protected void Watch(NWN2GameConversation conversation) { if (conversation != null) { conversation.NameChanged += delegate(object oObject, NameChangedEventArgs eArgs) { OnConversationNameChanged(oObject, eArgs); }; } }
public void AddConditionToConversationLine(NWN2ConversationConnector line, NWN2GameConversation conversation) { if (line == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("line"); } if (conversation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("conversation"); } if (!conversation.AllConnectors.Contains(line)) { throw new ArgumentException("Line is not a part of the given conversation.", "line"); } LaunchFlip(); bool openingExistingScript = ScriptHelper.HasFlipScriptAttachedAsCondition(line); if (openingExistingScript && window.AskWhetherToSaveCurrentScript() == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } window.ConditionalFrame.Address = addressFactory.GetConversationAddress(conversation.Name, line.Line.LineGuid, ScriptType.Conditional).Value; if (openingExistingScript) { NWN2GameScript script = new NWN2GameScript(line.Conditions[0].Script); script.Demand(); FlipScript flipScript = scriptHelper.GetFlipScript(script, Attachment.Ignore); window.OpenFlipScript(new ScriptTriggerTuple(flipScript, null)); window.ConditionalFrame.Dialogue = Nwn2Strings.GetStringFromOEIString(line.Line.Text); //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("OpenedScript","ScriptName",script.Name,"Event",String.Empty)); Log.WriteAction(LogAction.opened, "script", script.Name + "(attached as condition to line '" + line.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage) + "')"); } else { window.IsDirty = true; window.EnterConditionMode(); window.ConditionalFrame.Dialogue = Nwn2Strings.GetStringFromOEIString(line.Line.Text); //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("NewScript","CreatedVia","AddingConditionToConversationLine","Event",String.Empty)); string lineText; try { lineText = line.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage).Value; } catch (Exception) { lineText = String.Empty; } Log.WriteAction(LogAction.added, "script", "as condition to a line of conversation ('" + lineText + "')"); } }
public void UseConversationLineAsTrigger(NWN2ConversationConnector line, NWN2GameConversation conversation) { if (line == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("line"); } if (conversation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("conversation"); } if (!conversation.AllConnectors.Contains(line)) { throw new ArgumentException("Line is not a part of the given conversation.", "line"); } LaunchFlip(); window.LeaveConditionMode(); bool openingExistingScript = ScriptHelper.HasFlipScriptAttachedAsAction(line); if (openingExistingScript && window.AskWhetherToSaveCurrentScript() == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { return; } TriggerControl trigger = triggers.GetTrigger(line, conversation); if (openingExistingScript) { NWN2GameScript script = new NWN2GameScript(line.Actions[0].Script); script.Demand(); FlipScript flipScript = scriptHelper.GetFlipScript(script, Attachment.Ignore); window.OpenFlipScript(new ScriptTriggerTuple(flipScript, trigger)); //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("OpenedScript","ScriptName",script.Name,"Event",trigger.GetLogText())); Log.WriteAction(LogAction.opened, "script", script.Name + " (attached to line '" + line.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage) + "')"); } else { window.SetTrigger(trigger); window.IsDirty = true; //ActivityLog.Write(new Activity("NewScript","CreatedVia","UsingConversationLineAsEvent","Event",trigger.GetLogText())); string lineText; try { lineText = line.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage).Value; } catch (Exception) { lineText = String.Empty; } Log.WriteAction(LogAction.added, "script", "to a line of conversation ('" + lineText + "')"); } }
