예제 #1
        // This sets up a NSTableView for demonstration
        internal static NSView SetupTableView(CGRect frame)
            // Create our NSTableView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
            NSTableView tableView = new NSTableView()
                Frame = frame

            // Just like NSOutlineView, NSTableView expects at least one column
            tableView.AddColumn(new NSTableColumn("Values"));
            tableView.AddColumn(new NSTableColumn("Data"));

            // Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
            // In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
            // one instance.
            tableView.DataSource = new TableDataSource();
            tableView.Delegate   = new TableDelegate();

            // NSTableView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise
            NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView(frame)
                AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable

            clipView.DocumentView = tableView;
예제 #2
		// This sets up a NSOutlineView for demonstration
		internal static NSView SetupOutlineView (CGRect frame)
			// Create our NSOutlineView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
			NSOutlineView outlineView = new NSOutlineView () {
				Frame = frame

			// Every NSOutlineView must have at least one column or your Delegate will not be called.
			NSTableColumn column = new NSTableColumn ("Values");
			outlineView.AddColumn (column);
			// You must set OutlineTableColumn or the arrows showing children/expansion will not be drawn
			outlineView.OutlineTableColumn = column;

			// Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
			// In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
			// one instance. 
			outlineView.Delegate = new OutlineViewDelegate ();
			outlineView.DataSource = new OutlineViewDataSource ();

			// NSOutlineView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise  
			NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView (frame) {
				AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
			clipView.DocumentView = outlineView;
			return clipView;
        public override NSView GetViewForItem(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, nint row)
            // Get the cell view
            NSView cellview = tableView.MakeView(_cellIdentifier, this);

            // Get the data for the row
            ScreeningsPlan plan   = _dataSource.Plan;
            DateTime       day    = plan.CurrDay;
            Screen         screen = plan.CurrDayScreens[(int)row];

            // Setup view based on the column selected
            switch (tableColumn.Identifier)
            case "Screens":
                NSTextField label = (NSTextField)cellview;
                PopulateScreens(ref label);
                label.StringValue = screen.ToString();

            case "Screenings":
                NSClipView clipview = (NSClipView)cellview;
                PopulateScreenings(ref clipview);
                _screeningsView.DrawScreenings(clipview, plan, day, screen);
예제 #4
        // This sets up a NSOutlineView for demonstration
        internal static NSView SetupOutlineView(CGRect frame)
            // Create our NSOutlineView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
            NSOutlineView outlineView = new NSOutlineView()
                Frame = frame

            // Every NSOutlineView must have at least one column or your Delegate will not be called.
            NSTableColumn column = new NSTableColumn("Values");

            // You must set OutlineTableColumn or the arrows showing children/expansion will not be drawn
            outlineView.OutlineTableColumn = column;

            // Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
            // In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
            // one instance.
            outlineView.Delegate   = new OutlineViewDelegate();
            outlineView.DataSource = new OutlineViewDataSource();

            // NSOutlineView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise
            NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView(frame)
                AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable

            clipView.DocumentView = outlineView;
예제 #5
파일: CodeEditor.cs 프로젝트: kewi4/dwsim5
 public CodeEditorControlHandler()
         te                  = new Controls.Mac.TextEditor();
         te.Font             = NSFont.FromFontName("Menlo", 11.0f);
         te.Editable         = true;
         te.Selectable       = true;
         te.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;
         te.MaxSize          = new CGSize(1000, 10000000);
         te.Formatter        = new LanguageFormatter(te, new PythonDescriptor());
         sv                  = new NSScrollView {
             AutoresizesSubviews = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder, HasVerticalScroller = true, HasHorizontalScroller = true, AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
         var cv = new NSClipView {
             AutoresizesSubviews = true
         cv.DocumentView = te;
         sv.ContentView  = cv;
         this.Control    = sv;
     catch (Exception ex)
         string configfiledir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "Documents", "DWSIM Application Data");
         if (!Directory.Exists(configfiledir))
         File.WriteAllText(System.IO.Path.Combine(configfiledir, "lasterror2.txt"), ex.ToString());
 void PopulateScreenings(ref NSClipView clipview)
     if (clipview == null)
         clipview = new NSClipView
             Identifier      = _cellIdentifier,
             DrawsBackground = false
예제 #7
        public void NSClipViewConstrainBoundsRect()

            var clipView = new NSClipView(new CGRect(0, 0, 50, 50));
            var rect     = clipView.ConstrainBoundsRect(new CGRect(10, 10, 30, 30));

            Assert.IsTrue(rect.X == 0, "NSClipViewConstrainBoundsRect - X value was not 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(rect.Y == 0, "NSClipViewConstrainBoundsRect - Y value was not 0");
            Assert.IsTrue(rect.Width == 30, "NSClipViewConstrainBoundsRect - Width value was not 30");
            Assert.IsTrue(rect.Height == 30, "NSClipViewConstrainBoundsRect - Height value was not 30");
예제 #8
        public override void ViewFrameDidChange(RectangleF newFrame)

            // We need to recalculate the frame of the NSTextView when the frame changes.
            // This happens when a tab is created and when it's moved between windows.
            NSClipView clipView = (NSClipView)View.Subviews[0];
            NSTextView tv       = (NSTextView)clipView.Subviews[clipView.Subviews.Length - 1];
            RectangleF frame    = RectangleF.Empty;

            frame.Size = ((NSScrollView)View).ContentSize;
            tv.Frame   = frame;
예제 #9
 private void PopulateControl(ref NSClipView control, NSTableColumn column)
     if (control == null)
         var side = column.TableView.RowHeight;
         control = new NSClipView
             Identifier       = column.Identifier,
             DrawsBackground  = false,
             AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable,
             Frame            = new CGRect(0, 0, side, side)
예제 #10
        public void DrawScreenings(NSClipView view, ScreeningsPlan plan, DateTime day, Screen screen)
            var currScreening      = plan.CurrScreening;
            var elegableScreenings = plan.ScreenScreenings[day][screen]
                                     .Where(s => s.Film.FilmInfo.CombinationProgramIds.Count == 0);

            foreach (var screening in elegableScreenings)
                _labelLeft  = _superView.NumberOfPixelsFromTime(screening.StartTime);
                _labelWidth = _superView.NumberOfPixelsFromDuration(screening.Duration);
                CGRect rect             = new CGRect(_labelLeft, _labelTop, _labelWidth, _labelHeight);
                var    screeningControl = new ScreeningControl(rect, screening);
                screeningControl.Selected           = screening == currScreening;
                screeningControl.ScreeningSelected += (s, e) => SegueToScreeningWindow((ScreeningControl)s);
                _controller.AddScreeningControl(screening, screeningControl);
예제 #11
        public CodeEditorControlHandler()
            //te = new Controls.Mac.TextEditor();
            te                  = new NSTextView();
            te.Font             = NSFont.FromFontName("Menlo", 11.0f);
            te.Editable         = true;
            te.Selectable       = true;
            te.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable;
            te.MaxSize          = new CGSize(1000, 10000000);
            //te.Formatter = new LanguageFormatter(te, new PythonDescriptor());
            sv = new NSScrollView {
                AutoresizesSubviews = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.NoBorder, HasVerticalScroller = true, HasHorizontalScroller = true, AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
            var cv = new NSClipView {
                AutoresizesSubviews = true

            cv.DocumentView = te;
            sv.ContentView  = cv;
            this.Control    = sv;
예제 #12
        public override NSView GetView(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item)
            // Get the view cell.
            NSView cellView = outlineView.MakeView(tableColumn.Title, this);

            // Cast item.
            var filmOutlinable = item as IFilmOutlinable;

            // Setup view based on the column selected.
            switch (tableColumn.Title)
            case "Not planned films":
                var filmLabel = (NSTextField)cellView;
                PopulateLabel(ref filmLabel, tableColumn.Title);

            case "Rating":
                var ratingLabel = (NSTextField)cellView;
                PopulateLabel(ref ratingLabel, tableColumn.Title);

            case "Go":
                NSClipView control = (NSClipView)cellView;
                PopulateControl(ref control, tableColumn);

            case "Info":
                var infoLabel = (NSTextField)cellView;
                PopulateLabel(ref infoLabel, tableColumn.Title);
예제 #13
		// This sets up a NSTableView for demonstration
		internal static NSView SetupTableView (CGRect frame)
			// Create our NSTableView and set it's frame to a reasonable size. It will be autosized via the NSClipView
			NSTableView tableView = new NSTableView () {
				Frame = frame

