예제 #1
        protected NetBase(NetConfiguration config)
            Debug.Assert(config != null, "Config must not be null");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ApplicationIdentifier))
                throw new ArgumentException("Must set ApplicationIdentifier in NetConfiguration!");
            m_config = config;
            m_receiveBuffer = new NetBuffer(config.ReceiveBufferSize);
            m_sendBuffer = new NetBuffer(config.SendBufferSize);
            m_senderRemote = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
            m_statistics = new NetBaseStatistics();
            m_receivedMessages = new NetQueue<IncomingNetMessage>(4);
            m_scratchBuffer = new NetBuffer(32);
            m_bindLock = new object();
            m_discovery = new NetDiscovery(this);

            m_randomIdentifier = new byte[8];

            m_unsentOutOfBandMessages = new NetQueue<NetBuffer>();
            m_unsentOutOfBandRecipients = new NetQueue<IPEndPoint>();
            m_susmQueue = new Queue<SUSystemMessage>();

            // default enabled message types
            m_enabledMessageTypes =
                NetMessageType.Data | NetMessageType.StatusChanged | NetMessageType.ServerDiscovered |
                NetMessageType.DebugMessage | NetMessageType.Receipt;
예제 #2
파일: AsyncNet.cs 프로젝트: jromulo/WazeWP7
    public AsyncNet(string url, int method, string updateTime,
        int cb_addr, int context)
        this.url = url;
        this.method = method;
        this.updateTime = updateTime;
        this.cb_addr = cb_addr;
        this.context = context;

            if (c_do_async_connect_cb == 0)
                c_do_async_connect_cb = CibylCallTable.getAddressByName("do_async_connect_cb");
                c_input_ready_cb = CibylCallTable.getAddressByName("roadmap_main_input_ready");
        catch (Exception e)
            Logger.log("Exception in do_async_connect_cb: " + e.ToString());

            throw; //todomt


        if (queue == null)
            // assumes that this is called async
            queue = new NetQueue();

 internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
     m_connection = connection;
     m_windowSize = windowSize;
     m_windowStart = 0;
     m_sendStart = 0;
     m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
     m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
		internal NetReliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize)
			m_connection = connection;
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_windowStart = 0;
			m_sendStart = 0;
			m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
			m_storedMessages = new NetStoredReliableMessage[m_windowSize];
			m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);
			m_resendDelay = m_connection.GetResendDelay();
예제 #5
        private SESSION_STATUS m_cStatus; //会话状态

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SeverSession(Socket socket, DispatchFactoryBase dispatchFactory)
            this.m_cDispatchFactory = dispatchFactory;
            this.m_cDispatch = this.m_cDispatchFactory.Create( this );
            this.m_cSocket = socket;

            this.m_cReceiveBuffer = new StreamBuffer();
            this.m_cSendBuffer = new StreamBuffer();

            this.m_cSendQueue = new NetQueue<PacketBase>(64 * 256);
예제 #6
 internal NetConnection(NetPeer peer, IPEndPoint remoteEndpoint)
     m_peer = peer;
     m_peerConfiguration = m_peer.Configuration;
     m_status = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_visibleStatus = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_remoteEndpoint = remoteEndpoint;
     m_sendChannels = new NetSenderChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_receiveChannels = new NetReceiverChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_queuedAcks = new NetQueue<NetTuple<NetMessageType, int>>(4);
     m_statistics = new NetConnectionStatistics(this);
     m_averageRoundtripTime = -1.0f;
		internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize, NetDeliveryMethod method)
			m_connection = connection;
			m_windowSize = windowSize;
			m_windowStart = 0;
			m_sendStart = 0;
			m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
			m_queuedSends = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(8);

			m_doFlowControl = true;
			if (method == NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable && connection.Peer.Configuration.SuppressUnreliableUnorderedAcks == true)
				m_doFlowControl = false;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// NetPeer constructor
 /// </summary>
 public NetPeer(NetPeerConfiguration config)
     m_configuration = config;
     m_statistics = new NetPeerStatistics(this);
     m_releasedIncomingMessages = new NetQueue<NetIncomingMessage>(4);
     m_unsentUnconnectedMessages = new NetQueue<NetTuple<NetEndPoint, NetOutgoingMessage>>(2);
     m_connections = new List<NetConnection>();
     m_connectionLookup = new Dictionary<NetEndPoint, NetConnection>();
     m_handshakes = new Dictionary<NetEndPoint, NetConnection>();
     m_senderRemote = (EndPoint)new NetEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
     m_status = NetPeerStatus.NotRunning;
     m_receivedFragmentGroups = new Dictionary<NetConnection, Dictionary<int, ReceivedFragmentGroup>>();
예제 #9
        private string m_strAddress; //连接地址

