public override void Handle(NecClient client, ChatMessage message, ChatResponse response, List <ChatResponse> responses) { if (client == null) { return; } if (message.message == null || message.message.Length <= 1) { return; } if (!message.message.StartsWith(CHAT_COMMAND_START)) { return; } string commandMessage = message.message.Substring(1); string[] command = commandMessage.Split(CHAT_COMMAND_SEPARATOR); if (command.Length <= 0) { _Logger.Error(client, $"Command '{message.message}' is invalid"); return; } string commandKey = command[0].ToLowerInvariant(); if (!_commands.ContainsKey(commandKey)) { _Logger.Error(client, $"Command '{commandKey}' does not exist"); responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"Command does not exist: {commandKey}")); return; } ChatCommand chatCommand = _commands[commandKey]; if (client.account.state < chatCommand.accountState) { _Logger.Error(client, $"Not entitled to execute command '{chatCommand.key}' (State < Required: {client.account.state} < {chatCommand.accountState})"); return; } int cmdLength = command.Length - 1; string[] subCommand; if (cmdLength > 0) { subCommand = new string[cmdLength]; Array.Copy(command, 1, subCommand, 0, cmdLength); } else { subCommand = new string[0]; } chatCommand.Execute(subCommand, client, message, responses); }
public void AddHandler(IHandler handler, bool overwrite = false) { if (overwrite) { if (_handlers.ContainsKey(handler.Id)) { _handlers[handler.Id] = handler; } else { _handlers.Add(handler.Id, handler); } return; } if (_handlers.ContainsKey(handler.Id)) { _logger.Error($"[{_identity}] HandlerId: {handler.Id} already exists"); } else { _handlers.Add(handler.Id, handler); } }
public override void Handle(NecConnection connection, NecPacket packet) { string accountName =; string password =; string macAddress =; int unknown =; _Logger.Info($"Account:{accountName} Password:{password} Unknown:{unknown}"); Account account = database.SelectAccountByName(accountName); if (account == null) { if (settings.requireRegistration) { _Logger.Error(connection, $"AccountName: {accountName} doesn't exist"); SendResponse(connection, null); connection.socket.Close(); return; } string bCryptHash = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(password, NecSetting.B_CRYPT_WORK_FACTOR); account = database.CreateAccount(accountName, accountName, bCryptHash); } if (!BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(password, account.hash)) { _Logger.Error(connection, $"Invalid password for AccountName: {accountName}"); SendResponse(connection, null); connection.socket.Close(); return; } NecClient client = new NecClient(); client.account = account; client.authConnection = connection; connection.client = client; client.UpdateIdentity(); server.clients.Add(client); SendResponse(connection, account); //if client did not send a hardbeat within 75 seconds, something went wrong. remove the client. Thats enough time for 4 heartbeats. Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(75)).ContinueWith (t1 => { if (client != null) { if (client.heartBeat == 0) { server.clients.Remove(client); _Logger.Error($"Initial heartbeat missed. disconnecting client. Server.clientCount is now {server.clients.GetCount()}"); } } } ); }
public DropItem GetLoot(int monsterId) { monsterId = 40101; // All monsters are beetles for now!! int roll = LootRoll(); DropTable monsterDrop = dropTables.Find(x => x.MonsterId == monsterId); DropItem dropItem = null; if (monsterDrop != null) { List <DropTableItem> ItemDrop = monsterDrop.FindAll(roll); if (ItemDrop.Count == 1) { Logger.Debug($"ItemId [ItemDrop ItemId {ItemDrop[0].ItemId}]"); if (!_server.SettingRepository.Items.TryGetValue(ItemDrop[0].ItemId, out ItemSetting itemSetting)) { Logger.Error($"Could not retrieve ItemSettings for ItemId [{ItemDrop[0].ItemId}]"); return(null); } Logger.Debug($"ItemId [ItemDrop ItemId {ItemDrop[0].ItemId}]"); if (itemSetting.Id == 10200101) { itemSetting.IconType = 2; } else if (itemSetting.Id == 80000101) { itemSetting.IconType = 55; } Item item = _server.Instances64 .CreateInstance <Item>(); // Need to get fully populated Item repository item.AddItemSetting(itemSetting); int numItems = GetNumberItems(ItemDrop[0].MinItems, ItemDrop[0].Maxitems + 1); dropItem = new DropItem(numItems, item); } } else { if (!_server.SettingRepository.Items.TryGetValue(50100301, out ItemSetting itemSetting)) { Logger.Error($"Could not retrieve ItemSettings for default Item Camp"); return(null); } Item item = new Item(); // Need to get fully populated Item repository item.IconType = 45; item.ItemType = 1; dropItem = new DropItem(1, item); } return(dropItem); }
