public static bool Save(string fileName, byte[] bytes) { if (!NGUITools.fileAccess) { return(false); } string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName; if (bytes == null) { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } return(true); } FileStream fileStream = null; try { fileStream = File.Create(path); } catch (Exception ex) { NGUIDebug.Log(new object[] { ex.ToString() }); return(false); } fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fileStream.Close(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 解密 /// </summary> /// <returns>解密得到的明文</returns> /// <exception cref="Exception">如果路径指向的文件不存在</exception> public static string Decrypt() { if (!isInit) { InitRijndaelManaged(); //保证初始化 } string OutPlainText = null; if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) { throw new Exception(FilePath); } //读取密文 byte[] getFromFile = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath); NGUIDebug.Log(getFromFile.Length); ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor(); using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(getFromFile)) { using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt)) { OutPlainText = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd(); } } } return(OutPlainText); }
/// <summary> /// Save the specified binary data into the specified file. /// </summary> static public bool Save (string fileName, byte[] bytes) { #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_FLASH || UNITY_METRO return false; #else if (!NGUITools.fileAccess) return false; string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName; if (bytes == null) { if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path); return true; } FileStream file = null; try { file = File.Create(path); } catch (System.Exception ex) { NGUIDebug.Log(ex.Message); return false; } file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); file.Close(); return true; #endif }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void UpDateOn() { NGUIDebug.Log(string.Format("{0}, {1}", PhoneRealWidthSize, PhoneRealHeightSize)); GetXRate(); SetViewRate(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { InitLuaPath(); mLuaState.Start(); mLuaState.DoFile("Main.lua"); if (DebugMode()) { NGUIDebug.debugRaycast = true; NGUIDebug.Log(LuaConst.luaDir); NGUIDebug.Log(LuaConst.toluaDir); } LuaHelper.CallFunction("Main", "Start"); //string[] array = new string[2]; //array[0] = "first"; //array[1] = "second"; //LuaHelper.CallFunction("Main", "Test1",array); }
//编辑器模式下使用MonoBehaviour 默认。 //带flag则使用NGUI DEBUG 打印输出到屏幕. public static void print(object message, bool flag) { if (Debug.isDebugBuild == true) { NGUIDebug.Log(message.ToString()); } }
public static void Log(string text) { if (NGUIDebug.debugRaycast) { NGUIDebug.Log(text); } }
static public void ReadJson() { string filedirName = "Assets/StreamingAssets/file/"; string filename = ""; UnityEngine.Object[] objects = Selection.objects; for (int iter = 0; iter < objects.Length; ++iter) { filename = objects[iter].name; string path = filedirName + filename + ".txt"; TextAsset textAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset; Debug.Log("change..... " + textAsset.text); JsonData[] data = JsonMapper.ToObject <JsonData[]>(textAsset.text); int i = 0; GameObject parentobj = new GameObject("PosObj"); = "PosObj"; foreach (JsonData jd in data) { Vector3 vec = Util.StrToVector3(jd["pos_" + i.ToString()].ToString(), ','); GameObject obj = new GameObject("pos_" + i.ToString(), typeof(GameObject)); obj.transform.parent = parentobj.transform; obj.transform.position = vec; = "pos_" + i.ToString(); NGUIDebug.Log("vec " + vec.ToString()); i++; } } }
public async void Init() { client = new EasyClient(); client.Initialize(new MyTerminatorReceiveFilter(), (request) => { // handle the received request //syncManager.Add(() => //{ // callBack(request.Key, request.Body, request.Parameters); //}); Debug.Log(request.Body); //NGUIDebug.Log(request.Body); }); client.Error += (s, e) => { NGUIDebug.Log(e.Exception.Message); }; client.Closed += (s, e) => { }; // client.NewPackageReceived += Client_NewPackageReceived; // string IP = Config.parse("ServerIP"); var connected = await client.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 9000)); if (connected) { // NGUIDebug.Log("connet success"); Debug.Log("connet success"); // Send data to the server client.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ADD*1#2 \r\n")); } }
public static Boolean Save(String fileName, Byte[] bytes) { if (!fileAccess) { return(false); } String path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName; if (bytes == null) { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } return(true); } FileStream fileStream = null; try { fileStream = File.Create(path); } catch (Exception ex) { NGUIDebug.Log(ex.Message); return(false); } fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); fileStream.Close(); return(true); }
