public static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile( string lpFileName, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] NativeMethods.FileAccess dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] NativeMethods.FileShare dwShareMode, IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] NativeMethods.CreationDisposition dwCreationDisposition, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] NativeMethods.FileAttributes dwFlagsAndAttributes, IntPtr hTemplateFile);
public static bool AuthCodePrompt(Program program, TargetUri targetUri, Github.GitHubAuthenticationResultType resultType, string username, out string authenticationCode) { // ReadConsole 32768 fail, 32767 ok @linquize [] const int BufferReadSize = 16 * 1024; Debug.Assert(targetUri != null); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(BufferReadSize); uint read = 0; uint written = 0; authenticationCode = null; NativeMethods.FileAccess fileAccessFlags = NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericRead | NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericWrite; NativeMethods.FileAttributes fileAttributes = NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Normal; NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition fileCreationDisposition = NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition.OpenExisting; NativeMethods.FileShare fileShareFlags = NativeMethods.FileShare.Read | NativeMethods.FileShare.Write; using (SafeFileHandle stdout = NativeMethods.CreateFile(NativeMethods.ConsoleOutName, fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) using (SafeFileHandle stdin = NativeMethods.CreateFile(NativeMethods.ConsoleInName, fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) { string type = resultType == Github.GitHubAuthenticationResultType.TwoFactorApp ? "app" : "sms"; Git.Trace.WriteLine($"2fa type = '{type}'."); buffer.AppendLine() .Append("authcode (") .Append(type) .Append("): "); if (!NativeMethods.WriteConsole(stdout, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out written, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to write to standard output (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } buffer.Clear(); // read input from the user if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } authenticationCode = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); authenticationCode = authenticationCode.Trim(Program.NewLineChars); } return(authenticationCode != null); }
/// <summary> /// Removes read only attribute from file or directory if it has one /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <param name="currentAttributes"></param> private static unsafe void RemoveReadonlyAttribute(string filename, NativeMethods.FileAttributes currentAttributes) { NativeMethods.FileAttributes attributesToRemove = NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Readonly; if (((uint)currentAttributes & (uint)attributesToRemove) != 0) { var newAttributes = (uint)(currentAttributes & (~attributesToRemove)); if (!NativeMethods.SetFileAttributesW(EnsureFileName(filename), newAttributes)) { ThrowLastErrorException("Failed to remove {0} attribute on {1}", (currentAttributes & attributesToRemove), filename); } } }
public override Stream OpenFileStream(string path, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, NativeMethods.FileAttributes attributes, FileShare shareMode) { MockFile file = this.RootDirectory.FindFile(path); if (fileMode == FileMode.OpenOrCreate) { if (file == null) { return(this.CreateAndOpenFileStream(path)); } } else { file.ShouldNotBeNull(); } return(file.GetContentStream()); }
public override Stream OpenFileStream(string path, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, NativeMethods.FileAttributes attributes, FileShare shareMode) { return(new MemoryStream()); }
public static Credential CredentialPrompt(Program program, TargetUri targetUri, string titleMessage) { // ReadConsole 32768 fail, 32767 OK @linquize [] const int BufferReadSize = 16 * 1024; if (program is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(program)); } if (targetUri is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetUri)); } titleMessage = titleMessage ?? "Please enter your credentials for "; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(BufferReadSize); uint read = 0; uint written = 0; NativeMethods.ConsoleMode consoleMode = 0; NativeMethods.FileAccess fileAccessFlags = NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericRead | NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericWrite; NativeMethods.FileAttributes fileAttributes = NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Normal; NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition fileCreationDisposition = NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition.OpenExisting; NativeMethods.FileShare fileShareFlags = NativeMethods.FileShare.Read | NativeMethods.FileShare.Write; using (SafeFileHandle stdout = NativeMethods.CreateFile(NativeMethods.ConsoleOutName, fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) using (SafeFileHandle stdin = NativeMethods.CreateFile(NativeMethods.ConsoleInName, fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) { // Read the current console mode. if (stdin.IsInvalid || stdout.IsInvalid) { program.Trace.WriteLine("not a tty detected, abandoning prompt."); return(null); } else if (!NativeMethods.GetConsoleMode(stdin, out consoleMode)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to determine console mode (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } program.Trace.WriteLine($"console mode = '{consoleMode}'."); string username = null; string password = null; // Instruct the user as to what they are expected to do. buffer.Append(titleMessage) .Append(targetUri) .AppendLine(); if (!NativeMethods.WriteConsole(stdout, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out written, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to write to standard output (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } // Clear the buffer for the next operation. buffer.Clear(); // Prompt the user for the username wanted. buffer.Append("username: "******"Unable to write to standard output (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } // Clear the buffer for the next operation. buffer.Clear(); // Read input from the user. if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } // Record input from the user into local storage, stripping any EOL chars. username = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); username = username.Trim(program.Settings.NewLine.ToCharArray()); // Clear the buffer for the next operation. buffer.Clear(); // Set the console mode to current without echo input. NativeMethods.ConsoleMode consoleMode2 = consoleMode ^ NativeMethods.ConsoleMode.EchoInput; try { if (!NativeMethods.SetConsoleMode(stdin, consoleMode2)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to set console mode (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } program.Trace.WriteLine($"console mode = '{(consoleMode2 & NativeMethods.ConsoleMode.AllFlags)}'."); // Prompt the user for password. buffer.Append("password: "******"Unable to write to standard output (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } // Clear the buffer for the next operation. buffer.Clear(); // Read input from the user. if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + NativeMethods.Win32Error.GetText(error) + ")."); } // Record input from the user into local storage, stripping any EOL chars. password = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); password = password.Trim(program.Settings.NewLine.ToCharArray()); } finally { // Restore the console mode to its original value. NativeMethods.SetConsoleMode(stdin, consoleMode); program.Trace.WriteLine($"console mode = '{consoleMode}'."); } if (username != null && password != null) { return(new Credential(username, password)); } } return(null); }
public virtual Stream OpenFileStream(string path, FileMode fileMode, FileAccess fileAccess, NativeMethods.FileAttributes attributes, FileShare shareMode) { FileAccess access = fileAccess & FileAccess.ReadWrite; return(new FileStream((SafeFileHandle)this.OpenFile(path, fileMode, fileAccess, (FileAttributes)attributes, shareMode), access, DefaultStreamBufferSize, true)); }
private static void DeleteFolder(string folderPath, bool bypassAclCheck, NativeMethods.FileAttributes parentAttributes) { var baseFolderPath = EnsureFileName(folderPath); var searchTerm = Path.Combine(baseFolderPath, "*"); var directories = new List <DirectoryWithAttributes>(); NativeMethods.WIN32_FIND_DATAW findInfo; NativeMethods.FindFileSafeHandle searchHandle = NativeMethods.FindFirstFileW(searchTerm, out findInfo); if (searchHandle.IsInvalid) { ThrowLastErrorException("Error locating files in {0}", searchTerm); } using (searchHandle) { do { var isDirectory = ((uint)findInfo.dwFileAttributes & (uint)NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Directory) == (uint)NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Directory; var fullFilePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, findInfo.cFileName); if ((findInfo.dwFileAttributes & NativeMethods.FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != 0) { // reparse points can be removed directly. If we attempt to follow down into the reprase // point, then we start getting weird error messages when unexpected files get deleted // or permissions cannot be obtained. if (!NativeMethods.RemoveDirectoryW(fullFilePath)) { ThrowLastErrorException("Failed to remove reparse point {0}", fullFilePath); } } else if (isDirectory) { if (string.Compare(findInfo.cFileName, ".", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0 || string.Compare(findInfo.cFileName, "..", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { continue; } directories.Add(new DirectoryWithAttributes { Directory = fullFilePath, Attributes = findInfo.dwFileAttributes }); } else { RemoveReadonlyAttribute(fullFilePath, findInfo.dwFileAttributes); DeleteSingleFile(fullFilePath, bypassAclCheck); } } while (NativeMethods.FindNextFileW(searchHandle, out findInfo)); } foreach (var directory in directories) { RemoveReadonlyAttribute(directory.Directory, directory.Attributes); DeleteFolder(directory.Directory, bypassAclCheck, directory.Attributes); } ProgressTracker.Instance.LogEntry(baseFolderPath, true); if (!NativeMethods.RemoveDirectoryW(baseFolderPath)) { ThrowLastErrorException("Failed to remove directory {0}", baseFolderPath); } }