public void StartCast() { if (_targetInstanceId == 0) { _targetInstanceId = _client.character.instanceId; } IInstance target = _server.instances.GetInstance(_targetInstanceId); switch (target) // ToDO Do a hositilty check to make sure this is allowed { case NpcSpawn npcSpawn: _Logger.Debug($"Start casting Skill [{_skillId}] on NPCId: {npcSpawn.instanceId}"); break; case MonsterSpawn monsterSpawn: _Logger.Debug($"Start casting Skill [{_skillId}] on MonsterId: {monsterSpawn.instanceId}"); break; case Character character: _Logger.Debug($"Start casting Skill [{_skillId}] on CharacterId: {character.instanceId}"); break; default: _Logger.Error( $"Instance with InstanceId: {target.instanceId} does not exist. the ground is gettin blasted"); break; } if (!_server.settingRepository.skillBase.TryGetValue(_skillId, out SkillBaseSetting skillBaseSetting)) { _Logger.Error($"Could not get SkillBaseSetting for skillId : {_skillId}"); return; } float castTime = skillBaseSetting.castingTime; _Logger.Debug($"Start casting Skill [{_skillId}] cast time is [{castTime}]"); RecvSkillStartCastR spell = new RecvSkillStartCastR(0, castTime); _server.router.Send(spell, _client); List <PacketResponse> brList = new List <PacketResponse>(); RecvBattleReportStartNotify brStart = new RecvBattleReportStartNotify(_client.character.instanceId); RecvBattleReportEndNotify brEnd = new RecvBattleReportEndNotify(); RecvBattleReportActionSkillStartCast brStartCast = new RecvBattleReportActionSkillStartCast(_skillId); brList.Add(brStart); brList.Add(brStartCast); brList.Add(brEnd); _server.router.Send(, brList); }
/*public void SetHP(int modifier) * { * lock (HpLock) * { * CurrentHp = modifier; * } * } * public int GetHP() * { * int hp; * lock (HpLock) * { * hp = CurrentHp; * } * return hp; * } */ public void UpdateHp(int modifier, NecServer server = null, bool verifyAgro = false, uint instanceId = 0) { hp.Modify(modifier); if (verifyAgro) { if (server == null) { _Logger.Error("NecServer is null!"); return; } if (!GetAgroCharacter(instanceId)) { monsterAgroList.Add(instanceId, modifier); Character character = (Character)server.instances.GetInstance(instanceId); SetCurrentTarget(character); SetAgro(true); MonsterHate(server, true, instanceId); SendBattlePoseStartNotify(server); if (id == 4) { SetGotoDistance(1000); } else { SetGotoDistance(200); } } } }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int channelId = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); if (channelId == -1) { Logger.Debug( "Escape button was selected to close channel select. channelId code == -0xFFFF => SendEventEnd"); SendEventEnd(client); return; } if (!Server.Maps.TryGet(client.Character.MapId, out Map map)) { Logger.Error($"MapId: {client.Character.MapId} does not exist"); return; } client.Character.Channel = channelId; map.EnterForce(client); SendEventEnd(client); IBuffer res2 = BufferProvider.Provide(); res2.WriteUInt32(client.Character.InstanceId); res2.WriteCString("IsThisMyChannel?????"); //Length to be Found Router.Send(Server.Clients.GetAll(), (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_channel_notify, res2, ServerType.Area); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int data =; _Logger.Error(client, $"{} {} has sent a disconnect packet to the server. Wave GoodBye! "); IBuffer buffer = BufferProvider.Provide(); buffer.WriteInt32(data); NecPacket response = new NecPacket( (ushort)CustomPacketId.RecvDisconnect, buffer, packet.serverType, PacketType.Disconnect ); router.Send(client, response); Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)).ContinueWith (t1 => { if (client == null) { return; } clients.Remove(client); } ); }
