예제 #1
        private void SetNavParams()
            // Get reference to the NavScanner
            NavScanner nsInstance = FindObjectOfType <NavScanner>();

            // Get NavScanner's class type
            Type nsType = typeof(NavScanner);

            // Assume no seed strategy for the nav scanner's PRNG
            _navSeedStrategy = null;

            // Loop through all nav parameter sets in the current experiment
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> settings in _experiment.NavParamSet[_navParamSet])
                // Check what's the current parameter
                if (settings.Key.Equals("seedStrategy"))
                    // If it's a seed strategy (not exactly a parameter), keep it
                    _navSeedStrategy = settings.Value as Func <int, int>;
                    // If we get here, it's a regular parameter, set it in the
                    // NavScanner using reflection
                    FieldInfo nsField = nsType.GetField(
                        BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    if (nsField is null)
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown {nameof(NavScanner)} field: '{settings.Key}'");
                        nsField.SetValue(nsInstance, settings.Value);
예제 #2
        private void StartExperiment()
            // Require at least 30 seconds before re-saving results
            const long saveIntervalMillis = 30000;

            // Time at which the results file was saved by the last time
            long lastSaveTime = 0;

            // Start a stopwatch to measure the experiment time (all scenarios)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // This StringBuilder will contain the temporary results, before
            // being flushed to a file
            StringBuilder expResultPendingSave =
                new StringBuilder("run,genset,navset,tg,tv,c,ar,nclu,genseed,navseed\n");

            // Currently selected parameter sets, to be restored when the
            // experiment finishes
            string currentGenParamSet = _genParamSet;
            string currentNavParamSet = _navParamSet;

            // Obtain the existing instances of the generation manager and nav scanner
            GenerationManager gmInstance = FindObjectOfType <GenerationManager>();
            NavScanner        nsInstance = FindObjectOfType <NavScanner>();

            // Determine class types of the generation manager and nav scanner
            Type gmType = typeof(GenerationManager);
            Type nsType = typeof(NavScanner);

            // Save the generation manager's current configuration, to be restored
            // after the experiment finishes
            string savedGm = JsonUtility.ToJson(gmInstance);

            // Get reference to the selection method configuration field in the
            // generation manager
            FieldInfo gmFieldSmCfg = gmType.GetField(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            // Save the current selection method configuration, to be restored
            // after the experiment finishes
            object gmSmConfig = gmFieldSmCfg.GetValue(gmInstance);
            string savedSmCfg = JsonUtility.ToJson(gmSmConfig);

            // Save the nav scanner's current configuration, to be restored
            // after the experiment finishes
            string savedNs = JsonUtility.ToJson(nsInstance);

            // Get references to the map generation and map clear methods in the
            // generation manager
            MethodInfo genMeth = gmType.GetMethod(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            MethodInfo clearMeth = gmType.GetMethod(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            // Get references to the seed fields in the generation manager and
            // nav scanner
            FieldInfo gmSeed = gmType.GetField(
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            FieldInfo nsSeed = nsType.GetField(
                "_seed", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            // Determine folder where to place results, at the project's root
            string expResultsFolder = Path.Combine(

            // Determine full path of file containing experiment results
            string expResultsFile = Path.Combine(
                $"{_experimentName}-{DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)}.csv");

            // Current step, total steps and experiment cancelled status
            int   step       = 0;
            float totalSteps = _genParamSets.Length * _navParamSets.Length * _runsPerGenNavCombo;
            bool  cancelled  = false;

            // Create the experiment results folder, if it's not already created

            // Let's start the experiment
            Debug.Log($"==== Starting experiment '{_experimentName}' ====");

            // Loop through all generation parameter sets
            foreach (string genParamSet in _genParamSets)
                // Set the current generation parameters and get the respective seed
                _genParamSet = genParamSet;
                int genInitSeed = (int)gmSeed.GetValue(gmInstance);

                // Loop through all navigation parameter set
                foreach (string navParamSet in _navParamSets)
                    // Set the current navigation parameters and get the respective seed
                    _navParamSet = navParamSet;
                    int navInitSeed = (int)nsSeed.GetValue(nsInstance);

                    // Perform the specified number of runs per scenario
                    for (int i = 0; i < _runsPerGenNavCombo; i++)
                        // Gen and nav seeds, to save in results
                        int genSeed, navSeed;

                        // Increment step

                        // Notify user of current experiment progress using a
                        // progress bar
                        if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(
                                $"Performing experiment '{_experimentName}'",
                                $"Running scenario {step}/{(int)totalSteps}...",
                                step / totalSteps))
                            // If user cancelled the experiment, bail out
                            cancelled = true;

                        // Should the current scenario/run be skipped?
                        if (_skipFirstNScenarios >= step)

                        if (_genSeedStrategy is null)
                            // If a generation seed strategy wasn't specified,
                            // get seed from the generation manager and keep it
                            genSeed = (int)gmSeed.GetValue(gmInstance);
                            // Otherwise use strategy to obtain a seed and set
                            // it in the generation manager
                            genSeed = _genSeedStrategy.Invoke(genInitSeed + i);
                            gmSeed.SetValue(gmInstance, genSeed);

                        if (_navSeedStrategy is null)
                            // If a navigation seed strategy wasn't specified,
                            // get seed from the nav scanner and keep it
                            navSeed = (int)nsSeed.GetValue(nsInstance);
                            // Otherwise use strategy to obtain a seed and set
                            // it in the nav scanner
                            navSeed = _navSeedStrategy.Invoke(navInitSeed + i);
                            nsSeed.SetValue(nsInstance, navSeed);

                        // Generate map
                        genMeth.Invoke(gmInstance, null);

                        // Take note of results for current scenario/run

                        // Is it time to save unsaved results to the results file?
                        if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > lastSaveTime + saveIntervalMillis)
                            // Append unsaved results to the results file

                            // Clear string builder of unsaved results

                            // Take note of time results were saved to file
                            lastSaveTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    // Bail out if experiment was cancelled by user
                    if (cancelled)
                // Bail out if experiment was cancelled by user
                if (cancelled)

            // Clear progress bar

            // Save unsaved results
            File.AppendAllText(expResultsFile, expResultPendingSave.ToString());

            // Restore scene state to what it was before the experiment
            JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(savedNs, nsInstance);

            if (savedSmCfg != null)
                JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(savedSmCfg, gmSmConfig);

            JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(savedGm, gmInstance);

            _genParamSet = currentGenParamSet;
            _navParamSet = currentNavParamSet;

            // Since we can't restore the previously existing map, we clear the
            // last map generated in the experiment
            clearMeth.Invoke(gmInstance, null);

            // Log experiment duration
                          "==== Experiment '{0}' finished after {1} ms, results saved to {2} ====",