예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Reads the WebResponse and parses the information into a new friendly object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="response"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            internal static NMAResponse ReadResponse(WebResponse response)
                NMAResponse lr = new NMAResponse();

                // Read resulting XML
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream());

                XElement resultNode = doc.Root.Elements().First();

                // The first element underneath the Root is called different, but it always has an attribute "code"
                lr.Text = resultNode.Name.LocalName;
                lr.Code = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("code").Value);

                // Check return message
                if (lr.IsSuccess)
                    // Even if it was successful, we have a limited amount of requests.
                    lr.RemainingRequests = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("remaining").Value);
                    lr.ResetTimer        = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("resettimer").Value);
                    // If we have a wrong API Key (or any other error occurred) write it to the log file and return false.
                    lr.Message = resultNode.Value;

예제 #2
        void IGrowlSender.SendNotification(IGrowlJob growl, string headline, string text)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // API-Key(s)
            sb.AppendFormat("apikey={0}", string.Join(",", growl.GetApiKeys()));
            // Application name
            sb.AppendFormat("&application={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(growl.ApplicationName));
            // Event (max. 1000 chars)
            sb.AppendFormat("&event={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(headline.Truncate(1000, true, true)));
            // Description (max. 10000 chars)
            sb.AppendFormat("&description={0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(text.Truncate(10000, true, true)));
            // Priority
            sb.AppendFormat("&priority={0}", EmergencyPriority);

            WebRequest  notificationRequest  = WebRequest.Create(sb.ToString());
            WebResponse notificationResponse = notificationRequest.GetResponse();

            NMAResponse logicalResponse = NMAResponse.ReadResponse(notificationResponse);

            if (!logicalResponse.IsSuccess)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Error, this, Properties.Resources.NMAApiKeyIsInvalid, logicalResponse.Message);
            if (!logicalResponse.CanSendAnotherRequest)
                Logger.Instance.LogFormat(LogType.Warning, this, Properties.Resources.NMANoRemainingRequestsLeft, logicalResponse.ResetTimer);
            /// <summary>
            /// Reads the WebResponse and parses the information into a new friendly object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="response"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            internal static NMAResponse ReadResponse(WebResponse response)
                NMAResponse lr = new NMAResponse();

                // Read resulting XML
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream());

                XElement resultNode = doc.Root.Elements().First();
                // The first element underneath the Root is called different, but it always has an attribute "code"
                lr.Text = resultNode.Name.LocalName;
                lr.Code = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("code").Value);

                // Check return message
                if (lr.IsSuccess)
                    // Even if it was successful, we have a limited amount of requests.
                    lr.RemainingRequests = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("remaining").Value);
                    lr.ResetTimer = int.Parse(resultNode.Attribute("resettimer").Value);
                    // If we have a wrong API Key (or any other error occurred) write it to the log file and return false.
                    lr.Message = resultNode.Value;

                return lr;