public async Task Begin() { EntryPoint[] points = await NRL.FindEntryPoints(); if (points.Length == 0) { Log.Error("Unable to locate an available entry point"); return; } EntryP = points[0]; Log.Information("Connecting to entry point {Id}", EntryP.Certificate.Subject); Packet.StorePacketRoutine(PackType.TCP_S_HELLO, OnConnect); Packet.StorePacketRoutine(PackType.TCP_CS_SOCKET_DATA, EntryPoint.StandardDataHandler); Packet.StorePacketRoutine(PackType.TCP_CS_SOCKET_CONTROL, EntryPoint.StandardSocketControlHandler); await EntryP.Connect(null); await Task.Delay(-1); }
static void Main() { Task.Run(async() => { if (!File.Exists("config.json")) { File.Copy("config.default.json", "config.json"); } Console.WriteLine("Loading Configuration"); await ReloadConfiguration(); Console.WriteLine("Starting Logger."); using var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Console().MinimumLevel.Is((LogEventLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogEventLevel), Config.MinLogLevel, true)).CreateLogger(); Log.Logger = log; Log.Debug("Minimum log level is DEBUG. This may get spammy"); Log.Information("Node Router Entry Point v{Version:0.00}", Version); Log.Information("---------------------------"); if (Config.IsDefault) { LoudMessage("The configuration has default values. Unset 'default' in config.json to remove this message"); } if (Config.X509 == null) { LoudMessage("No X509 Certificate is loaded. This entry point will transmit information insecurely. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION."); } else if (Config.CA == null) { LoudMessage("No CA is defined. Identities of clients will not be verified. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION."); } await SslManager.Initialize(); Log.Information("Registering handlers"); NRL.Initialize(); Routines.RegisterRoutines(); Log.Information("Starting TCP server"); _ = TcpManager.StartTCP(); Log.Information("Starting UDP Listen on 2888"); _ = UdpManager.StartUDP(); await Task.Delay(-1); }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var verbosity = LogEventLevel.Information; bool showHelp = false; Host = ""; var options = new OptionSet() { { "publish", "publishes the app to the entry point", p => Publish = p != null }, { "a|app=", "the app name [required]", n => AppName = n }, { "p|port=", "the service port number [required]", (int r) => Port = r }, { "ip=", "the ip address to connect to, defaults to", (string r) => Host = r }, { "d", "show debug messages", v => { if (v != null) { verbosity = LogEventLevel.Debug; } } }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", h => showHelp = h != null }, }; options.Parse(args); if (AppName == null || Port == default || showHelp) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: PortConnector [--publish] [-a|-p|-d|-h]"); using (var wr = new StringWriter()) { options.WriteOptionDescriptions(wr); Console.WriteLine(wr.ToString()); } return; } Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.Console().MinimumLevel.Is(verbosity).CreateLogger(); NRL.Initialize(); new Program().Begin().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }