private NCompositeShape CreateVerticalPipe() { NDynamicPort port; NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); NRectanglePath rect = new NRectanglePath(SIZE, 0, SIZE, 3 * SIZE); NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(rect, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(rect); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(SIZE, 0, SIZE, 3 * SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(2 * SIZE, 0, 2 * SIZE, 3 * SIZE)); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); if (shape.Ports == null) { shape.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); } port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, TOP, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, BOTTOM, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); SetProtections(shape); return(shape); }
protected NCompositeShape CreateState(XmlElement state) { string pathPoints = state.Attributes["PathPoints"].Value.ToString(); string pathTypes = state.Attributes["PathTypes"].Value.ToString(); string[] pathPointsStr = pathPoints.Split(' '); NPointF[] pathPointsF = new NPointF[pathPointsStr.Length]; float scaleX = NDrawingView1.Dimensions.Width; float scaleY = NDrawingView1.Dimensions.Height; for (int i = 0; i < pathPointsStr.Length; i++) { string[] xyStr = pathPointsStr[i].Split(','); pathPointsF[i].X = (Single.Parse(xyStr[0])) * scaleX; pathPointsF[i].Y = (Single.Parse(xyStr[1])) * scaleY; } string[] pathTypesStr = pathTypes.Split(' '); byte[] pathTypesB = new byte[pathTypesStr.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pathTypesStr.Length; i++) { pathTypesB[i] = Byte.Parse(pathTypesStr[i]); } NCustomPath path = new NCustomPath(pathPointsF, pathTypesB, PathType.ClosedFigure); NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); shape.Primitives.AddChild(path); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); return(shape); }
private void CreateCustomOpenFigureShape() { // create the coffee cup shape GraphicsPath graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath(); AddStrokeCup(graphicsPath); AddStrokeCupHandle(graphicsPath); AddStrokeSteam(graphicsPath); NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NCustomPath(graphicsPath, PathType.OpenFigure)); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); shape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0xaa)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); // describe the shape NTextShape text = new NTextShape("Custom Shape 2", 195, 340, 120, 50); text.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Black); text.Style.TextStyle = new NTextStyle(); text.Style.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle(new Font("Arial", 9)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(text); }
private void addShapeButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // create a coffee cup with random location and scale NCompositeShape coffeeCup = CreateCoffeeCupShape(base.GetRandomPoint(view.Viewport), (float)Random.NextDouble() + 0.1f); // add to active layer and smart refresh all views document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(coffeeCup); document.SmartRefreshAllViews(); }
private void CreateArchitecturalDocument() { // set global document styles document.Style.TextStyle = new NTextStyle(new Font("Arial", 8.25f)); document.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Center; document.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.VertAlign = VertAlign.Center; // create the rim rect NRectangleShape rimRect = new NRectangleShape(new NRectangleF(0, 0, 5, 7)); rimRect.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(rimRect); // create the room rects NRectangleShape roomRect1 = new NRectangleShape(new NRectangleF(0, 0, 2, 3)); roomRect1.Text = "Room 1"; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(roomRect1); NRectangleShape roomRect2 = new NRectangleShape(new NRectangleF(3, 0, 2, 3)); roomRect2.Text = "Room 2"; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(roomRect2); NRectangleShape roomRect3 = new NRectangleShape(new NRectangleF(0, 4, 2, 3)); roomRect3.Text = "Room 3"; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(roomRect3); // create the stairs case NCompositeShape stairCase = new NCompositeShape(); float stepXSize = 0.7f; float stepYSize = 0.25f; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { NRectanglePath step = new NRectanglePath(0, stepYSize * i, stepXSize, stepYSize); stairCase.Primitives.AddChild(step); } stairCase.UpdateModelBounds(); stairCase.Bounds = new NRectangleF(4, 4, 1, 3); stairCase.Text = "Stairs"; NTextStyle textStyle = (document.Style.TextStyle.Clone() as NTextStyle); textStyle.Orientation = 90; stairCase.Style.TextStyle = textStyle; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(stairCase); // update the drawing bounds to size to content with some margins document.AutoBoundsMinSize = new NSizeF(1, 1); document.AutoBoundsPadding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(0.5f); document.AutoBoundsMode = AutoBoundsMode.AutoSizeToContent; }