public TriggerControl GetTriggerFromAddress(Nwn2ConversationAddress address) { if (address == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("address"); } if (address.AttachedAs == Sussex.Flip.Core.ScriptType.Conditional) { return(null); } NWN2GameModule mod = NWN2Toolset.NWN2ToolsetMainForm.App.Module; if (mod == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No module is open."); } NWN2GameConversation conversation = session.GetConversation(address.Conversation); if (conversation == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find conversation '" + address.Conversation + "' in this module.", "conversation"); } if (NWN2Toolset.NWN2ToolsetMainForm.App.GetViewerForResource(conversation) == null) { conversation.Demand(); } NWN2ConversationLine line = conversation.GetLineFromGUID(address.LineID); if (line == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not find a line with the given ID in conversation '" + address.Conversation + "'.", "conversation"); } return(new DialogueWasSpoken(line.OwningConnector, conversation)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new <see cref="Sussex.Flip.Games.NeverwinterNightsTwo.Utils.ConversationEventArgs"/> instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="conversation">The conversation relating to this event.</param> public ConversationEventArgs(NWN2GameConversation conversation) { this.conversation = conversation; }
public DialogueWasSpoken(NWN2ConversationConnector line, NWN2GameConversation conversation) : this(line.Line.Text.GetSafeString(BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage).Value, conversation.Name, line.Line.LineGuid) { }
/// <summary> /// Translates Flip source into NWScript, compiles it, /// and attaches the results to a Neverwinter Nights 2 module. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The Flip source to be compiled.</param> /// <param name="address">An address representing the location /// to attach this script to.</param> /// <returns>The name the script was saved under.</returns> public override string Attach(FlipScript source, string address) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); } if (address == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("address"); } if (address == String.Empty) { throw new ArgumentException("Must provide a valid address for attaching script.", "address"); } if (!Nwn2ToolsetFunctions.ToolsetIsOpen()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Toolset must be open to attach scripts."); } NWN2GameModule module = session.GetModule(); if (module == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No module is currently open in the toolset."); } string name = GetUnusedName(); try { if (name.Length > 32) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot attach script under the generated name ('" + name + "') " + "because it is of length " + name.Length + ", and the maximum " + "valid length of a resource name for NWN2 is 32."); } NWN2GameScript script = session.AddScript(name, source.Code); session.CompileScript(script); if (address.StartsWith("Conversation")) { Nwn2ConversationAddress convAddress = new Nwn2ConversationAddress(address); NWN2GameConversation conversation = session.GetConversation(convAddress.Conversation); if (conversation == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Conversation '" + convAddress.Conversation + "' was not found in current module.", "address"); } // foreach (NWN2Toolset.NWN2.Views.INWN2Viewer v in NWN2Toolset.NWN2ToolsetMainForm.App.GetAllViewers()) { // NWN2Toolset.NWN2.Views.NWN2ConversationViewer cv = v as NWN2Toolset.NWN2.Views.NWN2ConversationViewer; // if (cv != null) { // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("From viewer...\n" + cv.Conversation.Name + // "\nConnectors: " + cv.Conversation.AllConnectors.Count + "\n" + // "Entries: " + cv.Conversation.Entries.Count + "\n" + // "Replies: " + cv.Conversation.Replies.Count + "\n" + // "Loaded: " + conversation.Loaded); // } // } // // // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("From module, before insisting on load...\n" + conversation.Name + // "\nConnectors: " + conversation.AllConnectors.Count + "\n" + // "Entries: " + conversation.Entries.Count + "\n" + // "Replies: " + conversation.Replies.Count + "\n" + // "Loaded: " + conversation.Loaded); // // // // if (!conversation.Loaded) conversation.Demand(); // // // System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("From module, after insisting on load...\n" + conversation.Name + // "\nConnectors: " + conversation.AllConnectors.Count + "\n" + // "Entries: " + conversation.Entries.Count + "\n" + // "Replies: " + conversation.Replies.Count + "\n" + // "Loaded: " + conversation.Loaded); NWN2ConversationLine line = session.GetConversationLine(conversation, convAddress.LineID); if (line == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Line with ID " + convAddress.LineID + " was not found in current module.", "address"); } if (convAddress.AttachedAs == ScriptType.Conditional) { session.AttachScriptToConversationAsCondition(script, line, conversation); } else { session.AttachScriptToConversation(script, line, conversation); } } else { Nwn2Address nwn2Address = new Nwn2Address(address); if (!Scripts.IsEventRaiser(nwn2Address.TargetType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot attach scripts to a " + nwn2Address.TargetType + "."); } if (nwn2Address.