public override void Execute(string[] command, NecClient client, ChatMessage message, List <ChatResponse> responses) { if (command[0] == null) { responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"Invalid argument: {command[0]}")); return; } IBuffer res36 = BufferProvider.Provide(); switch (command[0]) { case "start": IBuffer res21 = BufferProvider.Provide(); res21.WriteInt32(1); // 0 = normal 1 = cinematic res21.WriteByte(0); router.Send(client, (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_event_start, res21, ServerType.Area); IBuffer res22 = BufferProvider.Provide(); res22.WriteCString(command[1]); // lable res22.WriteUInt32(client.character.instanceId); //newjp ObjectId router.Send(client, (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_event_script_play, res22, ServerType.Area); break; default: _Logger.Error($"There is no script of type : {command[1]} "); break; } }
public override void Handle(NecConnection connection, NecPacket packet) { int accountId = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); int unknown = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); byte[] unknown1 = packet.Data.ReadBytes(20); // Suspect SessionId // TODO replace with sessionId NecClient client = Server.Clients.GetByAccountId(accountId); if (client == null) { Logger.Error(connection, $"AccountId: {accountId} has no active session"); connection.Socket.Close(); return; } client.AreaConnection = connection; connection.Client = client; IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); res.WriteInt32(0); // Error Router.Send(connection, (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_base_enter_r, res); }
public override void Execute(string[] command, NecClient client, ChatMessage message, List <ChatResponse> responses) { if (command[0] == null) { responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"Hi There! Type /players world or /players map to see who's here. You can also type a Character.Name")); return; } switch (command[0]) { case "map": //tells you all the people on the Map you're on foreach (NecClient theirClient in client.Map.ClientLookup.GetAll()) { //if(theirClient.Map.Id != -1 && theirClient.Character.InstanceId != 0) responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"{theirClient.Character.Name} {theirClient.Soul.Name} is on Map {theirClient.Character.MapId} with InstanceID {theirClient.Character.InstanceId}")); } break; case "world": //tells you all the people in the world foreach (NecClient theirClient in Server.Clients.GetAll()) { //if (theirClient.Map.Id != -1 && theirClient.Character.InstanceId != 0) responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"{theirClient.Character.Name} {theirClient.Soul.Name} is on Map {theirClient.Character.MapId} with InstanceID {theirClient.Character.InstanceId}")); } break; default: //you don't know what you're doing do you? bool soulFound = false; foreach (Character theirCharacter in Server.Characters.GetAll()) { Logger.Debug($"Comparing {theirCharacter.Name} to {command[0]}"); if (theirCharacter.Name == command[0]) { responses.Add(ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"{theirCharacter.Name} {theirCharacter.SoulName} is on Map {theirCharacter.MapId} with InstanceID {theirCharacter.InstanceId}")); soulFound = true; } } if (soulFound == false) { Logger.Error($"There is no command switch or player name matching : {command[0]} "); responses.Add( ChatResponse.CommandError(client, $"{command[0]} is not a valid players command.")); } break; } }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int characterId =; Character character = database.SelectCharacterById(characterId); if (character == null) { _Logger.Error(client, $"No character for CharacterId: {characterId}"); client.Close(); return; } server.instances.AssignInstance(character); client.character = character; client.character.criminalState = client.soul.criminalLevel; client.UpdateIdentity(); client.character.CreateTask(server, client); _Logger.Debug(client, $"Selected Character: {}"); IBuffer res3 = BufferProvider.Provide(); res3.WriteInt32(0); //ERR-CHARSELECT error check res3.WriteUInt32(client.character.instanceId); //sub_4E4210_2341 res3.WriteInt32(client.character.mapId); res3.WriteInt32(client.character.mapId); res3.WriteInt32(client.character.mapId); res3.WriteByte(0); res3.WriteByte(0); //Bool res3.WriteFixedString(settings.dataAreaIpAddress, 0x41); //IP res3.WriteUInt16(settings.areaPort); //Port res3.WriteFloat(client.character.x); res3.WriteFloat(client.character.y); res3.WriteFloat(client.character.z); res3.WriteByte(client.character.heading); router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_chara_select_r, res3, ServerType.Msg); /* * ERR_CHARSELECT GENERIC Failed to select a character (CODE:<errcode>) * ERR_CHARSELECT -8 Maintenance * ERR_CHARSELECT -13 You have selected an illegal character */ //Logic to support your dead body //Make this static. need a predictable deadbody instance ID to support disconnect/reconnet DeadBody deadBody = new DeadBody(); =; server.instances.AssignInstance(deadBody); character.deadBodyInstanceId = deadBody.instanceId; deadBody.characterInstanceId = character.instanceId; _Logger.Debug($"Dead Body Instance ID {deadBody.instanceId} | Character Instance ID {character.instanceId}"); }