			// Just like NSOutlineView, NSTableView expects at least one column
			tableView.AddColumn (new NSTableColumn ("Values"));
			tableView.AddColumn (new NSTableColumn ("Data"));

			// Setup the Delegate/DataSource instances to be interrogated for data and view information
			// In Unified, these take an interface instead of a base class and you can combine these into
			// one instance. 
			tableView.DataSource = new TableDataSource ();
			tableView.Delegate = new TableDelegate ();

			// NSTableView expects to be hosted inside an NSClipView and won't draw correctly otherwise  
			NSClipView clipView = new NSClipView (frame) {
				AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable
			clipView.DocumentView = tableView;
			return clipView;
        public override NSView GetView(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item)
            // This pattern allows you reuse existing views when they are no-longer in use.
            // If the returned view is null, you instance up a new view
            // If a non-null view is returned, you modify it enough to reflect the new data

            NSClipView  view     = (NSClipView)outlineView.MakeView(CellIdentifier, this);
            NSTextField exprView = (NSTextField)(view == null ? null : view.Subviews[0]);
            NSBox       line     = (NSBox)(view == null ? null : view.Subviews[1]);

            // Cast item
            var interval  = item as Interval;
            var intervals = ViewController.CompareList.IntervalsList[interval.Row];

            if (view == null)
                view = new NSClipView
                    Identifier          = CellIdentifier,
                    AutoresizesSubviews = true,
                    DrawsBackground     = false,
                    WantsLayer          = true,
                    AutoresizingMask    = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable

                exprView = new NSTextField
                    Alignment       = NSTextAlignment.Center,
                    Selectable      = false,
                    Editable        = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered        = false,
                    LineBreakMode   = NSLineBreakMode.Clipping


                exprView.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(0, 2));
                exprView.SetFrameSize(new CGSize(13, 28));

                line = new NSBox
                    BoxType = NSBoxType.NSBoxSeparator

                line.SetFrameSize(new CGSize(2, 23));
                line.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(exprView.Frame.Width + 3, 5));

                for (int i = view.Subviews.Length - 1; i > 1; --i)

            if (ViewController.CompareList.GetCount() <= 4)
                view.Layer = null;

                //---  Создаем ячейки для интервалов  ---//
                nfloat offset = 0;
                for (var i = intervals.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                    var gradientLayer = MakeGradLayer(intervals[i]);

                    var interStack = new NSStackView
                        Orientation         = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientation.Vertical,
                        WantsLayer          = true,
                        AutoresizesSubviews = false

                    var val = new NSTextField
                        Alignment       = NSTextAlignment.Center,
                        Selectable      = false,
                        Editable        = false,
                        DrawsBackground = false,
                        Bordered        = false,
                        BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                        WantsLayer      = true

                    val.StringValue = intervals[i].times.exec_time.ToString("F1")
                                      + "\n" + intervals[i].times.efficiency.ToString("F1");
                    gradientLayer.Frame = new CGRect(new CGPoint(0, 0), val.FittingSize);
                    interStack.Layer.InsertSublayerBelow(gradientLayer, val.Layer);
                    interStack.Alignment = NSLayoutAttribute.CenterY;
                    interStack.AddView(val, NSStackViewGravity.Top);

                    offset += val.FittingSize.Width;
                    interStack.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.MinXMargin;
                    interStack.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(view.Bounds.Width - offset, 0));
                int maxNum, minNum, maxLostNum;
                (maxNum, minNum, maxLostNum) = GetMaxMinStats(intervals);

                NSTextField textView = new NSTextField
                    Selectable      = false,
                    Editable        = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered        = false
                textView.StringValue = "Max " + ViewController.CompareList
                                       .At(maxNum).Info.p_heading.Replace('*', 'x') + "\nMin "
                                       + ViewController.CompareList
                                       .At(minNum).Info.p_heading.Replace('*', 'x');
                textView.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(line.Frame.Location.X + 10, 0));

