public override bool LoadFromContents(NSObject contents, string typeName, out NSError outError) { try { var data = (NSData)contents; if (data.Length > 0) { using (var s = data.AsStream()) using (var r = new StreamReader(s)) { Code = r.ReadToEnd(); Encoding = r.CurrentEncoding; } } else { Code = ""; } outError = null; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); outError = NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("CEditor"), 1001); return(false); } }
public override void StartLoading() { if (!UseCache) { var connectionRequest = (NSMutableUrlRequest)Request.MutableCopy; // we need to mark this request with our header so we know not to handle it in +[NSURLProtocol canInitWithRequest:]. connectionRequest.SetValueForKey("", MtRnCachingUrlHeader); var connection = NSUrlConnection.FromRequest(connectionRequest, this); Connection = connection; } else { var cache = NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveFile(CachePathForRequest(this.Request)) as MtRnCachedData; if (cache != null) { var data = cache.Data; var response = cache.Response; var redirectRequest = cache.RedirectRequest; if (redirectRequest != null) { this.Client.Redirected(this, redirectRequest, response); } else { Client.ReceivedResponse(this, response, NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy.NotAllowed); Client.DataLoaded(this, data); Client.FinishedLoading(this); } } else { this.Client.FailedWithError(NSError.FromDomain("TODO", NSUrlError.CannotConnectToHost)); } } }
public override bool AllocateRenderResources(out NSError outError) { if (!base.AllocateRenderResources(out outError)) { return(false); } if (outputBus.Format.ChannelCount != inputBus.Bus.Format.ChannelCount) { if (outError != null) { outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, (int)AudioUnitStatus.FailedInitialization); } return(false); } inputBus.AllocateRenderResources(MaximumFramesToRender); Kernel.Init((int)outputBus.Format.ChannelCount, outputBus.Format.SampleRate); Kernel.Reset(); var scheduleParameter = ScheduleParameterBlock; var rampTime = 0.02 * outputBus.Format.SampleRate; ParameterTree.ImplementorValueObserver = (param, val) => scheduleParameter(AUEventSampleTime.Immediate, (uint)rampTime, param.Address, val); return(true); }
// // Load support: // Override one of ReadFromData, ReadFromFileWrapper or ReadFromUrl // public override bool ReadFromData(NSData data, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; Console.WriteLine("About to read data of type {0}", typeName); NSMutableArray newArray = null; try { newArray = (NSMutableArray)NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveObject(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error loading file: Exception: {0}", ex.Message); if (outError != null) { NSDictionary d = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("The data is corrupted."), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4, d); } return(false); } this.Cars = newArray; // For Revert to Saved. Have to point the array controller to the new array. if (arrayController != null) { arrayController.Content = this.Cars; } return(true); }
// // Load support: // Override one of ReadFromData, ReadFromFileWrapper or ReadFromUrl // public override bool ReadFromData(NSData data, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; Console.WriteLine("About to read data of type {0}", typeName); NSMutableArray newArray = null; try { newArray = (NSMutableArray)NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveObject(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error loading file: Exception: {0}", ex.Message); if (outError != null) { NSDictionary d = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("The data is corrupted."), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4, d); } return(false); } this.Employees = newArray; return(true); // Default template code // outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4); // return false; }
public override void StartLoading() { try { string objName = Request.Url.Host; string dataraw = Request.Url.Query.Split('=')[1]; string json = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(dataraw).Replace("&_", ""); JsReturn result = JSBridge.RaiseEvent(JsTelegram.DeserializeObject(json)); // indicate success. var data = NSData.FromString(result.Serialize()); Console.WriteLine(data); using (var response = new NSUrlResponse(Request.Url, "application/json", Convert.ToInt32(data.Length), "utf-8")) { Client.ReceivedResponse(this, response, NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy.NotAllowed); Client.DataLoaded(this, data); Client.FinishedLoading(this); } } catch (Exception) { Client.FailedWithError(this, NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("AppProtocolHandler"), Convert.ToInt32(NSUrlError.ResourceUnavailable))); Client.FinishedLoading(this); } }
