예제 #1
        static NetBattlefield ProduceFakeBFIfNeeded(int playerID, NetBattlefield bf)
            //fake battlefield will contain all friendly cards currently not on battlefield
            //positioned on free positions so that AI can see if it can produce
            //any targets. there is no simulation involved so fake state should not harm "thinking"

            //we will not need fake BF IF all owned cards are already on BF.
            HashSet <NetCard> ownCastedCards = bf.GetCardsOnBattelfield(playerID);
            NetCardPlayerData ncd            = bf.GetPlayerByPlayerID(playerID);

            if (ncd == null || NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(ncd.HandCards))

            List <int>     ownCardsAtHand = ncd.HandCards.value;
            List <NetCard> cardsToCast    = new List <NetCard>();

            //this is different set than just cards which were used, because card which casts summons or
            //does support will not be present on battlefield and still cost more than base AP
            foreach (var v in ownCardsAtHand)
                NetCard nc = bf.GetCardByID(v);
                if (!ownCastedCards.Contains(nc))

            if (cardsToCast.Count == 0)

            //there are cards which should be represented on battle positions
            //which requires new BF
            //we would do simple but fake casts
            NetBattlefield bf2      = bf.CloneAndRemember();
            int            halfSize = bf2.BattlefieldSize / 2;
            int            start    = playerID == 0 ? 0 : halfSize;

            int cardListIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < halfSize; i++)
                if (cardListIndex == cardsToCast.Count)
                int index = i + start;
                if (bf2.BattlefieldPositions.value[index] == 0)
                    bf2.BattlefieldPositions.value[index] = cardsToCast[cardListIndex].CardID;

예제 #2
        // Helper that applies normal damage and shield leech (affected by leechFactor).
        static public object Act_ShieldLeech_Helper(NetBattlefield bf, NetQueueItem q, FInt leechFactor)
            NetSkill ns    = q.GetNetSkill(bf);
            NetCard  owner = bf.GetCardByID(ns.OwnerCardID);

            NetCard target = null;

            if (NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Targets))

            FInt damage        = owner.GetSkillCastingStrength(ns);
            int  shieldLeeched = 0;

            // Primary targets.
            foreach (var v in q.Targets.value)
                target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                if (target != null)
                    target.ReciveNormalDamage(damage, bf, q, v);
                    shieldLeeched += (damage * leechFactor).ToInt();

            // Secondary targets.
            if (!NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.SecondaryTargets))
                damage *= 0.5f;

                foreach (var v in q.SecondaryTargets.value)
                    target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                    if (target != null)
                        target.ReciveNormalDamage(damage, bf, q, v);
                        shieldLeeched += (damage * leechFactor).ToInt();

            if (shieldLeeched > 0)
                FInt currentShields = owner.GetCA_SHIELD();
                owner.SetCA_SHIELD(currentShields + shieldLeeched);

예제 #3
        // Ancient version of the built-in script Act_DrainHealthEssence, which leeches 80% instead.
        // Note: Built-in script Act_DrainHealthAncient does not appear to do this.
        static public object Act_LifeLeech_Ancient(NetBattlefield bf, NetQueueItem q, List <NetQueueItem> stack, List <NetQueueItem> previousItems, MHRandom random)
            NetSkill ns    = q.GetNetSkill(bf);
            NetCard  owner = bf.GetCardByID(ns.OwnerCardID);

            NetCard target = null;

            if (NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Targets))

            FInt damage      = owner.GetSkillCastingStrength(ns);
            int  lifeLeeched = 0;

            // Primary targets.
            foreach (var v in q.Targets.value)
                target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                if (target != null)
                    target.ReciveNormalDamage(damage, bf, q, v);
                    lifeLeeched += (damage * 0.8f).ToInt();

            // Secondary targets.
            if (!NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.SecondaryTargets))
                damage *= 0.5f;

                foreach (var v in q.SecondaryTargets.value)
                    target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                    if (target != null)
                        target.ReciveNormalDamage(damage, bf, q, v);
                        lifeLeeched += (damage * 0.8f).ToInt();

            if (lifeLeeched > 0)
                owner.ReciveHealthNormal(lifeLeeched, bf, q, t);