                NSTextField textView1 = new NSTextField
                    Selectable      = false,
                    Editable        = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered        = false

                textView1.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(textView.Frame.Location.X + textView.Frame.Width + 4, 0));

                textView1.StringValue = " ➢  " + intervals[maxNum].times.exec_time.ToString("F3") + "s\n"
                                        + " ➢  " + intervals[minNum].times.exec_time.ToString("F3") + "s";

                var gradientLayer = MakeGradLayer(intervals[maxLostNum], false);
                view.WantsLayer = true;
                view.Layer      = gradientLayer;

            //---  Устанавливаем значение Expr  ---//
            switch (interval.Info.id.t)
            case (int)InterTypes.USER:
                exprView.StringValue = interval.Info.id.expr.ToString();

            case (int)InterTypes.SEQ:
                exprView.StringValue = "Посл";
                exprView.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue", 10);

            case (int)InterTypes.PAR:
                exprView.StringValue = "Пар";
                exprView.Font        = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue", 10);

예제 #15
        public override NSView GetView(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, NSObject item)

            NSClipView view = (NSClipView)outlineView.MakeView(CellIdentifier, this);
            NSTextField exprView = (NSTextField)(view == null ? null : view.Subviews[0]);
            NSTextField textView;
            NSTextField textView1 = (NSTextField)(view == null ? null : view.Subviews[3]);

            // Cast item
            var interval = item as Interval;

            if (view == null)

                view = new NSClipView
                    Identifier = CellIdentifier,
                    AutoresizesSubviews = true,
                    BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear,
                    AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable,
                    WantsLayer = true

                exprView = new NSTextField
                    Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Center,
                    Selectable = false,
                    Editable = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered = false,
                    LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.Clipping


                exprView.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(0, 2));
                exprView.SetFrameSize(new CGSize(13, 28));

                NSBox line = new NSBox
                    BoxType = NSBoxType.NSBoxSeparator

                line.SetFrameSize(new CGSize(2, 23));
                line.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(exprView.Frame.Width + 3, 5));

                textView = new NSTextField
                    Selectable = false,
                    Editable = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered = false
                textView.StringValue = "Время вып.\nКоэф.эффект.";
                textView.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(line.Frame.Location.X + 10, 0));

                textView1 = new NSTextField
                    Selectable = false,
                    Editable = false,
                    DrawsBackground = false,
                    Bordered = false

                textView1.SetFrameOrigin(new CGPoint(textView.Frame.Location.X + textView.Frame.Width + 3, 0));


            CAGradientLayer gradientLayer = new CAGradientLayer();
            List<CGColor> colors = new List<CGColor>();
            if (interval.Info.times.comm >= 0.2 * viewController.plotStatMaxTime)
                colors.Insert(0, OxyColors.Transparent.ToCGColor());
            if (interval.Info.times.idle >= 0.2 * viewController.plotStatMaxTime)
                colors.Insert(0, OxyColors.Transparent.ToCGColor());
            if (interval.Info.times.insuf_user >= 0.2 * viewController.plotStatMaxTime)
                colors.Insert(0, OxyColors.Transparent.ToCGColor());
            if (interval.Info.times.insuf_sys >= 0.2 * viewController.plotStatMaxTime)
                colors.Insert(0, OxyColors.Transparent.ToCGColor());
            if (colors.Count == 1)
            gradientLayer.Colors = colors.ToArray();
            gradientLayer.StartPoint = new CGPoint(.0, .0);
            gradientLayer.EndPoint = new CGPoint(1.0, .0);
            view.Layer = gradientLayer;

            // Setup view based on the column selected
            switch (interval.Info.id.t)
                case (int)InterTypes.USER:
                    exprView.StringValue = interval.Info.id.expr.ToString();
                case (int)InterTypes.SEQ:
                    exprView.StringValue = "Посл";
                    exprView.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue", 10);
                case (int)InterTypes.PAR:
                    exprView.StringValue = "Пар";
                    exprView.Font = NSFont.FromFontName("Helvetica Neue", 10);

            textView1.StringValue = "➢   " + interval.Info.times.exec_time.ToString("F3") + "s\n"
                + "➢   " + interval.Info.times.efficiency.ToString("F3");

            return view;