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Module) { session.AttachScriptToModule(script, nwn2Address.TargetSlot); } else if (nwn2Address.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Area) { NWN2GameArea area = session.GetArea(nwn2Address.AreaTag); if (area == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Area '" + nwn2Address.AreaTag + "' was not found in current module.", "address"); } session.AttachScriptToArea(script, area, nwn2Address.TargetSlot); } else { /* * We want to attach to ALL instances matching the address in ALL OPEN areas, ignoring AreaTag and UseIndex. */ NWN2ObjectType nwn2ObjectType = Nwn2ScriptSlot.GetObjectType(nwn2Address.TargetType).Value; bool attached = false; foreach (NWN2GameArea a in module.Areas.Values) { if (!session.AreaIsOpen(a)) { continue; } NWN2InstanceCollection instances = session.GetObjectsByTag(a, nwn2ObjectType, nwn2Address.InstanceTag); foreach (INWN2Instance instance in instances) { session.AttachScriptToObject(script, instance, nwn2Address.TargetSlot); attached = true; } } /* * We also want to attach to any blueprints which use this tag as their resref. */ // First check that if a blueprint which uses this tag as resref exists, it was created by Narrative Threads: if (nt.CreatedByNarrativeThreads(Nwn2ScriptSlot.GetNwn2Type(nwn2ObjectType), nwn2Address.InstanceTag)) { INWN2Blueprint blueprint = session.GetBlueprint(nwn2Address.InstanceTag.ToLower(), nwn2ObjectType); if (blueprint != null) { session.AttachScriptToBlueprint(script, blueprint, nwn2Address.TargetSlot); attached = true; } } if (!attached) { string error; if (nt.IsLoaded) { error = String.Format("There isn't a {0} with tag '{1}' in any of the areas that are open, or " + "in the blueprints collection.", nwn2Address.TargetType, nwn2Address.InstanceTag); } else { error = String.Format("There isn't a {0} with tag '{1}' in any of the areas that are open.", nwn2Address.TargetType, nwn2Address.InstanceTag); } throw new MatchingInstanceNotFoundException(error, nwn2Address); } } } } catch (MatchingInstanceNotFoundException x) { throw x; } catch (Exception x) { throw new ApplicationException("Something went wrong while saving and attaching script.", x); } if (backups != null) { if (!Directory.Exists(backups)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(backups); } catch (Exception) { return(name); } } string saveTo; if (createFoldersForUsers) { try { saveTo = Path.Combine(backups, Environment.UserName); if (!Directory.Exists(saveTo)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveTo); } saveTo = Path.Combine(saveTo, module.Name); if (!Directory.Exists(saveTo)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveTo); } } catch (Exception) { saveTo = backups; } } else { saveTo = backups; } try { WriteBackup(name, saveTo, source.Code); } catch (Exception) { } } return(name); }
public TriggerControl GetTrigger(NWN2ConversationConnector line, NWN2GameConversation conversation) { return(new DialogueWasSpoken(line, conversation)); }
/// <summary> /// If there already exists a conversation by the name in the module, then it is fetched, otherwise a new is created /// </summary> /// <param name="questName">The name of the quset</param> /// <param name="gender">The gender which will be used in the quest</param> /// <param name="lang">The spoken (real world) language</param> /// <returns>The conversation</returns> private NWN2GameConversation conversationFixer(string questName, BWLanguages.Gender gender, BWLanguages.BWLanguage lang) { String convName = String.Empty; NWN2GameConversation cConversation = null; /* If the actor is a creature and does not yet belong to a faction, * I set it to be a commoner. */ #region factionSet if (actor.type == EnumTypes.actorType.Creature) { if (actor.boolInstance) { NWN2CreatureInstance inst = (NWN2CreatureInstance)actor.instance; if (inst.FactionID < 0 || inst.FactionID > 12) { inst.FactionID = 2; } } else { NWN2CreatureBlueprint blue = (NWN2CreatureBlueprint)actor.blueprint; if (blue.FactionID < 0 || blue.FactionID > 12) { blue.FactionID = 2; } } } #endregion #region getConversationName if (actor.Conversation != null && System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(actor.Conversation.FullName) != String.Empty) { // I get the name of what the conversation is/should be called convName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(actor.Conversation.FullName); } else if (trigger != null) { convName = trigger.ToString() + "Conv"; } else { convName = questNamePrep(questName) + "_" + actor.ToString().Replace(" ", ""); } cConversation = module.Conversations[convName]; #endregion #region ensureConversation // If we still have no conversation, then we create one if (cConversation == null) { cConversation = new NWN2GameConversation(convName, module.Repository.DirectoryName, module.Repository); cConversation.Demand(); } else { cConversation.Demand(); // if we have a conversation, and we have not cleaned it yet - then we do so now, and makes // sure that no one else cleans it if (alreadyWiped[cConversation.Name] == null) { alreadyWiped[cConversation.Name] = true; NWN2ConversationConnectorCollection connectors = cConversation.StartingList; LinkedList<NWN2ConversationConnector> removeList = new LinkedList<NWN2ConversationConnector>(); foreach (NWN2ConversationConnector connnect in connectors) { if (connnect.Comment.Contains("pluginGenerated: " + questName + ":" + questId.ToString())) { removeList.AddLast(connnect); } } debug("Number of convs to remove: " + removeList.Count); foreach (NWN2ConversationConnector removeConnect in removeList) { debug("Removed conversation: " + removeConnect.Text[lang]); cConversation.RemoveNode(removeConnect); } } } cConversation.OEISerialize(true); cConversation.NWN1StyleDialogue = true; #endregion cConversation = constructConv(cConversation, questName, gender, lang); #region FixDoorTalk if (actor.type == EnumTypes.actorType.Placeable || actor.type == EnumTypes.actorType.Door) { NWN2GameScript talkScript = module.Scripts["ga_door_talk"]; if (talkScript == null) { talkScript = new NWN2GameScript("ga_door_talk", module.Repository.DirectoryName, module.Repository); talkScript.Data = Properties.Resources.ga_door_talk; talkScript.OEISerialize(); module.Scripts.Add(talkScript); } actor.doorTalk = talkScript.Resource; } #endregion if (triggerHappens != convType.Explore) actor.Conversation = cConversation.Resource; return cConversation; }
/// <summary> /// The method that makes sure the correct scripts and conditionas are set on the conversation /// </summary> /// <param name="cConversation">The conversation</param> /// <param name="questName">The name of the quset</param> /// <param name="gender">The gender which will be used in the quest</param> /// <param name="lang">The spoken (real world) language</param> /// <returns>The conversation</returns> private NWN2GameConversation constructConv(NWN2GameConversation cConversation, String questName, BWLanguages.Gender gender, BWLanguages.BWLanguage lang) { // Done in order to avoid a side condition int value = (questId == 0) ? 1 : questId; /* if (happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.Trigger && triggerHappens == convType.Explore) { var tempConv = cConversation.InsertChild(null); tempConv.Text.SetString(String.Empty, lang, gender); tempConv.Speaker = trigger.Tag; tempConv.Comment = "pluginGenerated:" + value; tempConv.ShowOnce = NWN2ConversationShowOnceType.OncePerModule; // cConversation.InsertChild(tempConv); return cConversation; } */ // I add it to null to indicate that this will be at the root NWN2ConversationConnector conv = cConversation.InsertChild(null); // I set the comments so that it later can be deleted (if you choose to recreate the quest) conv.Comment = "pluginGenerated: " + questName + ":" + questId.ToString(); // I begin the conversation debug("Begin conversation"); conv.Text.SetString(greeting, lang, gender); // I make sure it is only fired once if we are talking escort/exploration NWN2ConversationConnector accept; NWN2ConversationConnector quest; NWN2ConversationConnector reject; #region Conditions // if this requires a node to fire, then we add the requirement here if (// If there is a prerequisite preReq != EnumTypes.prereq.NoPrereq || // or if we are exploring or escorting happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.Trigger //&& (convHappens == convType.Escort || convHappens == convType.Explore) ) { debug("conditional"); conv.Conditions.Add(conditional(questName)); if (happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.Trigger || convHappens != convType.None) { // It must be inserted as the first thing conv.Conditions.Insert(0, node()); } } // Once the offer has been accepted it should not appear again debug("makeJournal"); conv.Conditions.Add(makeJournalCheck(questName, "<" + value)); #endregion // If this is only a single comment I add the journal entry - if there is one (or we are opening a door) if (happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.Trigger || happensEnum == EnumTypes.happens.OpenDoor || (convEnum == EnumTypes.conv.Single && /* since I have made sure that the villian only can call this if he is actually talking, we only need to make sure that we are doing something */ happensEnum != EnumTypes.happens.None)) { debug("setConvValues"); setConvValues(ref conv, ref conv, questName); /* If we are not dealing with a villain, then this is needed to make quest updates fire otherwise any quest update will not fire */ if (happensEnum != EnumTypes.happens.Conflict) cConversation.InsertChild(conv); } else #region Quest if (convEnum == EnumTypes.conv.QuestInfo && happensEnum != EnumTypes.happens.Trigger && happensEnum != EnumTypes.happens.None) { // The player accepts accept = cConversation.InsertChild(conv); accept.Text.SetString(acceptence, lang, gender); // The quest giver responce quest = cConversation.InsertChild(accept); quest.Text.SetString(action, lang, gender); setConvValues(ref accept, ref quest, questName); // The player declines reject = cConversation.InsertChild(conv); reject.Text.SetString(rejection, lang, gender); } #endregion return cConversation; }
protected void WatchModule(NWN2GameModule mod) { /* Only tracking blueprints which are added to and removed from the module... * this is correct for our purposes! Narrative Threads only uses the module blueprint collections. */ if (mod != null) { /* There seems to be a bug where the following events events fire at a later stage... they do * fire when they should, but when the paused test is allowed to complete, they fire again. */ foreach (NWN2BlueprintCollection bc in mod.BlueprintCollections) { bc.Inserted += delegate(OEICollectionWithEvents cList, int index, object value) { OnBlueprintAdded(bc, new BlueprintEventArgs((INWN2Blueprint)value)); }; bc.Removed += delegate(OEICollectionWithEvents cList, int index, object value) { OnBlueprintRemoved(bc, new BlueprintEventArgs((INWN2Blueprint)value)); }; } List <OEIDictionaryWithEvents> dictionaries; dictionaries = new List <OEIDictionaryWithEvents> { mod.Areas, mod.Conversations, mod.Scripts }; OEIDictionaryWithEvents.ChangeHandler dAdded = new OEIDictionaryWithEvents.ChangeHandler(ResourceInsertedIntoCollection); OEIDictionaryWithEvents.ChangeHandler dRemoved = new OEIDictionaryWithEvents.ChangeHandler(ResourceRemovedFromCollection); foreach (OEIDictionaryWithEvents dictionary in dictionaries) { dictionary.Inserted += dAdded; dictionary.Removed += dRemoved; } // Watch for changes to the names of areas, conversations and scripts: foreach (NWN2GameArea area in mod.Areas) { Watch(area); } foreach (NWN2GameConversation conversation in mod.Conversations) { Watch(conversation); } foreach (NWN2GameScript script in mod.Scripts) { Watch(script); } mod.Areas.Inserted += delegate(OEIDictionaryWithEvents cDictionary, object key, object value) { NWN2GameArea area = value as NWN2GameArea; if (area != null) { Watch(area); } }; mod.Conversations.Inserted += delegate(OEIDictionaryWithEvents cDictionary, object key, object value) { NWN2GameConversation conversation = value as NWN2GameConversation; if (conversation != null) { Watch(conversation); } }; mod.Scripts.Inserted += delegate(OEIDictionaryWithEvents cDictionary, object key, object value) { NWN2GameScript script = value as NWN2GameScript; if (script != null) { Watch(script); } }; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="script"></param> /// <param name="attachment">Only return a script if it is attached /// in the manner indicated by this parameter.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>This method expects that the NWN2GameScript is already Loaded /// (that is, the responsibility for calling Demand() falls to the client.)</remarks> public FlipScript GetFlipScript(NWN2GameScript script, Attachment attachment) { if (script == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("script"); } string code, address, naturalLanguage; ScriptWriter.ParseNWScript(script.Data, out code, out address, out naturalLanguage); ScriptType scriptType = GetScriptType(script); if (attachment == Attachment.Ignore) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } NWN2GameModule mod = session.GetModule(); if (mod == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No module is open."); } Nwn2Address nwn2Address; Nwn2ConversationAddress nwn2ConversationAddress; switch (attachment) { case Attachment.Attached: nwn2Address = Nwn2Address.TryCreate(address); nwn2ConversationAddress = Nwn2ConversationAddress.TryCreate(address); break; case Attachment.AttachedToConversation: nwn2Address = null; nwn2ConversationAddress = Nwn2ConversationAddress.TryCreate(address); break; case Attachment.AttachedToScriptSlot: nwn2Address = Nwn2Address.TryCreate(address); nwn2ConversationAddress = null; break; default: nwn2Address = null; nwn2ConversationAddress = null; break; } if (nwn2Address != null) { try { if (nwn2Address.