public void DeleteCategory(string categoryName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryName)) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("categoryName"); } Category category = GetCategory(categoryName); Post.DestroyDeletedPostCascadingForCategory(category.Id); Category.Destroy(Category.Columns.Id, category.Id); NavigationSettings settings = NavigationSettings.Get(); DynamicNavigationItem item = settings.Items.Find(dni => dni.CategoryId == category.Id); if (item != null) { NavigationSettings.Remove(item.Id); } CategoryController.Reset(); }
protected void lbDelete_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs args) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(args.CommandArgument); Category c = new Category(id); if (c.HasChildren) { Message.Text = "You cannot delete this category because it has child categories."; Message.Type = StatusType.Error; return; } var postCounts = Post.GetPostCounts(id, null); if (postCounts != null && postCounts.Count > 0) { int totalPosts = 0; foreach (PostCount p in postCounts) { totalPosts += p.Count; } if (totalPosts == 1) { Message.Text = "You cannot delete this category because it is in use by " + totalPosts + " post."; Message.Text += " <a href=\"" + ResolveUrl("~/graffiti-admin/posts/?category=") + id + "\">Click here</a> to change this post to another category or delete it."; Message.Type = StatusType.Error; } else { Message.Text = "You cannot delete this category because it is in use by " + totalPosts + " posts."; Message.Text += " <a href=\"" + ResolveUrl("~/graffiti-admin/posts/?category=") + id + "\">Click here</a> to change these posts to another category or delete them."; Message.Type = StatusType.Error; } return; } try { // destroy any deleted posts in this category Post.DestroyDeletedPostCascadingForCategory(id); Category.Destroy(Category.Columns.Id, id); NavigationSettings navSettings = NavigationSettings.Get(); DynamicNavigationItem item = navSettings.Items == null ? null : navSettings.Items.Find( delegate(DynamicNavigationItem itm) { return(itm.CategoryId == id); }); if (item != null) { NavigationSettings.Remove(item.Id); } CategoryController.Reset(); GetCategories(); Message.Text = "The category " + c.Name + " was deleted."; } catch (Exception ex) { Message.Text = ex.Message; Message.Type = StatusType.Error; } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { if (context.Request.RequestType != "POST" || !context.Request.IsAuthenticated) { return; } IGraffitiUser user = GraffitiUsers.Current; if (user == null) { return; } if (!RolePermissionManager.CanViewControlPanel(user)) { return; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; switch (context.Request.QueryString["command"]) { case "deleteComment": Comment c = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(c.Post.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Publish) { Comment.Delete(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); context.Response.Write("success"); } break; case "deleteCommentWithStatus": Comment c1 = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(c1.Post.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Publish) { Comment.Delete(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); context.Response.Write("The comment was deleted. <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"Comments.unDelete('" + new Urls().AdminAjax + "'," + context.Request.Form["commentid"] + "); return false;\">Undo?</a>"); } break; case "unDelete": Comment c2 = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(c2.Post.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Publish) { Comment comment = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); comment.IsDeleted = false; comment.Save(); context.Response.Write("The comment was un-deleted. You may need to refresh the page to see it"); } break; case "approve": Comment c3 = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); if (RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(c3.Post.CategoryId, GraffitiUsers.Current).Publish) { Comment cmt = new Comment(context.Request.Form["commentid"]); cmt.IsDeleted = false; cmt.IsPublished = true; cmt.Save(); context.Response.Write("The comment was un-deleted and/or approved. You may need to refresh the page to see it"); } break; case "deletePost": try { Post postToDelete = new Post(context.Request.Form["postid"]); Permission perm = RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(postToDelete.CategoryId, user); if (GraffitiUsers.IsAdmin(user) || perm.Publish) { postToDelete.IsDeleted = true; postToDelete.Save(user.Name, DateTime.Now); //Post.Delete(context.Request.Form["postid"]); //ZCache.RemoveByPattern("Posts-"); //ZCache.RemoveCache("Post-" + context.Request.Form["postid"]); context.Response.Write("The post was deleted. <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"Posts.unDeletePost('" + new Urls().AdminAjax + "'," + context.Request.Form["postid"] + "); return false;\">Undo?