public override void Handle(NecConnection connection, NecPacket packet) { string accountName = packet.Data.ReadCString(); string password = packet.Data.ReadCString(); string macAddress = packet.Data.ReadCString(); int unknown = packet.Data.ReadInt16(); Logger.Info($"Account:{accountName} Password:{password} Unknown:{unknown}"); Account account = Database.SelectAccountByName(accountName); if (account == null) { if (Settings.RequireRegistration) { Logger.Error(connection, $"AccountName: {accountName} doesn't exist"); SendResponse(connection, null); connection.Socket.Close(); return; } string bCryptHash = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(password, NecSetting.BCryptWorkFactor); account = Database.CreateAccount(accountName, accountName, bCryptHash); } if (!BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.Verify(password, account.Hash)) { Logger.Error(connection, $"Invalid password for AccountName: {accountName}"); SendResponse(connection, null); connection.Socket.Close(); return; } NecClient client = new NecClient(); client.Account = account; client.AuthConnection = connection; connection.Client = client; client.UpdateIdentity(); Server.Clients.Add(client); SendResponse(connection, account); }
public byte[] Write(NecPacket packet, NecClient client) { // TODO update arrowgene service to write uint* byte[] data = packet.Data.GetAllBytes(); IBuffer buffer = BufferProvider.Provide(); ulong dataSize = (ushort)(data.Length + PacketIdSize); PacketLengthType packetLengthType; if (dataSize < byte.MaxValue) { packetLengthType = PacketLengthType.Byte; buffer.WriteByte((byte)packetLengthType); buffer.WriteByte((byte)dataSize); } else if (dataSize < ushort.MaxValue) { packetLengthType = PacketLengthType.UInt16; buffer.WriteByte((byte)packetLengthType); buffer.WriteInt16((ushort)dataSize); } else if (dataSize < uint.MaxValue) { packetLengthType = PacketLengthType.UInt32; buffer.WriteByte((byte)packetLengthType); buffer.WriteInt32((uint)dataSize); } else { _logger.Error($"{dataSize} to big"); return(null); } buffer.WriteInt16(packet.Id); buffer.WriteBytes(data); byte headerSize = CalculateHeaderSize(packetLengthType); packet.Header = buffer.GetBytes(0, headerSize); return(buffer.GetAllBytes()); }
public Stealth(NecServer server, NecClient client, int skillId) { _server = server; _client = client; _skillid = skillId; if (!_server.SettingRepository.SkillBase.TryGetValue(skillId, out _skillSetting)) { Logger.Error($"Could not get SkillBaseSetting for skillId : {skillId}"); } }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int skillId =, skillLevel =; //ToDo Add prerequisite checking for new skills //ToDo Add passive class specialty skills SkillTreeItem skillTreeItem = null; if (skillLevel > 1) { // Should already an entry for this skill skillTreeItem = database.SelectSkillTreeItemByCharSkillId(, skillId); skillTreeItem.level = skillLevel; if (database.UpdateSkillTreeItem(skillTreeItem) == false) { _Logger.Error($"Updating SkillTreeItem for Character ID [{}]"); } } else { skillTreeItem = new SkillTreeItem(); skillTreeItem.skillId = skillId; skillTreeItem.level = skillLevel; skillTreeItem.charId =; if (database.InsertSkillTreeItem(skillTreeItem) == false) { _Logger.Error($"Adding SkillTreeItem for Character ID [{}]"); } } SendSkillTreeGain(client, skillId, skillLevel); client.character.skillPoints -= 1; //remove 1 skillpoint. ToDo - ensure character has skill points RecvSelfSkillPointNotify recvSelfSkillPointNotify = new RecvSelfSkillPointNotify(client.character.skillPoints); router.Send(recvSelfSkillPointNotify, client); IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); res.WriteInt32(0); //1 = failed to aquire skill, 0 = success? but no skill aquired router.Send(client, (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_skill_request_gain_r, res, ServerType.Area); }