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public ClientSession( DispatchFactoryBase dispatchFactory )
            this.m_cStatus = SESSION_STATUS.NO_CONNECT;
            this.m_cDispatchFactory = dispatchFactory;

            this.m_cReceiveBuffer = new StreamBuffer();
            this.m_cSendBuffer = new StreamBuffer();

            this.m_cSendQueue = new NetQueue<PacketBase>(64 * 256);

            this.m_bStartReConnect = false;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        ///   Tworzy modul zarzadzajacy polaczeniami
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "netModule"></param>
        public NetworkManager(NetworkModule netModule)
            _netModule = netModule;
            _netQueue = netModule.netQueue;

            _loopback = new LocalPeer(_netModule);
            //_loopback.ObjectReceived += ObjectReceived;
            _userConnectionMap = new UserConnectionMap(_netModule);

            _connectThread = new ConnectThread();

            // _netQueue.Register(typeof (NetworkSend), HandleNetworkSend);

            _networkConnectTimer = new Timer(NextConnect, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
        internal NetUnreliableSenderChannel(NetConnection connection, int windowSize, NetDeliveryMethod method)
            m_connection   = connection;
            m_windowSize   = windowSize;
            m_windowStart  = 0;
            m_sendStart    = 0;
            m_receivedAcks = new NetBitVector(NetConstants.NumSequenceNumbers);
            m_queuedSends  = new NetQueue <NetOutgoingMessage>(8);

            m_doFlowControl = true;
            if (method == NetDeliveryMethod.Unreliable && connection.Peer.Configuration.SuppressUnreliableUnorderedAcks == true)
                m_doFlowControl = false;
예제 #12
		private void InitializePools()
			if (m_configuration.UseMessageRecycling)
				m_storagePool = new List<byte[]>(16);
				m_outgoingMessagesPool = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(4);
				m_incomingMessagesPool = new NetQueue<NetIncomingMessage>(4);
				m_storagePool = null;
				m_outgoingMessagesPool = null;
				m_incomingMessagesPool = null;
예제 #13
 internal NetConnection(NetPeer peer, NetEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
     m_peer = peer;
     m_peerConfiguration = m_peer.Configuration;
     m_status = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_outputtedStatus = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_visibleStatus = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
     m_sendChannels = new NetSenderChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_receiveChannels = new NetReceiverChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_queuedOutgoingAcks = new NetQueue<NetTuple<NetMessageType, int>>(4);
     m_queuedIncomingAcks = new NetQueue<NetTuple<NetMessageType, int>>(4);
     m_statistics = new NetConnectionStatistics(this);
     m_averageRoundtripTime = -1.0f;
     m_currentMTU = m_peerConfiguration.MaximumTransmissionUnit;
예제 #14
 internal NetConnection(NetPeer peer, NetEndPoint remoteEndPoint)
     m_peer = peer;
     m_peerConfiguration    = m_peer.Configuration;
     m_status               = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_outputtedStatus      = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_visibleStatus        = NetConnectionStatus.None;
     m_remoteEndPoint       = remoteEndPoint;
     m_sendChannels         = new NetSenderChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_receiveChannels      = new NetReceiverChannelBase[NetConstants.NumTotalChannels];
     m_queuedOutgoingAcks   = new NetQueue <NetTuple <NetMessageType, int> >(4);
     m_queuedIncomingAcks   = new NetQueue <NetTuple <NetMessageType, int> >(4);
     m_statistics           = new NetConnectionStatistics(this);
     m_averageRoundtripTime = -1.0f;
     m_currentMTU           = m_peerConfiguration.MaximumTransmissionUnit;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        ///   Tworzy modul sieciowy
        /// </summary>
        public NetworkModule()
            Processor proc = ServiceModule.CreateProcessor();

