prefab exists
        if (!m_prefabs.ContainsKey(t_prefab))
            throw new ArgumentException("\"" + t_prefab + "\" is a prefab not registered in netuitl");

        // ensure a dupplicate is not being made
        if (m_gameObjects.ContainsKey(t_name))
            throw new ArgumentException("\"" + t_name + "\" is already the name of a network gameobject");

        // ensure the data object is valid
        if (!t_data.GetType().IsSerializable)
            throw new ArgumentException("the type \"" + t_data.GetType().FullName + "\" is not serializable and can not be properly sent over network");

        // if no name for the object is given, generate one
        if (t_name == "")
            t_name = genId();

        NetUtilObjectCreator creator = new NetUtilObjectCreator();

        creator.name     = t_name;
        creator.prefab   = t_prefab;
        creator.position = new NetUtilVector3(t_position);
        creator.rotation = new NetUtilQuaternion(t_rotation);
        creator.data     = t_data;

        if (m_isHost)
            m_activeObjects[t_name] = creator;
        SendMessage(NetUtilMessageType.CREATE_OBJECT, creator, t_connectionOrigin);
        CreateLocalObject(t_prefab, t_name, t_position, t_rotation, t_data);
        if (t_connectionOrigin == -1)
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// handles incoming create object messages
    /// </summary>
    private void HandleCreateObject(int connectionId, byte[] buffer, int size)
        NetUtilObjectCreator message = ConstructType <NetUtilObjectCreator>(buffer, 1, size - 1);

        CreateObject(message.prefab, message.position.toVector3(), message.rotation.toQuaternion(), message.data, message.name, connectionId);