public void NSPasteboardTests_WriteObjectTests() { NSPasteboard b = NSPasteboard.CreateWithUniqueName(); b.WriteObjects(new INSPasteboardWriting [] { (NSString)"asfd" }); b.WriteObjects(new NSPasteboardWriting [] { new MyPasteboard() }); }
public void NSPasteboardTests_WriteObjectTests() { NSPasteboard b = NSPasteboard.CreateWithUniqueName(); b.WriteObjects(new INSPasteboardWriting [] { (NSString)"asfd" }); b.WriteObjects(new NSPasteboardWriting [] { new MyPasteboard() }); #if !XAMCORE_2_0 // Awesome backwards compat API b.WriteObjects(new NSPasteboardReading [] { new MyPasteboard2() }); #endif }
public void DragFiles(string[] filenames) { // See Dragging File Paths: // var pboard = NSPasteboard.CreateWithUniqueName(); pboard.DeclareTypes(new string [] { NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType }, null); pboard.SetPropertyListForType(NSArray.FromObjects(filenames), NSPasteboard.NSFilenamesType); var dragImage = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFiles(filenames); View.DragImage(dragImage, new CGPoint(), new CGSize(), new NSEvent(), pboard, View, false); }
public void NSPasteboardTests_WriteObjectTests() { NSPasteboard b = NSPasteboard.CreateWithUniqueName(); if (b == null) { Assert.Inconclusive("NSPasteboard could not be provided by the OS."); } b.WriteObjects(new INSPasteboardWriting [] { (NSString)"asfd" }); b.WriteObjects(new NSPasteboardWriting [] { new MyPasteboard() }); // from the docs: the lifetime of a unique pasteboard is not related to the lifetime of the creating app, // you must release a unique pasteboard by calling releaseGlobally to avoid possible leaks. b.ReleaseGlobally(); }