private NCompositeShape CreateCrossPipe() { NDynamicPort port; NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); NPolygonPath polygon = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(0, SIZE), new NPointF(SIZE, SIZE), new NPointF(SIZE, 0), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 0), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, SIZE), new NPointF(3 * SIZE, SIZE), new NPointF(3 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 3 * SIZE), new NPointF(SIZE, 3 * SIZE), new NPointF(SIZE, 2 * SIZE), new NPointF(0, 2 * SIZE) }); NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(polygon, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(polygon); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(0, SIZE, SIZE, SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(SIZE, SIZE, SIZE, 0)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(2 * SIZE, 0, 2 * SIZE, SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(2 * SIZE, SIZE, 3 * SIZE, SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(3 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(2 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE, 3 * SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(SIZE, 3 * SIZE, SIZE, 2 * SIZE)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(SIZE, 2 * SIZE, 0, 2 * SIZE)); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); if (shape.Ports == null) { shape.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); } port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, LEFT, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, TOP, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, RIGHT, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, BOTTOM, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); SetProtections(shape); return(shape); }
private void CreateCompositeShape(int row, int col, AbilitiesMask protection) { // create a composite shape NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); shape.Protection = new NAbilities(protection); shape.Text = "Protected from: " + protection.ToString(); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(new NRectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1))); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(new NRectangleF(2, 2, 1, 1))); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); shape.Bounds = base.GetGridCell(row, col); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); }
protected NCompositeShape CreateLegendItem(NRectangleF bounds, string str, NFillStyle fillStyle) { NCompositeShape item = new NCompositeShape(); NRectanglePath rect = new NRectanglePath(0, 0, 2, 2); NStyle.SetFillStyle(rect, (fillStyle.Clone() as NFillStyle)); item.Primitives.AddChild(rect); NTextPrimitive text = new NTextPrimitive(str, new NRectangleF(2, 0, 4, 2)); item.Primitives.AddChild(text); item.UpdateModelBounds(); item.Bounds = bounds; return(item); }
private void InitDocument() { document.Style.ShadowStyle = new NShadowStyle( ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.BurlyWood, new NPointL(4, 4), 1, new NLength(2)); document.ShadowsZOrder = ShadowsZOrder.BehindLayer; NCompositeShape coffeeCup1 = CreateCoffeeCupShape(new NPointF(10, 10), 0.5f); NCompositeShape coffeeCup2 = CreateCoffeeCupShape(new NPointF(200, 10), 0.75f); NCompositeShape coffeeCup3 = CreateCoffeeCupShape(new NPointF(400, 10), 1f); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(coffeeCup1); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(coffeeCup2); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(coffeeCup3); ConnectCoffeeCups(coffeeCup1.Ports.GetChildAt(1) as NPort, coffeeCup2.Ports.GetChildAt(0) as NPort); ConnectCoffeeCups(coffeeCup2.Ports.GetChildAt(1) as NPort, coffeeCup3.Ports.GetChildAt(0) as NPort); }
private void CreateMechanicalEngineeringDocument() { // create the key shape NCompositeShape key = new NCompositeShape(); NRectanglePath keyRect = new NRectanglePath(new NRectangleF(12.5f, 30, 5f, 50)); key.Primitives.AddChild(keyRect); NEllipsePath keyCircle = new NEllipsePath(new NRectangleF(0, 0, 30, 30)); key.Primitives.AddChild(keyCircle); NEllipsePath keyHole = new NEllipsePath(new NRectangleF(13f, 2f, 4f, 4f)); NStyle.SetFillStyle(keyHole, new NColorFillStyle(Color.White)); NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(keyHole, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.Black)); key.Primitives.AddChild(keyHole); key.UpdateModelBounds(); key.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.DarkGray); key.