protected override void SetNameDetail(NameItem nameItem, XIAP.FrontendModules.Common.InsuranceDirectoryService.NameData nameData)
     base.SetNameDetail(nameItem, nameData);
     if (nameData.NameType == (short)StaticValues.NameType.Company)
         ReadOnlyCollection<INameInvolvementData> nameInvolvementDataCollection = this.GetNameInvolvements();
         nameInvolvementDataCollection.ForEach(nameInvolvementData =>
             ClaimNameInvolvementData claimNameInvolvementData = nameInvolvementData as ClaimNameInvolvementData;
             if (claimNameInvolvementData != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(claimNameInvolvementData.CustomReference04) && this.nameAndEmails[nameItem] != null && nameItem.NameID == claimNameInvolvementData.NameID)
                 this.nameAndEmails[nameItem].Add(new CodeRow { Code = claimNameInvolvementData.CustomReference04, Description = claimNameInvolvementData.CustomReference04 });
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when get/set the value of a variable, determines whether the
        /// given variable is a capture from a parrent nested function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the variable.</param>
        public void GetName(NameItem /*!*/ name)
            bool     inFunc = true; // true if cur is in the current function.
            TreeNode node   = cur;

            while (node != null)
                if (node.CapturedLocals.ContainsKey(name.Name) ||
                    // ignore the local if it is the current function
                    if (!inFunc)
                        // if it is in TrueLocals, move it to CapturedLocals.
                        NameItem boundItem;
                        if (node.TrueLocals.TryGetValue(name.Name, out boundItem))
                            node.CapturedLocals.Add(name.Name, boundItem);

                        // update all the CapturesParrent for any nodes between
                        //   the current node and the node that defines the local.
                        TreeNode cur2 = cur;
                        while (cur2 != node)
                            cur2.CapturesParrent = true;
                            cur2 = cur2.Parrent;
                if (node.IsFunction)
                    inFunc = false;
                node = node.Parrent;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns the values of the parse item to the given value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The item to assign the value to (e.g. NameItem).</param>
        /// <param name="local">Whether this is a local definition.</param>
        /// <param name="getIndex">A function to get the index of the object,
        /// pass null to use the default.</param>
        /// <param name="getValue">A function to get the value to set to.</param>
        void AssignValue(IParseItem target, bool local, Action getIndex, Action getValue)
            ILGenerator gen = compiler.CurrentGenerator;

            ChunkBuilder.VarDefinition field;
            if (local)
                field = compiler.DefineLocal((NameItem)target);
            else if (target is IndexerItem)
                IndexerItem name = (IndexerItem)target;
                // {name.Prefix}.SetIndex({name.Expression}, value);
                if (getIndex != null)
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(ILuaValue).GetMethod(nameof(ILuaValue.SetIndex)));
            else // names[i] is NameItem
                NameItem item = (NameItem)target;
                field = compiler.FindVariable(item);

            // envField = value;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the item is a function definition item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The object that was passed to IParseItem.Visit.</param>
        /// <returns>The passed target or a modification of it.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">If target is null.</exception>
        public IParseItem Visit(FuncDefItem target)
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target));

            var gen = compiler.CurrentGenerator;

            ChunkBuilder.VarDefinition field = null;
            string name  = null;
            bool   store = false;

            if (target.Local)
                // local function definition.
                if (target.InstanceName != null)
                    throw new SyntaxException(Resources.InstanceLocalMethod, target.Debug);
                if (!(target.Prefix is NameItem))
                    throw new SyntaxException(Resources.IndexerLocalMethod, target.Debug);

                NameItem namei = (NameItem)target.Prefix;
                name  = namei.Name;
                field = compiler.DefineLocal(namei);
            else if (target.Prefix != null)
                if (target.InstanceName != null)
                    // instance function definition.
                    name = null;
                    if (target.Prefix is NameItem)
                        name = ((NameItem)target.Prefix).Name;
                        name = (string)((LiteralItem)((IndexerItem)target.Prefix).Expression).Value;
                    name += ":" + target.InstanceName;