</a>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "unDeletePost": Post p = new Post(context.Request.Form["postid"]); p.IsDeleted = false; p.Save(); //ZCache.RemoveByPattern("Posts-"); //ZCache.RemoveCache("Post-" + context.Request.Form["postid"]); //context.Response.Write("The post was un-deleted. You may need to fresh the page to see it"); break; case "permanentDeletePost": Post tempPost = new Post(context.Request.Form["postid"]); Post.DestroyDeletedPost(tempPost.Id); context.Response.Write(tempPost.Title); break; case "createdWidget": string widgetID = context.Request.Form["id"]; var the_widgets = Widgets.GetAvailableWidgets(); Widget widget = null; foreach (WidgetDescription wia in the_widgets) { if (wia.UniqueId == widgetID) { widget = Widgets.Create(wia.WidgetType); break; } } context.Response.Write(widget.Id.ToString()); break; case "updateWidgetsOrder": try { string listID = context.Request.Form["id"]; string list = "&" + context.Request.Form["list"]; Widgets.ReOrder(listID, list); //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(context.Server.MapPath("~/widgets.txt"), true); //sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); //sw.WriteLine(); //sw.WriteLine(context.Request.Form["left"]); //sw.WriteLine(context.Request.Form["right"]); //sw.WriteLine(context.Request.Form["queue"]); //sw.WriteLine(); //sw.Close(); context.Response.Write("Saved!"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "deleteWidget": string deleteID = context.Request.Form["id"]; Widgets.Delete(deleteID); context.Response.Write("The widget was removed!"); break; case "createTextLink": DynamicNavigationItem di = new DynamicNavigationItem(); di.NavigationType = DynamicNavigationType.Link; di.Text = context.Request.Form["text"]; di.Href = context.Request.Form["href"]; di.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); NavigationSettings.Add(di); context.Response.Write(di.Id); break; case "deleteTextLink": Guid g = new Guid(context.Request.Form["id"]); NavigationSettings.Remove(g); context.Response.Write("Success"); break; case "reOrderNavigation": try { string navItems = "&" + context.Request.Form["navItems"]; NavigationSettings.ReOrder(navItems); context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "addNavigationItem": try { if (context.Request.Form["type"] == "Post") { Post navPost = Post.FetchByColumn(Post.Columns.UniqueId, new Guid(context.Request.Form["id"])); DynamicNavigationItem item = new DynamicNavigationItem(); item.PostId = navPost.Id; item.Id = navPost.UniqueId; item.NavigationType = DynamicNavigationType.Post; NavigationSettings.Add(item); context.Response.Write("Success"); } else if (context.Request.Form["type"] == "Category") { Category navCategory = Category.FetchByColumn(Category.Columns.UniqueId, new Guid(context.Request.Form["id"])); DynamicNavigationItem item = new DynamicNavigationItem(); item.CategoryId = navCategory.Id; item.Id = navCategory.UniqueId; item.NavigationType = DynamicNavigationType.Category; NavigationSettings.Add(item); context.Response.Write("Success"); } } catch (Exception exp) { context.Response.Write(exp.Message); } break; case "reOrderPosts": try { var posts = new Dictionary <int, Post>(); Query query = Post.CreateQuery(); query.AndWhere(Post.Columns.CategoryId, int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["id"])); foreach (Post post in PostCollection.FetchByQuery(query)) { posts[post.Id] = post; } string postOrder = context.Request.Form["posts"]; int orderNumber = 1; foreach (string sId in postOrder.Split('&')) { Post post = null; posts.TryGetValue(int.Parse(sId), out post); if (post != null && post.SortOrder != orderNumber) { post.SortOrder = orderNumber; post.Save(); } orderNumber++; } context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "reOrderHomePosts": try { var posts = new Dictionary <int, Post>(); Query query = Post.CreateQuery(); query.AndWhere(Post.Columns.IsHome, true); foreach (Post post in PostCollection.FetchByQuery(query)) { posts[post.Id] = post; } string postOrder = context.Request.Form["posts"]; int orderNumber = 1; foreach (string sId in postOrder.Split('&')) { Post post = null; posts.TryGetValue(int.Parse(sId), out post); if (post != null && post.HomeSortOrder != orderNumber) { post.HomeSortOrder = orderNumber; post.Save(); } orderNumber++; } context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "categoryForm": int selectedCategory = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["category"] ?? "-1"); int postId = int.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["post"] ?? "-1"); NameValueCollection nvcCustomFields; if (postId > 0) { nvcCustomFields = new Post(postId).CustomFields(); } else { nvcCustomFields = new NameValueCollection(); } CustomFormSettings cfs = CustomFormSettings.Get(selectedCategory); if (cfs.HasFields) { foreach (CustomField cf in cfs.Fields) { if (context.Request.Form[cf.Id.ToString()] != null) { nvcCustomFields[cf.Name] = context.Request.Form[cf.Id.ToString()]; } } context.Response.Write(cfs.GetHtmlForm(nvcCustomFields, (postId < 1))); } else { context.Response.Write(""); } break; case "toggleEventStatus": try { EventDetails ed = Events.GetEvent(context.Request.QueryString["t"]); ed.Enabled = !ed.Enabled; if (ed.Enabled) { ed.Event.EventEnabled(); } else { ed.Event.EventDisabled(); } Events.Save(ed); context.Response.Write(ed.Enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "buildMainFeed": try { FileInfo mainFeedFileInfo = new FileInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Feed/Default.aspx")); if (!mainFeedFileInfo.Directory.Exists) { mainFeedFileInfo.Directory.Create(); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(mainFeedFileInfo.FullName, false)) { sw.WriteLine("<%@ Page Language=\"C#\" Inherits=\"Graffiti.Core.RSS\" %>"); sw.Close(); } context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } break; case "removeFeedData": try { FeedManager.RemoveFeedData(); context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; case "buildCategoryPages": try { CategoryCollection cc = new CategoryController().GetCachedCategories(); foreach (Category cat in cc) { cat.WritePages(); } context.Response.Write("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } break; case "buildPages": try { Query q = Post.CreateQuery(); q.PageIndex = Int32.Parse(context.Request.Form["p"]); q.PageSize = 20; q.OrderByDesc(Post.Columns.Id); PostCollection pc = PostCollection.FetchByQuery(q); if (pc.Count > 0) { foreach (Post postToWrite in pc) { postToWrite.WritePages(); foreach (string tagName in Util.ConvertStringToList(postToWrite.TagList)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) { Tag.WritePage(tagName); } } } context.Response.Write("Next"); } else { context.Response.Write("Success"); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); return; } break; case "importPosts": try { Post newPost = new Post(); newPost.Title = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(context.Request.Form["subject"]); string postName = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(context.Request.Form["name"]); PostCollection pc = new PostCollection(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(postName)) { Query q = Post.CreateQuery(); q.AndWhere(Post.Columns.Name, Util.CleanForUrl(postName)); pc.LoadAndCloseReader(q.ExecuteReader()); } if (pc.Count > 0) { newPost.Name = "[RENAME ME - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 7) + "]"; newPost.Status = (int)PostStatus.Draft; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(postName)) { newPost.Name = "[RENAME ME - " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 7) + "]"; newPost.Status = (int)PostStatus.Draft; } else { newPost.Name = postName; newPost.Status = (int)PostStatus.Publish; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newPost.Title)) { newPost.Title = newPost.Name; } newPost.PostBody = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(context.Request.Form["body"]); newPost.CreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["createdon"]); newPost.CreatedBy = context.Request.Form["author"]; newPost.ModifiedBy = context.Request.Form["author"]; newPost.TagList = context.Request.Form["tags"]; newPost.ContentType = "text/html"; newPost.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["category"]); newPost.UserName = context.Request.Form["author"]; newPost.EnableComments = true; newPost.Published = Convert.ToDateTime(context.Request.Form["createdon"]); newPost.IsPublished = Convert.ToBoolean(context.Request.Form["published"]); // this was causing too many posts to be in draft status. // updated text on migrator to flag users to just move their content/binary directory // into graffiti's root //if (context.Request.Form["method"] == "dasBlog") //{ // if (newPost.Body.ToLower().Contains("/content/binary/")) // newPost.Status = (int)PostStatus.Draft; //} newPost.Save(GraffitiUsers.Current.Name); int postid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["postid"]); IMigrateFrom temp = null; switch (context.Request.Form["method"]) { case "CS2007Database": CS2007Database db = new CS2007Database(); temp = db; break; case "Wordpress": Wordpress wp = new Wordpress(); temp = wp; break; case "BlogML": BlogML bml = new BlogML(); temp = bml; break; case "CS21Database": CS21Database csDb = new CS21Database(); temp = csDb; break; case "dasBlog": dasBlog dasb = new dasBlog(); temp = dasb; break; } var comments = temp.GetComments(postid); foreach (MigratorComment cmnt in comments) { Comment ct = new Comment(); ct.PostId = newPost.Id; ct.Body = cmnt.Body; ct.Published = cmnt.PublishedOn; ct.IPAddress = cmnt.IPAddress; ct.WebSite = cmnt.WebSite; ct.Email = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmnt.Email) ? "" : cmnt.Email; ct.Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmnt.UserName) ? "" : cmnt.UserName; ct.IsPublished = cmnt.IsPublished; ct.IsTrackback = cmnt.IsTrackback; ct.SpamScore = cmnt.SpamScore; ct.DontSendEmail = true; ct.DontChangeUser = true; ct.Save(); Comment ctemp = new Comment(ct.Id); ctemp.DontSendEmail = true; ctemp.DontChangeUser = true; ctemp.Body = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlDecode(ctemp.Body); ctemp.Save(); } if (newPost.Status == (int)PostStatus.Publish) { context.Response.Write("Success" + context.Request.Form["panel"]); } else { context.Response.Write("Warning" + context.Request.Form["panel"]); } } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(context.Request.Form["panel"] + ":" + ex.Message); } break; case "saveHomeSortStatus": SiteSettings siteSettings = SiteSettings.Get(); siteSettings.UseCustomHomeList = bool.Parse(context.Request.Form["ic"]); siteSettings.Save(); context.Response.Write("Success"); break; case "checkCategoryPermission": try { int catID = Int32.Parse(context.Request.QueryString["category"]); string permissionName = context.Request.QueryString["permission"]; Permission perm = RolePermissionManager.GetPermissions(catID, user); bool permissionResult = false; switch (permissionName) { case "Publish": permissionResult = perm.Publish; break; case "Read": permissionResult = perm.Read; break; case "Edit": permissionResult = perm.Edit; break; } context.Response.Write(permissionResult.ToString().ToLower()); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write(ex.Message); } break; } }