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.Black); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(key); // create the octagram NBasicShapesFactory factory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document); NShape octagram = factory.CreateShape((int)BasicShapes.Octagram); octagram.Bounds = new NRectangleF(40, 0, 40, 40); octagram.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.DarkGray); octagram.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.Black); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(octagram); // update the drawing bounds to size to content with some margins document.AutoBoundsMinSize = new NSizeF(1, 1); document.AutoBoundsPadding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(5f); document.AutoBoundsMode = AutoBoundsMode.AutoSizeToContent; }
private void InitDocument() { document.Style.StartArrowheadStyle.Shape = ArrowheadShape.None; document.Style.EndArrowheadStyle.Shape = ArrowheadShape.None; int row = 0; int col = 0; int maxColCount = 5; int index = 0; foreach (NPointShape pointShape in document.PointShapeStencil.PredefinedPointShapes) { // create the path representing the arrow head shape NCustomPath path = new NCustomPath((GraphicsPath)pointShape.Path.Clone(), pointShape.Closed? PathType.ClosedFigure: PathType.OpenFigure); // create a shape to host the path NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); shape.Primitives.AddChild(path); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); // reposition the shape and add to active layer shape.Bounds = base.GetGridCell(row, col); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); // describe it string str = NExamplesHelper.InsertSpacesBeforeUppers(((PointShape)(index + 2)).ToString()); NTextShape text = new NTextShape(str, base.GetGridCell(row + 1, col)); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(text); col++; index++; if (col > maxColCount) { row += 2; col = 0; } } }
private void CreateLegend() { NGroup legend = new NGroup(); NCompositeShape item = null; NRectangleShape ledendBackground = new NRectangleShape(0, 0, 1, 5); ledendBackground.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White); legend.Shapes.AddChild(ledendBackground); item = CreateLegendItem(new NRectangleF(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f), "Metals", fsMetals); legend.Shapes.AddChild(item); item = CreateLegendItem(new NRectangleF(0.1f, 1.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f), "Metalloids", fsMatalloids); legend.Shapes.AddChild(item); item = CreateLegendItem(new NRectangleF(0.1f, 2.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f), "Non-metals", fsNonMetals); legend.Shapes.AddChild(item); item = CreateLegendItem(new NRectangleF(0.1f, 3.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f), "Transition Metals", feTransitionMetals); legend.Shapes.AddChild(item); item = CreateLegendItem(new NRectangleF(0.1f, 4.1f, 0.8f, 0.8f), "Gases", fsGases); legend.Shapes.AddChild(item); legend.UpdateModelBounds(); NRectangleF bounds = this.GetElementBounds(13, 7); bounds.Y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height * 0.1f; bounds.Width = bounds.Width * 5; bounds.Height = bounds.Height * 1.8f; legend.Bounds = bounds; document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(legend); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // start document initialization Document = NDrawingView1.Document; Document.BeginInit(); Document.Width = NDrawingView1.Dimensions.Width; Document.Height = NDrawingView1.Dimensions.Height; XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.Load(this.MapPathSecure(this.TemplateSourceDirectory + "\\MapOfUSA.xml")); XmlElement map = (XmlElement)xmlDocument.ChildNodes[0]; Color[] stateColorTable = new Color[6]; stateColorTable[0] = Color.LightPink; stateColorTable[1] = Color.Bisque; stateColorTable[2] = Color.Moccasin; stateColorTable[3] = Color.MistyRose; stateColorTable[4] = Color.PowderBlue; stateColorTable[5] = Color.Ivory; int stateCounter = 0; Color stateHighlighColor = Color.Orange; foreach (XmlElement state in map.ChildNodes) { string stateId = state.Attributes["Id"].Value.ToString(); NCompositeShape stateShape = CreateState(state); // add to active layer Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(stateShape); // NRotatedBoundsLabel label = new NRotatedBoundsLabel("Click to go to :" + stateId + " webpage", stateShape.UniqueId, new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins()); // stateShape.Labels.AddChild(label); // set fill and stroke styles Color stateColor = stateColorTable[stateCounter % 6]; stateShape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(stateColor); stateShape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Black); NInteractivityStyle interactivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(); stateShape.Style.