            AssignProcessor(ServiceModule, proc);

            netQueue = new NetQueue(ServiceModule, proc);

            _interfaceLink = new InterfaceModuleLink(this);
            _fileLink = new FileModulelLink(this);
            NetworkManager = new NetworkManager(this);
            TaskCenter = new TaskCenter(this);

            _networkState = new StateDisconnected(this);
예제 #16
		private void InitializePools()
			m_storageSlotsUsedCount = 0;

			if (m_configuration.UseMessageRecycling)
				m_storagePool = new List<byte[]>(16);
				m_outgoingMessagesPool = new NetQueue<NetOutgoingMessage>(4);
				m_incomingMessagesPool = new NetQueue<NetIncomingMessage>(4);
				m_storagePool = null;
				m_outgoingMessagesPool = null;
				m_incomingMessagesPool = null;

			m_maxCacheCount = m_configuration.RecycledCacheMaxCount;
예제 #17
        internal NetConnection(NetBase owner, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, byte[] localHailData, byte[] remoteHailData)
            m_owner = owner;
            m_remoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
            m_localHailData = localHailData;
            m_remoteHailData = remoteHailData;
            m_futureClose = double.MaxValue;

            m_throttleDebt = owner.m_config.m_throttleBytesPerSecond; // slower start

            m_statistics = new NetConnectionStatistics(this, 1.0f);
            m_unsentMessages = new NetQueue<OutgoingNetMessage>(6);
            m_lockedUnsentMessages = new NetQueue<OutgoingNetMessage>(3);
            m_status = NetConnectionStatus.Connecting; // to prevent immediate removal on heartbeat thread

        public override void StartServer(F3_ServerConfig serverConfig)
            m_consoleOuputMsg = new NetQueue<string>(16);
            m_registeredServers = new Dictionary<long, F3_NetServerInfo>();

예제 #19
파일: AsyncNet.cs 프로젝트: jromulo/WazeWP7
 public Worker(NetQueue netqueue)
     this.netQueue = netqueue;
예제 #20
 public Worker(NetQueue netqueue)
     this.netQueue = netqueue;
예제 #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GCLatencyMode oldMode = GCSettings.LatencyMode;

            GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.Batch;

            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = int.MaxValue;

            GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

            DownloadQueue = new NetQueue(800);

            Console.WriteLine("Robust Arcalive Image Downloader");
            Console.WriteLine("Copyright 2020. ");

            Console.Write("prefix> ");
            string prefix = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            Console.Write("category> ");
            string category = Console.ReadLine().Trim();

            Console.Write("maxpage> ");
            int page = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine().Trim());

            var urls = Enumerable.Range(1, page).Select(x => $"{prefix}?category={category}&p={x}").ToList();

            Console.Write("download pages... ");
            List <string> htmls;
                int complete = 0;
                using (var pb = new ExtractingProgressBar())
                    htmls = NetTools.DownloadStrings(urls, "",
                                                     () =>
                        pb.Report(urls.Count, Interlocked.Increment(ref complete));

            var rr       = new Regex(@"<a class=""vrow"" href=""(.*?)""");
            var subPages = new ConcurrentBag <List <string> >();
            var host     = new Uri(prefix).Host;

            Parallel.ForEach(htmls, (html) =>
                subPages.Add(rr.Matches(html).Cast <Match>().Select(x => $"https://{host}{x.Groups[1].Value}").ToList());

            Console.WriteLine($"{subPages.Sum(x=>x.Count):#,#} page loaded");

            Console.Write("download article... ");
            var           subPagesList = subPages.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();
            List <string> subHtmls;

                int complete = 0;
                using (var pb = new ExtractingProgressBar())
                    subHtmls = NetTools.DownloadStrings(subPagesList, "",
                                                        () =>
                        pb.Report(subPagesList.Count, Interlocked.Increment(ref complete));

            // url, path
            var images = new ConcurrentBag <List <(string, string)> >();

            Console.Write("extracting contents... ");
                int complete = 0;
                using (var pb = new ExtractingProgressBar())
                    Parallel.ForEach(subHtmls, (html) =>
                        var imgs = new List <(string, string)>();
                        var doc  = new HtmlDocument();

                        var id   = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//link[@rel='canonical']").GetAttributeValue("href", "").Split('/').Last();
                        var body = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='article-body']");