                    // {Prefix}.SetIndex({InstanceName}, {ImplementFunction(..)})
                    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(ILuaEnvironment).GetProperty(nameof(ILuaEnvironment.Runtime)).GetGetMethod());
                    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, target.InstanceName);
                    gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(ILuaRuntime).GetMethod(nameof(ILuaRuntime.CreateValue)));
                    store = true;
                else if (target.Prefix is IndexerItem)
                    // global function definition with indexer
                    // {Prefix}.SetIndex({Expression}, {ImplementFunction(..)})
                    IndexerItem index = (IndexerItem)target.Prefix;
                    name = (string)((LiteralItem)index.Expression).Value;
                    store = true;
                    // global function definition with name
                    name  = ((NameItem)target.Prefix).Name;
                    field = compiler.FindVariable((NameItem)target.Prefix);

            compiler.ImplementFunction(this, target, name);

            if (field != null)
            else if (store)
                gen.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, typeof(ILuaValue).GetMethod(nameof(ILuaValue.SetIndex)));

예제 #5
 private static int ItemsCompare(NameItem item1, NameItem item2)
예제 #6
        public void GenralParse()
            PlainParser           target = new PlainParser();
            TextElementEnumerator input1 = StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator(
                @"local a = 12 
t = { [34]= function() print(i) end } 
function Some(a, ...) 
    a, b, c = ... 
    for i= 12, 23 do 
            IParseItem actual;

            actual = target.Parse(new Tokenizer(input1, null), null, null);

            // check the main block
            BlockItem block = actual as BlockItem;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <BlockItem>(actual);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, block.Children.Count, "Block.Children.Count");
            ValidateDebug(block.Debug, "Block", "local a = 12 t = { [ 34 ] = function ( ) print ( i ) end } function Some ( a , ... ) a , b , c = ... for i = 12 , 23 do print ( i ) end end", 1, 1, 8, 4);

            // check the return statement of the main block
                ReturnItem ret = block.Return;
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <ReturnItem>(block.Return);
                ValidateDebug(ret.Debug, "Block.Return", null, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, ret.Expressions.Count);

            // local a = 12
                AssignmentItem init = block.Children[0] as AssignmentItem;
                Assert.IsNotNull(init, "Block.Children[0]");
                Assert.AreEqual(true, init.Local);
                ValidateDebug(init.Debug, "Block.Children[0]", "local a = 12", 1, 1, 1, 13);

                // check the names
                    Assert.IsNotNull(init.Names, "Block.Children[0].Names");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, init.Names.Count, "Block.Children[0].Names.Count");

                    NameItem name = init.Names[0] as NameItem;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[0].Names[0]");
                    Assert.AreEqual("a", name.Name, "Block.Children[0].Names[0].Name");
                    ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[0].Names[0]", "a", 1, 7, 1, 8);

                // check the expressions
                    Assert.IsNotNull(init.Expressions, "Block.Children[0].Expressions");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, init.Expressions.Count, "Block.Children[0].Expressions.Count");

                    LiteralItem literal = init.Expressions[0] as LiteralItem;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(literal, "Block.Children[0].Expressions[0]");
                    Assert.AreEqual(12.0, literal.Value, "Block.Children[0].Expressions[0].Value");
                    ValidateDebug(literal.Debug, "Block.Children[0].Expressions[0]", "12", 1, 11, 1, 13);

            // t = { [34]= function() print(i) end }
                AssignmentItem init = block.Children[1] as AssignmentItem;
                Assert.IsNotNull(init, "Block.Children[1]");
                Assert.AreEqual(false, init.Local);
                ValidateDebug(init.Debug, "Block.Children[1]", "t = { [ 34 ] = function ( ) print ( i ) end }", 2, 1, 2, 38);

                // check the names
                    Assert.IsNotNull(init.Names, "Block.Children[1].Names");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, init.Names.Count, "Block.Children[1].Names.Count");

                    NameItem name = init.Names[0] as NameItem;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[1].Names[0]");
                    Assert.AreEqual("t", name.Name, "Block.Children[1].Names[0].Name");
                    ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Names[0]", "t", 2, 1, 2, 2);

                // check the expressions
                    Assert.IsNotNull(init.Expressions, "Block.Children[1].Expressions");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, init.Expressions.Count, "Block.Children[1].Expressions.Count");

