예제 #1
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: mattjbauer/Nano
        private static void Main( string[] args )
            const string url = "http://localhost:4545";

            var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent( false );

            Console.CancelKeyPress += ( sender, eventArgs ) =>
                eventArgs.Cancel = true;

            var config = new NanoConfiguration();
            config.AddDirectory( "/", "www", null, true );
            config.AddMethods<Customer>( "/api/customer/" );
            config.AddFunc( "/hi", context => "Hello World!" );

            config.AddBackgroundTask( "Test", 30000, () =>
                string result = "Hi, the time is now: " + DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine( result );
                return result;
            } );

            using ( HttpListenerNanoServer.Start( config, url ) )
                if ( Debugger.IsAttached )
                    Process.Start( url + "/ApiExplorer/" );

                Console.WriteLine( "Nano Server is running on: " + url );
                Console.WriteLine( "Press Ctrl+C to exit." );
예제 #2
        private static void Main()
            var exit = CreateExitEvent();

            var baseUrl = $"http://{Config.Domain}:{Config.Port}";
            var nano    = new NanoConfiguration
                ApplicationName     = "MiniWebServer",
                EnableVerboseErrors = true

            // logging
            nano.GlobalEventHandler.PostInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                var level = context.Response.HttpStatusCode == 200
                    ? LogEventLevel.Information
                    : LogEventLevel.Warning;
                var address    = context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(baseUrl, "/").Replace("//", "/");
                var statusName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Constants.HttpStatusCode), context.Response.HttpStatusCode);
                Log.Write(level, "{address} => {HttpStatusCode} {statusName}", address, context.Response.HttpStatusCode, statusName);
            nano.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                var address = context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(baseUrl, "/").Replace("//", "/");
                Log.Error(exception, "{address} => Exception: {Message}", address, exception.Message);

            // pulse
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            nano.AddBackgroundTask("Uptime", (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds, () =>
                var uptime = DateTime.Now - startTime;
                Log.Information("Uptime {uptime}", uptime);

            // hosting
            HttpHost.Init(nano, Config.WebRoot);
            ApiHost.Init(nano, Config.WebRoot);

            // start server
            using (var server = HttpListenerNanoServer.Start(nano, baseUrl))
                Log.Information("Listening on {url}", baseUrl);
                Log.Information("Press Ctrl+C to exit.");
                Process.Start(File.Exists($"{Environment.CurrentDirectory}\\index.html") ? baseUrl : $"{baseUrl}/ApiExplorer");
        public WebServer(IAppSettings appSettings)
            var port = GetUnusedPort();

            baseUrl = $"http://localhost:{port}";
            nano    = new NanoConfiguration
                ApplicationName     = "Turbine",
                EnableVerboseErrors = appSettings.Verbose,

            // logging
            if (appSettings.Verbose)
                nano.GlobalEventHandler.PostInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                    var address    = context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(baseUrl, "/").Replace("//", "/");
                    var statusName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Constants.HttpStatusCode), context.Response.HttpStatusCode);
                    Colorizer.WriteLine($"WebServer: [DarkYellow!{address} => {context.Response.HttpStatusCode} {statusName}]");
            nano.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                var address = context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(baseUrl, "/").Replace("//", "/");
                Colorizer.WriteLine($"WebServer: [DarkRed!{address} => Exception: {exception.Message}]");

            // pulse
            var startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (appSettings.Verbose)
                nano.AddBackgroundTask("Uptime", (int)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds, () =>
                    var uptime = DateTime.Now - startTime;
                    Colorizer.WriteLine($"WebServer: [DarkYellow!Uptime {uptime}]");

            // hosting
            nano.AddDirectory("/", appSettings.Output, returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);
예제 #4
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: lizhengzhou/Nano
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            const string url = "http://localhost:4545";

            var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                eventArgs.Cancel = true;

            var config = new NanoConfiguration();

            // When the Debugger is attached, map two folders up so that you can live edit files in Visual Studio without having to restart
            // your application to get the files copied to your bin directory.
            config.AddDirectory("/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);
            config.AddMethods <Customer>("/api/customer/");
            config.AddFunc("/hi", context => "Hello World!");

            config.AddBackgroundTask("Test", 30000, () =>
                string result = "Hi, the time is now: " + DateTime.Now;

            using (HttpListenerNanoServer.Start(config, url))
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Process.Start(url + "/ApiExplorer/");

                Console.WriteLine("Nano Server is running on: " + url);
                Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl+C to exit.");
예제 #5
        private static void Main( string[] args )
            const string url = "http://localhost:4545";

            var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent( false );

            Console.CancelKeyPress += ( sender, eventArgs ) =>
                eventArgs.Cancel = true;

            var config = new NanoConfiguration();