IEnumerator loadLevel() { do { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); mainPath = DownloadOBBController.GetMainOBBPath(expPath); }while(mainPath == null); NGUIDebug.Log(" load level find path "+ mainPath); lblDesp.gameObject.SetActive(true); slider.gameObject.SetActive(true); slider.value = 0; BtnDownLoad.gameObject.SetActive(false); if (downloadStarted == false) { downloadStarted = true; uri = "file://" + mainPath; www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(uri, 0); NGUIDebug.Log(" load level in { } " + www.error); yield return(www); if (www.error == null) { Application.LoadLevel(0); Core.Data.usrManager.isDownOBB = 1; } } }
void Start() { #if Google && UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR if (!DownloadOBBController.RunningOnAndroid() || Core.Data.usrManager.isDownOBB == 1) { Destroy(gameObject); return; } else { gameObject.SetActive(true); } expPath = DownloadOBBController.GetExpansionFilePath(); NGUIDebug.Log(" show in start : " + expPath); if (expPath == null) { lblContent.text = "External storage is not available!"; BtnDownLoad.isEnabled = false; return; } else { lblContent.text = "the path is available!! "; BtnDownLoad.isEnabled = true; StartCoroutine(loadLevel()); } #elif UNITY_EDITOR Destroy(gameObject); #endif }
public object[] DoFile(string fileName) { #if LUA_ZIP if (file == null || !file.Contains(fileName)) { return(null); } #endif string path = LuaManager.LuaPath(fileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { NGUIDebug.Log("Not found:" + path); return(null); } if (!fileList.Contains(fileName)) { fileList.Add(fileName); return(lua.DoFile(fileName, null)); } return(null); }
private void AjustaZonaPassLevel() { NGUIDebug.Clear(); float ajuste_zona = 0f; if (zona == PlayerState.LOW) { Debug.Log("zonaL"); NGUIDebug.Log("zl"); ajuste_zona = 1.5f; } else if (zona == PlayerState.NORMAL) { Debug.Log("zonaN"); NGUIDebug.Log("zn"); ajuste_zona = 1f; } else //(zona == PlayerState.HIGH) { Debug.Log("zonaH"); NGUIDebug.Log("zh"); ajuste_zona = 0.5f; } NGUIDebug.Log((ajuste_zona) + "35470" + DataCenter.instance.velMinInicial + "0" + asteroidSpeed); asteroidSpeed += (ajuste_zona); }
static public int Log_s(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (matchType(l, argc, 1, typeof(string))) { System.String a1; checkType(l, 1, out a1); NGUIDebug.Log(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (matchType(l, argc, 1, typeof(object[]))) { System.Object[] a1; checkParams(l, 1, out a1); NGUIDebug.Log(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public int SignID(ClientNPC npc) { Utils.Assert(npc == null, "Entity is null when signing unique id."); if (npc == null) { return(-1); } if (npc.UniqueID != -1) { bool found = npcDic.ContainsKey(npc.UniqueID); if (found) { return(npc.UniqueID); } } //The instance id of an object is always guaranteed to be unique. int uniqueId = npc.GetInstanceID(); npc.UniqueID = uniqueId; npcDic[uniqueId] = npc; if (createUIForNpc != null) { NGUIDebug.Log( + "::::"); createUIForNpc(npc); } return(uniqueId); }
/*Inicia el juego con los parametros de entrada*/ public void StartButton() { StartGameControllerPlay(); NGUIDebug.Log("Timer SetUp :" + statusGame.timer_game + " Tiempo Inicial: " + statusGame.tiempoInicial); //SceneManager.LoadScene ("ParkNatural");//Carga la escena principal del juego. SceneManager.LoadScene("Urban"); //Carga la escena principal del juego. }
static int Log(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); object[] objs0 = LuaScriptMgr.GetParamsObject(L, 1, count); NGUIDebug.Log(objs0); return(0); }
protected void print(string str) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogError("Not found:" + str); #else NGUIDebug.Log("Not found:" + str); #endif }
public void OnPlaybuttonClick() { Blackmask._instance.Show(); string hero2SpriteName = "hero" + Random.Range(1, 10); NGUIDebug.Log(hero1.spriteName); VSShow._instance.Show(hero1.spriteName, hero2SpriteName); StartCoroutine(LoadPlayScene()); }
void LoadCsvAsset<T>(ref Dictionary<uint, T> dic, string CsvFileName) { TextAsset ta = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("Config/CsvConfigs/" + CsvFileName); if (ta == null) NGUIDebug.Log("加载Csv配置文件失败 2: " + CsvFileName); CSVObjMapperExt mapper = new CSVObjMapperExt(); dic = mapper.GetUintDictFromCSVString<T>(ta.text); }