                        var imgnodes = body.SelectNodes(".//img");
                        if (imgnodes != null)
                            foreach (var img in imgnodes)
                                var src = img.GetAttributeValue("src", "");
                                imgs.Add(($"https:{src}?type=orig", $"download/[{id}] {imgs.Count:00}." + src.Split('.').Last()));

                        var videonodes = body.SelectNodes(".//video");
                        if (videonodes != null)
                            foreach (var video in body.SelectNodes(".//video"))
                                var src = video.GetAttributeValue("src", "");
                                if (video.GetAttributeValue("data-orig", "") == "gif")
                                    imgs.Add(($"https:{src}.gif?type=orig", $"download/[{id}] {imgs.Count:00}." + "gif"));
                                    imgs.Add(($"https:{src}?type=orig", $"download/[{id}] {imgs.Count:00}." + src.Split('.').Last()));

                        pb.Report(subHtmls.Count, Interlocked.Increment(ref complete));
예제 #22
파일: AsyncNet.cs 프로젝트: EranGon/WazeWP7
 public Worker(NetQueue netqueue)
예제 #23
        public static void Run()
            NetQueue<int> queue = new NetQueue<int>(4);


            int[] arr = queue.ToArray();
            if (arr.Length != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");
            if (arr[0] != 1 || arr[1] != 2 || arr[2] != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");

            bool ok;
            int a;

            if (queue.Contains(4))
                throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure");

            if (!queue.Contains(2))
                throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure 2");

            if (queue.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 1)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failure");

            if (queue.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 42)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 2)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == true)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == true)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 78)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.Clear failed");

            int[] arr2 = queue.ToArray();
            if (arr2.Length != 0)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");

            Console.WriteLine("NetQueue tests OK");
예제 #24
        public void TestScenario()
            NetQueue <int> queue = new NetQueue <int>(4);


            int[] arr = queue.ToArray();
            if (arr.Length != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");
            if (arr[0] != 1 || arr[1] != 2 || arr[2] != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");

            bool ok;
            int  a;

            if (queue.Contains(4))
                throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure");

            if (!queue.Contains(2))
                throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure 2");

            if (queue.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 1)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failure");

            if (queue.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 42)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 2)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 3)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == true)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == true)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
            if (ok == false || a != 78)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

            if (queue.Count != 0)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.Clear failed");

            int[] arr2 = queue.ToArray();
            if (arr2.Length != 0)
                throw new Exception("NetQueue.ToArray failure");
예제 #25
        protected Dictionary<int, HandlerBase> m_mapHandlers = new Dictionary<int,HandlerBase>(); //句柄

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Dispatch()
            this.m_cReceiveQueue = new NetQueue<PacketBase>(64 * 256);
        public override void StartServer(F3_ServerConfig serverConfig)
            m_messages = new NetQueue<F3_ChatLine>(16);
            m_commands = new NetQueue<NetCommand>(16);
            m_registeredGroups = new Dictionary<string, List<long>>();

예제 #27
        public static void Run()
                var queue = new NetQueue <int>(4);


                var arr = new int[queue.Count];
                if (arr.Length != 3)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue.CopyTo failure");
                if (arr[0] != 1 || arr[1] != 2 || arr[2] != 3)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue.CopyTo failure");

                bool ok;
                if (queue.Contains(4))
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure");

                if (!queue.Contains(2))
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue Contains failure 2");

                if (queue.Count != 3)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out int a);
                if (ok == false || a != 1)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failure");

                if (queue.Count != 2)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                if (queue.Count != 3)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == false || a != 42)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == false || a != 2)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == false || a != 3)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == true)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == true)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                if (queue.Count != 1)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                ok = queue.TryDequeue(out a);
                if (ok == false || a != 78)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue failed");

                if (queue.Count != 0)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue.Clear failed");

                int[] arr2 = new int[queue.Count];
                if (arr2.Length != 0)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue.CopyTo failure");

                var queue = new NetQueue <int>(8);

                List <int> destination = new();
                int        drained     = queue.TryDrain(destination);

                if (destination.Count != drained)
                    throw new Exception("NetQueue.TryDrain drained incorrect amount");

            Console.WriteLine("NetQueue tests OK");