public void AddHandler(IClientHandler clientHandler, bool overwrite = false) { if (overwrite) { if (_clientHandlers.ContainsKey( { _clientHandlers[] = clientHandler; } else { _clientHandlers.Add(, clientHandler); } return; } if (_clientHandlers.ContainsKey( { _Logger.Error($"[{_serverType}] ClientHandlerId: {} already exists"); } else { _clientHandlers.Add(, clientHandler); } }
public ChatMessage Deserialize(NecPacket packet) { int messageTypeValue = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ChatMessageType), messageTypeValue)) { Logger.Error($"ChatMessageType: {messageTypeValue} not defined"); return(null); } ChatMessageType messageType = (ChatMessageType)messageTypeValue; string recipient = packet.Data.ReadCString(); string message = packet.Data.ReadCString(); return(new ChatMessage(messageType, recipient, message)); }
public ChatMessage Deserialize(NecPacket packet) { int messageTypeValue =; if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ChatMessageType), messageTypeValue)) { _Logger.Error($"ChatMessageType: {messageTypeValue} not defined"); return(null); } ChatMessageType messageType = (ChatMessageType)messageTypeValue; string recipient =; int unknown =; //Not sure what this is, it is new from JP client. Might be talk ring related. string message =; return(new ChatMessage(messageType, recipient, message)); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); Router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_base_login_r, res, ServerType.Msg); Union myUnion = Server.Instances.GetInstance((uint)client.Character.unionId) as Union; if (!Server.Database.DeleteUnion(myUnion.Id)) { Logger.Error($"{myUnion.Name} could not be removed from the database"); return; } Logger.Debug( $"{myUnion.Name} with Id {myUnion.Id} and instanceId {myUnion.InstanceId} removed and disbanded"); client.Union = null; }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { client.Character.mapChange = false; int mapId = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); Map map = Server.Maps.Get(mapId); if (map == null) { Logger.Error(client, $"MapId: {mapId} not found in map lookup"); client.Close(); return; } map.Enter(client); IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); res.WriteInt32(0); Router.Send(client, (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_map_entry_r, res, ServerType.Area); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { string soulPassword = packet.Data.ReadCString(); Soul soul = client.Soul; soul.Password = soulPassword; if (!Database.UpdateSoul(soul)) { Logger.Error(client, $"Failed to save password for SoulId: {soul.Id}"); client.Close(); return; } IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); res.WriteInt32(0); res.WriteByte(0); // bool in JP client TODO what is it in US??? Router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_soul_set_passwd_r, res, ServerType.Msg); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int data = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); Logger.Error(client, $"{client.Soul.Name} {client.Character.Name} has sent a disconnect packet to the server. Wave GoodBye! "); IBuffer buffer = BufferProvider.Provide(); buffer.WriteInt32(data); NecPacket response = new NecPacket( (ushort)CustomPacketId.RecvDisconnect, buffer, packet.ServerType, PacketType.Disconnect ); Router.Send(client, response); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { if (!server.maps.TryGet(client.character.mapId, out Map map)) { _Logger.Error(client, $"No map found for MapId: {client.character.mapId}"); client.Close(); return; } int channelId =; = channelId; IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); res.WriteInt32(0); //Error Check //sub_4E4210_2341 // impacts map spawn ID (old Comment) res.WriteInt32(; //MapSerialID res.WriteInt32(channelId); //channel?????? res.WriteFixedString(settings.dataAreaIpAddress, 0x41); //IP? res.WriteUInt16(settings.areaPort); //Port //sub_484420 // does not impact map spawn coord (old Comment) res.WriteFloat(client.character.x); //X Pos res.WriteFloat(client.character.y); //Y Pos res.WriteFloat(client.character.z); //Z Pos res.WriteByte(client.character.heading); //View offset // router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_channel_select_r, res, ServerType.Msg); map.EnterForce(client); SendEventEnd(client); IBuffer res2 = BufferProvider.Provide(); res2.WriteUInt32(client.character.instanceId); res2.WriteCString("IsThisMyChannel?????"); //Length to be Found router.Send(server.clients.GetAll(), (ushort)AreaPacketId.recv_channel_notify, res2, ServerType.Area); }