void LoadCsvAsset<T>(ref T t, string CsvFileName) { TextAsset ta = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("Config/CsvConfigs/" + CsvFileName); if (ta == null) NGUIDebug.Log("加载Csv配置文件失败 4: " + CsvFileName); CSVObjMapperExt mapper = new CSVObjMapperExt(); t = mapper.GetClassFromCSVstring<T>(ta.text); }
public void AjustaExcitacaoPassLevel() { NGUIDebug.Clear(); float ajuste_ext = 0f; if (excitacao == PlayerState.HIGH) { Debug.Log("extH"); NGUIDebug.Log("eh"); ajuste_ext = 0f; } else if (excitacao == PlayerState.NORMAL) { Debug.Log("extN"); NGUIDebug.Log("en"); ajuste_ext = 0.5f; } else if (excitacao == PlayerState.LOW) { Debug.Log("extL"); NGUIDebug.Log("el"); ajuste_ext = 1f; } else //excitacao == NULL { Debug.Log("Warning: excitacao == Null (AjustaExcitacao)"); NGUIDebug.Log("e-"); ajuste_ext = 0.5f; } float ajuste_zona = 0f; if (zona == PlayerState.LOW) { Debug.Log("zonaL"); NGUIDebug.Log("zl"); ajuste_zona = 1f; } else if (zona == PlayerState.NORMAL) { Debug.Log("zonaN"); NGUIDebug.Log("zn"); ajuste_zona = 0.5f; } else //(zona == PlayerState.HIGH) { Debug.Log("zonaH"); NGUIDebug.Log("zh"); ajuste_zona = 0f; } Debug.Log("Ajuste pass nivel: " + (ajuste_ext + ajuste_zona) + " vel inicial: " + DataCenter.instance.velMinInicial + " vel final: " + asteroidSpeed); NGUIDebug.Log((ajuste_ext + ajuste_zona) + "35470" + DataCenter.instance.velMinInicial + "0" + asteroidSpeed); asteroidSpeed += (ajuste_ext + ajuste_zona); }
void OnClick(/*bool isPressed*/) { //if (isPressed) { Vector3 pos = / 0.003125f; //что за блядское волшебное число?! не знаю, поперто из SBSK GridPosition cell = MapController.WorldPositionToCell(pos); NGUIDebug.Log("press cell: " + cell); //} }
private void AjustaDesempenhoPassLevel() { NGUIDebug.Clear(); float ajuste_des = 0f; if (desempenho == PlayerState.LOW) { Debug.Log("desL"); NGUIDebug.Log("dl"); ajuste_des = 0f; } else if (desempenho == PlayerState.NORMAL) { Debug.Log("desN"); NGUIDebug.Log("dn"); ajuste_des = 0.5f; } else if (desempenho == PlayerState.HIGH) { Debug.Log("desH"); NGUIDebug.Log("dh"); ajuste_des = 1f; } else //desempenho == NULL { Debug.Log("Warning: Desempenho == Null (AjustaDesempenho)"); NGUIDebug.Log("d-"); ajuste_des = 0.5f; } float ajuste_zona = 0f; if (zona == PlayerState.LOW) { Debug.Log("zonaL"); NGUIDebug.Log("zl"); ajuste_zona = 1f; } else if (zona == PlayerState.NORMAL) { Debug.Log("zonaN"); NGUIDebug.Log("zn"); ajuste_zona = 0.5f; } else //(zona == PlayerState.HIGH) { Debug.Log("zonaH"); NGUIDebug.Log("zh"); ajuste_zona = 0f; } Debug.Log("Ajuste pass nivel: " + (ajuste_des + ajuste_zona) + " vel inicial: " + DataCenter.instance.velMinInicial + " vel final: " + asteroidSpeed); NGUIDebug.Log((ajuste_des + ajuste_zona) + "35470" + DataCenter.instance.velMinInicial + "0" + asteroidSpeed); asteroidSpeed += (ajuste_des + ajuste_zona); }
public static void log(params object[] messages) { string text = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++) { text = text + messages[i].ToString() + " "; } NGUIDebug.Log(text); }
public int GetUnitLevel(string idx, int a_classNo) { int val = _SqlSavedata_unit_inven.Get_total_exp(idx); if (val <= 0) { NGUIDebug.Log("GetUnitLevel Error!"); return(1); } return(_SqlBalance_level_exp.Get_level(val, a_classNo)); }
public void AddUnitExp(string idx, int addval) { int val = _SqlSavedata_unit_inven.Get_total_exp(idx); if (val <= 0) { NGUIDebug.Log("AddUnitExp Error!"); return; } val += addval; _SqlSavedata_unit_inven.Update_total_exp(val, idx); }
//解析配置 public override void parseConfig(string str) { string[] arr = str.Split('|'); string key = arr [0]; if (arr.Length <= 1) { NGUIDebug.Log(str); } languages.Add(key, arr [1]); }
public static Ev.CoroutineUnit StartCoroutineEx(this MonoBehaviour behaviour, string func, object[] param, System.Action finish = null, System.Action cancel = null) { if (null == behaviour) { return(null); } //Debug.Log("StartCoroutineEx " + + " + " + func ); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(func)) { NGUIDebug.Log("string.IsNullOrEmpty(func)"); Debug.LogError("string.IsNullOrEmpty(func)"); return(null); } MethodInfo m = behaviour.GetType().GetMethod(func, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance); if (null == m) { NGUIDebug.Log("null == m " + func); Debug.LogError("null == m " + func); return(null); } if (m.ReturnType == typeof(IEnumerator)) { IEnumerator fiber = m.Invoke(behaviour, param) as IEnumerator; if (null == fiber) { Debug.LogError("null == fiber " + + " + " + func); return(null); } Ev.CoroutineUnit corutineUnit = behaviour.gameObject.AddComponent <Ev.CoroutineUnit>() as Ev.CoroutineUnit; if (null == corutineUnit) { Debug.LogError("null == corutineUnit " + + " + " + func); return(null); } corutineUnit.Initialize(fiber, func, finish, cancel); return(corutineUnit); } //Debug.Log("Not Found Coroutine " + + " + " + func ); return(null); }