                    TableItem table = init.Expressions[0] as TableItem;
                    Assert.IsNotNull(table, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0]");
                    ValidateDebug(table.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0]", "{ [ 34 ] = function ( ) print ( i ) end }", 2, 5, 2, 38);

                    Assert.IsNotNull(table.Fields, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields");
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, table.Fields.Count, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields.Count");

                    var field = table.Fields[0];
                        LiteralItem literal = field.Key as LiteralItem;
                        Assert.IsNotNull(literal, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item1");
                        Assert.AreEqual(34.0, literal.Value, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item1.Value");
                        ValidateDebug(literal.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item1", "34", 2, 8, 2, 10);
                        FuncDefItem func = field.Value as FuncDefItem;
                        Assert.IsNotNull(func, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2");
                        Assert.IsNull(func.InstanceName, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.InstanceName");
                        Assert.IsNull(func.Prefix, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Prefix");
                        Assert.AreEqual(false, func.Local, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Local");
                        Assert.IsNull(func.FunctionInformation, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.FunctionInformation");
                        ValidateDebug(func.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2", "function ( ) print ( i ) end", 2, 13, 2, 36);

                        // validate the block
                            BlockItem funcBlock = func.Block;
                            Assert.IsNotNull(funcBlock, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block");
                            ValidateDebug(funcBlock.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block", "print ( i )", 2, 24, 2, 32);

                            // validate the return
                                ReturnItem ret = funcBlock.Return;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(ret, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Return");
                                ValidateDebug(ret.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Return", null, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                                Assert.IsNotNull(ret.Expressions, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Return.Expressions");
                                Assert.AreEqual(0, ret.Expressions.Count, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Return.Expressions.Count");

                            // validate the statement
                                Assert.IsNotNull(funcBlock.Children, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children");
                                Assert.AreEqual(1, funcBlock.Children.Count, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children.Count");

                                // print ( i )
                                    FuncCallItem call = funcBlock.Children[0] as FuncCallItem;
                                    Assert.IsNotNull(call, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0]");
                                    Assert.AreEqual(true, call.Statement, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Statement");
                                    Assert.IsNull(call.InstanceName, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].InstanceName");
                                    ValidateDebug(call.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0]", "print ( i )", 2, 24, 2, 32);

                                    // validate the prefix
                                        NameItem name = call.Prefix as NameItem;
                                        Assert.IsNotNull(call.Prefix, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Prefix");
                                        Assert.AreEqual("print", name.Name, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Prefix.Name");
                                        ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Prefix.Name", "print", 2, 24, 2, 29);

                                    // validate the arguments
                                        Assert.IsNotNull(call.Arguments, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Arguments");
                                        Assert.AreEqual(1, call.Arguments.Count, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Arguments.Count");

                                        NameItem name = call.Arguments[0].Expression as NameItem;
                                        Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Arguments[0]");
                                        Assert.AreEqual("i", name.Name, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Arguments[0].Name");
                                        ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[1].Expressions[0].Fields[0].Item2.Block.Children[0].Arguments[0]", "i", 2, 30, 2, 31);

            // function Some(a, ...)
                FuncDefItem func = block.Children[2] as FuncDefItem;
                Assert.IsNotNull(func, "Block.Children[2]");
                Assert.AreEqual(false, func.Local, "Block.Children[2].Local");
                Assert.IsNull(func.InstanceName, "Block.Children[2].InstanceName");
                ValidateDebug(func.Debug, "Block.Children[2]", "function Some ( a , ... ) a , b , c = ... for i = 12 , 23 do print ( i ) end end", 3, 1, 8, 4);

                // validate the block
                    BlockItem someBlock = func.Block;
                    ValidateDebug(someBlock.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block", "a , b , c = ... for i = 12 , 23 do print ( i ) end", 4, 5, 7, 8);

                    // validate the return
                        ReturnItem ret = someBlock.Return;
                        Assert.IsNotNull(ret, "Block.Children[2].Block.Return");
                        ValidateDebug(ret.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Return", null, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                        Assert.IsNotNull(ret.Expressions, "Block.Children[2].Block.Return.Expressions");
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, ret.Expressions.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Return.Expressions.Count");

                    // check the children
                        Assert.IsNotNull(someBlock.Children, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children");
                        Assert.AreEqual(2, someBlock.Children.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children.Count");

