예제 #1
		// This sets up a NSOutlineView for demonstration
		internal static NSView SetupOutlineView (CGRect frame)
			// Create our NSOutlineView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
			NSOutlineView outlineView = new NSOutlineView () {
				Frame = frame

			// Every NSOutlineView must have at least one column or your Delegate will not be called.
			NSTableColumn column = new NSTableColumn ("Values");
			outlineView.AddColumn (column);
			// You must set OutlineTableColumn or the arrows showing children/expansion will not be drawn
			outlineView.OutlineTableColumn = column;

			// Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
			// In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
			// one instance. 
			outlineView.Delegate = new OutlineViewDelegate ();
			outlineView.DataSource = new OutlineViewDataSource ();

			// NSOutlineView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise  
			NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView (frame) {
				AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
			clipView.DocumentView = outlineView;
			return clipView;
예제 #2
        // This sets up a NSOutlineView for demonstration
        internal static NSView SetupOutlineView(CGRect frame)
            // Create our NSOutlineView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
            NSOutlineView outlineView = new NSOutlineView()
                Frame = frame

            // Every NSOutlineView must have at least one column or your Delegate will not be called.
            NSTableColumn column = new NSTableColumn("Values");

            // You must set OutlineTableColumn or the arrows showing children/expansion will not be drawn
            outlineView.OutlineTableColumn = column;

            // Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
            // In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
            // one instance.
            outlineView.Delegate   = new OutlineViewDelegate();
            outlineView.DataSource = new OutlineViewDataSource();

            // NSOutlineView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise
            NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView(frame)
                AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable

            clipView.DocumentView = outlineView;
예제 #3
        //public override CoreGraphics.CGSize IntrinsicContentSize => new CGSize (150, 100);

        public PlaylistsView()
            TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;

            var scrollView = new NSScrollView();

            scrollView.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;

            OutlineView                     = new NSOutlineView();
            OutlineView.HeaderView          = null;
            OutlineView.FloatsGroupRows     = false;
            OutlineView.BackgroundColor     = NSColor.FromRgb(245, 245, 245);
            OutlineView.IndentationPerLevel = 4;

            var outlineColumn = new NSTableColumn();

            outlineColumn.Editable = false;
            outlineColumn.MinWidth = 100;

            OutlineView.OutlineTableColumn = outlineColumn;
            outlineColumn = null;

            scrollView.DocumentView = OutlineView;


            AddConstraints(NSLayoutExtensions.FillHorizontal(scrollView, false));
            AddConstraints(NSLayoutExtensions.FillVertical(scrollView, false));
            AddConstraint(NSLayoutExtensions.MinimumWidth(this, 100));
        // Shared initialization code
        private void Initialize()
            AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable | NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable;

            NSControlSize controlSize = NSControlSize.Small;

            propertyFilter = new NSSearchField(new CGRect(10, Frame.Height - 25, 170, 24))
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                PlaceholderString = LocalizationResources.PropertyFilterLabel,
                ControlSize       = controlSize,
                Font = NSFont.FromFontName(PropertyEditorControl.DefaultFontName, PropertyEditorControl.DefaultFontSize),

            this.propertyArrangeModeLabel = new NSTextField(new CGRect(245, Frame.Height - 28, 150, 24))
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                TextColor       = NSColor.Black,
                Editable        = false,
                Bezeled         = false,
                StringValue     = LocalizationResources.ArrangeByLabel,
                ControlSize     = controlSize,

            propertyArrangeMode = new NSComboBox(new CGRect(320, Frame.Height - 25, 153, 24))
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,
                Editable    = false,
                ControlSize = controlSize,
                Font        = NSFont.FromFontName(PropertyEditorControl.DefaultFontName, PropertyEditorControl.DefaultFontSize),

            var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(PropertyArrangeMode));

            foreach (var item in enumValues)
                propertyArrangeMode.Add(new NSString(item.ToString()));                    // TODO May need translating

            if (IsArrangeEnabled)

            // If either the Filter Mode or PropertySearchFilter Change Filter the Data
            propertyArrangeMode.SelectionChanged += OnArrageModeChanged;
            propertyFilter.Changed += OnPropertyFilterChanged;

            propertyTable = new FirstResponderOutlineView {
                RefusesFirstResponder   = true,
                AutoresizingMask        = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable,
                SelectionHighlightStyle = NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyle.None,
                HeaderView = null,

            propertyTable.GridStyleMask = NSTableViewGridStyle.SolidHorizontalLine | NSTableViewGridStyle.SolidVerticalLine;