            // When the Debugger is attached, map two folders up so that you can live edit files in Visual Studio without having to restart
            // your application to get the files copied to your bin directory.
            config.AddDirectory( "/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true );
            config.AddFunc( "/hi", context => "Hello World!" );

            config.AddBackgroundTask( "Test", 30000, () =>
                string result = "Hi, the time is now: " + DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine( result );
                return result;
            } );

            using ( HttpListenerNanoServer.Start( config, url ) )
                if ( Debugger.IsAttached )
                    Process.Start( url + "/ApiExplorer/" );

                Console.WriteLine( "Nano Server is running on: " + url );
                Console.WriteLine( "Press Ctrl+C to exit." );
                Console.WriteLine( config.ToString() );
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="NanoConfiguration"/> used by all of the demo projects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="NanoConfiguration"/> instance.</returns>
        public static NanoConfiguration GetNanoConfiguration()
            DateTime startupDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            int      requestCounter  = 0;
            int      errorCounter    = 0;

            // Every Nano app begins with the creation of an instance of a NanoConfiguration.
            // This is *the* entry point into Nano and how all of Nano is configured.
            var config = new NanoConfiguration();

            config.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                // Log your exception here, etc.

                Interlocked.Increment(ref errorCounter);

            config.GlobalEventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                // Do stuff before an API method is called or file is accessed.
                // Examples: Logging requests, authentication, authorization, adding headers, starting timers, etc.

                Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCounter);

            config.GlobalEventHandler.PostInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                // Do stuff after an API method is called or file has been accessed.
                // Examples: Logging responses, writing cookies, adding headers, ending timers, etc.

            // Serves up all methods in the Customer class under the URL: /api/customer/methodName
            config.AddMethods <Customer>();

            config.AddMethods <ComplexObject>();

            // We can also create event handlers that are not global.
            // This can be useful when certain APIs do or do not need logging, authentication, etc.
            var eventHandler = new Nano.Web.Core.EventHandler();

            // Let's add a custom header as a demonstration.
            eventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                context.Response.HeaderParameters.Add("X-Server-HostName", Dns.GetHostName());

            // Add all static methods in the Time class as well as use custom event handler
            config.AddMethods <Time>(eventHandler: eventHandler);

            // Handles all requests for URL: /hi
            config.AddFunc("/hi", context => "Hello World!");

            // Handles all requests for URL: /howdy
            // Example: http://localhost:4545/howdy?person={"PersonId":1,"FirstName":"Clark","LastName":"Kent"}
            config.AddFunc("/howdy", x =>
                // Looks for a complex request parameter named 'person' to bind to a 'Person' class
                var model = x.Bind <Customer.Person>("person");

            // Example of how to serve up a single file. It's much easier to map an entire directory though.
            config.AddFile("/MultipartTester", @"\www\MultipartTester\index.html");

            // When the Debugger is attached, map two folders up so that you can live edit files in Visual Studio
            // without having to restart your application to get the files copied to your bin directory.
            config.AddDirectory("/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);

            // Enables CORS ( Cross-origin resource sharing ) requests

            // Configures a background task to run every 30 seconds that outputs some server stats like uptime and
            // the number of processed requests and errors encountered.
            config.AddBackgroundTask("Status Update", 30000, () =>
                var result = string.Format("Uptime {0:dd\\.hh\\:mm\\:ss} | Requests Handled: {1} | Errors: {2}",
                                           DateTime.Now - startupDateTime, requestCounter, errorCounter);


예제 #7
            public void Start(string url)
                #region NanoSetup

                var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                    eventArgs.Cancel = true;

                var validatedUrls = ValidateUrls(url);

                var config = new NanoConfiguration();


                config.AddDirectory("/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www",
                                    returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);


                //you will need to provide a connection string in your app.config for this to produce any events.
                //constructor will set default hardcoded values, you can then override any of those values here ( below values listed are the default values )
                var spokeConfig = new Spoke.SpokeConfiguration
                    DefaultAbortAfterMinutes                = 60,
                    LiveRetryAbortAfterMinutes              = 60,
                    EventProcessingMutexTimeToLiveMinutes   = 2,
                    EventSubscriptionMutexTimeToLiveMinutes = 2,
                    FailedEventsLookbackMinutes             = 1440,
                    FailedEventsThresholdMinutes            = 60,
                    FailedNotificationsThresholdMinutes     = 60,
                    MutexAcquisitionWaitTime                = 1,
                    ClockBackfillTotalMinutes               = 10,
                    ClockBackfillOffsetMinutes              = 2,
                    ClockBackfillMutexTimeToLiveMinutes     = 2,
                    ClockSleepMilliseconds = 10000,
                    SendClockMessages      = true,
                    AppName   = $"{Environment.MachineName}-{AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName}",
                    UserName  = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()?.Name,
                    GetApiUri = x => x.Uri,
                    WasApiCallSuccessfulHandlers =
                        new Dictionary <string, Func <Spoke.Models.WasApiCallSuccessfulInput, bool> >
                            response => response.HttpResponse.Exception == null &&
                            response.HttpResponse.Response != null &&
                            response.HttpResponse.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK
                    JsonSerializer           = new Spoke.Utils.JsonSerializer(),
                    Database                 = () => new Spoke.DatabaseIO.SpokeSqlDatabase(),
                    DatabaseConnectionString = () => ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["spoke"].ConnectionString,
                    SchemaName               = "Spoke"