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Module) { IResourceEntry resource = typeof(NWN2ModuleInformation).GetProperty(nwn2Address.TargetSlot).GetValue(mod.ModuleInfo, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } } else if (nwn2Address.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Area) { NWN2GameArea area = session.GetArea(nwn2Address.AreaTag); if (area != null) { IResourceEntry resource = typeof(NWN2GameArea).GetProperty(nwn2Address.TargetSlot).GetValue(area, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } } } else { /* * The script might be attached to a Narrative Threads blueprint: */ // First check that if a blueprint which uses this tag as resref exists, it was created by Narrative Threads: if (nt.CreatedByNarrativeThreads(nwn2Address.TargetType, nwn2Address.InstanceTag)) { NWN2ObjectType objectType = Nwn2ScriptSlot.GetObjectType(nwn2Address.TargetType).Value; INWN2Blueprint blueprint = session.GetBlueprint(nwn2Address.InstanceTag.ToLower(), objectType); if (blueprint != null) { IResourceEntry resource = blueprint.GetType().GetProperty(nwn2Address.TargetSlot).GetValue(blueprint, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } } } // Check through all OPEN areas. foreach (NWN2GameArea area in mod.Areas.Values) { if (!session.AreaIsOpen(area)) { continue; } NWN2InstanceCollection instances = session.GetObjectsByAddressInArea(nwn2Address, area.Tag); if (instances != null) { // Check the script is still attached to the target object in the slot it claims to be, // in at least one instance, and if so add it to the set of scripts to be opened: foreach (INWN2Instance instance in instances) { IResourceEntry resource = instance.GetType().GetProperty(nwn2Address.TargetSlot).GetValue(instance, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } } } } } } catch (Exception x) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Failed to handle script + '{0}' properly.", script.Name), x); } } else if (nwn2ConversationAddress != null) // Check through all conversations, regardless of whether they're open. { NWN2GameConversation conversation = session.GetConversation(nwn2ConversationAddress.Conversation); if (conversation == null) { return(null); } if (NWN2Toolset.NWN2ToolsetMainForm.App.GetViewerForResource(conversation) == null) { conversation.Demand(); } NWN2ConversationLine line = conversation.GetLineFromGUID(nwn2ConversationAddress.LineID); if (line == null) { return(null); } if (line.Actions.Count == 0) { return(null); } IResourceEntry resource = line.Actions[0].Script; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { return(new FlipScript(code, scriptType, script.Name)); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dict"></param> /// <param name="attachment"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks>Note that this automatically opens and closes areas/conversations etc. - it is only /// for use with analysis methods, not for users.</remarks> public List <ScriptTriggerTuple> GetAllScriptsFromModule(Attachment attachment) { NWN2GameModule mod = session.GetModule(); if (mod == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No module is open."); } NWN2GameScriptDictionary dict = mod.Scripts; if (attachment == Attachment.Ignore) { return(GetTuples(dict)); } Dictionary <Nwn2Address, FlipScript> moduleScripts = new Dictionary <Nwn2Address, FlipScript>(); Dictionary <Nwn2Address, FlipScript> areaScripts = new Dictionary <Nwn2Address, FlipScript>(); Dictionary <Nwn2ConversationAddress, FlipScript> conversationScripts = new Dictionary <Nwn2ConversationAddress, FlipScript>(); foreach (NWN2GameScript nwn2Script in dict.Values) { try { nwn2Script.Demand(); string code, address, naturalLanguage; ScriptWriter.ParseNWScript(nwn2Script.Data, out code, out address, out naturalLanguage); ScriptType scriptType = GetScriptType(nwn2Script); FlipScript script = new FlipScript(code, scriptType, nwn2Script.Name); Nwn2ConversationAddress ca = Nwn2ConversationAddress.TryCreate(address); if (ca != null) { conversationScripts.Add(ca, script); } else { Nwn2Address a = Nwn2Address.TryCreate(address); if (a != null) { if (a.