예제 #4
        //         static public CardAIPlanData _ProducePlan(int playerID, CardAIPlanData data, int avaliableAP, MHRandom r, int calculationIntensity = 1)
        //         {
        //             if (calculationIntensity < 1 )
        //             {
        //                 Debug.LogError("[ERROR]0 level for AI will nto produce any plans!, Increase calculation intensity to minimum 1!");
        //                 return new CardAIPlanData();
        //             }
        //             NetBattlefield bf = data.bf;
        //             List<NetCard> cards = CardsWithinAPRange(playerID, bf, avaliableAP);
        //             if (cards == null) return new CardAIPlanData();
        //             List<NetSkill> skills = SelectSkillsToCast(cards);
        //             if (skills == null || skills.Count == 0) return new CardAIPlanData();
        //             bool friendlyTurn = playerID > 0;
        //             //Do single cast of all skills to build some expectations
        //             CardAIPlanData[] plans = new CardAIPlanData[skills.Count];
        //             for (int i=0; i<skills.Count; i++)
        //             {
        //                 NetSkill ns = skills[i];
        //                 CardAIPlanData d = CastSkillOnece(friendlyTurn, ns, ns.GetOwner(bf), data, bf.CloneAndRemember(), r);
        //                 if (d.valid)
        //                 {
        //                     plans[i] = d;
        //                 }
        //             }
        //             //sort result based on their value
        //             List<CardAIPlanData> plansL = new List<CardAIPlanData>(plans);
        //             plansL.Sort(delegate (CardAIPlanData a, CardAIPlanData b)
        //             {
        //                 return a.value.CompareTo(b.value);
        //             });
        //             //get top plans and try to refine them before selecting the best
        //             int min = Mathf.Min(plansL.Count, calculationIntensity);
        //             plansL = plansL.GetRange(0, min);
        //             int refiningLevel = 8;
        //             plans = new CardAIPlanData[plansL.Count * refiningLevel];
        //             for(int i=0; i < plansL.Count; i++)
        //             {
        //                 for(int k=0; k< refiningLevel; k++)
        //                 {
        //                     //plansL[i].validTargets
        //                 }
        //             }
        //             // Start secondary plans from the selected plans
        //             return new CardAIPlanData();
        //         }
        static public List <NetCard> CardsWithinAPRange(CardAI ai, NetBattlefield bf, int testedAPRange)
            NetListInt ni = bf.GetPlayerByPlayerID(ai.playerID).HandCards;

            if (NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(ni))
            List <NetCard> ncs = new List <NetCard>();

            foreach (var v in ni.value)
                NetCard nc = bf.GetCardByID(v);
                if (nc.GetCastingCost() <= testedAPRange)
        /// <summary>
        /// Target any enemy character
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bf"></param>
        /// <param name="ns"></param>
        /// <param name="bfPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public List <int> Trg_RangeTargeting_Unblocked(NetBattlefield bf, NetSkill ns, int bfPosition)
            if (bf == null || ns == null)

            NetCard nc = bf.GetCardByID(ns.OwnerCardID);

            if (nc == null)

            //this skill should work only when activated from battlefield
            if (!bf.IsBattleSlot(bfPosition))

            return(SubskillScript.TrgU_FallbackTargets(bf, ns, nc));
        static public object Act_AddShieldingImproved(
            NetBattlefield bf,
            NetQueueItem q,
            List <NetQueueItem> stack,
            List <NetQueueItem> previousItems,
            MHRandom random)
            NetSkill ns    = q.GetNetSkill(bf);
            NetCard  owner = bf.GetCardByID(ns.OwnerCardID);

            //skill needs target(-s)
            if (!NetTypeAtomic.IsValid(q.Targets))
            FInt extra = FInt.ZERO;

            if (ns.MainAtt != null)
                extra = owner.GetSkillCastingStrength(ns);

            FInt   value = ns.GetFloatAttribute("TAG-CA_SHIELD");
            string sign  = ns.GetStringAttribute("TAG-CA_SHIELD");

            if (value == FInt.ZERO)
                if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypePhysical)
                    value = ns.GetFloatAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_PHYSICAL");
                else if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypeMental)
                    value = ns.GetFloatAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_MENTAL");
                else if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypeSpirit)
                    value = ns.GetFloatAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_SPIRIT");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sign))
                if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypePhysical)
                    sign = ns.GetStringAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_PHYSICAL");
                else if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypeMental)
                    sign = ns.GetStringAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_MENTAL");
                else if (bf.ChallengeType == EChallengeType.TypeSpirit)
                    sign = ns.GetStringAttribute("TAG-SHIELDING_SPIRIT");
            value += extra;

            if (sign == "*")
                value = value * 0.01f;

            foreach (var v in q.Targets.value)
                NetCard target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                if (target == null)
                FInt prev = target.GetCA_SHIELD();

                if (sign == "+")
                    target.SetCA_SHIELD(value + prev);
                else if (sign == "*")
                    target.SetCA_SHIELD(value * prev);

            if (NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.SecondaryTargets))

            foreach (var v in q.SecondaryTargets.value)
                NetCard target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                if (target == null)
                FInt prev = target.GetCA_SHIELD();

                if (sign == "+")
                    target.SetCA_SHIELD(value + prev);
                else if (sign == "*")
                    target.SetCA_SHIELD(value * prev);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bf">general battlefield information</param>
        /// <param name="q">queue element which is already executed which trigers this skill</param>
        /// <param name="stack">Items which are still in stack including "q", which most likely is first element</param>
        /// <param name="previousItems">Queue items which were already executed in order they were executed</param>
        /// <param name="random">random generator specific to this thread</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic damage
        /// </summary>
        static public object Act_Damage_Procedural(
            NetBattlefield bf,
            NetQueueItem q,
            List <NetQueueItem> stack,
            List <NetQueueItem> previousItems,
            MHRandom random)
            NetSkill ns    = q.GetNetSkill(bf);
            NetCard  owner = bf.GetCardByID(ns.OwnerCardID);

