public void NJ_outputExists()
            NeighborJoining test = new NeighborJoining(matrix, labels);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"NJ.txt", test.NewickTree);

            Assert.AreEqual(File.Exists("NJ.txt"), true);
        public void NJ_countEdges()
            NeighborJoining test = new NeighborJoining(matrix, labels);
            int             exp  = 7;

            int actual = test.NodesAndEdges.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(exp, actual);
        public void NJ_Zeros()
            decimal[,] zeros = { { 0m, 0m, 0m }, { 0m, 0m, 0m }, { 0m, 0m, 0m } };
            Dictionary <int, string> zero_labels = new Dictionary <int, string>()
                { 0, "A" },
                { 1, "B" },
                { 2, "C" }

            NeighborJoining zero = new NeighborJoining(zeros, zero_labels);

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"NJ.txt", zero.NewickTree);

            Assert.AreEqual(File.Exists("NJ.txt"), true);
        private void btnNeighborJoining_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // We need to build a Matrix with the differences of the Taxas
            var lstItems = this.listBoxTaxa.Items.Cast <TaxonObject>();

            decimal[,] decsDifferences = new decimal[lstItems.Count(), lstItems.Count()];
            Dictionary <int, string> dicLabels2Position = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            // Fill the Labels Dictionary
            for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < lstItems.Count(); intIndex++)
                // Add the item to the Labels2Position Dictionary
                dicLabels2Position.Add(intIndex, lstItems.ElementAt(intIndex).Name);

            Parallel.For(0, lstItems.Count(), intOuter =>
                TaxonObject objOuter = lstItems.ElementAt(intOuter);

                // Add the compare with itself 0 in the identity
                decsDifferences[intOuter, intOuter] = 0m;

                Parallel.For(intOuter + 1, lstItems.Count(), intInner =>
                    TaxonObject objInner = lstItems.ElementAt(intInner);

                    NeedlemanWunsch nw = new NeedlemanWunsch(objOuter.Items, objInner.Items, this.controlOptions.Options, true);

                    decsDifferences[intOuter, intInner] = this.rdbDistance.Checked ? nw.Distance : nw.NumberOfChanges;
                    decsDifferences[intInner, intOuter] = this.rdbDistance.Checked ? nw.Distance : nw.NumberOfChanges;

             * for (int intOuter = 0; intOuter < lstItems.Count(); intOuter++)
             * {
             * TaxonObject objOuter = lstItems.ElementAt(intOuter);
             * // Add the item to the Labels2Position Dictionary
             * dicLabels2Position.Add(intOuter, objOuter.Name);
             * // Add the compare with itself 0 in the identity
             * decsDifferences[intOuter, intOuter] = 0m;
             * // Now align it with the remaining Taxas
             * for (int intInner = intOuter + 1; intInner < lstItems.Count(); intInner++)
             * {
             *  TaxonObject objInner = lstItems.ElementAt(intInner);
             *  NeedlemanWunsch nw = new NeedlemanWunsch(objOuter.Items, objInner.Items, this.controlOptions.Options, true);
             *  decsDifferences[intOuter, intInner] = this.rdbDistance.Checked ? nw.Distance : nw.NumberOfChanges;
             *  decsDifferences[intInner, intOuter] = this.rdbDistance.Checked ? nw.Distance : nw.NumberOfChanges;
             * }
             * }

            // Do the thing!
            NeighborJoining joining = new NeighborJoining(decsDifferences, dicLabels2Position);

            //Write result tree to selected txt
            string logFileString = Path.ChangeExtension(this.txtSavePath.Text, ".log");

            File.WriteAllText(this.txtSavePath.Text, joining.NewickTree);

            // Write fancy log file
            // Reset all Text with nothing so that we can append from now on
            File.WriteAllText(logFileString, string.Empty);
            for (int intIndex = 0; intIndex < dicLabels2Position.Count; intIndex++)
                File.AppendAllText(logFileString, dicLabels2Position[intIndex] + Environment.NewLine);

            File.AppendAllText(logFileString, Environment.NewLine + "Start Matrix" + Environment.NewLine + "------" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Matrix to string[]
            string[] matrixLines = new string[decsDifferences.GetLength(0)], matrixLinesTree = new string[decsDifferences.GetLength(0)];
            for (int line = 0; line <= decsDifferences.GetLength(0) - 1; line++)
                for (int column = 0; column <= decsDifferences.GetLength(0) - 1; column++)
                    matrixLines[line]      = matrixLines[line] + decsDifferences[line, column].ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "\t";
                    matrixLinesTree[line] += joining.TreeMatrix[line, column].ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB")) + "\t";
            File.AppendAllLines(logFileString, matrixLines);

            File.AppendAllText(logFileString, Environment.NewLine + "Tree Matrix" + Environment.NewLine + "------" + Environment.NewLine);
            File.AppendAllLines(logFileString, matrixLinesTree);

            File.AppendAllText(logFileString, Environment.NewLine + "Mimimal Branch Length + Error" + Environment.NewLine + "------" + Environment.NewLine);
            File.AppendAllText(logFileString, $"{joining.MinEdge.ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"))} \t\t{(joining.MinEdge / 2m).ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"))}");

            File.AppendAllText(logFileString, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

            // Append joining.NodesAndEdges
            string[] nodesAndEdges = new string[joining.NodesAndEdges.Count + 2];
            nodesAndEdges[0] = "Between" + "\t\t" + "And" + "\t\t" + "Length";
            nodesAndEdges[1] = "-------" + "\t\t" + "---" + "\t\t" + "------";

            for (int count = 2; count <= joining.NodesAndEdges.Count + 1; count++)
                Tuple <string, decimal, string> current = joining.NodesAndEdges[count - 2];
                nodesAndEdges[count] = current.Item1 + "\t\t" + current.Item3 + "\t\t" + current.Item2.ToString("0.#####", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB"));
            File.AppendAllLines(logFileString, nodesAndEdges);

            // CSV Export
            string strSavepathCSV = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(logFileString), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(logFileString) + ".csv");

            using (TextWriter csvWriter = new StreamWriter(strSavepathCSV, false))
                // Writer the Header
                for (int intIndexHeader = 0; intIndexHeader < dicLabels2Position.Count; intIndexHeader++)

                // Write the Original Matrix
                for (int line = 0; line <= decsDifferences.GetLength(0) - 1; line++)
                    for (int column = 0; column <= decsDifferences.GetLength(0) - 1; column++)
                        csvWriter.Write($";{decsDifferences[line, column].ToString("0.#####")}");

                // Write as much ';' as needed in the NewLine
                csvWriter.WriteLine(new string(';', dicLabels2Position.Count));

                // Write the Tree Matrix
                for (int line = 0; line <= joining.TreeMatrix.GetLength(0) - 1; line++)
                    for (int column = 0; column <= joining.TreeMatrix.GetLength(0) - 1; column++)
                        csvWriter.Write($";{joining.TreeMatrix[line, column].ToString("0.#####")}");


            MessageBox.Show(this.FindForm(), "Done!");