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle; string elementId = new NElementIdentifier(((INElement)stateShape.Primitives.GetChildAt(0)).Id).ToString(); string stateScript = "onmouseover = 'HighlightState(\"" + elementId + "\", \"" + ColorToSVG(stateHighlighColor) + "\")' onmouseout = 'HighlightState(\"" + elementId + "\", \"" + ColorToSVG(stateColor) + "\")'"; interactivityStyle.CustomMapAreaAttribute.JScriptAttribute = stateScript; interactivityStyle.UrlLink.Url = "" + stateId.ToString() + ".htm"; interactivityStyle.UrlLink.OpenInNewWindow = true; NElementIdentifier identifier = new NElementIdentifier(stateShape.Id); stateCounter++; } Document.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.LightSeaGreen, Color.LightBlue); // change the response type to SVG NImageResponse response = new NImageResponse(); NSvgImageFormat svgImageFormat = new NSvgImageFormat(); svgImageFormat.EnableInteractivity = true; svgImageFormat.CustomScript = GetScript(); Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable(); attributes["onload"] = "Initialize(evt)"; svgImageFormat.Attributes = attributes; response.ImageFormat = svgImageFormat; NDrawingView1.ServerSettings.BrowserResponseSettings.DefaultResponse = response; }
private NCompositeShape CreateEndPipe(string type) { NDynamicPort port; NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); NPolygonPath polygon; NContentAlignment ca; switch (type) { case "W": polygon = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(3 * SIZE, SIZE), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 1.5f * SIZE), new NPointF(3 * SIZE, 2 * SIZE) }); ca = RIGHT; break; case "N": polygon = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(SIZE, 3 * SIZE), new NPointF(1.5f * SIZE, 2 * SIZE), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 3 * SIZE) }); ca = BOTTOM; break; case "E": polygon = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(0, SIZE), new NPointF(SIZE, 1.5f * SIZE), new NPointF(0, 2 * SIZE) }); ca = LEFT; break; case "S": polygon = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(SIZE, 0), new NPointF(1.5f * SIZE, SIZE), new NPointF(2 * SIZE, 0) }); ca = TOP; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported elbow pipe type"); } NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(polygon, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(polygon); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(polygon.Points[0], polygon.Points[1])); shape.Primitives.AddChild(new NLinePath(polygon.Points[1], polygon.Points[2])); shape.UpdateModelBounds(new NRectangleF(0, 0, 3 * SIZE, 3 * SIZE)); if (shape.Ports == null) { shape.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); } port = new NDynamicPort(shape.UniqueId, ca, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Type = PortType.InwardAndOutward; shape.Ports.AddChild(port); SetProtections(shape); return(shape); }
private NLibraryView CreateLibrary() { NLibraryView libView = new NLibraryView(); libView.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; libView.Selection.Mode = DiagramSelectionMode.Single; NLibraryDocument libDoc = new NLibraryDocument(); libView.Document = libDoc; libDoc.BackgroundStyle = new NBackgroundStyle(); libDoc.BackgroundStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(Nevron.GraphicsCore.GradientStyle.Vertical, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.RoyalBlue, Color.LightSkyBlue); // Horizontal Pipe NCompositeShape shape = CreateHorizontalPipe(); NMaster master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "Horizontal Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // Vertical Pipe shape = CreateVerticalPipe(); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "Vertical Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // Cross Pipe shape = CreateCrossPipe(); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "Cross Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-West Pipe shape = CreateElbowPipe("NW"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-West Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-East Pipe shape = CreateElbowPipe("NE"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-East Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // South-West Pipe shape = CreateElbowPipe("SW"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "South-West Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // South-East Pipe shape = CreateElbowPipe("SE"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "South-East Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-East-West Pipe shape = CreateTPipe("NEW"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-East-West Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-East-South Pipe shape = CreateTPipe("NES"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-East-South Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-West-South