void Start() { bindID = group ? NFGUID.Zero : mLoginModule.mRoleID; //register callback mkernelModule.RegisterClassCallBack(Player.ThisName, OnClassPlayerEventHandler); //generally speaking, this object will be created after the player login (be created) //as a result, we must add the data when the UI object creating to show the data at the UI. NFIProperty xProperty = mkernelModule.FindProperty(bindID, propertyName); if (xProperty != null) { mkernelModule.RegisterPropertyCallback(bindID, propertyName, PropertyEventHandler); mkernelModule.RegisterGroupPropertyCallback(propertyName, PropertyEventHandler); NFIProperty property = mkernelModule.FindProperty(bindID, propertyName); if (property != null) { NFDataList.TData data = property.GetData(); PropertyEventHandler(bindID, propertyName, null, data, 0); } } else { Debug.LogError("there have not a property named: " + propertyName + " " + this.transform.parent.parent.name + "/" + this.transform.parent.name + "/" + this.gameObject.name); } /* * switch (xProperty.GetType()) * { * case NFDataList.VARIANT_TYPE.VTYPE_INT: * * * } */ if (type == ViewType.ORIGINAL) { Text xText = gameObject.GetComponent <Text> (); if (xText != null) { if (xText.text == "0" || xText.text.Length <= 0) { //xText.enabled = false; } } } }
void Start() { // tell the scroller that this script will be its delegate _data = new List <NFRecordRowData>(); mkernelModule.RegisterClassCallBack(NFrame.Player.ThisName, OnClassPlayerEventHandler); //generally speaking, this object will be created after the player login (be created) //as a result, we must add the data when the UI object creating to show the data at the UI. if (!group) { xGUID = mLoginModule.mRoleID; } else { xGUID = new NFGUID(); } { NFIRecord xRecord = mkernelModule.FindRecord(mLoginModule.mRoleID, recordName); if (xRecord != null) { mkernelModule.RegisterRecordCallback(mLoginModule.mRoleID, recordName, RecordEventHandler); for (int i = 0; i < xRecord.GetRows(); ++i) { if (xRecord.IsUsed(i)) { RecordEventHandler(mLoginModule.mRoleID, recordName, NFIRecord.ERecordOptype.Add, i, 0, null, null); } } } else { Debug.LogError("no this record " + recordName); } } // load in a large set of data //LoadData(); }