public static NSError ErrorWithCode(int errorCode, NSString description) { NSDictionary userinfo = null; if (description != null) { userinfo = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(description, NSError.LocalizedDescriptionKey); } return(NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("WorkflowErrorDomain"), errorCode, userinfo)); }
public override NSData?GetAsData(string typeName, out NSError?outError) { try { var bytes = encoding.GetBytes(Code); var data = NSData.FromArray(bytes); outError = null; return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); outError = NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("CEditor"), 101); return(null); } }
public override NSObject ContentsForType(string typeName, out NSError outError) { try { var bytes = Encoding.GetBytes(Code); var data = NSData.FromArray(bytes); outError = null; return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); outError = NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("CEditor"), 1002); return(null); } }
public override bool ReadFromUrl(NSUrl url, string typeName, out NSError outError) { try { DocName = url.Path; CreateApiMate(); LoadFile(DocName); } catch (Exception ex) { outError = NSError.FromDomain((NSString)ex.Message, -1); return(false); } outError = null; return(true); }
public override bool ReadFromUrl(NSUrl url, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4); InvokeOnMainThread(async() => { if (App.Document != null) { App.ResetDocument(); } var outputText = App.DocumentViewController.Messages; var sourcesProgress = App.DocumentViewController.Sources; var individualsProgress = App.DocumentViewController.Individuals; var familiesProgress = App.DocumentViewController.Families; var relationshipProgress = App.DocumentViewController.Relationships; var stream = new FileStream(url.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var document = await Task.Run(() => _familyTree.LoadTreeHeader(url.Path, stream, outputText)); if (document == null) { App.DocumentViewController.Messages.Report($"\n\nUnable to load file {url.Path}\n"); } else { await Task.Run(() => _familyTree.LoadTreeSources(document, sourcesProgress, outputText)); await Task.Run(() => _familyTree.LoadTreeIndividuals(document, individualsProgress, outputText)); await Task.Run(() => _familyTree.LoadTreeFamilies(document, familiesProgress, outputText)); await Task.Run(() => _familyTree.LoadTreeRelationships(document, relationshipProgress, outputText)); App.DocumentViewController.Messages.Report($"\n\nFinished loading file {url.Path}\n"); PrintInfo.Orientation = NSPrintingOrientation.Landscape; PrintInfo.LeftMargin = 45; PrintInfo.RightMargin = 30; PrintInfo.TopMargin = 30; PrintInfo.BottomMargin = 30; PrintInfo.HorizontalPagination = NSPrintingPaginationMode.Auto; PrintInfo.VerticallyCentered = false; PrintInfo.HorizontallyCentered = false; App.Document = this; App.SetMenus(true); await Analytics.TrackAction(Analytics.MainFormAction, Analytics.LoadGEDCOMEvent); UIHelpers.ShowMessage($"Gedcom file {url.Path} loaded.", "FTAnalyzer"); } }); RaiseDocumentModified(this); return(true); }
public override bool ReadFromData(NSData data, string typeName, out NSError?outError) { try { using (var s = data.AsStream()) using (var r = new StreamReader(s)) { Code = r.ReadToEnd(); encoding = r.CurrentEncoding; } outError = null; BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => CodeChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty)); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); outError = NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("CEditor"), 101); return(false); } }
// // Load support: // Override one of ReadFromData, ReadFromFileWrapper or ReadFromUrl // public override bool ReadFromData(NSData data, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; Console.WriteLine("About to read data of type {0}", typeName); NSMutableArray newArray = null; try { newArray = (NSMutableArray)NSKeyedUnarchiver.UnarchiveObject(data); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error loading file: Exception: {0}", ex.Message); NSDictionary d = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString(NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString("DATA_CORRUPTED", null)), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4, d); return(false); } Ovals = NSArray.FromArray <Oval>(newArray).ToList <Oval>(); return(true); }
