private void UpdateUI(NETDISPLAY_ENTRY data)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new UpdateUIDeleg(UpdateUI), new object[] { data });
            //add to list
            Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("UI List add {0}", data.device_name));

        public bool AddEntry(NETDISPLAY_ENTRY pEntry)
            int i;
            NETDISPLAY_ENTRY pNewEntry;

            // Find the next available entry
            for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENTRIES; i++)
                if (devicelist[i] == null)

            // If no entries could be found
            if (i == MAX_ENTRIES)
                return false;

            // Add the entry at location i

            // Create new entry
            pNewEntry = new NETDISPLAY_ENTRY();

            // Copy the entry data
            pNewEntry.mode = pEntry.mode;

            pNewEntry.time_on_powered = pEntry.time_on_powered;

            pNewEntry.time_on_network = pEntry.time_on_network;

            pNewEntry.mac = (byte[])pEntry.mac.Clone();
            pNewEntry.ip = (byte[])pEntry.ip.Clone();

            pNewEntry.port = pEntry.port;

            pNewEntry.DHCP = pEntry.DHCP;
            pNewEntry.serverport = pEntry.serverport;
            pNewEntry.tcptimeout = pEntry.tcptimeout;

            pNewEntry.device_name = pEntry.device_name;
            pNewEntry.description = pEntry.description;

            // Store address in global array
            devicelist[i] = pNewEntry;

            // Increment valid cell count

            this.Items.Add(" ");
            // Update the scroll bar, sort, and redraw window

            return true;