예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Upload the image to VgyMe
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="image"></param>
            public static void Upload(System.Drawing.Bitmap image)
                // Set to false before every upload
                hasUploadedSuccessfully = false;

                // Save a temporary image

                // Send a POST request to VgyMe
                Net.Response res = Net.POST("https://vgy.me/upload", new Net.FormFile[]
                    new Net.FormFile("file[]", Utils.getTmpImage(), "image/png")
                }, null, null);

                // Delete the temporary image

                // Deserialize the result from VgyMe
                VgyMe vgyme = Serialization.JSON.Deserialize.getFromJson <VgyMe>(res.source);

                // Check if VgyMe result was successful
                if (!vgyme.Error)
                    hasUploadedSuccessfully = true; // Set to true if the image was successfully uploaded
                    VgyMeUrl = vgyme.URL;           // Set the url with the result data

                    // Notify the user that the image was uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Uploaded!", "CaptureThat has uploaded your image to Vgy.me successfully!", 3);

                    // Play the Success sound

                    // Check if you want to save the delete url to a file (to allow deletion of the image later)
                    if (Config.conf.SaveDeletionUrl)
                        string content = $"URL: {vgyme.URL}\nDelete URL: {vgyme.Delete}\nTime Uploaded: {System.DateTime.Now}\n"; // Create the string to save
                        System.IO.File.AppendAllText($@"{System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath}\urllist.txt", content);    // Append the string to the file

                    // Set the clipboard to the VgyMe url

                    // Open the url after the screenshot uploads
                    // Notify the user that the image wasn't uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Upload Failed!", "CaptureThat has failed to upload your image to Vgy.me!", 3);

                    // Play the Error sound
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Upload the image to Gyazo
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="image"></param>
            public static void Upload(System.Drawing.Bitmap image)
                // Set to false before every upload
                hasUploadedSuccessfully = false;

                // Save a temporary image

                // Send a POST request to Gyazo API
                Net.Response res = Net.POST("https://upload.gyazo.com/api/upload", new Net.FormFile[]
                    new Net.FormFile("imagedata", Utils.getTmpImage())
                                            new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>
                }, null);

                // Delete the temporary image

                // Deserialize the result from Gyazo
                Gyazo gyazo = Serialization.JSON.Deserialize.getFromJson <Gyazo>(res.source);

                // Check if Gyazo result was successful
                if (!IO.isEmpty(gyazo.image_id))
                    hasUploadedSuccessfully = true; // Set to true if the image was successfully uploaded
                    GyazoURL = gyazo.permalink_url; // Set the url with the result data

                    // Notify the user that the image was uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Uploaded!", "CaptureThat has uploaded your image to Gyazo successfully!", 3);

                    // Play the Success sound

                    // Set the clipboard to the Gyazo url

                    // Open the url after the screenshot uploads
                    // Notify the user that the image wasn't uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Upload Failed!", "CaptureThat has failed to upload your image to Gyazo!", 3);

                    // Play the Error sound
예제 #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Upload the image to Imgur as a base64 string
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Base64Image"></param>
            public static void Upload(string Base64Image)
                // Set to false before every upload
                hasUploadedSuccessfully = false;

                // Send a POST request to Imgur API
                Net.Response res = Net.POST("https://api.imgur.com/3/upload.json", new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>
                                            new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string>
                        $"Client-ID {Config.conf.ImgurAPI}"

                // Deserialize the result from Imgur
                Imgur imgur = Serialization.JSON.Deserialize.getFromJson <Imgur>(res.source);

                // Check if Imgur result was successful
                if (imgur.success && imgur.status == 200)
                    hasUploadedSuccessfully = true;                        // Set to true if the image was successfully uploaded
                    ImgurUrl = $"https://i.imgur.com/{imgur.data.id}.png"; // Set the url with the result data

                    // Notify the user that the image was uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Uploaded!", "CaptureThat has uploaded your image to Imgur successfully!", 3);

                    // Play the Success sound

                    // Set the clipboard to the Imgur url

                    // Open the url after the screenshot uploads
                    // Notify the user that the image wasn't uploaded (if enabled)
                    Utils.Notify("Image Upload Failed!", "CaptureThat has failed to upload your image to Imgur!", 3);

                    // Play the Error sound