// Convert into hierarchical prefab
    public static void ReplacePrefabInHierarchyByInstantiator(GameObject a_rGameObjectToConvert)
        // Loop through the child transforms
        // and search the nested prefab
        Transform a_rGameObjectToConvertTransform = a_rGameObjectToConvert.transform;;

        // If there already is a instantiator remove it
        NestedPrefabsInstantiator rNestedPrefabsInstantiator = a_rGameObjectToConvert.GetComponent <NestedPrefabsInstantiator>();

        if (rNestedPrefabsInstantiator != null)

        // Loop in reverse to allow direct child destruction
        for (int i = a_rGameObjectToConvertTransform.GetChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            // Check if Prefab replacement hasn't destroy the parent
            if (a_rGameObjectToConvertTransform != null)
                Transform rChildTransform = a_rGameObjectToConvertTransform.GetChild(i);

                GameObject rChildGameObject = rChildTransform.gameObject;

                // If we encounter a nested prefab
                if (IsNestedPrefab(rChildGameObject, a_rGameObjectToConvert))
                    // Removing the child from the scene graph in order to avoid
                    // unwanted prefab reconnection propagation
                    // (A prefab instance nested into an other instance of the same prefab will
                    // reconnect the the top most instance thus destroying the nested prefab too soon (i.e. destroying the current child)
                    // Keep the local Transform in order to keep the override properties
                    NestedPrefabUtility.ChangeParentAndKeepSameLocalTransform(rChildTransform, null);

                    // Force the prefab reconnection to have an up to date property modifications

                    // Reconnect to the scene graph
                    NestedPrefabUtility.ChangeParentAndKeepSameLocalTransform(rChildTransform, a_rGameObjectToConvertTransform);

                    // Create the nested prefab instantiator on his parent
                    NestedPrefabsInstantiator rNestedPrefabInstantiator = NestedPrefabComponentUtility.GetOrCreate <NestedPrefabsInstantiator>(a_rGameObjectToConvert);

                    // Add the current nested prefab game object

                    // Destroy the nested prefab game object
                // If not a prefab go deeper
    // Convert into hierarchical prefab
    public static HierarchicalPrefabInstance ConvertIntoHierarchicalPrefab(GameObject a_rGameObjectToConvert)
        // Add the hierarchical prefab if not there
        HierarchicalPrefabInstance rHierarchicalPrefabInstance = NestedPrefabComponentUtility.GetOrCreate <HierarchicalPrefabInstance>(a_rGameObjectToConvert);

        // Clear the hierarchy from the prefab and add instantiator to respawn them when needed