                        // a , b , c = ...
                            AssignmentItem varInit = someBlock.Children[0] as AssignmentItem;
                            Assert.IsNotNull(varInit, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0]");
                            Assert.AreEqual(false, varInit.Local, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Local");
                            ValidateDebug(varInit.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0]", "a , b , c = ...", 4, 5, 4, 18);

                            // validate the names
                                Assert.IsNotNull(varInit.Names, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names");
                                Assert.AreEqual(3, varInit.Names.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names.Count");

                                NameItem name = varInit.Names[0] as NameItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[0]");
                                Assert.AreEqual(name.Name, "a", "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[0].Name");
                                ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[0]", "a", 4, 5, 4, 6);

                                name = varInit.Names[1] as NameItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[1]");
                                Assert.AreEqual(name.Name, "b", "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[1].Name");
                                ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[1]", "b", 4, 8, 4, 9);

                                name = varInit.Names[2] as NameItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[2]");
                                Assert.AreEqual(name.Name, "c", "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[2].Name");
                                ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Names[2]", "c", 4, 11, 4, 12);
                            // validate the expressions
                                Assert.IsNotNull(varInit.Expressions, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Expressions");
                                Assert.AreEqual(1, varInit.Expressions.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Expressions.Count");

                                NameItem name = varInit.Expressions[0] as NameItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Expressions[0]");
                                Assert.AreEqual(name.Name, "...", "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Expressions[0].Name");
                                ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[0].Expressions[0]", "...", 4, 15, 4, 18);
                        // for i= 12, 23 do print ( i ) end
                            ForNumItem forLoop = someBlock.Children[1] as ForNumItem;
                            Assert.IsNotNull(forLoop, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1]");
                            ValidateDebug(forLoop.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1]", "for i = 12 , 23 do print ( i ) end", 5, 5, 7, 8);

                            // validate the name
                                NameItem name = forLoop.Name;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Name");
                                ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Name", "i", 5, 9, 5, 10);
                                Assert.AreEqual(name.Name, "i", "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Name.Name");

                            // validate the start
                                LiteralItem lit = forLoop.Start as LiteralItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(lit, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Start");
                                Assert.AreEqual(12.0, lit.Value, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Start.Value");
                                ValidateDebug(lit.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Start", "12", 5, 12, 5, 14);

                            // validate the limit
                                LiteralItem lit = forLoop.Limit as LiteralItem;
                                Assert.IsNotNull(lit, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Limit");
                                Assert.AreEqual(23.0, lit.Value, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Limit.Value");
                                ValidateDebug(lit.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Limit", "23", 5, 16, 5, 18);

                            // validate the step
                                Assert.IsNull(forLoop.Step, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Step");

                            // validate the block
                                BlockItem forBlock = forLoop.Block;
                                ValidateDebug(forBlock.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block", "print ( i )", 6, 9, 6, 17);
                                Assert.IsNull(forBlock.Return, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Return");

                                // validate the statement
                                    Assert.IsNotNull(forBlock.Children, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children");
                                    Assert.AreEqual(1, forBlock.Children.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children.Count");

                                    // print ( i )
                                        FuncCallItem call = forBlock.Children[0] as FuncCallItem;
                                        Assert.IsNotNull(call, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0]");
                                        Assert.AreEqual(true, call.Statement, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Statement");
                                        Assert.IsNull(call.InstanceName, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].InstanceName");
                                        ValidateDebug(call.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0]", "print ( i )", 6, 9, 6, 17);

                                        // validate the prefix
                                            NameItem name = call.Prefix as NameItem;
                                            Assert.IsNotNull(call.Prefix, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Prefix");
                                            Assert.AreEqual("print", name.Name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Prefix.Name");
                                            ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Prefix.Name", "print", 6, 9, 6, 14);

                                        // validate the arguments
                                            Assert.IsNotNull(call.Arguments, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Arguments");
                                            Assert.AreEqual(1, call.Arguments.Count, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Arguments.Count");