Pipe shape = CreateTPipe("NWS"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-West-South Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // South-East-West Pipe shape = CreateTPipe("SEW"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "South-East-West Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // West-End Pipe shape = CreateEndPipe("W"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "West-End Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // North-End Pipe shape = CreateEndPipe("N"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "North-End Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // East-End Pipe shape = CreateEndPipe("E"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "East-End Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); // South-End Pipe shape = CreateEndPipe("S"); master = new NMaster(shape, NGraphicsUnit.Pixel, "South-End Pipe", "Drag me on the drawing"); libDoc.AddChild(master); return(libView); }
void InitToolbar() { if (nDrawingViewToolbar.RequiresInitialization) { ActiveCommand = toolbarButtons[0].CommandName; // begin view init nDrawingViewToolbar.ViewLayout = CanvasLayout.Normal; nDrawingViewToolbar.DocumentPadding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(0); // init document nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.BeginInit(); nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.AutoBoundsPadding = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(4); nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.GraphicsSettings.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias; nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.GraphicsSettings.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.GraphicsSettings.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality; // set up visual formatting nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White); nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.Style.TextStyle.FontStyle.InitFromFont(new Font("Arial Narrow", 8)); nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false; // set up the shape factories NBasicShapesFactory buttonFactory = new NBasicShapesFactory(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); buttonFactory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(24, 24); NBrainstormingShapesFactory iconFactory = new NBrainstormingShapesFactory(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); iconFactory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(16, 16); // create a batch layout, which will align shapes NBatchLayout batchLayout = new NBatchLayout(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); // create buttons int count = toolbarButtons.Length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ToolbarButton btn = toolbarButtons[i]; bool isActive = (this.ActiveCommand == btn.CommandName); NShape buttonShape = buttonFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.RoundedRectangle); // create the button shape group NGroup g = new NGroup(); NBatchGroup bgroup = new NBatchGroup(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); NNodeList shapes = new NNodeList(); if (btn.IsSeparator) { buttonShape.Width /= 2; buttonShape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(Color.White); shapes.Add(buttonShape); } else if (!btn.IsColorSelector) { shapes.Add(buttonShape); } else { buttonShape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(btn.Color); shapes.Add(buttonShape); } NRectanglePath imagePath = new NRectanglePath(0f, 0f, btn.IconSize.Width, btn.IconSize.Height); NImageFillStyle fs1 = new NImageFillStyle(this.MapPathSecure(@"..\..\..\Images\FlowChartBuilder\" + btn.IconFile)); NStyle.SetFillStyle(imagePath, fs1); NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(imagePath, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White)); NCompositeShape imageShape = new NCompositeShape(); imageShape.Primitives.AddChild(imagePath); imageShape.UpdateModelBounds(); shapes.Add(imageShape); NShape coverShape = buttonFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.RoundedRectangle); coverShape.Width = buttonShape.Width; coverShape.Name = "coverShape"; shapes.Add(coverShape); if (!isActive && !btn.IsClientSide && !btn.IsSeparator) { if (btn.IsColorSelector) { coverShape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(180, Color.White)); } else { coverShape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(160, Color.White)); } coverShape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(Color.FromArgb(160, Color.White)); } else { coverShape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White)); coverShape.