public void Send(NecPacket packet) { switch (packet.ServerType) { case ServerType.Area: AreaConnection.Send(packet); break; case ServerType.Msg: MsgConnection.Send(packet); break; case ServerType.Auth: AuthConnection.Send(packet); break; default: Logger.Error(this, "Invalid ServerType"); break; } }
public override void Handle(NecConnection connection, NecPacket packet) { int accountId =; byte[] unknown =; // Suspect SessionId // TODO replace with sessionId NecClient client = server.clients.GetByAccountId(accountId); if (client == null) { _Logger.Error(connection, $"AccountId: {accountId} has no active session"); // TODO refactor null check SendResponse(connection, client); connection.socket.Close(); return; } client.msgConnection = connection; connection.client = client; SendResponse(connection, client); }
private void Deliver(NecClient sender, ChatResponse chatResponse) { switch (chatResponse.MessageType) { case ChatMessageType.ChatCommand: chatResponse.Recipients.Add(sender); break; case ChatMessageType.All: chatResponse.Recipients.AddRange(sender.Map.ClientLookup.GetAll()); break; case ChatMessageType.Area: chatResponse.Recipients.AddRange(sender.Map.ClientLookup.GetAll()); break; case ChatMessageType.Shout: chatResponse.Recipients.AddRange(sender.Map.ClientLookup.GetAll()); break; case ChatMessageType.Whisper: NecClient recipient = _server.Clients.GetBySoulName(chatResponse.RecipientSoulName); if (recipient == null) { Logger.Error($"SoulName: {chatResponse.RecipientSoulName} not found"); return; } chatResponse.Recipients.Add(sender); chatResponse.Recipients.Add(recipient); break; default: chatResponse.Recipients.Add(sender); break; } _server.Router.Send(chatResponse); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { string soulName =; List <Soul> souls = database.SelectSoulsByAccountId(; foreach (Soul soul in souls) { if ( == soulName) { client.soul = soul; break; } } IBuffer res = BufferProvider.Provide(); if (client.soul == null) { _Logger.Error(client, $"Soul with name: '{soulName}' not found"); res.WriteInt32(1); // 0 = OK | 1 = Failed to return to soul selection router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_soul_select_r, res, ServerType.Msg); client.Close(); return; } res.WriteInt32(0); // 0 = OK | 1 = Failed to return to soul selection if (client.soul.password == null) { _Logger.Info(client, "Password not set, initiating set password"); res.WriteByte(0); // bool - 0 = Set New Password | 1 = Enter Password } else { res.WriteByte(1); // bool - 0 = Set New Password | 1 = Enter Password } router.Send(client, (ushort)MsgPacketId.recv_soul_select_r, res, ServerType.Msg); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { uint a =; uint time =; client.heartBeat = time; //_Logger.Debug($"Time since client executable start in seconds {time/1000}"); //_Logger.Debug($" if another heartbeat is not received in 600 seconds the client will be disconnected at {(time / 1000) + 600} : {DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(600)}"); IBuffer buffer = BufferProvider.Provide(); buffer.WriteInt32(0); buffer.WriteUInt32(time); NecPacket response = new NecPacket( (ushort)CustomPacketId.RecvHeartbeat2, buffer, packet.serverType, PacketType.HeartBeat2 ); router.Send(client, response); Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600)).ContinueWith (t1 => { if (client != null) { if (client.heartBeat == time) { server.clients.Remove(client); _Logger.Error($"Heartbeat missed. disconnecting client. Server.clientCount is now {server.clients.GetCount()}"); } } } ); }
public override void Handle(NecClient client, NecPacket packet) { int mapId = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); int channelId = packet.Data.ReadInt32(); if (mapId == -2147483648) { Logger.Debug( "Escape button was selected to close dungeun select. MapID code == -2147483648 => SendEventEnd"); SendEventEnd(client); return; } if (!Server.Maps.TryGet(mapId, out Map map)) { Logger.Error($"MapId: {mapId} does not exist"); return; } client.Character.Channel = channelId; map.EnterForce(client); SendEventEnd(client); }