public static bool IsNakedObjects(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsNakedObjects(type);
 public static string PropertyName <TTarget, TProperty>(this TTarget target, Expression <Func <TTarget, TProperty> > expr) =>
 Framework_PM.PropertyName(target, expr);
 public static object NewInstance(Type type) => Framework_PM.NewInstance(type);
 public static bool IsNullableType(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsNullableType(type);
 public static bool IsEnum(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsEnum(type);
 public static bool IsEntityDomainObject(string typeName) => Framework_PM.IsEntityDomainObject(typeName);
 public static Type GetProxiedType(this Type type) => Framework_PM.GetProxiedType(type);
 public static bool IsString(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsString(type);
 public static bool IsPublic(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsPublic(type);
 public static string[] GetInterfaces(Type type) => Framework_PM.GetInterfaces(type);
 public static string GetBaseType(Type type) => Framework_PM.GetBaseType(type);
 public static Type ImplementingTypeOrNull(string classCandidateName, Type requiredType) => Framework_PM.ImplementingTypeOrNull(classCandidateName, requiredType);
 public static Type GetType(string typeName) => Framework_PM.GetType(typeName);
 public static Type ImplementingTypeOrNull(Type typeCandidate, Type requiredType) => Framework_PM.ImplementingTypeOrNull(typeCandidate, requiredType);
 public static bool IsNakedObjects(string typeName) => Framework_PM.IsNakedObjects(typeName);
 public static bool IsSystem(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsSystem(type);
 public static bool IsEntityDomainObject(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsEntityDomainObject(type);
 public static bool IsMicrosoft(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsMicrosoft(type);
 public static string GetProxiedTypeFullName(this Type type) => Framework_PM.GetProxiedTypeFullName(type);
 public static bool IsSystem(string typeName) => Framework_PM.IsSystem(typeName);
 public static T CreateGenericInstance <T>(Type genericTypeDefinition,
                                           Type[] genericTypeParms,
                                           object[] constructorParms) => Framework_PM.CreateGenericInstance <T>(genericTypeDefinition, genericTypeParms, constructorParms);
 public static bool IsMicrosoft(string typeName) => Framework_PM.IsMicrosoft(typeName);
 public static Type GetNulledType(Type type) => Framework_PM.GetNulledType(type);
 public static bool IsProxy(Type type) => Framework_PM.IsProxy(type);
 public static bool IsIntegralValueForEnum(object obj) => Framework_PM.IsIntegralValueForEnum(obj);
 public static bool IsProxy(string typeName) => Framework_PM.IsProxy(typeName);
 public static bool IsPropertyMatch <TTarget, TProperty>(this object target, string memberName, Expression <Func <TTarget, TProperty> > expr) =>
 Framework_PM.IsPropertyMatch(target, memberName, expr);
        // ** Lifted from MSDN **
        //    The identity most users would expect MemberInfos (other than Type) to have is not what Reflection provides.
        //    So for example most folks would expect the following program to print true instead of false:
        //    public class B { public void M() { } }
        //    public class D : B { }
        //    public class Program
        //    {
        //        public static void Main
        //        {
        //            Console.WriteLine(typeof(B).GetMethod("M") == typeof(D).GetMethod("M"));
        //        }
        //    }
        // The MethodInfos are not equal because ReflectedType is included in the identity of MethodInfos.
        // The identity Reflection uses for MethdInfo can be expressed as:
        // DeclaringType + MethodName + Signature + DeclaringType instantiation + Method Instantiation + ReflectedType
        // And what most users would expect it to be can be expressed as:
        // DeclaringType + MethodName + Signature + DeclaringType Instantiation + Method Instantiation
        // We can�t make them match because that would be a breaking change. However here is a little code snippet
        // that will do the comparison using the latter definition of identity. This will work for all subclasses of
        // MemberInfo (Type, MethodBase, MethodInfo, ConstructorInfo, FieldInfo, PropertyInfo and EventInfo):

        public static bool MemberInfoEquals(this MemberInfo lhs, MemberInfo rhs) => Framework_PM.MemberInfoEquals(lhs, rhs);