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(Color.FromArgb(0, Color.White)); if (!btn.IsSeparator) { coverShape.Style.ShadowStyle = new NShadowStyle(ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.FromArgb(70, Color.Black), new NPointL(1, 0)); } } // perform layout batchLayout.Build(shapes); batchLayout.AlignVertically(buttonShape, VertAlign.Center, false); batchLayout.AlignHorizontally(buttonShape, HorzAlign.Center, false); // group shapes bgroup.Build(shapes); bgroup.Group(null, false, out g); // enable interactivity if (!btn.IsSeparator) { g.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(true, btn.CommandName, btn.Title, CursorType.Hand); } // set the command of the button g.Tag = btn.CommandName; nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(g); } // layout the shapes in the active layer using a table layout NTableLayout layout = new NTableLayout(); // setup the table layout layout.Direction = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight; layout.ConstrainMode = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal; layout.MaxOrdinal = toolbarButtons.Length; layout.HorizontalSpacing = 7; // create a layout context NLayoutContext layoutContext = new NLayoutContext(); layoutContext.GraphAdapter = new NShapeGraphAdapter(); layoutContext.BodyAdapter = new NShapeBodyAdapter(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document); // layout the shapes layout.Layout(nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.ActiveLayer.Children(null), layoutContext); nDrawingViewToolbar.Document.EndInit(); } }
protected NCompositeShape CreateCoffeeCupShape(NPointF location, float scale) { NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); // create the cup as a polygon path NPolygonPath cup = new NPolygonPath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(45, 268), new NPointF(63, 331), new NPointF(121, 331), new NPointF(140, 268) }); shape.Primitives.AddChild(cup); // create the cup hangle as a closed curve path NClosedCurvePath handle = new NClosedCurvePath(new NPointF[] { new NPointF(175, 295), new NPointF(171, 278), new NPointF(140, 283), new NPointF(170, 290), new NPointF(128, 323) }, 1); NStyle.SetFillStyle(handle, new NColorFillStyle(Color.LightSalmon)); shape.Primitives.AddChild(handle); // create the steam as a custom filled path GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); path.AddBeziers(new PointF[] { new PointF(92, 258), new PointF(53, 163), new PointF(145, 160), new PointF(86, 50), new PointF(138, 194), new PointF(45, 145), new PointF(92, 258) }); path.CloseAllFigures(); NCustomPath steam = new NCustomPath(path, PathType.ClosedFigure); NStyle.SetFillStyle(steam, new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(50, 122, 122, 122))); shape.Primitives.AddChild(steam); // update the shape model bounds to fit the primitives it contains shape.UpdateModelBounds(); // create the shape ports shape.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); // create dynamic port anchored to the cup center NDynamicPort dynamicPort = new NDynamicPort(cup.UniqueId, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); shape.Ports.AddChild(dynamicPort); // create rotated bounds port anchored to the middle right side of the handle NRotatedBoundsPort rotatedBoundsPort = new NRotatedBoundsPort(handle.UniqueId, ContentAlignment.MiddleRight); shape.Ports.AddChild(rotatedBoundsPort); // apply style to the shape shape.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.LightCoral); // position it and scale the shape shape.Location = location; shape.Width = shape.Width * scale; shape.Height = shape.Height * scale; return(shape); }
protected void CreateScene() { // configure title NTextShape title = new NTextShape("The Business Company", 0, 0, Document.Width, 60); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(title); NTextStyle textStyle = title.ComposeTextStyle().Clone() as NTextStyle; textStyle.FontStyle.InitFromFont(new Font("Arial Black", 22, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic)); // set gradient fill style textStyle.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle( GradientStyle.Horizontal, GradientVariant.Variant1, Color.FromArgb(241, 100, 34), Color.FromArgb(255, 247, 151)); // add shadow textStyle.ShadowStyle = new NShadowStyle( ShadowType.GaussianBlur, Color.FromArgb(50, 122, 122, 122), new Nevron.GraphicsCore.NPointL(5, 5), 1, new NLength(3)); title.Style.TextStyle = textStyle; NPersonalInfo[] personalInfos = NPersonalInfo.CreateCompanyInfo(); // create an Org chart shape for each person in the Org chart NCompositeShape presidentShape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[0]); NCompositeShape vpMarketingShape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[1]); NCompositeShape vpSalesShape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[2]); NCompositeShape vpProductionShape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[3]); NCompositeShape