// // Load support: // Override one of ReadFromData, ReadFromFileWrapper or ReadFromUrl // public override bool ReadFromData(NSData data, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4); return(false); }
// // Save support: // Override one of GetAsData, GetAsFileWrapper, or WriteToUrl. // // This method should store the contents of the document using the given typeName // on the return NSData value. public override NSData GetAsData(string documentType, out NSError outError) { outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4); return(null); }
public override NSData GetAsData(string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, -4); Logger.Debug("ReadFromData {0}", outError); return(null); }
partial void Send(Foundation.NSObject sender) { NSError cancelError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.CocoaErrorDomain, 3072, null); ExtensionContext.CancelRequest(cancelError); }
public override bool ReadFromUrl(NSUrl url, string typeName, out NSError outError) { outError = null; // Which files are we getting the zipinfo for? string filename = url.Path; string lPath = ""; string flags = ""; Console.WriteLine("Type Name: {0}", typeName); switch (typeName) { case "": lPath = "/usr/bin/zipinfo"; flags = "-1"; break; case "public.tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tf"; break; case "org.gnu.gnu-zip-tar-archive": lPath = "/usr/bin/tar"; flags = "tzf"; break; default: NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("Archive type not supported"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, 0, eDict); break; } // Prepare a task object NSTask task = new NSTask(); task.LaunchPath = lPath; string[] args = { flags, filename }; task.Arguments = args; // Create a pipe to read from NSPipe outPipe = new NSPipe(); task.StandardOutput = outPipe; // Start the process task.Launch(); // Read the output NSData data = outPipe.ReadHandle.ReadDataToEndOfFile(); // Make sure the task terminates normally task.WaitUntilExit(); int status = task.TerminationStatus; // Check status if (status != 0) { if (outError != null) { NSDictionary eDict = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(new NSString("zipinfo failed"), NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey); outError = NSError.FromDomain(NSError.OsStatusErrorDomain, 0, eDict); } return(false); } // Convert to a string string aString = NSString.FromData(data, NSStringEncoding.UTF8).ToString(); // Break the string into lines MyDocument.filenames = aString.Split(new char[] { '\n' }); Console.WriteLine(MyDocument.filenames); // In case of revert // tableView.ReloadData(); return(true); }
public override void StartLoading() { // parse callback function name. // EX: callback=jXHR.cb0&data=%7B%22hello%22%3A%22world%22%7D&_=0.3452287893742323 var parameters = Request.Url.Query.Split('&'); if (parameters.Length > 2) { var callbackToks = parameters[0].Split('='); var dataToks = parameters[1].Split('='); if (callbackToks.Length > 1 && dataToks.Length > 1) { // Determine what to do here based on the url var appUrl = new AppUrl() { Module = Request.Url.Host, Method = Request.Url.RelativePath.Substring(1), JsonData = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(dataToks[1]) }; // this is a request from mt.js so handle it. switch (appUrl.Module.ToLower()) { case "app": if (string.Equals(appUrl.Method, "fireEvent", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // fire this event. var feData = appUrl.DeserializeFireEvent(); // find event listeners for this event and trigger it. JsBridge.JsEventFired(feData); } break; case "api": if (string.Equals(appUrl.Method, "log", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // log output. var lData = appUrl.DeserializeLog(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("BROWSER:[" + lData.Level + "]: " + lData.Message); #endif } break; } // indicate success. var data = NSData.FromString(callbackToks[1] + "({'success' : '1'});"); using (var response = new NSUrlResponse(Request.Url, "text/javascript", Convert.ToInt32(data.Length), "utf-8")) { Client.ReceivedResponse(this, response, NSUrlCacheStoragePolicy.NotAllowed); Client.DataLoaded(this, data); Client.FinishedLoading(this); } return; } } Client.FailedWithError(this, NSError.FromDomain(new NSString("AppProtocolHandler"), Convert.ToInt32(NSUrlError.ResourceUnavailable))); Client.FinishedLoading(this); }
public static NSError ToNSError(this IOReturn value) { return(NSError.FromDomain(NSError.MachErrorDomain, (int)value)); }