                                            NameItem name = call.Arguments[0].Expression as NameItem;
                                            Assert.IsNotNull(name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Arguments[0]");
                                            Assert.AreEqual("i", name.Name, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Arguments[0].Name");
                                            ValidateDebug(name.Debug, "Block.Children[2].Block.Children[1].Block.Children[0].Arguments[0]", "i", 6, 15, 6, 16);
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Defines a new local variable and returns an object used to get/set it's value.  There are
 /// two possible variable types: Local and Captured.  Which one is chosen depends on whether the
 /// variable is captured in the FunctionInfo used to create the current function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the variable.</param>
 /// <returns>An object used to get/set it's value.</returns>
 public IVarDefinition DefineLocal(NameItem name)
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a function from the input.  Input must be on the word 'function'.  If canName is true,
        /// it will give the function the read name; otherwise it will give it a null name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Where to read input from.</param>
        /// <param name="canName">True if the function can have a name, otherwise false.</param>
        /// <param name="local">True if this function is a local definition, otherwise false.</param>
        /// <returns>The function definition that was read.</returns>
        protected virtual FuncDefItem _readFunctionHelper(Lexer input, bool canName, bool local)
            Token debug = input.Expect(TokenType.Function);

            IParseVariable name     = null;
            string         instName = null;

            if (input.PeekType(TokenType.Identifier))
                Token temp = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
                name = new NameItem(temp.Value)
                    Debug = temp
                while (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Indexer))
                    temp = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
                    var literal = new LiteralItem(temp.Value)
                        Debug = temp
                    name = new IndexerItem(name, literal)
                        Debug = name.Debug

                if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Colon))
                    instName = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier).Value;
            if (name != null && !canName)
                throw new SyntaxException(Resources.FunctionCantHaveName, input.Name, debug);
            if (name == null && canName)
                throw new SyntaxException("Function statements must provide name", input.Name, debug);

            var args = new List <NameItem>();

            if (!input.PeekType(TokenType.EndParen))
                    Token temp = input.PeekType(TokenType.Elipsis) ?
                                 input.Expect(TokenType.Elipsis) :
                    args.Add(new NameItem(temp.Value)
                        Debug = temp
                    if (temp.Value == "...")
                } while (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Comma));
            BlockItem chunk = _readBlock(input);

            chunk.Return ??= new ReturnItem();

            return(new FuncDefItem(args.ToArray(), chunk)
                Debug = debug,
                InstanceName = instName,
                Prefix = name,
                Local = local,
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads an expression from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Where to read input from.</param>
        /// <param name="precedence">The precedence of the previous expression or -1 if a root.</param>
        /// <returns>The expression that was read.</returns>
        protected virtual IParseExp _readExp(Lexer input, out bool isParentheses, int precedence = -1)
            Token     debug = input.Peek();
            IParseExp ret;
            var       unOpType = _getUnaryOperationType(input.Peek().Type);

            isParentheses = false;
            if (unOpType != UnaryOperationType.Unknown)
                int unaryPrec = 11;
                if (unaryPrec > precedence && precedence >= 0)
                    unaryPrec = precedence;
                ret = new UnOpItem(_readExp(input, out _, unaryPrec), unOpType)
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Nil))
                ret = new LiteralItem(null)
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.False))
                ret = new LiteralItem(false)
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.True))
                ret = new LiteralItem(true)
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.NumberLiteral))
                ret = new LiteralItem(Helpers.ParseNumber(debug.Value))
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.StringLiteral))
                ret = new LiteralItem(debug.Value)
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Elipsis))
                ret = new NameItem("...")
                    Debug = debug
            else if (input.PeekType(TokenType.BeginTable))
                ret = _readTable(input);
            else if (input.PeekType(TokenType.Function))
                ret = _readFunctionHelper(input, false, false);
                ret = _readPrefixExp(input, out isParentheses);

            while (true)
                BinaryOperationType binOpType = _getBinaryOperationType(input.Peek().Type);
                int newPrecedence             = _getPrecedence(binOpType);
                if (binOpType == BinaryOperationType.Unknown ||
                    (newPrecedence < precedence && precedence >= 0))