mm01Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[4]); NCompositeShape mm02Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[5]); NCompositeShape sm01Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[6]); NCompositeShape sm02Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[7]); NCompositeShape pm01Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[8]); NCompositeShape pm02Shape = CreateOrgChartShape(personalInfos[9]); // connect the Org chart shapes // 1. President to VPs NShape ge = null; ge = new NStep3Connector(true, 50, 0, true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(presidentShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(vpMarketingShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep3Connector(true, 50, 0, true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(presidentShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(vpSalesShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep3Connector(true, 50, 0, true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(presidentShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(vpProductionShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Top", 0) as NPort); // 1. VPs to managers ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpMarketingShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(mm01Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpMarketingShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(mm02Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpSalesShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(sm01Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpSalesShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(sm02Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpProductionShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(pm01Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); ge = new NStep2Connector(true); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(ge); ge.StartPlug.Connect(vpProductionShape.Ports.GetChildByName("Bottom", 0) as NPort); ge.EndPlug.Connect(pm02Shape.Ports.GetChildByName("Left", 0) as NPort); }
protected NCompositeShape CreateOrgChartShape(NPersonalInfo info) { NRectangleF bounds = info.Bounds; float bottomPortAlignment = info.BottomPortAlignment; Bitmap photo = new Bitmap(this.MapPathSecure(info.Picture)); // compose a new graph vertex from a frame and an image NRectanglePath frame = new NRectanglePath(bounds); NRectanglePath image = new NRectanglePath(new NPointF(bounds.X + 5, bounds.Y + 5), new NSizeF(photo.Size)); NImageFillStyle imgageFillStyle = new NImageFillStyle(photo, 0xff); NStyle.SetFillStyle(image, imgageFillStyle); NCompositeShape shape = new NCompositeShape(); shape.Primitives.AddChild(frame); shape.Primitives.AddChild(image); shape.UpdateModelBounds(); Document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(shape); // set the vertex fill style NColorFillStyle fillStyle = null; switch (info.Level) { case 0: fillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(241, 100, 34)); break; case 1: fillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(249, 167, 26)); break; case 2: fillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(255, 247, 151)); break; } fillStyle.ImageFiltersStyle.Filters.Add(new NLightingImageFilter()); shape.Style.FillStyle = fillStyle; NInteractivityStyle interactivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(); interactivityStyle.Tooltip.Text = "Click to show " + info.Name + " personal information"; interactivityStyle.UrlLink.Url = "../Examples/WebControl/GettingStarted/NPersonalInfoPage.aspx?" + info.Id.ToString(); shape.Style.InteractivityStyle = interactivityStyle; // add a new label for the person name NRotatedBoundsLabel nameLabel = new NRotatedBoundsLabel(info.Name, shape.UniqueId, new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(40, 1, 50, 1)); shape.Labels.AddChild(nameLabel); NStyle.SetTextStyle(nameLabel, nameLabel.ComposeTextStyle().Clone() as NTextStyle); nameLabel.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Right; nameLabel.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.VertAlign = VertAlign.Top; // configure default label (used for the person position) NRotatedBoundsLabel positionLabel = shape.Labels.DefaultLabel as NRotatedBoundsLabel; NStyle.SetTextStyle(positionLabel, positionLabel.ComposeTextStyle().Clone() as NTextStyle); positionLabel.Style.TextStyle.FontStyle.InitFromFont(new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold)); positionLabel.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Right; positionLabel.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.VertAlign = VertAlign.Bottom; positionLabel.Margins = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(40, 5, 1, 50); positionLabel.Text = info.Position; // create the optional ports of the shape shape.