private void SetupVersionTextField() { VersionTextField.StringValue = String.AppBuildVersion; VersionTextField.Font = Font.VersionTextField; VersionTextField.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center; VersionTextField.TextColor = NSColor.FromWhite((nfloat)0.8, 1); }
public override void DrawRect(CGRect dirtyRect) { if (Selected) { NSColor.White.SetFill(); NSBezierPath.FillRect(dirtyRect); } else if (!darkTheme) { NSColor.FromRgb(245, 245, 245).Set(); NSBezierPath.FillRect(dirtyRect); } if (!darkTheme) { NSColor.FromRgb(233, 233, 233).Set(); NSBezierPath.FillRect(new CGRect(dirtyRect.X, 0, dirtyRect.Width, 1)); NSBezierPath.FillRect(new CGRect(dirtyRect.Right - 1, 0, 1, dirtyRect.Height)); } else if (!Selected) { NSColor.FromWhite(1.0f, 0.21f).Set(); NSBezierPath.FillRect(new CGRect(dirtyRect.Right - 1, 0, 1, dirtyRect.Height)); } }
public override void AwakeFromNib() { base.AwakeFromNib(); SplitView.IsVertical = true; SplitView.DividerStyle = NSSplitViewDividerStyle.Thin; SplitView.SetValueForKey(NSColor.FromWhite((nfloat)0.15, (nfloat)0.9), KeyPath.NSSplitView.DividerColor.NSString()); }
public Material(Vector4 color, double roughness, double metalness) { SCNMaterial = SCNMaterial.Create(); SCNMaterial.LightingModelName = SCNLightingModel.PhysicallyBased; SCNMaterial.Diffuse.ContentColor = NSColor.FromRgba(color.X, color.Y, color.Z, color.W); SCNMaterial.Roughness.ContentColor = NSColor.FromWhite((float)roughness, 1); SCNMaterial.Metalness.ContentColor = NSColor.FromWhite((float)metalness, 1); }
public LaunchWindowController() : base() { base.Window = new LaunchWindow(CGRect.Empty, Borderless | Closable | Miniaturizable | Titled, Buffered, false) { BackgroundColor = NSColor.FromWhite((nfloat)0.125, (nfloat)0.98), ContentViewController = (NSViewController)Balsamic.Storyboard.Welcome.InstantiateInitialController(), }; }
void Initialize() { TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false; WantsLayer = true; shadow = new NSShadow(); shadow.ShadowOffset = new CGSize(0, -2); shadow.ShadowBlurRadius = 3; shadow.ShadowColor = NSColor.FromWhite(0, 0.55f); }
public virtual void DrawTemplateImage(GraphicsHandler graphics, RectangleF source, RectangleF destination) { var imageSize = Size; // draw as a template image, and ignore color data var ctx = graphics.Control; ctx.SaveState(); RectangleF destMask; if (destination.Size != source.Size) { // scale and position var scale = destination.Size / source.Size; destMask = new RectangleF(destination.Location - source.Location * scale, imageSize * scale); } else { // just position destMask = new RectangleF(destination.Location - source.Location, imageSize); } var destRect = destination.ToNS(); var cgImage = GetImage().AsCGImage(ref destRect, graphics.GraphicsContext, null); // clip to the image as a mask, using only alpha channel ctx.ClipToMask(destMask.ToNS(), cgImage); // set fill color based on current dark/light theme // this is the best approximation I can find to get it to draw the same as NSImageView // thus far.. NSColor color; if (MacVersion.IsAtLeast(10, 14) && graphics.DisplayView.HasDarkTheme()) { color = NSColor.FromWhite(1f, .55f); } else { color = NSColor.FromWhite(0, .5f); } color.SetFill(); ctx.FillRect(destRect); ctx.RestoreState(); }
internal static NSImage CreateSwatch(CGSize size, NSColor stroke = null, NSColor fill = null) { var image = new NSImage(size); image.LockFocus(); var context = NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext.CGContext; var rect = new CGRect(CGPoint.Empty, size); (fill ?? NSColor.FromWhite(1.0f, 0.9f)).SetFill(); context.FillRect(rect); (stroke ?? NSColor.FromWhite(0.2f, 1.0f)).SetStroke(); context.StrokeRectWithWidth(rect, 4.0f); image.UnlockFocus(); return(image); }
public override void UpdateLayer() { Layer.BackgroundColor = NSColor.FromRgb(245, 245, 245).CGColor; if (arrowLayers != null) { arrowLayers.ForEach(layer => layer.RemoveFromSuperLayer()); } arrowLayers = new List <CAShapeLayer> (); nfloat lastX = 8; var lastItem = items [items.Count - 1]; foreach (var item in items) { item.Layer.Position = new CGPoint(lastX, Bounds.GetMidY() - 1); lastX += item.Layer.Frame.Width + 20; if (item.Equals(lastItem)) { continue; } var arrow = new CAShapeLayer(); var path = new NSBezierPath(); path.MoveTo(new CGPoint(item.Layer.Frame.Right + 5, Bounds.Height)); path.LineTo(new CGPoint(item.Layer.Frame.Right + 15, Bounds.GetMidY())); path.LineTo(new CGPoint(item.Layer.Frame.Right + 5, 0)); arrow.ContentsScale = NSScreen.MainScreen.BackingScaleFactor; arrow.Path = path.ToCGPath(false); arrow.FillColor = null; arrow.StrokeColor = NSColor.FromWhite(0.85f, 1.0f).CGColor; arrowLayers.Add(arrow); Layer.AddSublayer(arrow); } }
public TableViewController() { var rect = new CGRect(0, 0, 320, 480); TableView = new NSTableView(rect) { RowHeight = 44, HeaderView = null, //AllowsColumnResizing = false, AllowsColumnReordering = false, AllowsColumnSelection = false, AllowsEmptySelection = true, BackgroundColor = NSColor.FromWhite((nfloat)(247.0 / 255.0), 1), }; TableView.AddColumn(new NSTableColumn("col0") { Width = rect.Width, }); var scroll = new NSScrollView(rect); scroll.DocumentView = TableView; scroll.HasVerticalScroller = true; View = scroll; }