            NetCard target = null;

            if (NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Targets))

            int  flags   = ns.Flags;
            bool essence = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.Essence) > 0;
            bool ancient = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.Ancient) > 0;
            bool gray    = !ancient && !essence;

            FInt damage = GameplayUtils.GetDamageFor(ns, owner);
//             if ((flags & (int)SkillGenerator.EActivatorBlocks.Additive) > 0)
//             {
//                 if (essence)
//                 {
//                     //essence is estimated to be equal between additive and multiplicative at
//                     // value of 10  (A x 0.2 + 8) ~ (A = 10)
//                     damage = owner.GetSkillCastingAdditiveStrength(ns, SkillGenerator.ESSENCE_ADDITIVE_BASE);
//                 }
//                 else if(ancient)
//                 {
//                     //essence is estimated to be equal between additive and multiplicative at
//                     // value of 15  (A x 0.2 + 12) ~ (A = 15)
//                     damage = owner.GetSkillCastingAdditiveStrength(ns, SkillGenerator.ANCIENT_ADDITIVE_BASE);
//                 }
//                 else
//                 {
//                     //essence is estimated to be equal between additive and multiplicative at
//                     // value of 6  (A x 0.2 + 5) ~ (A = 6)
//                     damage = owner.GetSkillCastingAdditiveStrength(ns, SkillGenerator.GRAY_ADDITIVE_BASE);
//                 }
//             }
//             else
//             {
//                 damage = owner.GetSkillCastingStrength(ns);
//             }

            bool trueDamage   = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.TrueDamage) > 0;
            bool poisonDamage = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.PoisonDamage) > 0;
            bool lifeLeech    = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.LifeLeech) > 0;
            bool shieldLeech  = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.ShieldLeech) > 0;
            bool additive     = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.Additive) > 0;

            int lifeLeeched   = 0;
            int shieldLeeched = 0;

            #region Primary targets
            foreach (var v in q.Targets.value)
                target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                if (target != null)
                    FInt dmg = damage;
                    if (poisonDamage && target.IsWounded())
                        if (essence)
                            dmg *= 1.35f;
                            dmg *= 1.6f;

                    if (trueDamage)
                        if (essence)
                            target.ReciveTrueDamageEssence(dmg, bf, q, v);
                        else //no test for ancient
                            target.ReciveTrueDamageAncient(dmg, bf, q, v);
                        target.ReciveNormalDamage(dmg, bf, q, v);

                    if (lifeLeech)
                        if (essence)
                            lifeLeeched += (dmg * 0.4f).ToInt();
                            lifeLeeched += (dmg * 0.8f).ToInt();
                    if (shieldLeech)
                        if (essence)
                            shieldLeeched += (dmg * 0.5f).ToInt();
                            shieldLeeched += (dmg * 1.0f).ToInt();
            #region Secondary targets
            ////do splash if needed
            if (!NetType.IsNullOrEmpty(q.SecondaryTargets))
                bool splashBonus = (flags & (int)EActivatorBlocks.AOE) > 0;

                if (gray || !splashBonus)
                    damage *= 0.5f;
                    //this is !gray && AOE
                    if (essence)
                        damage *= 0.75f;
                    if (ancient)
                        damage *= 1f;

                //ancient damage is 100% splash

                foreach (var v in q.SecondaryTargets.value)
                    target = bf.ConvertPositionIDToCard(v);
                    if (target != null)
                        FInt dmg = damage;
                        if (poisonDamage && target.IsWounded())
                            if (essence)
                                dmg *= 1.35f;
                                dmg *= 1.6f;

                        if (trueDamage)
                            if (essence)
                                target.ReciveTrueDamageEssence(dmg, bf, q, v);
                            else //no test for ancient
                                target.ReciveTrueDamageAncient(dmg, bf, q, v);
                            target.ReciveNormalDamage(dmg, bf, q, v);

                        if (lifeLeech)
                            if (essence)
                                lifeLeeched += (dmg * 0.4f).ToInt();
                                lifeLeeched += (dmg * 0.8f).ToInt();
                        if (shieldLeech)
                            if (essence)
                                shieldLeeched += (dmg * 0.5f).ToInt();
                                shieldLeeched += (dmg * 1.0f).ToInt();

            #region Leech
            if (lifeLeeched > 0)
                FInt max = owner.GetCA_MAX_HEALTH();
                FInt cur = owner.GetCA_HEALTH();
                if (cur < max)
                    if (lifeLeeched > max - cur)
                        owner.SetCA_HEALTH(cur + lifeLeeched);
            if (shieldLeeched > 0)
                FInt cur = owner.GetCA_SHIELD();
                owner.SetCA_SHIELD(cur + shieldLeeched);