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); // add rotated bounds ports NPort leftPort = new NRotatedBoundsPort(shape.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft)); leftPort.Name = "Left"; shape.Ports.AddChild(leftPort); NPort rightPort = new NRotatedBoundsPort(shape.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.MiddleRight)); rightPort.Name = "Right"; shape.Ports.AddChild(rightPort); NPort topPort = new NRotatedBoundsPort(shape.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(ContentAlignment.TopCenter)); topPort.Name = "Top"; shape.Ports.AddChild(topPort); NRotatedBoundsPort bottomPort = new NRotatedBoundsPort(shape.UniqueId, new NContentAlignment(bottomPortAlignment, 50)); bottomPort.Name = "Bottom"; shape.Ports.AddChild(bottomPort); return(shape); }
protected NCompositeShape CreateComputer() { NCompositeShape computer = new NCompositeShape(); // create the frame NEllipsePath frame = new NEllipsePath(-28, -28, 140, 140); NStyle.SetFillStyle(frame, new NColorFillStyle(Color.WhiteSmoke)); computer.Primitives.AddChild(frame); // create display 1 computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(0, 0, 57, 47)); // create display 2 computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(6, 4, 47, 39)); // create the keyboard computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(-21, 53, 60, 14)); // create the tower case computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(65, 0, 32, 66)); // create floppy 1 computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(70, 5, 20, 3.75f)); // create floppy 2 computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(70, 15, 20, 3.75f)); // create floppy 3 computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NRectanglePath(70, 25, 20, 3.75f)); // create the mouse tail computer.Primitives.AddChild(new NBezierCurvePath(new NPointF(38, 82), new NPointF(61, 74), new NPointF(27, 57), new NPointF(63, 54))); // create the mouse NEllipsePath mouse = new NEllipsePath(26, 79, 11, 19); mouse.Rotate(CoordinateSystem.Scene, 42, new NPointF(36.5f, 88.5f)); computer.Primitives.AddChild(mouse); // update the model bounds to fit the primitives computer.UpdateModelBounds(); // the default fill style is dold computer.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Gold); // create the computer ports computer.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); // create a dynamic port anchored to the center of the frame NDynamicPort port = new NDynamicPort(frame.UniqueId, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); port.Name = "port"; // make the new port the one and default port of the computer computer.Ports.RemoveAllChildren(); computer.Ports.AddChild(port); computer.Ports.DefaultInwardPortUniqueId = port.UniqueId; return(computer); }
protected NGroup CreateNetwork(NPointF location, string labelText) { NGroup group = new NGroup(); document.ActiveLayer.AddChild(group); // create computer1 NCompositeShape computer1 = CreateComputer(); computer1.Location = new NPointF(0, 0); group.Shapes.AddChild(computer1); // create computer2 NCompositeShape computer2 = CreateComputer(); computer2.Location = new NPointF(200, 0); group.Shapes.AddChild(computer2); // create computer3 NCompositeShape computer3 = CreateComputer(); computer3.Location = new NPointF(100, 180); group.Shapes.AddChild(computer3); // connect the computers in the network ConnectComputers(computer1, computer2, group); ConnectComputers(computer2, computer3, group); ConnectComputers(computer3, computer1, group); // update the group model bounds group.UpdateModelBounds(); // insert a frame NRectangleShape frame = new NRectangleShape(group.ModelBounds); frame.Protection = new NAbilities(AbilitiesMask.Select | AbilitiesMask.InplaceEdit); group.Shapes.InsertChild(0, frame); // change group fill style group.Style.FillStyle = new NGradientFillStyle(GradientStyle.FromCenter, GradientVariant.Variant2, Color.Gainsboro, Color.White); // reposition and resize the group group.Location = location; group.Width = 155; group.Height = 155; // add a dynamic port to the group group.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Ports); NDynamicPort port = new NDynamicPort(group.UniqueId, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, DynamicPortGlueMode.GlueToContour); group.Ports.AddChild(port); group.Ports.DefaultInwardPortUniqueId = port.UniqueId; // modify the margins and text of the default label group.CreateShapeElements(ShapeElementsMask.Labels); NRotatedBoundsLabel label = new NRotatedBoundsLabel(labelText, group.UniqueId, new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(0, 0, -10, 100)); group.Labels.AddChild(label); group.Labels.DefaultLabelUniqueId = label.UniqueId; return(group); }