예제 #1
 // GET: /Event/
 public ActionResult Index(NailVent nv)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a details page if the nailpartialview is clicked. TODO: needs to be more dynamic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gEventGUID">Guid of the event</param>
        /// <returns>Details page of the selected event</returns>
        public ActionResult EventClicked(Guid gEventGUID)
            var eventsQRY = from r in m_db.Event
                            where r.bIsDeleted == false && r.gEventGUID == gEventGUID
                            select r;

            Random random = new Random();
            var    returnedQryEventClicked = (IQueryable)null;
            string strTagToUse             = string.Empty;
            string strCityEventClicked     = string.Empty;
            string strStateEventClicked    = string.Empty;
            string strDateEventClicked     = string.Empty;
            bool   tag1 = false;
            bool   tag2 = false;
            bool   tag3 = false;

            switch (random.Next(1, 4))      // randomly selects which tag will be used to find a similar event
            case 1:
                tag1 = true;

            case 2:
                tag2 = true;

            case 3:
                tag3 = true;

                tag1 = true;

            foreach (MVCEventBench.Models.Event vent in eventsQRY)              // collects the information so we can use this to find similar events
                if (tag1)
                    strTagToUse = vent.strTag1;
                if (tag2)
                    strTagToUse = vent.strTag2;
                if (tag3)
                    strTagToUse = vent.strTag3;
                strCityEventClicked  = vent.strEventCity;
                strStateEventClicked = vent.strEventState;
                strDateEventClicked  = vent.dEventDateStart.ToString();

            // This will return us a query to use to build the nailvents
            returnedQryEventClicked = GetFilteredQuery(strCityEventClicked, strStateEventClicked, strTagToUse, strDateEventClicked, "25");
            int         intQryLength       = returnedQryEventClicked.Count(); // length of the returned query - need to know if there is less than 4 total including original
            List <Guid> listSimilarEvents  = new List <Guid>();
            List <Guid> listFinalSelection = new List <Guid>();

            // Goes through the query of similar events and extracts all of them except for the one we started with
            foreach (MVCEventBench.Models.Event similarEvent in returnedQryEventClicked)
                if (!similarEvent.gEventGUID.Equals(gEventGUID))

            NailVent nvSimilar0;
            NailVent nvSimilar1;
            NailVent nvSimilar2;

             * This next piece will fill the list of selected events from the entire list of similar events
             * It goes through the loop and selects a random event from the similar event list and then assigns it to the final selection as long as it hasn't already been assigned to it
            if (listSimilarEvents.Count > 3)
                while (listFinalSelection.Count < 3)
                    int i = random.Next(0, listSimilarEvents.Count);
                    if (!listFinalSelection.Contains(listSimilarEvents[i]))
                listFinalSelection = listSimilarEvents;

            int countSimilar = 0;

            if (listFinalSelection.Count == 1)
                countSimilar = 1;

                nvSimilar0         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[0]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar0 = nvSimilar0;

                nvSimilar1         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[0]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar1 = nvSimilar1;

                nvSimilar2         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[0]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar2 = nvSimilar2;
            else if (listFinalSelection.Count == 2)
                countSimilar = 2;

                nvSimilar0         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[0]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar0 = nvSimilar0;

                nvSimilar1         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[1]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar1 = nvSimilar1;

                nvSimilar2         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[1]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar2 = nvSimilar2;
            else if (listFinalSelection.Count >= 3)
                countSimilar = 3;

                nvSimilar0         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[0]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar0 = nvSimilar0;

                nvSimilar1         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[1]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar1 = nvSimilar1;

                nvSimilar2         = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(listSimilarEvents[2]);
                ViewBag.nvSimilar2 = nvSimilar2;
                countSimilar = 0;

            NailVent nv = m_BuildControlsMgr.BuildEventControl(gEventGUID);

            ViewBag.nvDetails = nv;

            ViewBag.simCount = countSimilar;

            //Place into a separate method
            float dMapLat   = 0;
            float dMapLong  = 0;
            Guid  gMapState = Guid.Empty;

            var qryMapStates = from r in m_db.States
                               where r.strName == nv.State
                               select r;

            foreach (MVCEventBench.Models.States state in qryMapStates)
                gMapState = state.gStateGUID;

            var qryMapCities = from r in m_db.Cities
                               where r.gState == gMapState && r.strCity == nv.City
                               select r;

            foreach (MVCEventBench.Models.Cities city in qryMapCities)
                dMapLat  = city.nLatitude;
                dMapLong = city.nLongitude;

            ViewBag.mapAddress = nv.Address + " " + nv.City + " " + nv.State;

            ViewBag.mapLat  = dMapLat;
            ViewBag.mapLong = dMapLong;

            //End region

            //Might need to add a view here that returns a event not found page if nv is null
            return(View("/Views/Home/Details.cshtml", nv));