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Module) { moduleScripts.Add(a, script); } else { areaScripts.Add(a, script); } } } nwn2Script.Release(); } catch (Exception) {} } List <ScriptTriggerTuple> scripts = new List <ScriptTriggerTuple>(dict.Count); // this is what we'll return if (attachment == Attachment.AttachedToConversation || attachment == Attachment.Attached) { // Index by conversation name, so we can check all the scripts for a conversation in one go. Dictionary <string, List <Nwn2ConversationAddress> > convNameIndex = new Dictionary <string, List <Nwn2ConversationAddress> >(); foreach (Nwn2ConversationAddress address in conversationScripts.Keys) { if (!convNameIndex.ContainsKey(address.Conversation)) { convNameIndex.Add(address.Conversation, new List <Nwn2ConversationAddress>()); } convNameIndex[address.Conversation].Add(address); } foreach (string convName in convNameIndex.Keys) { NWN2GameConversation conv = mod.Conversations[convName]; if (conv == null) { continue; } conv.Demand(); foreach (Nwn2ConversationAddress address in convNameIndex[convName]) { FlipScript script = conversationScripts[address]; NWN2ConversationLine line = conv.GetLineFromGUID(address.LineID); if (line == null) { continue; } if (address.AttachedAs == ScriptType.Standard && line.Actions.Count > 0) { IResourceEntry resource = line.Actions[0].Script; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); } } else if (address.AttachedAs == ScriptType.Conditional && line.OwningConnector.Conditions.Count > 0) { IResourceEntry resource = line.OwningConnector.Conditions[0].Script; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); } } } conv.Release(); } } if (attachment == Attachment.AttachedToScriptSlot || attachment == Attachment.Attached) { // First, just check for scripts attached to the module - easy: foreach (Nwn2Address address in moduleScripts.Keys) { FlipScript script = moduleScripts[address]; IResourceEntry resource = typeof(NWN2ModuleInformation).GetProperty(address.TargetSlot).GetValue(mod.ModuleInfo, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); } } // Next, check whether any script is attached to a Narrative Threads blueprint, and // if you find one, add it to the collection and remove it from consideration: List <Nwn2Address> processed = new List <Nwn2Address>(); foreach (Nwn2Address address in areaScripts.Keys) { if (Nwn2ScriptSlot.GetObjectType(address.TargetType) == null) { continue; // ignore area, module etc. } FlipScript script = areaScripts[address]; // First check that if a blueprint which uses this tag as resref exists, it was created by Narrative Threads: if (nt.CreatedByNarrativeThreads(address.TargetType, address.InstanceTag)) { NWN2ObjectType objectType = Nwn2ScriptSlot.GetObjectType(address.TargetType).Value; INWN2Blueprint blueprint = session.GetBlueprint(address.InstanceTag.ToLower(), objectType); if (blueprint != null) { IResourceEntry resource = blueprint.GetType().GetProperty(address.TargetSlot).GetValue(blueprint, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); processed.Add(address); } } } } foreach (Nwn2Address p in processed) { areaScripts.Remove(p); // has been added, so don't check for it more than once } // Then, open each area in turn, and see whether a script is attached to it. If it is, add // it to the collection and remove it from consideration: foreach (NWN2GameArea area in mod.Areas.Values) { if (areaScripts.Count == 0) { break; } session.OpenArea(area); processed = new List <Nwn2Address>(); foreach (Nwn2Address address in areaScripts.Keys) { FlipScript script = areaScripts[address]; if (address.TargetType == Nwn2Type.Area) { IResourceEntry resource = typeof(NWN2GameArea).GetProperty(address.TargetSlot).GetValue(area, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); processed.Add(address); // don't check whether to add it more than once } } else { NWN2InstanceCollection instances = session.GetObjectsByAddressInArea(address, area.Tag); if (instances != null) { // Check the script is still attached to the target object in the slot it claims to be, // in at least one instance, and if so add it to the set of scripts to be opened: foreach (INWN2Instance instance in instances) { IResourceEntry resource = instance.GetType().GetProperty(address.TargetSlot).GetValue(instance, null) as IResourceEntry; if (resource != null && resource.ResRef.Value == script.Name) { scripts.Add(new ScriptTriggerTuple(script, triggerFactory.GetTriggerFromAddress(address))); processed.Add(address); break; } } } } } foreach (Nwn2Address p in processed) { areaScripts.Remove(p); // has been added, so don't check for it more than once } session.CloseArea(area); } } return(scripts); }