public static NativeLibraryInterface <IOpenGl> Load() { var libraryHandle = NativeLibrary.Load("opengl32"); if (libraryHandle.IsInvalid()) { throw new Exception("Unable to load opengl32."); } try { var wglGetProcAddressPtr = NativeLibrary.GetExport(libraryHandle, "wglGetProcAddress"); if (wglGetProcAddressPtr.IsInvalid()) { throw new Exception("You are not loading OpenGL today."); } var wglGetProcAddress = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer <ModuleLoader>(wglGetProcAddressPtr); return(NativeLibraryInterface.Create <IOpenGl>( "OpenGl", libraryHandle, mn => "gl" + mn, (handle, name) => GetGlProcAddress(wglGetProcAddress, handle, name))); } catch { NativeLibrary.Free(libraryHandle); throw; } }
public static IServiceCollection AddSdl2( this IServiceCollection services, uint flags) { var isVideoEnabled = (flags & SdlInit.Video) == SdlInit.Video; if (isVideoEnabled && RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux) && File.Exists(BcmLibrary)) { services.AddNativeLibrary <IBcm>( _ => NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <IBcm>( BcmLibrary, name => name)); } return(services .AddSingleton <SdlLibrary>( serviceProvider => { var bcm = serviceProvider.GetService <IBcm>(); bcm?.HostInit(); var library = new SdlLibrary(flags); return library; }) .AddSingleton <ISdl2>( serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <SdlLibrary>().Library)); }
public static IServiceCollection AddSqlite3( this IServiceCollection services, string dll) { return(services.AddNativeLibrary <ISqlite3>( _ => NativeLibraryInterface.Create <ISqlite3>(dll, ResolveName))); }
public NativeLibraryInterface <IOpenGl> Linux() { var lib = "/usr/lib/"; if (Directory.Exists(Platform.PiLibFolder)) { lib = Directory.EnumerateFiles( Platform.PiLibFolder, "*").First(); } else { lib = Platform.FindLib("*") ?? throw new NullReferenceException(); } return(NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <IOpenGl>( lib, name => "gl" + name)); }
public SdlLibrary(uint flags) { var path = this.CurrentPlatform() ?? throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to load SDL path."); _nativeLibraryInterface = NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <ISdl2>(path, ResolveName); try { int result = Library.Init(flags); if (result != 0) { throw new SdlException("Failed to initialize SDL: " + Library.GetError()); } } catch { _nativeLibraryInterface.Dispose(); throw; } }
public SqliteLibrary(string file) { _nativeLibraryInterface = NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <ISqlite3>(file, ResolveName); try { // var result = Library.Initialize(); if (result != SqliteResult.Ok) { throw new SqliteException( "Error on sqlite3_initialize().", KeyValuePair.Create(result, result.ToString())); } } catch { _nativeLibraryInterface.Dispose(); throw; } }
public static IServiceCollection AddStb(this IServiceCollection services) { return(services.AddNativeLibrary <IStb>( _ => NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <IStb>("PiranhaNative.dll", ResolveName))); }
public NativeLibraryInterface <IOpenGl> macOS() { return(NativeLibraryInterface.FromFile <IOpenGl>( "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib", name => "gl" + name)); }