            NSTableColumn propertiesList = new NSTableColumn(PropertyListColId)
                Title = LocalizationResources.PropertyColumnTitle
            NSTableColumn propertyEditors = new NSTableColumn(PropertyEditorColId)
                Title = LocalizationResources.ValueColumnTitle
            propertiesList.Width  = 158;
            propertyEditors.Width = 250;

            // Set OutlineTableColumn or the arrows showing children/expansion will not be drawn
            propertyTable.OutlineTableColumn = propertiesList;

            // create a table view and a scroll view
            var tableContainer = new NSScrollView(new CGRect(10, Frame.Height - 210, propertiesList.Width + propertyEditors.Width, Frame.Height - 55))
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false,

            // add the panel to the window
            tableContainer.DocumentView = propertyTable;

            this.DoConstraints(new NSLayoutConstraint[] {
                propertyFilter.ConstraintTo(this, (pf, c) => pf.Top == c.Top + 3),
                propertyFilter.ConstraintTo(this, (pf, c) => pf.Left == c.Left + 10),

                propertyArrangeModeLabel.ConstraintTo(this, (pl, c) => pl.Top == c.Top + 5),
                propertyArrangeModeLabel.ConstraintTo(propertyArrangeMode, (pl, pa) => pl.Left == pa.Left - 71),

                propertyArrangeMode.ConstraintTo(this, (pa, c) => pa.Top == c.Top + 4),
                propertyArrangeMode.ConstraintTo(this, (pa, c) => pa.Left == c.Left + 280),
                propertyArrangeMode.ConstraintTo(this, (pa, c) => pa.Width == c.Width - 291),

                tableContainer.ConstraintTo(this, (t, c) => t.Top == c.Top + 30),
                tableContainer.ConstraintTo(this, (t, c) => t.Width == c.Width - 20),
                tableContainer.ConstraintTo(this, (t, c) => t.Height == c.Height - 40),

            ThemeManager.ThemeChanged += ThemeManager_ThemeChanged;

예제 #5
        protected override IView OnConvertToView(FigmaNode currentNode, ViewNode parentNode, ViewRenderService rendererService)
            var frame       = (FigmaFrame)currentNode;
            var outlineView = new NSOutlineView();

            var columnNodes = frame.FirstChild(s => s.name == ComponentString.COLUMNS && s.visible);

            NSScrollView scrollView = new NSScrollView();

            scrollView.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;
            scrollView.BorderType       = NSBorderType.BezelBorder;
            scrollView.DrawsBackground  = true;
            scrollView.DocumentView     = outlineView;

            outlineView.DataSource = new OutlineDataSource();
            outlineView.Delegate   = new OutlineDelegate();

            if (columnNodes == null)
                outlineView.HeaderView = null;
                return(new View(scrollView));

            // TODO: Parse options layers
            outlineView.UsesAlternatingRowBackgroundColors = false;
            outlineView.AllowsMultipleSelection            = false;
            outlineView.AllowsColumnResizing   = true;
            outlineView.AllowsColumnReordering = false;
            outlineView.AllowsEmptySelection   = false;

            int columnCount = 1;

            foreach (FigmaNode tableColumNode in columnNodes.GetChildren(t => t.visible))
                FigmaText text = tableColumNode.FirstChild(s => s.name == ComponentString.TITLE) as FigmaText;

                if (text == null)

                string title = text.characters;

                NSTableColumn column = new NSTableColumn();

                column.HeaderCell.Alignment = Helpers.ViewHelper.GetNSTextAlignment(text);
                column.Identifier           = "Column" + columnCount;
                column.Title = rendererService.GetTranslatedText(text);
                column.Width = (tableColumNode as FigmaFrame).absoluteBoundingBox.Width;

                if (columnCount == 1)
                    outlineView.OutlineTableColumn = column;


            var rectangle = (RectangleVector)frame.FirstChild(s => s.name == ComponentString.BACKGROUND && s.visible);

            if (rectangle != null)
                foreach (var styleMap in rectangle.styles)
                    if (rendererService.NodeProvider.TryGetStyle(styleMap.Value, out FigmaStyle style) &&
                        styleMap.Key == "fill")
                        outlineView.BackgroundColor = ColorService.GetNSColor(style.name);

            return(new View(scrollView));