                //you can add support for "service types" by adding WasApiCallSuccessfulHandlers instead of the default.
                    "OTHER_SERVICE_TYPE",                               //the key for the new service type
                    response => response.HttpResponse.Exception == null //func to evaluate if the service call was successful or not.

                var spoke = new Spoke(spokeConfig);

                config.AddMethods <Spoke.ExternalApi>("/Api/Events");
                config.AddMethods <Spoke.InternalApi>("/Api/Events/Internal");

                #region NanoSetup
                config.AddBackgroundTask("GCCollect", 30000, () =>

                config.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                        if (!EventLog.SourceExists(_applicationName))
                            EventLog.CreateEventSource(_applicationName, "Application");

                        var msg = new StringBuilder()
                                  .AppendLine("Nano Error:")
                                  .AppendLine("URL: " + context.Request.Url).AppendLine()
                                  .AppendLine("Message: " + exception.Message).AppendLine()

                        EventLog.WriteEntry(_applicationName, msg, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Gulp: Never throw an exception in the unhandled exception handler

                _server = HttpListenerNanoServer.Start(config, validatedUrls);

                if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                    Process.Start(_server.HttpListenerConfiguration.GetFirstUrlBeingListenedOn().TrimEnd('/') +

                Console.WriteLine("Nano Server is running on: " +
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the <see cref="NanoConfiguration"/> used by all of the demo projects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="NanoConfiguration"/> instance.</returns>
        public static NanoConfiguration GetNanoConfiguration()
            DateTime startupDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            int requestCounter = 0;
            int errorCounter = 0;

            // Every Nano app begins with the creation of an instance of a NanoConfiguration.
            // This is *the* entry point into Nano and how all of Nano is configured.
            var config = new NanoConfiguration();

            config.GlobalEventHandler.UnhandledExceptionHandlers.Add((exception, context) =>
                // Log your exception here, etc.

                Interlocked.Increment(ref errorCounter);

            config.GlobalEventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                // Do stuff before an API method is called or file is accessed.
                // Examples: Logging requests, authentication, authorization, adding headers, starting timers, etc.

                Interlocked.Increment(ref requestCounter);

            config.GlobalEventHandler.PostInvokeHandlers.Add(context =>
                // Do stuff after an API method is called or file has been accessed.
                // Examples: Logging responses, writing cookies, adding headers, ending timers, etc.

            // Serves up all methods in the Customer class under the URL: /api/customer/methodName

            // We can also create event handlers that are not global.
            // This can be useful when certain APIs do or do not need logging, authentication, etc.
            var eventHandler = new Nano.Web.Core.EventHandler();

            // Let's add a custom header as a demonstration.
            eventHandler.PreInvokeHandlers.Add( context =>
                context.Response.HeaderParameters.Add( "X-Server-HostName", Dns.GetHostName() );

            // Add all static methods in the Time class as well as use custom event handler
            config.AddMethods<Time>( eventHandler: eventHandler );

            // Handles all requests for URL: /hi
            config.AddFunc("/hi", context => "Hello World!");

            // Handles all requests for URL: /howdy
            // Example: http://localhost:4545/howdy?person={"PersonId":1,"FirstName":"Clark","LastName":"Kent"}
            config.AddFunc("/howdy", x =>
                // Looks for a complex request parameter named 'person' to bind to a 'Person' class
                var model = x.Bind<Customer.Person>("person");
                return model;

            // Example of how to serve up a single file. It's much easier to map an entire directory though.
            config.AddFile( "/MultipartTester", @"\www\MultipartTester\index.html" );

            // When the Debugger is attached, map two folders up so that you can live edit files in Visual Studio
            // without having to restart your application to get the files copied to your bin directory.
            config.AddDirectory("/", Debugger.IsAttached ? "../../www" : "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true);

            // Enables CORS ( Cross-origin resource sharing ) requests

            // Configures a background task to run every 30 seconds that outputs some server stats like uptime and
            // the number of processed requests and errors encountered.
            config.AddBackgroundTask("Status Update", 30000, () =>
                var result = string.Format("Uptime {0:dd\\.hh\\:mm\\:ss} | Requests Handled: {1} | Errors: {2}",
                    DateTime.Now - startupDateTime, requestCounter, errorCounter);

                return result;

            return config;