                // For left-associative operations, use a lower precedence so the nested call doesn't read
                // more than it should.  a+b+c should be (a+b)+c, so we need the first add to be its own
                // item and then have that should be the lhs of another add.  Note this only works if
                // operations of the same precedence have the same associativity.
                int       extra = _isRightAssociative(binOpType) ? 0 : 1;
                IParseExp other = _readExp(input, out _, newPrecedence + extra);
                ret = new BinOpItem(ret, binOpType, other)
                    Debug = debug
                isParentheses = false;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a prefix-expression from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input to read from.</param>
        /// <returns>The parsed expression.</returns>
        protected virtual IParseExp _readPrefixExp(Lexer input, out bool isParentheses)
            Token     debug = input.Peek();
            IParseExp ret;

            if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.BeginParen))
                isParentheses = true;
                ret           = _readExp(input, out _);
                isParentheses = false;
                Token name = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
                ret = new NameItem(name.Value)
                    Debug = name

            while (true)
                if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.BeginBracket))
                    isParentheses = false;
                    IParseExp temp = _readExp(input, out _);
                    ret = new IndexerItem(ret, temp)
                        Debug = debug
                else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Indexer))
                    isParentheses = false;
                    Token token = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
                    var   name  = new LiteralItem(token.Value)
                        Debug = token
                    ret = new IndexerItem(ret, name)
                        Debug = debug
                    string instName = null;
                    int    overload = -1;
                    if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Colon))
                        instName = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier).Value;
                        int idx = instName.IndexOf('`');
                        if (idx >= 0)
                            if (!int.TryParse(instName.Substring(idx + 1), out overload))
                                throw input.SyntaxError(Resources.OnlyNumbersInOverload);
                            instName = instName.Substring(0, idx);
                    else if (ret is NameItem name)
                        int idx = name.Name.IndexOf('`');
                        if (idx >= 0)
                            if (!int.TryParse(name.Name.Substring(idx + 1), out overload))
                                throw input.SyntaxError(Resources.OnlyNumbersInOverload);
                            name.Name = name.Name.Substring(0, idx);

                    bool isLastSingle = false;
                    var  args         = new List <FuncCallItem.ArgumentInfo>();
                    if (input.PeekType(TokenType.BeginTable))
                        args.Add(new FuncCallItem.ArgumentInfo(_readTable(input), false));
                    else if (input.PeekType(TokenType.StringLiteral))
                        Token token = input.Expect(TokenType.StringLiteral);
                        args.Add(new FuncCallItem.ArgumentInfo(new LiteralItem(token.Value)
                            Debug = token
                    else if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.BeginParen))
                        if (!input.PeekType(TokenType.EndParen))
                                bool isRef      = input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Ref);
                                bool isRefParen = false;
                                if (isRef)
                                    isRefParen = input.ReadIfType(TokenType.BeginParen);
                                    isRef = input.ReadIfType(TokenType.RefSymbol);

                                args.Add(new FuncCallItem.ArgumentInfo(_readExp(input, out isLastSingle), isRef));
                                if (isRefParen)
                            } while (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Comma));
                    isParentheses = false;
                    ret           = new FuncCallItem(ret, args.ToArray())
                        Debug           = debug,
                        InstanceName    = instName,
                        Overload        = overload,
                        IsLastArgSingle = isLastSingle,
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a for statement from the input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Where to read input from.</param>
        /// <returns>The object that was read.</returns>
        protected virtual IParseStatement _readFor(Lexer input)
            Token debug    = input.Expect(TokenType.For);
            Token name     = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
            var   nameItem = new NameItem(name.Value)
                Debug = name

            if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Assign))
                // Numeric for
                IParseExp start = _readExp(input, out _);
                IParseExp limit = _readExp(input, out _);

                IParseExp step = null;
                if (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Comma))
                    step = _readExp(input, out _);

                var block = _readBlock(input);
                return(new ForNumItem(nameItem, start, limit, step, block)
                    Debug = debug
                // Generic for statement

                // Read the variables
                var names = new List <NameItem>()
                while (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Comma))
                    Token token = input.Expect(TokenType.Identifier);
                    names.Add(new NameItem(token.Value)
                        Debug = token

                // Read the expression-list
                var exps = new List <IParseExp>();
                exps.Add(_readExp(input, out _));
                while (input.ReadIfType(TokenType.Comma))
                    exps.Add(_readExp(input, out _));

                var block = _readBlock(input);
                return(new ForGenItem(names.ToArray(), exps.ToArray(), block)
                    Debug = debug
예제 #12
 public void Post([FromBody] NameItem value)