/// <summary> /// <para></para> /// <para>Tokens acquired are stored in the secure secret store provided during /// initialization.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="targetUri">The unique identifier for the resource for which access is to /// be acquired.</param> /// <param name="credentials">(out) Credentials when acquision is successful; null otherwise.</param> /// <returns>True if success; otherwise false.</returns> public bool InteractiveLogon(Uri targetUri, out Credential credentials) { // ReadConsole 32768 fail, 32767 ok // @linquize [] const int BufferReadSize = 32 * 1024 - 7; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(BufferReadSize); uint read = 0; uint written = 0; NativeMethods.FileAccess fileAccessFlags = NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericRead | NativeMethods.FileAccess.GenericWrite; NativeMethods.FileAttributes fileAttributes = NativeMethods.FileAttributes.Normal; NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition fileCreationDisposition = NativeMethods.FileCreationDisposition.OpenExisting; NativeMethods.FileShare fileShareFlags = NativeMethods.FileShare.Read | NativeMethods.FileShare.Write; using (SafeFileHandle stdout = NativeMethods.CreateFile("CONOUT$", fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) using (SafeFileHandle stdin = NativeMethods.CreateFile("CONIN$", fileAccessFlags, fileShareFlags, IntPtr.Zero, fileCreationDisposition, fileAttributes, IntPtr.Zero)) { // read the current console mode NativeMethods.ConsoleMode consoleMode; if (!NativeMethods.GetConsoleMode(stdin, out consoleMode)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to determine console mode (" + error + ")."); } // instruct the user as to what they are expected to do buffer.Append("Please enter your GitHub credentials for ") .Append(targetUri.Scheme) .Append("://") .Append(targetUri.DnsSafeHost) .Append("/") .Append(targetUri.PathAndQuery) .AppendLine(); if (!NativeMethods.WriteConsole(stdout, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out written, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to write to standard output (" + error + ")."); } // clear the buffer for the next operation buffer.Clear(); // prompt the user for the username wanted buffer.Append("username: "******"Unable to write to standard output (" + error + ")."); } // clear the buffer for the next operation buffer.Clear(); // read input from the user if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + error + ")."); } // record input from the user into local storage, stripping any eol chars string username = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); username = username.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); // clear the buffer for the next operation buffer.Clear(); // set the console mode to current without echo input NativeMethods.ConsoleMode consoleMode2 = consoleMode ^ NativeMethods.ConsoleMode.EchoInput; if (!NativeMethods.SetConsoleMode(stdin, consoleMode2)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to set console mode (" + error + ")."); } // prompt the user for password buffer.Append("password: "******"Unable to write to standard output (" + error + ")."); } // clear the buffer for the next operation buffer.Clear(); // read input from the user if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + error + ")."); } // record input from the user into local storage, stripping any eol chars string password = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); password = password.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); // clear the buffer for the next operation buffer.Clear(); // restore the console mode to its original value if (!NativeMethods.SetConsoleMode(stdin, consoleMode)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to set console mode (" + error + ")."); } GithubAuthenticationResult result; if (result = GithubAuthority.AcquireToken(targetUri, username, password, null, this.TokenScope).Result) { Trace.WriteLine(" token aquisition succeeded"); credentials = (Credential)result.Token; this.PersonalAccessTokenStore.WriteCredentials(targetUri, credentials); return(true); } else if (result == GithubAuthenticationResultType.TwoFactorApp || result == GithubAuthenticationResultType.TwoFactorSms) { buffer.Clear() .AppendLine() .Append("authcode: "); if (!NativeMethods.WriteConsole(stdout, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out written, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to write to standard output (" + error + ")."); } buffer.Clear(); // read input from the user if (!NativeMethods.ReadConsole(stdin, buffer, BufferReadSize, out read, IntPtr.Zero)) { int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); throw new Win32Exception(error, "Unable to read from standard input (" + error + ")."); } string authenticationCode = buffer.ToString(0, (int)read); authenticationCode = authenticationCode.Trim(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); if (result = GithubAuthority.AcquireToken(targetUri, username, password, authenticationCode, this.TokenScope).Result) { Trace.WriteLine(" token aquisition succeeded"); credentials = (Credential)result.Token; this.PersonalAccessTokenStore.WriteCredentials(targetUri, credentials); return(true); } } } Trace.WriteLine(" interactive logon failed"); credentials = null; return(false); }